The Independence west side. (Independence, Or.) 18??-1891, December 21, 1900, Image 3

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    : 1 i .
Telephone, No. 141.
We.lud evenlm. Momtwn. will take
ilu notlw and ihmil HHirllly.
VMUni KnUihU.r InvIM to .Uvuvl W.a
couu "l j w Rlcu AKIWON . K. R.8.
Court IiuU'ih'IhImimNo. 80, Forwtt
r of AnwrloH, mta every Tuesday
evening l 8 o'clock.
V, K. AUInleHtbt, Cooper block.
COUP WOOD taken on ubacriptlou
t tlio VVKsT S1PK olllce.
Xmaa at llobinaon'a.
My prices are reasonable and my
reliable. J. L. Stockton.
The comedy event ol tha mwaun will
bo "A Breeay Time."
A special motor will be run from and
loMonuioiUh lot tlie"Breeiy Time" on
Monday evening.
We winli to thank the Independence
people who have patromaed ao liber
wrallv and extend an invitation toother
also." AVhmwIkt that it Your nciKlibor
can save money buying dry good in
Mon ti.out h , you can too.
O. 111.
Chriatuiaa exercise at the liaplim
Church Christinas Kve, an admittance
(ee ot ten cents will be charged. Poor
open at 7 o'clock, csorciaea begin at 7 :30
Jacket iiitiil go below coat at
West Side and Weekly Statesman,
one jeiir, $2
Ladies' and children' jacket !
than cott at the Monmouth store.
Campbell Bros, have no equal in pricing
janges and tiovca,
Xuias decoration, candica, etc., at
Kotiuisou'a. .
Buv your mill feed at the Collin mill.
Bran, fid per lou 5 Bhorla lo per ton.
iuvh vou houi'ht vour winter wrap?
Now ia the tune to buy them at le
than cost at the Monmouth Store.
New 75ct blanket and new bed
unread, also a lot of other new good at
J. L. Stockton' this week.
Camplell Bros, have just received a
new and complete muck oi wu
TVm't lx stiiiBV with Inn. See "A
Breeay Time."
Have you arranged yet for your even-
i tt 4. ...ill .. vniiP
nig reading: " w" " j"-"
advantage to call at Kobinson a Book
Store ou Main street. All the standard
author are kept on hand and many oi
the latest book cau be found only there.
Wall paper that will please the most
critical, at Campbell Bros.
Rev. Sunnard, of Brownsville, will
preach at the Baptist church next Sun
day, December 23, morning and even
ing. J. L. Stockton ha one of the finest
lines of black dres good that he has
ever had. He ha all the late styles
that were on exhibition this week by a
San Francisco salesman.
Music, the latest Bongs and dance
abound in "A Breety Time."
Newbro' Herpicide, the dandruff
cure, E. T. lletikle the barber, keep it.
There ia no use sending away to Port
land or Salem for holiday good as
Kobinson & Co. keep a good stock on
Every day is a Bargain Ikiy at Mon
f rouTot her Towns Vrelaat ffudiliit 081"
Our trade is growing rai-klly.
8. M. DANIEL, Monmouth, Ore.
The West Side has just received from
the Star Brewery company at Portland;
one of the neatest calendar yet seen.
This company has the reputation for
getting line things not only in calendars,
but their beer cannot be excelled for
putity and excellence.
Campbell Bros, carry six different
lines in airtight prices guaranteed the
Try Moore, the bartier, north side of
"C" street, opposite Knox Vitroeery
store, for a hair cut or shave.
There will be no footbaW game between
theU.ofO. and Mutnomah team on
Christina day. The game ha been
talked of for some time, but the fuculty
have concluded that since the football
season is practically over and the U. of
0. has played all games that were sched
uled it is not best to prolong the contests
and the Christmas game will be called
off. Eugene Register.
New, at J. L. Stockton's the finest
4jn of men's hats that ever came to
Thursday's rain washed away a good
many smells that wore accumulating in
some of the alleys.
The 0. R. and N. Company has made
excursion rates similar to those of the
0. C. T. company.
For special rate on Llppinoott's
Magazine to subscribers of the WK8T
ISiuk, cull at the office.
The word Garland is a guarantee that
the stove is first class in every respect
For sale by It. M. Wade & Co.
A grange was instuted at Monmouth
on Monday by deputy organizer J. C.
White. About GO farmers compose the
.., ciiuipbell Bros, have the best line b'
carpets that hair ever been carried In
. Independence all wool and a yard wide.
There will be a Christmas entertai
ment in the Presbyterian church, Mon
day, Dec 24," at 7:30 P.M. Admission
10 CtH.
J.H. Moore, the barber on C street,
now handles Newbro's Herpicide. the
famouH datidrulFcure, endorsed by all
the leading barbers of Portland and all
cities in the east. Give it a trial and
ave your bair.
Robinson's Book Store has just re
ceived a large lot of new books by the
latest and best authors.
You would he surprised to see the
great variety of air tight heuterdihplayed
on the floor at K. M . Wade & Co's. If
you need anything in that line don't
overlook them.
There is laughter for the laughable,
music for the musical, and much to
commend and patronize in the perform
ance of "A Breezy Time."
Newbro's Jlerpicide, the dandruff
cure, at E. T. f Jenkle's oarlier shop, 10
When In Salem and you want a good
meal don't forget to go to Strong's
.Restaurant, where everything the mar
ket affords can be bad.
Thl signature if on every box of the genuine
Laxative Bromo-Quinine TMeu
the remedy that enrea a cold la m day
The river it booming.
I your cellar flooded?
ChrUtma. next Tuesday.
Monday-" A Nreeiy Time."
Mr. W. 8. Jacob,' of Salem, visited
friend In this city the first of the week.
Claude Fryer came up from Salem
and (pent Sunday with hi people.
On Monday evening the curtain at the
opera house will not rise until after the
Christina tree exorcise.
The orchestra ha decided to have It
next dance on Christina night lour
day btM of ichtdul.
Will E. Brant, of Vancouver, Wash.,
came up on the bout Tuesday for a short
r!it with relative.
Mr. A. J. Goodman entertained a tew
friend at drive whist on Tuesday even
ing. G. .W. Henkle, of Corvalli. visited
over Sunday with hit brother, E. T.
Mrs, Fanny Mat key and daughter of
Salem were visitor here several day
during the week.
Mis Marie Steiwer, ol Jeflerson, visit
ed the first of the week in this city the
giieet of Mis Mabel Well.
Mr. Lamlia, of Spokane, a newhew of
Mr. A. J. Goodman, waa a visitor here
the flwt ot the week. He left lor Eugene
on Wednesday for a short visit.
M. E. Materon, lately casluer (jkhe
Firt National i mi mi
from lii Astoria home for f'jw days
visit during the week.
It rained hard all day yesterday , never
theless quite a number ot sporta went
out on the motor to the ElktV school
house to take part in the shooting match
for lieevsi and turkey.
Mr James Robinson who went t
Anita, Iowa, about two months ago to
seo her sick lister, returned home on
E.I Allen, Marsh Allen, and Henry
Broomlleld of Philomath came down
Wednesday to attend theshooting match
t Elkin School house on Thursday.
Loui Wiprut i an advocate of street
lights. In going home at an early hour
the other evening he came in contact
with a tree and fell off the sidewalk,
bruiting himself up quite badly.
The electric light work tporta a new
hail and pulleys, and now the boy are
happy. A the new shaft is elf oiling
ami tioesu l mrow h"'"00
engine room one hears less cus words
than formerly.
The Oreiionlan ay mistletoe is in de
mand in Portland and that the aupply
dont keep up with the demand. lolk
county ha plenty of mistletoe and some
one might make money gathering this
love token and shipping a lot to 1 ortianu.
Walter 8. Moss, at one time publisher
of the notorious Sunday Mercury in
Portland, was in this city Tuesday. He
ia now traveling as the advance agent
for the "Breezy Time."
Deputy Sheriff Ford wa a visitor to
the WbhtSiub on Tuesday and informs
us that on the previous day Paul Konco
had killed a big cougar on the 1 edee.
n, o -. manured teven feet and nine
inches. Paul brought it down with
charge of bird shot.
LiKk Ml ii tiu " uv - -
cut off by falling under a light engine,
near Shasta Springs last summer, is
now in Portland for supplemental treat
ment at the hospital. He expects to re
sume work with the company as tele
graph operator alter the beginning of
the new year.
Jame P. Stapleton, city attorney of
Vancouver, Wash., arrived in town Fri
day, returning to his home on Monday.
Since he left his Polk county home, Jim
seem to have grown at least two feet
aud few doorways are high enough for
him to enter witliout stooping.
Dave Dove, on Wednesday evening
brought in to Ed Gale a White Elephant
potato that weighed 2J pounds. It was
smooth and solid and measured two feet
around the long way and one foot the
short way. Dave said he had 800 Hacks
of spuds but the rest weren't quite as
George W. Kutch is out a good stiff
hat. He went home to dinner the other
day and carelessly tossing his head
covering onto the nearest chair, very
thoughtfully and forcibly proceeded to
sit down on the same chair. Result, a
battered and banged hat which looked
as if it had been out on a tear.
In the past two years The Dalles has
placed $12,500 in its .Binking 'und, "and
loaned it out at a greater rate of interest
than its bonds bear, thus stopping int
erest on this amount and having to the
good besides. In a comparatively short
time, at this rate, The Dalles will be out
of debt, and then no tax levy at all will
he necessary, licenses and flues paying
all municipal expense. Some other
Oregon town are getting upon the Bame
solid, comfortable- basis, and the men
who manage affairs with this restlt, are
deserving of much credit.
Puhllnhcr's Notice.
The present publisher of the West
Side wishes his subscribers to under
stand that he is 'not responsible for the
sending of bills of account for subscrip
tion to a collection agency in Minneapo
lis. This explanation seem necessary
because- we have lately received some
letters from subscriber who showed re
ceipts up to the time the undersigned
dates Feb. 1900.
Jos. A. C. Brant.
Take Laxative Rromo Quinine Tablets
All druggist refund the money if It
fall to cure. K. W, Grove's signature
la on each box. 25c.
Ho; Gold Beer
Bottled beer for
family use to
be had at
Ledge Moles,
J.yon Lodg No. 21, A. F. A A. M.,
Saturday evening and elected mil-
cert for ensuing year at follow: A. 8.
Locke, worshipful matter I . M. rum
land, senior warden ; 0. VY. Irvine, Ju
.,r warden; II. llimohberg, treasurer!
F. A.lKmty, secretary.
The three Masonic UMiet, wintlttlng
of the royal arch chnpb-r, uttem afar
d subordinate lodge of Master Masons
will have Joint installation on the even
ing of the 27th. The meeting will be
wnly for members of the orders and their
The Order of Chosen Friend, an or
gsnUaiior. that at one time a great
rival U the workmen, hat passed tulo
the hands of a receiver, Mug in"!"'1'1
and unable to meet claim upon it.
(ieneial Gibson W. K. C N. -.
elected the following olllcert for the en
tiling year: Mrs. A. W. Suntlmry,
mesideutsMrt. Warien Creasy, senior
vice nretident! Mrs. Andy Wilton, jun
lor vice president j Mi. Johnson,
chaplain: Mrs.Mollie T. Cres-y, treat
urer; Mrt. Amelia Scrafford, comiiiit-
,...! Mrt. Minnie letter, assistant con
dtietress: Mrt. Annie Shafer, guard;
Mr, tiarvit. assistant guard; Mrt. Miu
nie Hubbard, secretary; Mrt. Peter
Cook, Mr. Warren Crcesy, deh gates to
department convention; Mrt. Amiy v u
ton, Mr. Johnson, alternates
l!ijritiiieil. ,
Council met in regular tetsion Tues
day evening, all the meinU'iii being
present except the mayor.
Tm marshal wat aincte.i to noiuy
property ovuiert adjutent to clear out
drainage ditch on V street iioin i-ounu
to Hailroad ttreet.
The council resolved to reptir tide-
walks on Monmouth and f mirth street;
alro to re-establish grade on V and 1
A petition signed by tixty-fhv voter
and taxpayers, anking tlie council to mr
nish material lor a foot path across the
long augoii bridge over the aloiigh, wa
read. Referred to committee on streets
and public property.
The reiHirt of eanvnnig board on city
election was approved.
The following claim were allowed!
K. M. Wade Co, '..l; canvassing
beard, W P. II. MeOabe, 1IU5; lire
department, :'5-
Ailjourued. 0
It seems" atrange that, in an agricul
tural country, where anything and
everything in the vegetable line can lie
tiiccetsfnlly grown, the tre-keepers
and merchants have to tend off to the
citiet for almost all torll of vegetable.
Although cabbage, caulillow :r, beets,
carrots, turnip: celery, etc., do well
here we are informed that very little,
and jiiHt now nme, of these vegetables
are in the store Ir'im home-grown stock ;
iimtead we are (siting stuff that comet
from Portland. Tiiere it no doubt but
that good market gardeners could do a
Hue husi nets in this vicinity; there I
plenty of good soil adapted to all sort
of vegetables and there it no doubt Ml
to a market.
Mwre creameries are all right, provided
there are enough cow to keep them run
ning. It doesn't ot any more, com
v - ' u'aiit to it full
capacity than it doet to havu only half
enough milk come, The farmer it lie
ginning to hud out that the creamery It
a good thing for him and he is thcrefoie
adding new and better grades of cows
to his herd.
The (lax industry, both the growing of
flax and Us mamilai'turc into linen,
promises to become an imortaiit indus
try in the Willamette valley. "It ia con
ceded that no part ol the world surpass
es the Willamette valley in the growing
of llux The investment of capital in
the manufacture ol II. ix into linen ouht
to develop into a h' profitable industry
The profit that can be realized from
sheep is shown in the late experience of
John Whilaker. Krem !8 ewes he got
113 living iambs. I'rom the same ewes
lie also got so heavy a clip of wool that
the latter averaged f 1,5.1 per head. Last
Saturday he closed a transaction in
which 60 of the lambs went to William
Creet at (I per head. The lambs left on
hand are us good as thoee sold, and at
present prices are worth $-1 each. The
increase, therefore from hia l)H ewes is
$I"j2; and the wool sold from the ewes
in $H3. The total is $r07.W, or an aver
age of $l.()(t per head. Mr. Whitcaker
has handled sheep for 30 years, ilis
breed is a good grade of Oxtords.-Cor-valliH
Some Annoying Stamps.
Most of the people who do but-i-ncBB
with exprcHH, railroad mid tele
graph odiecB will say anion to thin
outburst from tiie San Fnuicinco
"We hate from our inncrmoHt
soula the payment for Btamps on
jwidLra "iwiola iifl bvi corporations,
which they are compelled by 'law
to give up, but which they will not
give until we at our own expense
supply them with the stamp' which
they are compelled to put upon
them, . an obligation which they
recognize by cancoling the stamp
with their own names. Ihere has
never been a tax which excited bo
much wrath in this country, or in
regard to which there was' euch just
ground f,or complaint by the peoplo.
It would be a graceful act and a
frank confession of previous wrong
doing, which would be accepted, as
an atonement, if congress would re
peal all stamp taxes except those
which are now unjustly avoided by
corporations and continue those by
language so framed as to compel
the corporations themselves to pay
them." '
Notice to Water Consumers.
It is neither honest nor honorable for
water consumers to allow their bibbs to
run In freezing weather, and herealter
any party or parties allowing 'or permit
ting such waste upon' their premises
will have the same charged up at meter
rates. Protect your pipes at your own
expense not ours.
. .. Independence & Monmouth
U Water and Eleottio Light Co,
Oregon Stat fair.
Oregon 'i tutu Fair hat been placed
upon a paying bitslt. It lUrtt in next
year wltli a clear record for the first time
time isa organisation. At th recent
meeting of i he agricultural board teveral
rccommoiidaitoiia were made and other
husluesa transacted which will greatly
nit it Intel ett.
M. Y. Wisdom, the tecretary, tayi tht
people of Salem tire allowing a more un
divided Interest N the fair thlt year, and
tince the meeting of the botrd have
mined 10(MI for the Oulem day prise. A
general revision of tlie premium list wt
made, o that the list, next year will be
gieatly improved. Among the prltet
will be an silver cup for the liett
county exhibit. There will lie other
county pritet which w ill serve to stlnui-
late interest III that direction, lor the
race meet are offered a flOOO ttake for
the 2 trot, and the tame tutu to be
divided between 2 year-old trotlert and
purer. Oiher large stakes for both In
iliiMtriid prltet and races will las an
lioiilu'cd later.
A recommendation was made at the
lioiird meeting for money with which to
improve and enlarge th fair ground In
onler. to keep pace with the growing
needt of exhibitor!, Uccaiiae of good
recoid made by the lair last year the
malinger feel that an amount will he
granted iiilllriont to cover the Improve
ment. '
The following fairomulali were elected
bvillm iJuud'C'-v --:.
Chief marnhal, W. II. Downing, of
Sublimity ; ii;rhitenderit of the pavil
ion, Cimrlca A. Murphy, of Halem; tup
eriutviidc m of the dairy department, (.),
1., He-t of Albany; uerliioiideiit t
the (Kiultry department, tieo, 1). Oood
hue, of Salem:, lUperiliteudeiit of the
livesloi k department, Jat. Wlihycombe,
ol Corvalli; iiMmslant mpcrliiteiiilunt of
thcMivctock department, Uiehard Scott,
id Mitwtiikle. W, II, Savage, who hat
served very acceptable at tuperitendent
of the pavilion for several jears, was not
a candidate for re-election. The tubor
dumle ollleials will be "elected at the
uncling in the Spring,
Newberg wheelmen are working up a
m' he 1 1 io whereby , they can have their
pall graveled. Although the tag law
was leclared nncoiiBtituiioiial by a Port
laud judge, the wheelmen of old Yam
hill vninty are going ahead just the
sine and making pallia that can lie
mi'd a, all timet of the year. In con
Irani tothis spirit is that displayed by
Polk canity wheelmen. They do not
seem to .ve any "get up" about them,
we have the best opMirtunilet natural
ly for paUa but nary a path; at this
esou it h, "leave your wheel at home
and walk r else go in a carraige,
I.iiuIm rim n Cumlug West.
According to a welt known timber
man in thiNstate, many of the lumber
men of Mii;uesoia and North Jtokuta,
where the limber land is rapidly being
worked out, are coming to Oregon aud
Washington, and are also going south to
Alabama and other ttatet to tecure tim
vr laud.
"Timber land In the Saulheru alalea,"
t,ald the speaker, "it for tale at from M
to $' an actu, and it much cheater thau
similar land is being held on this coast.
The reason lor that is, that the South.
rrnrr uevnr hvltl liieir land to bili.
Conteiiiently lunch bnsi'iest, wliich
should come here, It being diverted to
the South.
' People who own timber land in Til
lamook an I other coimtiei away from
the market, hear of the sale of timber
laud on the Columbia and then they
hold out for a similar price. They tor
get that some allowance should be mlule
(or distance from market and th In
ability to get the lumber to the water.
The buyers will pay no more than the
laud is worth, and consequently there is
... . i el
a deadlock, wnere numeroustaiet iiiouiu
he reported." Evening Telegram.
Holiday Excursion Kate.
The steamer Altona and Pomona
will make au excursion rate of one and
one-fifth fare for the round trip to all
points, except where the rate is ftO cents
will be 7ii cents round trip. The re
duced rate goes into effect Saturday,
December 2'-d, and continue during the
The Si lioiduiain.
The schoolboy recently wrote a defini
tion of the teacher who had twitched
him. A school ma'am is a verb, bo
cause it denotes action when you throw
iiniier wads at the nirle. Switch la a
conjunction aud is used to connect verb,
school ma'am, and the noun. boy. This
is a compound sentence of which boy is
the Biibioet and switch the object. First
person, plural number and awful case
A school ma'am is different from a boy;
she puts paint on her face and some big
fellows come along mid take her home
Ma says a school ma'am never gets older
than In before she gets married. It
takes two Bchoel ma'ams a day to get
V , Schools Report.
TnTMowTliHs the roll ol honor of
the Monmouth public- schoJl, for the
month beginning November 10, and
ending December 14: f
Third grade Dean Baughman, Maggie
Herren, Edna Bridwell, Alice Bodwell,
Mary HenHon, Charles Small.
Fourth grade Dell llyers, Hugh
Smith, Lee Whitcomb, Jean Bedwell.
Fifth grade David Campbell, Kay
Chute, Bertha Ohms, 8. Clayborn Taylor,
Sixth grade Catherine Campbell,
Ruth Smith, Agnes Campbell, Ina
Mason, Maud Mack. ;
Seventh grade Bessie Overholtzer,
Viola Guynn.
Eight grade'-Golda Allen, Elsie Pit
nnv. Itessle Ireland, Graves Crawley.
Ninth grade Fannie Ziegler, Marion f
Stockman. Ubktiia IjMMABtkhh.
The bast Prescription for Malaria
Chllla ami Fever, la u bottle of drove's
TiiHleleHH Cnlll Tonic. It m aimply Iron
und quinine in a tameless form, No
cure, 110 pay. Price, 50o.
Do you need...'..
If so, give the WEST SIDEJ
a call. Printing of every
description done with neat
neHB hihI dlHpatch at rea
Bormole ratea.
we Aim to please.
Jlarcu ItevontTof Halnler, la iptnil
a few dayi among old irte Irlend.
jUrnh F. Ilerrv. an oM and respect1
tdbneer. died on the KHIi. The remtlnt
were laid to rett In, the Englith Mtne
tery. ' , : '
A Mr. Daniel, of Marlon comity,
with hit wife ipant teveral layt In
thlt neighborhood with relative! and He Intend to purohate itock
farm In this lection having Iweooie very
favorably linpretted with Polk county.
Our tohiMil will close the flnt term on
Kriifay. Mitt Pagenkopf ha lawn en
gugfd to teach the winter term com
mencing the flrtt Monday In Jatsuary,
Mr. and Mrt. 8. . Wlthrow, of your
city,' after ipendlug a week in thil
neighborhood have returned home.
J. Ungley and alfe, of this place, tK'tit
last Wttdt In Junction City,
Tlitra It to be a Christina treo In
Tumlge'i hall on Cdiristme eve. A
gal program it being prepared. Let
eV'tyludy cuimider themtelvet inviled.
tlM Palrat, who went from here to the
gold tield of the froten north, it again
wrtl tit being engaged in making tlavet
fotjihu Portland market.
ii r merchant are well nipplicd Willi
gold for the holiday trade.
i rnor Catarrh in till soullou ol tli
ilotu ail uiiir tllMihM nut miivilirr.
ill Hit lut lew year waa uiikhhI Ut
3t iiis.lle., and Uy eoliw.' Wnwyi
L,L7.flo Hviemw loin tiri.veu raurrli W (si a
iU.iJ'WIUII.IIIBI tll'MIMI, IIU Uierviw,, ,.,...-
lM"v i,, i,. tmaiineiil llnll'a I Klurrll
ie. i..uin'iured ey K. J. tiiiie to.,
T..ifi.,.ulilo, l ilin mily iHiuaiituiiuual eur
,,u Jin. nmraei. H l taken internally l "
f.l m .Ion l U-aiHiii mi. Iiwiudlreu
Iv ,4i lli lUil ami iiiuixa" nuriiet' l
i ln-y ullr uo niiiiiirwn utiimra w
"f1JM,.H mil. to oure. auit fur elruulur
iilrt uuiiiiMiniai.
Mililr.. K, 4. CIIKMKV 4 CXJ., Toledo, O.
J;i. l.Jf llrUKKHU.I.'H!,
vl.ll l miiy I'lll ar the tt.
Stock liolilcrt Meeting.
kliere will a meeting of the tockho!d
J ol the l irst National Hank, of luile-
Ld-nce, Polk trinity, Oregon, on
kday, January tttd, HJ1, at the pr-
i ol Hie Hank, is'tweeu me nuur oi
in A.'M. and 4 1'. M. of taid day, for the
lufu'Hu of electing directora fur tly en
' Aig vear, aud Hie traiiaauttou A any
ol,"!r 'Imttnes that may eoiiir brloro
U'l';f.'ted tld 18th day of DecemU.r, 1100.
I J. S. CixiiKH, Pre.
will not be resjaHitible for any debit
lr...'tu.l l,U lltU M.lf., Vfi.tltt Hall
rented December 21. PMK).
aII ieron knowing themteives In
j'ind to the undersigned, are rwpieiiled
ltlf all and tetile by January 1, 1IHJ1. i
Jfji K. M. HflLIAKU,
....' .
A(:Mtrui i or iiisiriimenit nieu it rem
1 County Dec. 11 to 17, MOO.
R'oik County bank to 8 H Tetherow,
lpl to ID invluHive, blk O lit add Fall
j M Ttlbott and A L Porter to Geo D
f .ikiimon, l'JU ec :i6 tp 8 t r H w-HlU
?Mnit, VauOrtdel to U K Biuitli, lt.0
i''! Will A'ttltHf -f m4i).t t t
K Mfart d I o tp 8 r 0 w l35a
iflStb iw) to T B CIetnent,
lit 1,2.1, i,4, u, blk 10. Kola-100.
V A Ueath and L Hastings to I S
aud i 1 Smith, 20tla i K Klkini d To tp
9 r 5 11000.
J W ilrowu to Lute B Meade, 40a tec
K Ketchutu (admr) to Hannah M
Millar, It 3 blk !, It 7 blk 2, It 6, 6,
blk h, Thorp'i Indep 1303.
U jited States to Jefferson Jones, 318a
tec if tp 0 r 4 w patent.
I OOF. to 70. to Hannah M Miller,
e if burial lot No 170, Rural cemetery
lndifH-ndeiice $10.
V k Heath and L E Hastings to L J
Elkits, It 4 hlk 24, ilill'a Indep-$100
Irj 8 Smith to V A Heath and L J
Eltms, Its 7, 8, and 8ft ou s side of It 8,
bid 13. Thorp'i Indep-IUOO.
Jt U and J W Flannery to J J Brown,
a J C Orchard and A Leonard d I ci
(Mary E and J Pence to Goo McFar-
h; 2x4 chain, Balls
B Hendricks to B
ka A P Caldwell d
i', 2x4 chains, HullHton
F and A LGrabel
d I c tp 0 1 r 4 w
f U and Henry Harth to II
ill,.., -A In 7 r .4 u'(lin
M Cast,
ft V Dalton to T 0 Clodfeltor, Its 7, 8,
....,i,,.,..u tfittt r., kuuiA
lault common to many advertiser!
isWiat while preparing their ads they
hju in mind, and try to Improve upon,
announcements of other dealer! in
tlL same line. They attempt to talk
lifjlur than their competitors do, and
ali result their announcements read
iMjttige,' unnatural and not infrequently
ccfiiitin exaggerated statemeuli. In
wSdng advertisements an advertiser
oQht to be himself. He should write at
imo i the only dealer In town. Space
udjliS reviling or imitating oue'icom-pe'Mi-j
li rarely well used. Printer!1
To the Deaf.
A rich lady cured of her deafness
iTid aolses lu the head by Dr. Nichol
son's, Artificial Ear DrurriH, gave $10,000
m hte Institute, to that deaf people un
able to procure the ear drums may have
f A ....... tf r...
;,iOlU iico. rtiHirosB o. iilat-0. The
loholaon Inatitute. 780. Elirhth
venue, New York, U. 8. A.
.00 $1.50,
$2.00, $2.25,
00 and $5.00
These are extra good
value. ;
Call in and be con
vinced. Yours, for
fountain Pens,
'Jewelers and Opticians, .
Tli Ilet riaater.
- A jf f ut tlatiuel danitiened with
Cui,uurlaiii't Pain Haliu and bound
to the alb-cted purl la tiiierlor to any
part la atiarlor to any platter. When
trouble with a lame back or palna In
the rid or ebetl, give it a trial and you
an e:t 4l u Ut be mora than pleaw-d
with th i prompt relief which Ittll'ord
Palo l.alin also cure rheumatism,
One appliontioii give relief. For aale
by K lik land Drug Co.
Monmouth's New City Officer.
The following citlaen'i ticket wat mo
eestful In the town election Monday:
Mayor, 0. 0. Lewlt jcouncilmen, A. L.
Chute, (J. T. Booth by; treasurer, Ira 0.
Powell; recorder, L. Ground; Marshal,
It. II. Simpson.
There waa no contest for any olllce
except for marshal. The re-election of
the mayor and coiincilmen I taken at
an Indorsement of the prctetit cou, cil'i
action in placing electric light! on the
ttreet and the prohibition of cow from
running at large,
Drying preparation (Imply dove!,
op dry catarrh Umy dry up th toernlioiit,
which adhere to llio membrane and duootn
m, causing a far mora turiou troublo than
the ordinary form of catarrh. Avoid all dry.
lug inhalant, luiuet, aiuoke and iuiiUi
and uto that which cleanse, soothe and
heala. ICly't Cream Halm It tuoh a remedy
and will cure oaUrru or cold In the head
atily and pleasantly. A trial (Im will bo
mailed for 10 osota. All driigglNtt aell tht
Due. tlxe. Ely Brother, CO Warren St., N.Y.
The Balm otire without pain, lMa noi
Irritate or oaut iizlg. It spread ilt
over frrltatud anrl angry wrf&er'-,W.
.riuiiiuiiy thu j.auTiiu innuiiuuu(i.
With Ely' Cmam Holm you are armed
agnlntt Maaul Catarrh and Ilay Fever.
Smiietlilng New
Just published by the Southern Pacific
company it a pamphlet upon the re
sources of Western Oregon, which in
clude an excellent map of the state,
and contains Information on climate,
lands, education, etc, .existing Industrie!
and tlielr capabilities,
Attention is also directed to audi new
llelda for energy or capital at promise
fair return. ,
Thlt publication tills a need long ex
arieuced by Orcgonlani, In replying to
iniiiirie of eastern friends.
Copies may Iks had of local agent
Southern Pacific Co., or from C. V.
Markbam, O. P. A. Portland, Or.
How to Cure Croup.
Mr, H. Gruy, who Uvea near Amen
ta, Duoliewtt county, N. V., aaya:
"Chaiuberlalli'a Cough Remedy la the
btt medicine I have ever used. It I
a ll ou Hiihlren'a remedy for croup and
iiverfall to cure." When given a
soon aa the child becomea hoarse, or
even after the ertaipy cough bua de-
veloMHl, It will prevent the altacK.
Thla should be borue in tulud aud a
bottle of the Cough itetuedy kept at
hand ready for Instant use aa aoou as
tlieae ayniptomt appear. For aale by
Klrklaud Drug Co.
! TUrlce-a.Week Edition
Tho presidential campaign la over
but the world goes ou Just the same
and it it full of newt. To learn this
newt, Just aa It la promptly and Im
partially all that you have to do la to
look iti the columns of the Thrice a
Week edition t-f the New York World
which come to the subscriber loO time
a year.
The Thrloe-a-W'eek World's dlllgem
aa a publisher of first new bus given
It circulation, whert-ver the F.ngliab
language it spoken aud you want it
The Thrice a-Week World'a regular
tiihacrlptlon prloe la only l per year.
We oiler thlt unequnled newspaper
and the Wknt Hiuk together cue year
for $i
The regular subscription prloe of the
two papers la f 2.60.
Among the ten of thousand who
have used Chamberlain's Cough Item
edy for colds and la grippe during the
oast few years, to our knowledge, not a
Mingle ease has resulted in pneumonia.
Tlioa. Whilllelil dt U)., mu wanasu
aveuue, Chicago, one of the moat pro
minent retail druggist In that city, In
siK-iiklng of this, aays: "We recommend
Chamberlalni Cough Itemedy for la
grippe In many caaes, aa it not only
give prompt and complete recovery,
butalao counteracts any tendency of
la grippe to result In pneumonia." For
sale by Klrklaud Drug Co.
Free to Inveutnr.
The experience of 0. A. Know A Co. In obtain
in more llian ,oi patonui lor Inventors lia
eualiM It" ,0 ht'lphilly ainwer many ques
tion relalliiK to III pnik-clloil l inlelleeliml
nroiierty. Tin lliey tiavu iloiiu in a pamphlel
treating lirlelly of United Htntiin ami forelRn
patent, Willi cent of mmo ami how to procure
lliein; traito marks, dunlxn, eavuU, InrrtiiKe
nienta, declalon III leaillut patent , etc.
Till pauiplile will bo aunt free to auyono
wrlllng tu U. A. tfuow lit Co., WantitDgtou, U.O
; ; : AND A-
Kutch'8 Barber Shop.
Iiide)endi'iico Oregon
Olllce and IU-Mdence Corner Kallroad
Mouuiouth Btreew,
, Titles
Main Street Dallas, Oregon
W. G. Sharman,
Main Street, Independence
Southern Callfornln.
Notable among the pleasures afTorded
by the Hhaata lioute la the winter trip
to Bouineru uamoruia ana Arizona.
Renewed acouaintence with this sec
tion will ever develop fresh points of
interest aim auaea sources or enjoy
ment, under Its aunny skies, in the
variety of Iib Industries, In tta proline
vegetation nuu nmoiiir, its nuniDeriess
resorts of mountain, shore, valley and
plain. '
Tlie two nauy ctnasia trains irom
Porllund to California have been re
cently equipped with the moet approv
ed pattern . of' staudard aud tourist
sleeping. oars, nut tne low rates of faro
will still contluue In eflect. '
lUqstrated guideft Jo the winter re
sorts of California anrl Arizona may be
had on application to ! 1
roruQa, uregoa
I This will offer
an opportunity for anybody to v , ew
Hiiit of clothes, mi Overcoat, or a new jmu of
Shoes. 1 must noil goods because I am indebted :'
so mucli that I have to sell at any price in order
to Cash to pay what I owe. Remember
better take advantage of this opportun- J
ity and buy whatever yon need. You will get; ,
first claH goods at less than wholesale price.
Jubt bIiow me the money, and you can
Have it Your own way.
A fair inspection of my goods will convinco you .
that the prices are all right. The one who
Needs Money is v
At. il. Wtii4n Haiko ItiiT(ruiulnnrn. Orn
' A Big Kick,
iukM wImhi -hi., laundry work
eut home willt poreupuia edgittnd
stiread eaglo button hole. , If Uo would:
bring his llueuUiau tip-io-diit hvundry,
where jwrfetit method obtain at all
times, audi a the Haleiw Steam Laundry,
he will receive hit alilrta, collars aud
cud" equal to new every time that we
send them home. ,
Ltve your order t Kutch't Brbr thop, or
with th Sslcm tug.
Are you looking
for a brush?
Not with Germany but a hair brush,
tooth brush, or a silver-polishing
brush. I have a good all-bristle hair
brush for 25c. Tooth brushes, 5c up.
Polk County Bank
j.H.BWI.Et. r.t.fiMPBKI.1, .
frmldrnt. inrrwiaiai.
IBAC. POW KM, 4'txalrr.
Paid Capital . . $30,000.00
J. H. Hawley, P. L. Cwnnbell, I. M.
Himpaon, J. li. v. uuiier, Jonu
Ii. 8tump, F. 8. Powell,
Jdeeph Craven.
Transacts a Ceneral Banking
and Exchange Business.
The Independence
Capital Stock, $50,000.00
. Fnatdrnt. VIcA-fruidtiit
C. W. 1KVINB, Cualtt.
. f.Pmlth. A. Nolion, A. N. Bush. H. H. Ju
proo, J. K. Rhode, D. W. Br. U. HlrKhtwrf
A enrl BnlBf tart tiohtm brnlBi
trmacid ; lou m(le, bill dlicountea, com.
rneroi! ci'dlt grntd; deposit rcoeWtd on
mreut tocouni mbject U check, luurMl ptlt
on tim diU. ,
Changeable weather between two seasons encour
ages your chronic troubles and inflicts upon you
much petty sickness. Better ward it off. 10 cents
might prevent it when $10 wouldn't cure it.
fCome to us to have your prescriptions filled, and ,
for everything kept in a well regulated drug store.
I 4
5 :
, . AND
Corrected to ditto.
Leavu Imlt'iicrnl.
f.eavf AIi IIb (or
dice tor Itloummilli
11ml Alrlle.
Vi o 11 111 o 11 1 Ii and
TiSO a.m.
3:!IU p. in.
0:011 w. m.
a eo p. in.
I.enven 1hII (or
Lenve Imleiimd-
Monmiiiitli mid In
vne (or Monuioutli
and Dalln.
1 Oil p. ill.
8:30 "
Leaven Monmouth
lliOO a. m.
7:15 p. in.
Leave Monmouth
(or luilciimdenoe.
(or Air lie.
T:S0 a. in.
3:50 p. m,
9:4(1 a. m.
l::ill p. 111.
a:40 p. ill.
Si45 n m.
OiOt q. in.
Leave Tndeiiend-
Leave Monmoulli
(or Uallu.
' 11:30 a. ra.
once (or Monmouth"
a, on p. ni.
aoter to dollver alid oolleot In Oregon for old
established rniiuufiiotni liiK wholonale house
i'.m a y ear, sure nay. HoneMy more thari ex.
n any olty. Euoiose self-addressed stamped
nvelope. Manulaoturer. ioira noor, oo
aavborn 8.,tbK,o,
.r m. -i'
K v-A .
Prescription Druggist
Davidson & Hedges, Props.
Cigars, Cigarettes, Tobaeoos and
First Class Soda Fountain in eon
Kecjis constautly on band a fiue J
assortment of ,
m Whiskies, (
Wines, -
Brandies, . f
. Cigars, 4
Also the famous Hop Gold Beer.
ED. GALE, Proprietor,
The Hntel Eail
Pallas, Ore,
: - m
Has been refitted and renovated f
from cellar to garret, and every-
thing is new. Good sample room '
for commercial men. Satisfaction H
guaranteed. Rates,5 $1.00 to $2.00.
Special ratos by the week. , 7 I
1st id bll,
Send your bosinea direct to Washing-ton.
ave time, coat led) better aervloe.
My offlc. eloia to O. 8. Patant 0O. FREE pnlhalB
ry ex.mlluiUon. mad.. Atty'i tn not du ontUNitut
ACTUAL EXPERIENCE. Book "How to obtain Patau..,"
to., itnt froe. Patanta proound Uiroggh S. S. Slfgon
rtcaln .p.olal Botloo, wlUioit oharga, In th.
Ulutratoa monthly Elovrath yoar-Unu, $1. n yu.
anything yon Invent or improve s also g
PROTECTION. Bend model, sketch, or photo.
for free examination and advice.
BOOK ON PATENTS " "forepi?
Patent Lawyer, WASHINGTON, D.C.
r -a
V 1 I