Image provided by: Independence Public Library; Independence, OR
About The Polk County post. (Independence, Or.) 1918-19?? | View Entire Issue (April 9, 1920)
^"KUii Ristorimi Society * A udì tua luui T he P olk C ounty P ost ONE HUNDRED PERCENT INDEPENDENCE T* — ■! »». INDEPENDENCE, OREGON, APRIL 9, 1920. VOLUME III. FIGHT IN OVER COMMISSIONER i ! B I « l l » l » l l » l » ! V ! » ll»il M IC K IE S A Y S \F NU U W t O « V» O U R PfePtR , -TUVM<3 T\WO VWbNÇ S A \0>4 ' «SUO« O « 'AT vut’ u » «auRE APPRE- I G »ATE------«3UP U S AViM S4fcVM<i 'AX For a tim e it looked as tho the Polk county p rim ary w ould be as quiet as a hitch in g post in a ceme tery. But prospects a re getting better an d one fight is in prospect anyhow . Otis A. W olverton of Mon m outh, Ezra H art of S alt Creek and A lbert Teal of F alls City have filed for county com m issioner on the Re publican ticket an d th e battle should be a w arm one. Bill W hite of D allas w ill be the D em ocratic candidate. D. E. F letpher of Independence, R epublican can d id ate for float rep resentative, w ill be opposed by a fellow R epublican a t D allas it is said. T here ap p ears to be no prospects for any oth er p rim ary b attle in eith er political cam p. The Dem ocratic ticket w ill probably be sh o rt and brief. COKAES S E R VMAN 'S4 PA S UP PER ! SG R PA P E R VWWEV4 rOS ÖUE VJHM- X JT IMMtWt* PER A I W i R i m r LF S A DO THAT, MOO' u , O E A RE&LAR l ! l GLOOKA PSUSTER THE POST THE PAPER FOR ALL SOUTH POLK COUNTY The Post is m ak in g arran g em en ts to establish represen tativ es and cor respondents a t Airlie, Suver, Kings Valley, B uena V ista, Oak P oint and Greenwood. It is o u r intetion to m ak e The Post an "all South Polk cou n ty ” n ew spaper and be the offi cial m edium in w hich all its people m ay become, better acquainted, and as all have in terests in com m on, to be in a better position to advocate and strive for everything th a t will advance those interests. RICE WHISKf.Y AND STILL TAKEN FROM J. MITOMA J. M itom a, form er Jap an ese hop grow er, ru n into the prohibition law last F rid ay w hen Sheriff Orr an d in tern al revenue officers a r rested him .and also captured 50 gallons of rice w hiskey. Mitoma w as fined $50 for h av in g liquor in his possession and will have to face the federal officials on the charge of o perating a still. T his m ay prove m ore serious. l» l« l» l fl:IV IIV :iV !ii $ ¡V I V IVI V l » ! » l « I I V I'. SUNDAY, APKIL 11, ONLY (Including Sunday Matinee.) J JOHN BARRYMORE i s § IN « a MAYBE DOLLAR HOPS Grasp Opportunity and Make This the Biggest Day of Your Life. Again, there are dream s of dollar iiops an d it m akes every- body happy but—hardly any- body has any hops to sell. | | | ; U nder a w uger u m an once j stood on Brooklyn bridge offering ] thousands of passersby a $20 g o ld 1 piece for $19. He stood for days INDEPENDENCE LEGION OFFERS HALL TO CLUR before finding a taker. “It's too good to be tru e ” said the skeptics. Independence Post A m erican Le-< To u m uch g reater extent The Folk County Post is offering you a gion, the Civic Club has a new; better proposition in its big sub "home.” The Legion has k in d ly scription cam paign, just startin g placed th ier new club rooms a t th e and w hich will come to an official disposal of tl»e Civic C u b for. the ¡c The ladies are verj* close on S atu rd ay night, May 22. meetings. m In support of this statem ent read grateful for the courtesy. W ednes day, April 14, the Civic Club m eet • ■ on: | w ill be held in the Legion club> i* Here is opportunity for you to se - 1 ing rooms. The Civic Club had decided cure, w ithout one penny of cost, pi a brand new 1920 model M uxw ell; to devote the m onth of April to th e touring car, w orth $1230 of any study of the m easures to Le voted m an ’s money, for a little of your upon the forthcom ing election. A t in terest and sp are tim e during the th is m eeting P resident AckermaiN next six weeks. It is not “too good w ill speak on the m illagc bill. Club to be tru e.” W ill you accept it? m em bers and non-Club m em bers i Moreover, here is opportunity of are invited to h ear tins ta lk a t 3 fering you a free sum m er trip to o'clock. There will be a b usiness Yellowstone P a rk (all necessary ex session at 2. P resident A ckerm an penses p aid ): a diam ond ring worth will discuss the bill in a m a n n e r $125; a Colum bia gruphonolu worth th a t all m ay gain valuable in p form ation reg ard in g the m easure. § $100; or a purse of $50 in gold or Ladies who w ill act as first host $25 in gold. W ill you accept one § of them , or will you stand back and esses in the new q u arters are: Mrs. say, “Surely it is not real; I never F ran k Sm ith, Mrs. Dean Schum ach did, nor never could get so m uch er and Mrs. F. L. Chown. f BIG MINSTREL-LOCAL PEOPLE \ Read. O up fiaper- g i TOflnw» I Like It! cnA m es: S ít» « !» ' A GREAT EVENT IS THE MELODY MINSTREL SHOW a Independence men, women and children in an even- j ing of song, comedy and dancing. They will be as- ; j sisted by outside talent, including a 20-piece orehes- ■ i tra. C urtain a t 8:20; Pictures at 7:20. Comedy and international News | TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY, APRIL 13-14 1 “NINE-TENTHS OF THE LAW” I E verything is ready for the “cu r ¡i ta in ” on the Melody M instrels a t the g Isis th eatre Monday night. The first g part of the show w ill consist of the g reg u latio n circle, jokes;, gags, co nundrum s, catchy songs, choruses and a general song and ch a tte r per formance. The four com edian ends are each a com plete show and will prove the laughing h it of the bill. New jokes cleverly “put over.” The m iddlem an or interlocutor is a pro fessional an d w ill m ake his first appearance. If you can ’t laugh and forget your troubles, don’t come. If you w an t your “blues” chased aw ay, don’t m iss the treat. A 20 piece orchestra has been engaged to furnish m usic for the evening. The ’1 second p a rt of the program w ill ap peal to tltf? artistic and aesthetic n a 1 ture. “B eauty B uds”, solo and i aesthetic dancers, will entertain ^ you. A scene from the delightful ^ Japanese operetta, “The Yokahom a 3 M aid,” w ill be one of the special features. The local people w ill be ■ assisted by forty out of tow n en ter ■ tainers. Meet your friends a t the | Isis Monday night. i G reat story of the North played by a strong cast and most consistently acted tliruout. The tw ist at the final is very pleasing. Burton Holmes Travel Picture and Comeuy so quickly and so easily.” And while th in k in g all these things— m erely th inking, not hustling—will you let the o th er fellow step out and take them ? Opportunity For All Surely, here is opport unity lor those inviting it—especially those who weigli it from a business stan d point. Someone will earn equiva lent to $200 a week for the next six weeks. How’s th at for a business proposition? Contest Just Starting The com petition, w hich is just starting, is open to any reputable m an, w om an boy or girl residing in Independence, Polk county or adjacent country. All th a t is re quired from you to enter this con test is for you to clip the nom ina tion blank, appearing on another page of th is issue, fill in your nam e and address and m ail or deliver to the contest d epartm ent of the Polk County Port, Independence, Ore. This coupoq entitles you, or the person whom you desire to nom i nate, to 5,000 free votes, and gives you a flying sta rt on the way to success. Upon receipt of the sam e a t this office a com plete w orking outfit, together w ith detailed in form ation, will be sent or given to you. T hus equipped, you have but to sec your friends and neighbors, relatives and acquaintances, and have them save the free voting coupons from the paper and pay th eir subscriptions to Tho Post THURSDAY AND FRIDAY, APRIL 15-16 \ CLARA KIMBALL YOUNG : In “Eyes of Youth” LOSERS BANQUET WINNERS IN PYTHIAN SISTERS CONTEST The contest w hich has been ru n n in g in the P y th ian Sisters lodge since Jan u ary , closed last n ig h t with hilarious “high jinx.” The Sisters were divided into two team s, a r ranged alphabetically. Each team proceeded to vie w ith the o ther in securing new m em bers for the or der, Mrs. W ill Wood w as captain of one division and Mrs. Lucy Sm ith w as leader of the other. The team s did good work and secured forty- eight new m em bers. It had been arranged th a t a t the close of the contest the losers should entertain the w inners. T rue to the tradition th a t “to the victors belong the spoils," the Woods division gathered around the b an quet board and en joyed an elaborate feast w hich had been prepared by the Sm ithsonian followers. However, the Sm ith crowd had as m uch pleasure from the function as did the others. Be sides the splendid feast, there w ere profuse decorations of beautiful spring blossoms, the colors of the order being appropriately carried out. The event as a whole w as one of the m ost pleasant the “Sisters" huve ever provided. SUMMER CHAUAUQUA DATES ARE MAY 27-28-29-30-31 The dates set for the S um m er C h autauqua in Independence are May 27-28-29-30-31. Forty Independ- nece people signed the guarantee and an ticip ate a very successful event. THIS WEEK FIVE YEARS AGO IN SOUTH POLK COUNTY the NOMINATIONS STILL IN ORDER 99 tt MONDAY, APRIL 12 (From RICH PRIZES AWAIT HUSTLERS §j The famous tale from the famous story. Advent- m 1 ures of an am ateur cracksman. Thrilling every reel, § 1 Comedy and International News tf/*". HIGH SCHOOL BASKET SOCIAL IS A THRILLER FOR FUN A very delightful event in school circles an d for a num ber of outsiders w as the b ask et social a t the High School last F rid a y ev ening. As one entered the building everything presen ted a m ost b eau ti ful picture, fir boughs an d trailin g greenery w ith sp rin g blossoms com bined to m ake a splendid effect. The dow nstairs floors w ere used for a variety of stu n ts. A fortune teller w ith an a ttractiv e booth who w as well versed in th e a rt of palm istry an d m ade no m istak e in deciding if you w ere born u n d er a lucky or an u n lucky sta r, proved to be Miss M yrtle Stephens. The “m ighty m agician,”- who by his m agic w and could produce asto u n d in g results» w as Ira Compton. The F resh m an girls, as dain ty O riental m aids, presided over the candy booth, w hich w as a bower of Jap an ese beauty. The sw eets they dispensed w ere no sw eeter th an the girls looked. The Ju n io r girls had a cleverly arran g ed fish pond w here a ll th e boys fished ju s t for luck. One boy w as heard to rem ark , "I w ish ----- --------- w ould fall in; I’d fish all n ig h t to catch h er.” A splendid program w as ren dered in the assem bly hall. The num bers included piano duet, the Misses K athleen S k in n er an d T hel m a W illiam s; song, Boys’ Glee Club, M arjorie Reynolds accom panist; solo, Helen Jones; song, Ira Comp ton; o rch estra bells, th e Misses Irm a Boughey an d W innafred G w ynn; read in g s by D ale Scraf- ford, Miss Boughey, Ida A rrell and E leanor C albreath. The baskets m ade a beautiful display. No tim e and expense had been spared to m ak e th em a ttra c t ive an d original. W ord B utler was th e . convincing auctioneer. W ith h is spiels an d th e a ttractiv e baskets th e boys could n o t|r e s is t and the baskets soared to good prices. Miss M aag and M arjorie Reynolds sh ared honors in the distinction th a t th e ir baskets brought th e h ig h est price—$4.00 each. The event be sides being a social success netted th e High Schoolers $100, which they w ill apply to conveniences and equip m en t for th e Home Economics departm ent. I a I ■ NUMBER 2. Independence April 9, 1915) M onitor City council w restled all night w ith the property line in North In dependence. Five years ago tonight the oper etta “P auline", directed by Mrs. Guy K napp, w as given. ■ ■ 1 ■ i §j § Suppose you were sitting w ith your loved ones. The time was May. Alt in ju re smiled. You were eon- ten t th at fate had siiaped a happy life for you. Suddenly and w ithout w arning as though born on the winO, a hgure draped m wierd oriental costume entered your m e. Tins ngure—a Yogi from fa r off India and bearing w ith him a crystal sphere into which he bade you look and therein was siiown your future life. All the misery of an age, all the mad rage of poverty, all the anger of an outraged faith, all tiie ecstasy of success and all the fear oi betrayal and in all this you saw yourself pictured in kaleipi- oscopic vividness—would you want to live th a t lite { This is the them e of the great, new, intense, dram - atic, document “ Eyes of Youth” in which is seen Clara K im ball Young. . Rolin Comedy and Pathe News SATURDAY, APRIL 17 BESSIE LO VE in “ CAROLYN OF THE CORNERS” A clean cut story of (‘very day life with a heroine who practises the gospel of “ looking u p ” and m ak ing tilings “ a w ee bit b etter.” “ D on’t confine your vision to the workday ju st in front of you. ‘Look u p ’ at the sunshine and the blue sky. Breathe in happiness and grow younger”—th at is the message conveyed in this delightful photoplay. M M G I I N D E R E I N D E I N C E ■un i n i v u i v iv iv i u b i m u b iv i ai b iv i a ra rv iv iiv iiv iiv EASTER SUNDAY PROVED A DAY OF JOY The following have been ap p o in t ed reg istrars in South Polk: M rs. B. I. Ferguson, Eola; A. R. Cadle, R ickreall; R. M. W alker, Independ ence; W. I. Reynolds, B uena V ista; W illis Sim onton, Suver; K enneth W illiam s, Airlie; V. J. Love, Pedee; W alter G. Brown M onm outh; Evad- n a Sm ith, Lew isville; C. I. B allard , O akdale. Books close A pril 20. through you. Votes will be allow ed on all subscriptions (new or re n e w a l-b a c k pay m en t or advance) in accordance w ith the schedule o t votes. Object of the Campaign. The object of the cam paign ia, o i course, to secure new and ren ew al subscriptions to The Polk County Post in independence and su rro u n d ing territory. In order to g ain th is end quickly and advantageously the handsom est collection of prizes ever offered locally has been m ade ready for distribution am ong those w ho participate m ost actively. Therefore, every wide-awake, en ergetic m an, w om an, bov o r girl of Independence and su rroundin g te rri tory is offered an u n p aralled oppor tu n ity to profit and in a big w ay, through th eir .spare tim e d u rin g th e next six weeks. Get in the gam e today an d rid e in your own new touring c a r May; CANDIDATES AND NOMINEES IN THE POLK COUNTY POST’S BIO SUBSCRIP TION CAMPAIGN. Herold Lloyd Comedy and Ford Weekly T H E A TR E SOUTH POLK REGISTRARS; BOOKS CLOSE APRIL M CECIL RUEF ..................................................Independence MISS LILLIE CALKINS ..........................................Airlie CARROL S M IT H ............................................Independence I MISS CRYSTAL L A M B ..............................................Suver ! MISS HELEN CORNELIUS ........................... Monmouth MRS. MAUD M cE L M U R R Y ....................... Independence MISS HELEN BUTLER ........................... Independence MISS ALMA S A N D E R SO N ............ Rt. 1, Independence E aster d a y w as all th at m ilady I the Sunday school children also who has E aster togs to display could rendered an appropriate program -it w ant. There w as no drizzle to spoil j 10 o'clock. Both m orning and ev the flower covered h ats that longed ening Bev. Proppe preached to hi to venture out, and all the churches congregation on tiie them e of He were well filled w ith those w ho day. At tiie C hristian church in the went to give th a n k s and to sing glad j afternoon Evangelist Gregg, a ssist hosanas for the joyous season of ed by Victor P. Morris, singer, con Easter. At the Presbyterian church ducted a very interesting, and appro Dr. D unsm ore spoke a beautiful priate service. A fitting finale to m essage lo his congregation The Musical at the church in choir u n der fhn direction of Mrs. the evening. These m usicals a i" Gonkey, assisted by the M ethodist an n u al events and m uch tim e ami choir, rendered a well chosen selec care is expended on the program tion of E aster an th em s and choruses. The decorations for the occasion At the Method ish erru h tx x xfflffl m ade the E astertide indeed a glad At the M ethodist church in the an d joyful one. The a lta r w as a m orning; the children gave an ex m ass of spring blossoms in ihe Ka cellent program of E aster readings ter colors—yellow and white. The and songs. At the Baptist church (Continued on last page) B. II. HABEKOTT ..................................................Suver FRANCIS M. J1ROWN .................. Rt. 1, Independence BILLY BAKER ..............................................Independence BOBBY IRVINE ................ ......................... Independence LEMUEL BARNETT ....................................Independence MISS CACILIA B IR K H O L T Z ................... Independence MISS FAYE .JOHNSON ..............................Independence This is ¡i list of early entrants in the race for the fine Maxwell touring car to be given away by The Polk Coun ty Post on the night of Saturday, May 22. I t ’s a pretty fine hunch of mighty live hustlers, you’ll agree; but there’s still room for more, and still time to enter, with in even break at the start. Nominations and entries are still in order. Enter today. I t ’s an opportunity for you to be riding in your own ear six weeks from today.