The Independence west side. (Independence, Or.) 18??-1891, August 29, 1901, Image 4

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, ' 1 : . i'
Fw ar entirely f?s trots It.
It stay dsrelop w Howl u to etu
IttU II any disturbance during tat whol
jwrloa ot childhood. 1
It may than produc Irregularity ot lh
Ioniser, and bow!, dypla, catarrh,
snd marked trndrncy In cotitumptUin
before taantfratlnt ltli In much cutanwu
eruption or glandular twelltnt,
It It ht to he nre that you ar emit
tn from It, and for Itt complete Medloa
Don you can nly on
Hood's SarsapariUa
Tht best uf all mtdtriue tor all humor.
Town 8oe tlmt man? Well, tir,
lie lamlrxi in tlii country with hit
oar twt aim now h' sxt million.
Browne Of whist 11' wort off
than ccntiHHlo, isn't het
atarth Track.
"John Bull is trying to down
locomotive. "
"They'll run him down fast enough
if he U in th way."
rhrnologiat Your bump of oV
ttriii'tivriioaa i very large. Art you
s aoldif r or a pugilist.
Sulijoct .Neither. I'm a furniture
Will Bt Will Dost,
Cutiit What aw you
prvpanne to do tint yettrr
Hayeedo (alent-nindedly
mar boaniert, at uaual.
(T wmwiU Cw. Ho St. t xmaM
HI (IWtrM'UtVaMttrht tHa.'attrMll Nam
. for r K K MNbU Mlbul rM.
be. SvSi
1 Arv HiltJ.lfbfcK
A Suburban!!.
Mr, Itolate (of ' Lonelyville, on
evening train, inharraadH-You
may 110I100 that nearly every suburb
anite it bringing out either a icw
coos or waitre with liimT
Mr. Brooklyn Borough (hit guett,
critically) You might call thit
"Cook't personally conducted exeur-lion."
fret Snwtr.
"A Cornell imifwuor tay tiiat fw
mwn can ha carried tin in the t
motiihero mid hatehsd nut in the
"By gum, you be I'll carry en um
uruii tht next time I go out,"
NiMUcaapid by ScIuks,
"I undeintand that h hat long
been ttiideul of polities! economy,'
mill tlit visitor.
"lie hat," wiiil Senator OIumwp.
and hit economy in imlitict hat kept
him out ot olllce. He thii'kt lit can
he elected without apemliug a cent.'
Oar Hallea'a W.!li.
(ioKI and illvr ire noureil aliumlantlv
Into Hi lap of Hi nation, bill our material
wealth and itreiiRih U ratlier In Iron, llt
hunt uarlul ot all metals, ut an the
wraith of a human bring Urn In auasful
rtoniai'h. Ifrou have nverwnrkwl vourw
until II U dlMlilrd. Ir Hurirllrr't Mum.
aelt Hlitrra, ll will relievo III eloinrnl
Kwl, ImpMre tit apprtlt and cure
ixniiitl(n, rlyil, biluumiru, IWr
ana aionry uurarv.
Tht Shirt Wtiit
The women claim tlielr feeling hurt
They're kicking up a fun,
Bcaiine we men adopt the shirt
That flrtt ttiey ttole from in.
twltr Job.
Mr CobwiKKer Poor thing, the
tried to reform tier huelmmt and
Mr. Doroato What it the trlyng
to do now?
Mrt. Cobwiggre To reform the
Olvt Us.
A Do you know A anything to do
for toamoltnew?
B Oivt up.'
"That't jutt what I did when
wat tcaairk. '
Waiting (or ttii Man.
A preacher riding down s ravine
came upon an old mountaineer hid
ing in the buthet with hit ritle.
"What are you doing there, my
"Ride on, stranger, " wat the ey
antwer. "I'm a-waitin for Bill
Johnson, and, with the help of the
Lswd, I'm goin' to blow hit damu
head off. "
Too Many Wlvu.
Mist Makeahit It it my highest
ambition to marry tome titled for
eigner. Mr. Jester Why don't you try the
Mist Makeahit S-i-r!
Wsttr Drlntur.
Lsdy Bridget, did you give the
sold tish fresh water today?
Bridcet Holy St. Patrick! Have
the craturet drank up the whole
howl of wather Oi gave thlm yestur-day?
Pltu't Our fur Cuinunitlo:i Is an IiiIhI.
Ilhl tiiMlloin fur coughs and culiU. -S
W. 8ami'iu Ocan Uruv. K. J., r'b, IT,
CKh In Ms Place.
Willie 1', it there any difference
between a violin and a t'uhile?
I Yea, my son; If you hear it at
a concert or an oiier it't violin,
but when your next door neighbor
play it it 1 a (uldle.
Itr Aniwsr,
He Dearest Mist Himth Maudie
will you thare my lot?
She Yet if if it really it s lot,
Incrtttenf III SfMClouintu.
"Jlere't another hitter from thai
new teuaut," said the secretary.
"What' he want now?" inquired
the proprietor of the li!-luipp Apurt-
ment House.
"Says he't got to have more room
in hi flat. Says It'll help some if
you'll let him at-rape the paper off
the walls."
Making It 1 Cinch.
The Deacon Cromwell tells u to
trust in the Lord, but to keep our
powder dry.
The Parson Well?
The Deacon Well, I've been think
nig that while it's all right to keep
on praying lor ruin, we U better have
s Subbath tchool picnic, too.
Irate Parent I begin to tee that
I ve got a fool for a ton!
Philosophical Offupring
dear dad, what a wonderful
-Ah, my
thing is
Drawing Card.
"My dear," said Rer. Dr. Oallorv.
"have you had the advertisement ot
my eunday services inserted as usual. '
"I've done better than that," re
plied Ins clever wife. "I've sent
word to the society editors that Mr.
and Mrs. J. Blugore De Vorne will
very probably be present."
An Enchanting Pictura.
Mr. Harlem flat That must be an
affectionate passage in that novel you
ar reading.
Mrt. HarlemflHt It't a description
of s woman's boudoir. Think of a
place large enough to have a boudoir!
Wbc Papa.
Hit Mamma I wonder what baby
it thinking about?
Hit Papa What to cry about next.
"What do you think of that whis
ky?" asked the host.
"Well," said the guest, smacking
hit lips as ho sat down hit glass, "it
reminds me of a good story."
"Let's have it."
"Oh, you misunderstand mo. I
merley wish to imply that it's worth
repeating. "
Docm't Boait of It Now.
Nell She used to boast that she
wat one of the charter members of
the Woman '1 Huffrago Club.' She
doesn't appear to be 10 proud of it
Belle Oh! the't just as proud, but
you know, the club was organized 15
year ago, and she must hare been at
least 20 when she joined.
Dow With It
"There it one thing that' King
Edward toleratet that should be' put
down at once, and for good and all."
"Kht What "a that?"
"Hit 1820 sherry."
Not Hungry, But.
loung Undo why, Charlie, you
do not seem to tie eating anything
this morning. And I got up early to
make these biscuits tor you.
Charles No, dear; 1 don't feel
all hungry this morning, to tell tlit1
truth. Your biscuit are very nie
indeed. By the way, I wonder
there are any of those dog biscuit left
that I bought for ero rruluy.
Picirn Com rruiu.
A recent report from tht ilepurl
ment ot agriculture at Washington
touches lightly on fruit growing on
the Pacific roust, The fruit iiuhwtry,
particularly In California, hat grown
to enormous prnortion, the ollnmtfl
and soil Mug splendidly adapted,
In comparison, Oregon and Washing
Ion do not make much ot allowing
but indication point to a niilil
growth in these stales as well si
Idaho, and I'Uli. Fruit ihlpmenti
Kast rcnnlre a spccuil railroad sclunl
ule during the tiimmer, tlmt from
Oregon and Washington going In
Urecn River, Wyoming, mi iiM(iiiigrr
..... ....1 .i... ...l!.l..Y
limns ami mere vuniwimiimi nun
California shipments,
wutirt lumbar Marktls.
Betow July, HK, It It estlmslnl
that lOO.IHKI ears of lumber tiul
thiiiKlet trom Washington will 11 ml
a market in the Kast and middle
West, In lent than two years, 1
Northern IVillo ollleial predict that
shipment will reach M),m) car.
At cart MUST he provided tor these
eaattxiuud shipments, and si the
regular volume ot westbound huai
nets does not miiiire to many srs,
westlsiund rales am certain to Iw
rtHluced, so a to Induce more liberal
shipping. High freight rales, now
so (rctucutly spoktm
to lw rtiliicnl mute a
or tix years.
IusiIihI with 800,000 tcet u! InmWr,
ml will have gusriuitwl hhhI ot
10 knots, The new IkmI U tn he
rosily (or the spring Imde amt will
rim Wtsmen I'urtlsnd mid Tillamook,
Inking the plane ot llieslnsmsiihoiiiier
TlllmiHKik, (hut was wrsi'N In
Alsnkn wsieni soint immtlii ago,
llf Uffittr Cifjo Ricinlly font PoitUsi
Tht ileanter Aduta win clraml
iwntly (mm Portlsnd by Hit I'suMo
Kiwt Luinlier Comistny, with
1MM,SIUI (net of ruiiKh lunilwr, u
lied st 28,080, Hlw gm to Tskii
vk Coiuox, eulllng at the latter plant
to ml, The Aduto is an tmniuuao
merclmiidliHi cargo carrier,
&. VmlmmUM film Mm
fjrtCa C PHiUmm't Vmvmtm-
Vt OamptMMsf 0ntMr Kfm
Happlnntt will go out ot your Ufa
rorever, niy titter, II you hart soy
01 tn aympiomt weutiooM la Mr.
Valentine letttr, unleaa you set
promptly, Prneur Lydls C. link
ham's Vtgttabl Compound at ones,
It I sbtotutely sure to help you. Then
writ for sdvlee If titer la anything
about your case you do sot undor
ttantL Vou need not b afraid to toll th
thing you could sot tiplaln to th
tloelor your letter will b sen only by
woman. All tht person who pri
lt letter st Mr, llnkham' Lsbora
lory, st l.ynn, Ma,, r wotnea. AU
letter set ooufldeutlal and advloa sbso
lutely fre, , , .
Hero Is th letter I "It is wits,
pleasure that I sdd my testimony to
your nsi, hop
ing It may In
due other to
trail them
selves of th
benefit of your
raluahl rem
tdy. Befor
Uliing LydU
Tht Tfolliy It Comlni
Kfforts to M))v0 tlie tmitsitorttitlon ! Wafcm
pmlilom In tht Wwt Imve M etipltal-1 Co'mpj
ma in pniject ami tiMrnte tlit tuillny
ayali'in, They r cliesn in eiiuuisr-
itrni with the ttumUrd linn, not only
111 tnliatriiMltm. lint In niKir.ll,,. ' f'"' "
they irnnilae to srve (lis nuriuM ! .... a 1 a .
nlly s well, A imnilierol lung gnawing pain la stomach, pain In
km ..II.... II.. -j. I.. . ( . . ... ..
vnurai iiiira nio now in coiirn 01
iiiiiiitrni'tlnii in the l'tellle North.
tlt vary bad'
ly,w terribly
nerroua, ssd
tired, had tick
bark sad right tide, sod to wssk I
ould snsreely stand, 1 trss not sbls
to do anything. Had ahsrs atn sit
through biy body. Before f had Ukeo
tiair s iMHth or your medicine, 1 found
myself Imprnring. 1 continued Its uns
until I had taken four bottle, and foil
California Mulu 0 Eait
weal, clilol aiming which I the Chsar-wsUir-b'wUlun
lint In Itlahn, Sett
tit ind Tsi'oios jieople iH'o to tn
Jny t trolley ride (mm (in city to the
other within the next tlx month
uver 1 new lie uow under Minima, 'mora. 1 am 11k a
of, re certain tiun, At U dramle, Or'ciiiiisn,yor ntedleln thtll slwsya hars any
bit during llvs wat Inrnnd recently lor tlit piirpnse!tt'1,'"'M' P. VaissTist. Mt)
ot doing pndlmluary work mi tn ' TT7 Anue, ftniden, N.J. "
I Hwtrlo mail eonnei'tlng t, flrtmle
nun the town
to wall that 1 did not seed to Uk any
new po-rantf, snd
ot Cove, 10 miles
awtiv.. A Irollev line over 17 mllra1
trtinioati 01 i aiuornia imiie miiK now npcralei ltw'ii Turtland
were tlilpHt t.A rocentiy, liiere sun uri'itou 1 ity, Amitiier lint Is
were 00 in the bunch and allliuuli pmlerted Mween Milton, Oregon,
it was not the flirt consignment, It " w".
was the largest, The Missouri insr-, . r. Ul
ket ha U-eii drained hv the demand ... . yM'm
I the Hoer war and Wettern rlmri '-rtf Jnnon, one ol Hit moat
have ticgiin to prolll thereby, These imleiulvt farmer ol Whitman
mulct will -bo sold to ltrtlgtiers. comity, nli., ha Just tlnlilied
Southern planter, Kaslern miners .rvelltit and slilnnlnv hla
Walling fr till Man.
A preacher riding down s ravine
came tiHiu in old iiioiintaine-r hid
ing in the bus!) with hi rilto.
"What are you doing there, niy
"Hide on, stranger," wa tlio ensy
tnswer. "I'm awaitln' for Kill
the help of the
Imrrv 1 JolllMHIII, Slid, W'itll
nml railroad contractors in the new cmnan! gives sonm )iitrtat lnv rl. '-awd, I'm goin' to bhiw bin l mini
...,..v i niaun l ie inn is in urn 111 n mr.
develop into t paying tWtt Mr. , Johnson had tK) cherry
Oklahoma country.
promises to
nusltieas, as I he marKci I linn and imv nh
the deuiiind strong,
Ksnut Trki Barky May.
In tome parts ol Cat i lorn la and Ore
gon barley it commonly cut tmi
a iiiie IWillUlleet, ami
liu lohl over f.'i(IO worth ot cherries
from lliino tree, in sdililiun to thoae
iwd tor home use.
head off.
Saltrs Public Bulldlnjt.
Mm tilt H IP Pratiitii ittutsiiAwl
cured for hay the same timothy. I . , .; ', , , ' ,,.,
The reMirt tht timothy would aell
for f 20 ton i
demand (or
tout have been i
10m California,
ImiMliig, ftilein, Or,, sayi tlmt the
. , , 'hi.ih, vi,, mil p tun. tor
To Many Wlvss.
Mis Makeahit It I my higliosl
ambition to marry some titled for
Mr. Jester Why don't you try the,
Mia Makeahit-H-i-r!
Ot Intirut to Pla Crowin.
slwl work had lieen ililniml Irnni
the mi III before the tlillleoliieii Usn,
Thentimeaml brick work on III wll
ll going on aUwdlly, but n iiuTCuw-d
hr Aniwtr.
Hi I)eanst Mis Hiioth
will you share my lot?
She Yes it-it it really it
s lot,
Minneapolis parties ar considering li'fc ol men will I nemlid to emu
Mothers will And Mr. Wlnslow's Booth
t Hyrup the bi remedy to us lor I
iihlren during lbs KwlUlog period.
Mors Than H Could Stand.
"That new clerk bus gone back to
the country,"
"What for'?'
"Oh, the roosters crowing over in
that commission house across the
street made him homesick."
Danger Signs.
Dusty Dan I hopes 1 won t run
aeinst ennyhuddy in dis town wot'll
make me take a bath.
Lay around Lucas Let go t'roo
dis alley, den; look at dem guys
sprinklin wid hose down de street
A Shrewd Fellow.
Swiggers That man Killtime
shrewd fellow.
Swaggers Why?
nwiggers lie gave a lawn mowing
party yesterday and had the guests
cut the grass.
Thai Boiton Girl.
Hester I hope you don't believe
what Fred Saunders says. He bus
been in lovo with every girl in town
first and lnt.
llertha That's why I value his
judgment, you know. A mini ot his
experience may be trusted to know
good thing when he sees it.
, Tht Reaion.
Ho It strunga you member ol
the Vassar alumni don't hold cliw
She Not at all. You mny as well
aslc a woman her age at to ask bet
what year she graduated.
Slow Healing
'With rich, pure, itrong blooa
one It sever troubled with tore
or ulcer. A cut or any injury to
the flesh heili is s few day,
.... ii tir-i
J 4V W A O balm in the form of healthy, new blood ; but when the
III 1 circulation it tainted with poisonous germs, humors or toy
4jr VM effete matter, a flight tcratch or abrasion of the skin
become a festering sve, tiny pimple grow to be boil,
twollen joint and inflamed gland often break out into offensive, tlow healing
tore. A polluted blood is always a menace to health ; not only does it keep the
skin in a chronic state of inflammation, but every organ tnd fibre of the body
tuffer from an impure and tluggith circulation. You never feel well, you art not
and never can be well until the syBtem it relieved of it terrible load of impuri
ties. With the blood so contaminated, so deeply poisoned, ulcers, boils tnd
ore of every kind are apt to become chronic and often develop into Canctr,
finrM an1 iiIsiavM arm ...
a MoaiDi umiaHia wiia aoToro worm iv ana
from th knoo to th foot wa out tolld tort,
which wa Tory offenslrs. I (pent ortr $1,000
on two trips to Hot Spring's, and looal physi
cians treated mt to bo purpots. I had abont
dtoldad to hay my let amputated, whan s
friend tnduoed mt to try B. B. B. I betas to
take your modlclno, and in tht abort tpaot of
seven month it hat completely and thoroughly
cured me. My leg- it s witness today at to what
B. 8. S. will do when taktn regularly. Tht tort,
ha healed entirely and my health ha Improved
wonderfully. I bar already sained 80 pound.
Bos 845. Wlnoaa, Hlat.
often caused by poverty of
the blood and a weak and
low circulation, brought on
by long continued sickness,
malarial poisoning, torpid
liver, the use of mercury, or
whatever it calculated to de
stroy the vitality of the blood
and break down the constitu
tion. These old chronic tore
last totnetimet for years, eat
ing into the flesh, muscles,
tissues, and even down into
the bones, and are such a tax upon the system that it It hard for the patient to
recuperate, and a timple malady often provet fatal.
Nothing to quickly or turely restores lost strength and vitality to the blood at
8. 8. S. . It it an antidote for the severest forms of Blood Poison, at well as the
irritating humors that cause the eruption and sores that sap your very life and H
freatly disfigure you. S. S. S. it the only guaranteed purely vegetable blood purl
er. It contains no mercury, potash, arsenic or other hurtful drug. It cleanses
the blood and puriflet the circulation, thus ridding the system of the impurities
that keep the toret feverish and painful, At the tame time your general health
improve under the tonic effect of 8. 3. 8., and the skin becomes soft, smooth
and healthy. If you are troubled with boils, carbuncles, toret or eruptions of any
aort, write our physicians all about your case; don't risk your own judgment
when you can get medical advice from experienced doctor free. Book on Blood
and Skis Diseases to all who desire it.
the establishment of a 150,000 tin
need oil manutiu'turihg plant in Hpo
kane, it mean the addition ol in-
other grrat industry to that clty'i
manufacturing enterprises and will
afford a lietter market lor the lnrgt
crops of flax grown in that section,
which now must be shiped Ksst st
considerable estienso, but its by-
plots the tmili
from Yak It Idaho. '
Pr. Jay 0, Kldridge, a nisiiilier ot
tlit Vale (acuity, ha remKned hi
position to sccept the chair ol mod
ern language at the I'nivcrnily ot
A Saecaailo Lawyer.
Th late Henry W, I'ayo. of th
ng within the contract Massachusetts bar, w one defend
: lug a charity case, la which a boy of 18
wat charged with trtott. II made a
strong esse to prort tht defendant SB
Idiot, After a charx from th Judge,
which wat practically in order for sc
(jultlal, tht jury brought In a verdict of
guilty. The judge ttked I'tyu If bt
would mors for a new trltl. "I ttiauk
'mil fnp inur miff tfMt Inn." wai lha
productr-the oil cake-i on ' AflERICAN VUt'B WAS COJTLV ''. oilrrd with th
best known food, for hogs, tnd, ill A" lhB w" V05ru' ..,. douuu , u,v
Friends of th Earl tit Kusi, who ll right to mov for new trial. Your
Inaever llniiiclal ttrslu, are tndcavor honor, I bav alretdy isked for and
lug lo get King Kdwird VII, lo girt received for my Idiot client th most
blin tome position wlitrrhjr li I lucuuit preclout berlttgt of our Kngllsh and
may b Increaaed, Tlt Karl' devotion American common law-a trial by a
lo but American-born Countvai coal lilm jury of hi peer."
I'troe had an old quarrel with th
Supreme Court, tnd never lost an op
portunity of thawing hit contempt for
such tn enterprise is located in Hk
kane, this oil cake can be secured st
a considerably eliear price than It
or corn can tie secured from the Kt.
This by-product or residue isoltho
grentcst importance to the develnii-
u. nog rainiiig ...uu.irr it, a Jg (,B000 nM ,,, ,
cou.i.ry wnrro m .. eu.,.areme.y from h w(1l,
III! wi iun ll
Fret Breadatufs (or Chin.
The now Chinese tariff admitting
American breadstuff into that coun
try, duty free, will cause a boom in
export from the Pacific coast. For
the year ending July 1, over 2,000,000
barrels ot Hour were told in tlmt
country, Thit tariff ruling i ol
tremendou importance to tht wheat
grower o( the I'acillo coast, coming,
as it docs, In the (nco of tht biggest
wheat yield on record.
Big Whul Crop.
One of tho biggeat tliingi in the
West, nothing excepted, i the wheat
crop lor rJUl, a nciir a estimated,
The state ot Washington alone ii
credited with 32 million busheli and
exceeds all previous record. Oregon,
California and Idaho will swell thit
amount to nearly ono billion busheli,
worth to tho tiirmer not less than
").r),000,000, Taken in connection
with other enterprise, squally as
prosperous, It Iipgin to look si
though tho I'acillo coast was the most
dtvored section in the United Stutca
and the world,
' :n . Aft"
ooumu or tun.
' Opening Rich Territory.
Interest hoi long been (alt In tho
effort to open up the toctinn inuth
nnd east of Tucoma, also west tnd
south of rortlnnd. Itt timber ro
sourcos are of known value. Tho
deposits ot con I are extensive. A
iiumlier of mining properties art
awaiting shipping facilities, and
tho extension ol a rnilway there
will bring out considerable agricul
turnl productions, Wealth will tin
rnpidly added to Wostorn Washing,
ton and Western Oregon when rnil
way construction thai I open up a
number of naturally rich but practi
cally inucoessilile districts.
New Nml Station.
The Puget sound naval station at
Bremerton ha boon olficiully desig
nated a a government navy yard.
The usefulness and excellent work
lerformcd there is responsible lor the
ilgher rank which the new title gives.
Hubstiintial benefit" will likewise fol
low in the shape of more extensive
equipment and apparatus. The
larger ships of the American navy,
will,, as heretofore, lie sent to tho
I'uget sound station for ropairi in
stead ot Alare island,
Steel Lumber Steamer,
The opinion hat been goneru for
yenrs that an iron or tteol vossol was
not suitable for the coast lumhor
business, but a San Francisco firm
is holloing a steel steamer tor lumber
trado on the Pacific coast, The new
bout in to he of steel throughout with
cellular bottom, 180 feet long, 38
foot beam, 14 feet deep and to have
water tanks to carry 300 tons o( bal
last. She will draw 12 feet when
liiity Mcux, when bli wife, who wn
Mill Ariel Grant, of New York, dlt-
pleased her ladyship. Slnct Lttly Mcux
cut down the Karl' Income he hat been
compelled to live on Itt.OOO i year, In-
lest tomethlng It done for tht Girl hi
will bt compelled to give up hli Kiiillih
resident's and remove to the continent
A Health Barometer,
"My mustache telli me when I am
not qulti well, or when I ma t llttls
run down, btfort I feel the altered con
dition In tlit ordlntrr way," Mid an
expert on tht hair, 'tnd many other
people no ity tht ttmt, either with
their hair or beard, or thojr could do so
If they took tht trouble to witch, .
"My muittcbt gets thick tnd un
ruly, I know what thit meaui, yet I
tin not conaclout of tny deterioration
In health or mental strength. But I
Iwiyi heed the warning, for I have
learnt by experience tint It ll a wa ru
ing. A lady patient ot nine bai wary
hair. ;
"When iht bat boen lubjoctcd to
mental or physical strain, her hair lotos
It wtvlnen tnd becomes straight.
Overdoing It oa her cycle, or worry,
will bring about thli change, and,
though she feel no particular weak
ness ihe comprehend! that her vitality
hii been decretied, tnd tcti accord
ingly, "Anger tnd tht otbor emotions tnd
leniatlons hire tbelr effoct on the hair,
mora to In mmt person than In oth
er, I tdmlt, but I bellcvo tlmt wt
might ill make 'health baromoten' of
our hcid'Coverlng If wt choit,"
Two Dog,
Rolllngitone Noraosi-I cum acrottt
I dog de odder day wot wai io ttmt
he tat out o' mt hand.
Ragion Tatter I encountered i dog
onct wot est out o' me leg. I got de
tor ;ct-PhIlade!plila Record.
An Extravagant Custom,
In the Austrian court It li contruT to
etitom for perishable articles to appear
twice on rue imperial table, The result
ll large perquisites for the attendant!.
To one man fall all uncorked bottle:
to another the wine left In the glum:
to mother the Joint, tnd to another
till tht game or the aweeti, Dvery
morning i tort of market I held In tht
basement of tht pallet, where tht Vien
sue comi to purchnie the rtmaJni, I
that body. One, riding from Hoaton
to Cambridge with t lotd of law book,
bt wat accosted by a young Harvard
man with tht remark: "You bav
quite a load, Mr, 1'ayne, Law booka, I
Hippo?" "Oh, no," wat th antwer,
"only Hupremt Court report." Nw
York Tiibun.
The Pour City Boy.
Oh. tbt city boy 1 bundled
It hi heavy otenoat,
With hi coat I j leather leloca.
With a silk thing round his thrust,.
And ht slides upon th tidtwajk
Wbtr th tahet ha? bn apt-tad.
And Imagines kt It htppy
ew ,
There' a hill that' high and tloplng.
In the country, far away.
Where s boy who wiio't bundled
Kit to (mother tsed to stray;
With th twlftne of th lightning
Dow tht (learning kill kt toed.
And no ttht m grate'
Oh, I pity tht poor city
' Boy who never get beyona
Th narrow, tby ildewtlk
Or torn hsmpered llttls pond,
Ah, tht hill wt high tnd tloplng,
And tbt wty wit clear ihexl
Whert couutry bey went coasting
' ld.
Flret of the Y'anderMIts.
The first of the VuderbUta tn thit
country wat Jnxt Aertten Van der Btlt,
1 Ilollnnd farmer, who cam to hh new
world In the flrtt half of the seven
teenth century, tnd who wttied In th
neighborhood of Brooklyn, about lOOO,
At tht name Indicate, th family be
longed originally to either th Tillage
of Wit, a suburb of Utrecht, or the par
ish of Btlt, In Krltla,
A Private
For boarding- and day pupils.
()itni HeiHeiiiber 18. Fine
new bulldiiiR. The priniilpul
has had twentr-thrue, years'
eiyerlenon In Fortlaml. Cor
reHiiidencs aollolted. for
J. W. HIM,, St. D.,
P. 0. drwer 17, Portland, Or.
1 1 Bast Oouh ;rup. Taitoa UooX Ceo I I
3 In time. Bold by drnagieta. I I
What Tsr Mtt la La mmd
owe Traiaaacllas.
"Operstfvs word," aald a tneinber of
th District bar, "srt of tb utmost Im
port toe In legal document and lo
btulneii affairs.
"Probably tbs moat terloutly Import
ant operatlv word lo humao affair I
compoaed of but thr lettsr. sod II
appear In print thui: 'ts.' When
h ttyi 'yes' to a tusn It tuesna tlist
ht trsnsfers lisr heart nd tisnd, snd
formerly all of bar property, to bin;
who atka brr to be, etc. This llttl
word tsblishs ths moat Importsot
contract of society, sod, whll tbls con
tract nay aftsrward b dlwolvsd by
mutual couMDt, If oot sf th contract
ing partlrt doiuura and back out a suit
for damages is opso to th other,
"lu auction sals th properly put up
la anybody's until tb suctlooesr says
'goo' or 'sold' nnd tbs hsiumer drops
Ns matter bow tb asls Is rgrttl, or
bow much tbs parties would Ilk to r
trsct It, It stsud and ths court will
,otato it.
id a win tbs ar 'give, dents and
bsqueatb.' Real property la 'doviaed'
and peraonal property 'bequeathed.'
"lo a not tbs borrower mutt 'prom
I' lo pay, and In a bond b mut
'bind' blinavlf.
"In Mint B tale In a deed certain
word ars necessary to coot real ss
tsl. Tbs courts bats held generally,
howartr, tbat tbs word 'grant' will car
ry a good tltls. In New York, for In
tsac. tb opsratlvs word constltuts
quit a formula, and ar 'grant' bar
gain, sll. aaslgn, trsofr, tet over and
convey." That's tbs old form. Now
th word 'grant and rele' ars auffl-
lnt. 'v
"lo a leas tb word 1t' moat be
need. They bsrs sn odd formula In
New York, uasd for centuries, proba
bly, conatdlng of 'grant' demlas snd
to fsrru let,' and It spplle to sll kind
of property. In a quitclaim dead tb
word 'quitclaim' must bs used.
Washington Btaa
Nml bvmIM l ami. S maorinl, He pro.
fatUttn. Smi anus. I.iii rwi ,n. Keveniy
tmmnf eiMriMHW. M 111 MSI.. . .S t k
TAVKM )., IMaa Tluf rurlli.t,Or,
Rmt only
oa lb msrk!,
' Sand lor lralsr,
Mltrhell, Uwl
Mlavf t.
Portlan. Or.
JOHN POOLE, Portland, Ongon,
fti MttrlMS Btratti
Osa glrs yoa tbs bst bsrgsln la
Bnfgiss, Plowt, tbiilsr and '.ngiu,
Wlnomlll and Pnmpt snd Gentral
Machinery. 8 a bsfors baying
its Ssw Tws.
sgainvt you is oUtnicting ths side-
II. . : . . m.
waia. A rp you Ktllliv or noil
Tinav Klsntiiffsn l'arilon me. vour
honor, but they wor two tidcwslk.
Two of s Kind,
"My dsiightr," tni.I the city vi-
itor, "ha a fins touch on the violin."
"I dun no how that may be," said
the country relation, "but my Mary
Jane, thar, is Hail Colombia on s
Ills LtottM Poultry. 1m
saui two ewrea , ens
int aril iwn rnn mi tti ii.
aBaa t.aal.f tao td itt-m 14
ym. PrUa, SOoaji S)lOseu. SaMbySwlOTS.
rmuMUH Rcssmr co .m rw.SM.
IMWaa - I mi brr mt flr.t-4M Ml Lw WfsaM,
I a m f ymr rtosai a Liql'in Lie ki LLra m pM
TMataiB at rol f.llr tmir cf IM. Mt tat II hi ail
nam. TknrtamraJ twra last ! niuUslk klltar u
yun'alssilrtalii. WB awa(mkf. Wri,l...
'in M'Uits rai.M,MtitarKtiiiiaSLrcttlLLUi
m imm ib iihi tow itvm mmn, bjm m wonu umn lia oata
. J, ttowsa, tout Af at, YurtUmd, Or.
VJhoIooQlo Booto Q Ghcoo
. 7 and So First Strset, Portland, Oregon.
Tslepbon, Oak lal.
All Kinds Carried In Stock.
CaUuogww Purnishsd
tJpos) Applicstioa.
A Otsri Admiwios.
"You'rs a little late, my love."
"A little late. But I'm all right."
"Ye my dear. Let me hear you
pronounce the name of ths Whitney
home that won the Derby."
"Eh! The Whitney horae? Well,
I guest that's a horss on me."
"Never mind my dear. I csn't
pronounce it niyclf."
Ns Doubt About It.
Citixcn Do you believe that the
constitution followt the nag, my
Holdier -My conttitution followed
the flag to the Philippine and it
there yet.
Out sf PIscs.
Cholly I have turn frightful head
sche lately, the doctor thinkt per
hapa there' tome foreign ultauce
in my hwain.
Mis Pcpprey An idea, perhaps.
EaUUts is IL ,
Client By what right are you
keeping that 93,000 damages you re
covered for me?
Lawyer Didn't you tell me in the
first place tlmt sll you wsnted wat
Tht Put fit Task.
The Don And what part did you
take in tin disgraceful proceeding of
holding Mr. Water under the pump?
I'ndergrad (modestly) His left leg,
Summit ketolutlotth
E Kcoloy Curo
tin relief flora liquor, olut sad lot
SsMSV (tad It trtlaat t
miti iirtJtiti. ""; sTi'i'
m. w. m. b.
a, ss-tssi.
WHBBf writing to sSeartlssis stesM
wllna ikb SNipcak
r J sf. .;-!? a. i . ; ,
rV.. r : "r-l
i z i J a - .n-.r ' "Hjin..'.' ,
li i n i la. i r i i ii r i. i i i.j n
AVhfelalaV; Preparation for As
3 Imitating the Food arxlRcffula
Ung the StotWKto and Bowls of
1 Um a. iisii'i ; flit
Prornolps DigestionJCncerruf-
ncss and itestfoniains neiUtrr
Otiuim.Morphine norMiueraL
ot Kahcotic.
Wk. Srnti'
A perfect Remedy rorConsOpA
tion.Sour Stomach.Diarrtwea
mhI Lobs or Sleep.
FacSimilo Sifinnlur of
Ttf "
lit i
The Kind Ton Hart) Always Boaght, and which has beam
ta use for over 30 yean, has borne the algnatare off .
and has been made under his pet y
aonal supervision since its Infancy, ,
Allow nb one to deceire yon la that.
All Counterfeits, Imitations and "Just-as-food" are but
Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health mt
Infants and Cliildren Experience against Experiment.
Castoiia ts a harmless substitute for Castor 00, FaWsV
gorlc. Drops and Soothing Syrups. It Is Pleasant. It
contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotfo
substance. Its age is Its guarantee. It destroys Worms
and allays FeverlMhness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind
Colic It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation,
and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the
Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and naUual sleep.
The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend.
Sears the Signature of
The Kind You toe Always Bought
In Use For Over 30 Years.
rMHUTtmawwiun, rr waM stmst. t matt an.
You can always smell a vdcai
He has a costive-looking face.
His breath knocks you down.
He drags his feet.
Listeners to his talk turn their
heads the other Vsy.
His breath poisons God's pure
He ought to keep clean inside:
that means sweet breath, quick brain, swift moving feet. You can't feel well
and act well with your bowels clogged, sending poison all through your body.
Clean them out gently but thoroughly and Keep them clean with CA5CARETS
Candy Cathartic, and you will find that all bowel and liver ills and the nzsty
symptoms that go with them are quickly and permanently
AJa . m ll i i
sw rn ir i-Ttui riT-nr i-szjb
25c 50c.
bowal tronblas. BBandlnlMa. hlla
usii.h, ba4 breath, ba4 blood, wind
ha (tomarll. bloatad bawala. foul
moatb. kfat.nhs. IndlaaatloB. .ImhIm.
pains after atttnar, llrar trouble, aallow aeaiplexlon
nd dlaalnaaa. whan ronr don't nor r.(u
larlr ru sjottlna; alob. Conetlpatlon bllla mora
p.opla than atll atlarr dlaaaara It la a.
atartar ror tho rhronlo llmonts and Ions yrnru ot
tnffarlng that com. aflerivarda. No matter what
till pu, atart taking CASCAHKTS to-dan for jrou
will never s well and ba well all the time until
yen put Tonr tiowcU rlsfb. Ifabe aur adlce atart
with t'AC AI1KT to-day, under an abeolu fuar
antes to ear or money refunded.
TVCVKRi Pin yeare an
faa arm. aex er iawah
KTa waa .alt. Sew It U
t..r'ili atlllloa beaa. a
Sear, creator teaa ar
.Imllar wadl.laa la the world. Tel. I. akwlate arnef mf
KT.r' JUf?VJ!?,JlM,", bare rail aa
will .all CA SCAR ITS aaaraataa ta tar. or
naaay rafnata. tie bay today, awe So baa... aire thaat a
(Wlr, honr.t trial, a. eer.laij.le Slreatlaa., aa Ifyaa are
aot .all., aflrra.lai eaa SO. box, ratara tka aaw.rSS.Oe
cut rroia
-r. naaiia win eai.aiy renew aa yea will bla.. tke Say'OAaOAaiTa. Bee free by ualC
lerti bTKaUMt) BAaaDI CO., kaW IOsK w CtUUflO.
woa ana n aaaaiy aax .a an ey wail, or Ik. draff
waan, yu aaraaa.aa is. aae eel year a.ear bark raw
bexea. Take ear atrlar aa watler wkat all. yea-ata
-4 '-. '