The Independence west side. (Independence, Or.) 18??-1891, June 16, 1900, Image 1

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    fMakw 4
The Best Newspaper
It the oil that gift the moat and
frtoueat mwi. Comptr. tb WEST
SIDE with any paper ia Polk county.
An Advertisement
Whi to bring roturnt U proof thai
U ! in tb Uglt ploo The WE8I
SIDE bring 'nb wen. '
J2Vr V aft fclf)
The Independence
Capital Stock, $50,000.00
ftealdrat. Vlo4tMl4Mil
O. W.tHVlMt,CMktM.
B P.fmtlk. A. Nalns. . . Mk.H. J
same, J K. khod.. U. W.atM.Ulkketf
A sKrt Kaolin, sad etekaaia kattaeai
tr.iiuoiad; loent wed, kill eiscoaated, eeav
lureilerdmt'ent4; 1.M.III MMltrf aa
,rret awouut lublact U (keek, Utemi
vu ueia dapn-tM.
Commenced Business March 4, 1889
the FinsT iomi mi
Pupil l Stock,
, H tK.HKK,
M. K. MAxrKllSOS.CMliler.
J, s, Oiwiwr, K U Purhaut J, K. Venena,
It D. CM per, W. W. Cutllu
A gvin-rnl bunkl". bmliiea trau.aotad.
iuiv.nud wlU exruaug ou all luipurtaut
V'i'" rvalvrd stihjaot U ekeek or on
(.mill vol Opuait. V llectloiu, ntad.
i Uicohuiiia: t a. m. to I p. lu.
Polk County Bank
j.ii.Iiuvur. p.m iHPBKix.
. 1'rv.llmt. llrt-PrwUMl.
II1U. I'OWKI.L, (al.r.
Paid Capital . .$30,000.00
J. H. Hawley, P. L. Campliell, I. M.
hiiniimin, J. it. V. Butler, John
11. ritump, F. K. Powell,
Josm-jiIi Craveti.
Transacts a Ceneral Banking
and Exchange Business.
Corrertad to data. '
l.rev Iml'iM-ml ! Lar Alrlle fur
eiire lor Muutuiuilh' Maeaouth and
unit Alrlla. ludepaudrnise.
7:3D a. a. 9.UD a. m.
3 30 p. m. "
LravriTiudepend. iMLe"v,.i'",1V for
r Munnmuth aud lu-
ruco for Mouuioutli uen.lruce.
ami D11 1 luk
1 O'l p. m.
llioua. m. 8ao -
I.vr. Munmuuth f"r "1"'d.uC.
fur Alrllr. 9:4s a, m.
l:UO p. m.
7 SUa. m. :o m.
3:.VJ p. a
. U.00 p. iu.
I.ravra Mouuioutli
for I.e Indcprnd-
eiiva for Mouwuutli
II at) a. m. I
7.aO.ui. I 8:08 p. m.
Geo. E. Brey
W. O. Sharman,
Main Street, Independence
OSi-A) aul Kenidence Corner IUilroad
Mouiuoutb HtreeU,
Heal Estate....
Insurance, Loans.
Main Ht. -
Independence, Ore.
Dan P. Stouffer.
Huhi Street
Dallas, Oregon,
Do you need
If so, give the WEST SIDE
a rail. Printing of every
d( Bi ilptiou done with neat
iifHK and dispatch at rea
sonable rates.
i w or i veek
From All Parts of the New
World and the Old.
rmprehnaWe lllw uf tit Import-
Miit Happening of the t't Wwk
fulled r'rm t'tm Telegraph Column.
ItnMin nl Japnu may ctmie to war
at a rvnult of the lluxara inovnim-ut.
Oenoral Pb M Pilar, (ih Filipino
Kair, wai captuml by Amnrltiana tix
niil'M eat! of Mauil.
Two nta wow Inntantly killurl and
eitiht wrioualy injuwl by th xi)ltwioi
of a builor at a brick worka at Auuif
(on, Ala.
Tb Hoxer movutnt i tpreauing
Uirvmghoul China. Hula givea notlc
that ii lh power do nut aet aba wilt
go tt alone.
An exploalon, ruad by tntulna
Urn at Uto otilouia t)wrtmiut, at
0Hrto, PortnKftI, klUwl two iriw
ami lujurnl 13.
Harry IX'kkr, a wrll known pro.
moter of Vetirn railroad proimrtle a,
aiiot aud klllod himiuiK iu hU apart
uitmta at New York City.
Cue man wa killml aud four hurt
by the falling of a fwluht vlttvator iu
the Moholi & Shepherd Impleiiieut
building at Kauae City.
A firo in the oil refilling and nalt
ter dintrii t of Hamburg, tiermany,
dwtrtiyerl property Ui the value of
4,000,000 mark, including miuiy
A lannerv owned by Fayette, Shaw
& Co., at Miller, Win., wa dwimyed
by fire, cauoing a loiw uf $100,000.
Nine hundred men were thrown out of
The iuveat iiiation of the affaire of
ndoluh A. Kuhn, junior member of the
firm of Kuhn Uroa., brokurn, of Chi
cago, ehowa he hae loft a ahortago of
The nreaideiit hae approved the find-
lui!i and nentciice in the cane of Cap
tain Doming, of lluffalo, aiwiittHUt ni.
mlnaary of aubaiMtenoe, U. S. ., trteil
at San Francimo on a charge of forgery
and embeaaliug public fuuU.
Alexander Ktevenenn, a line repairer
of the Utah F.lectrlo Light & Power
Company, of Salt Lake, wa iiiMtiintly
killeti by electricity on Third South
and Main etrwta. He went up a pole
to do mine work, and took hold uf a
live wire. II in laxly hung Mwpeiided
in the network of wlrea iu the preaence
of hundred of people.
Indiana Deinucrata indorsed Hryan.
Robert'a army ia renting at Pretoria.
Democrat of Mlnouri indorsed the
Chicago platform.
End of the Chicago labor trouble!
teema to be in eight.
Wolverton'a plurality for mipreme
judge of Oregon is moro than 10,000.
Affair iu China are gradually work
ing np a criaia of the tint maguitude.
The leeUlature of Oregon will be Re
publican on joint ballot by a majority
of 24.
Chicago people contributed $.",000
toward tJie relief of the Indian famiue
A ChriHtian Journal in Japan hai
been uHpeuded for Hhowlug dinreiipect
to the imperial hotiae.
Alexander M. Dockery, of Gallatin
county. Missouri, ha been uoiuluatod
by the Democrat for governor.
Fire at Simanville, Oil., dentroyed
three block of store, containing fort,)
building, entailing a large lom.
London paper think that tho Brit
ish squadron i recognized as inferior to
the Russian a well a the Japanese.
Chinese aolrtiers attacked tho ISoxeri
near Peking, and in the euauemout
which followed many wore killed on
both side.
A oispatch from Cucuta, department
of Rantander. Venezuela, say that aftei
13 niiv of fliilitinff. the Colombian
revolutionist have routod the govern
ment force near Ruracamauim, captur
ing a number of prisoners, including
General I'enasolan.
Kerrfitarv Lonif ha insiied an ordei
for an experiment of the utmost im
mrtanon. The nuiposo is to see how
i . . ,
mnnh time would be oecnpleu ill pur,
ting into condition for active navai
service a part of the United State fleet
to meet an emergency.
.Tn1B Morrow, of the United Statoi
rtrmilt court at San Francisco, on com
nlidnt made bv Jew Ho. has granted
an order temporarily restraining h of health and chief of polio
from prohibiting the surgeons employed
bv the Chinese to cere lor tneir ueao,
entering the quarantine Hue.
Ktenii have been taken to organize a
national Negro party in Philadelphia.
Prominent neirroe -bisliops, ministers,
editor and lawyers at a meeting de
cided to place a presidential ticket In
the field with neuro candidate. Tin
plan is to organize the party in even
state of the Union, and nominate can
didate for state and congressional
The bubonic plague has entirely di
appeared from Honolulu.
Harry Kimball Shaw, of Pittsburg,
Pa., aave a dinner at Paris to 25 per
sons that cost $8,000.
Ex-Senator Quay, of Pennsylvania,
i,uu annniinnnd his candidacy for re
election to the senate.
The shortaee in Cuban revenue oc
ensinned bv the defalcations disclosed
will be reimbursed by the general uoii
ciency bill.
Thteatened French aiziiression in
Morocco is deeply iutoreHting Croat
lintain a well a Germany.
The New York eupreme court sua
tnined an inlunctiou issued to restate
keening of hens that annoyed a neigh
bor by cackling.
The efforts made by male student at
Hvracnse. N. Y.. university to have
women student excluded from orntori
cal contests have failed.
When Mr. Sarah Bartow, of New
Brunswick, N. J., celebrated her 104th
hirthdav 81 of her descendant we
Fifteen hundred Boon surrendered to
(jeuural Urabaut.
Half the town of Frauoet, Wash.,
was destroyed by fin.
San FranoUoo'a Chinatown will be
released from quaiautlue June Sii.
France talk of joining Rumia aud
(erniany to restore urtler iu Chlua.
Poor have evacuated Lalng'a Nek,
aud Puller is aucautpad ou Juul.ert's
Shu Franclnco Chluese have won an
other case against the board of health
of that city,
The steamer China arrived l San
Francisco from the Orleul with 600
Chluese nierchnuta.
Mr. Oeorge II. Raker, widow of the
ptmt aud tx-niiulster to Russia, i dead
at her home iu Philadelphia.
postmaster Craham, of Sail Lake
City, UUh, "wa couvielMl of unlawful
cohabitation and lined $350.
American al Chlu Klang are tit
ikmI of proUotlun, a a large uuuber
of Uoxiir have halte.1 at that plane.
Itnasian authority say Ihepreeeiit
trouble iu China wilt be put down, but
a terrible upheaval will vome later.
Mine. AnitusU Loliuiami, ome
niiifer of international reputation, 1
dead al Sauta. Crui, Cel., aged 80
Tho prestdeut ha issued a proclama
tion formally announcing the iwuiuihu
ment of reciprocity agreemeut with
A tHire of passenger were Injured,
ome severely, by the diailliig of
train ou the tireal Northern, uear Sum
in it. Mont.
(ienorul Oil say the Filipino are
qnick and auxlousto learn and suggest
that an educatloual sj stein be adopUHl
iu the islatids.
(ienersl Mac Arthur rejiort the cap
ture of Ithixon. near Mexico, and Ca-
nstanv al Aitala, both importaut, the
. .1..
latter a verr liiiiairtani teaaer oi me
guerrilla iu Pliigasiuau provimee, Lu
The Yauni Indians are causing trouble
fr Ilia Met leans. Thar OCCUDV the
iiuiiaiMalde Pacatete mountains, a range
Ml n.ilta in lntioth. and It rwlllln s the
utmost vlgllam-e on the part of Oeu-
r,.l ToiW U (K)O troon to hold them
in check.
Tlin Ciiite,! States navy will l"ild
warshins aoifrotiuit ovot $I0t,tllH),
000 in cost a soon as the builder are
d to undertake the great pro
urn in me. which calls for II armored
ship ami three highly luipiuved Uljm
pta type of enilser.
' CblneM oovernmeut 1 dealing out
arm to the Itoxei.
Four person were killed in a trol
ley-car accideut at Providence, R. I.
Tim tliiniililtiuin convention hall at
rhiatlelphia will seat 18,000 people.
Poor have torn up 34 mile of rail
road between Pretoria and Kroonstad
TaeoiiiA will have a captured Siau
ish cannon for use iu it Fourth of July
Poer captured Hritisb battalion
of BOO men at Roodeval, severing Rob
crt Hue of communication.
I'hillnnlnn rubel aim to follow the
tactics ol the Cuban reliels during the
war of the latter against hplau.
Tho steamer CltT of Seattle, which
arrived at Seattle from Alaska, brought
220 Klondtker and fftOO.OUO in goto.
Senator Clark wa given a great ova
ti.m ut Itnttu. Mont. lie made
soeech denouncing hi enemies a per
Iieiiments tiesed In the Philippines
Indicate that iu a rebel plot for an op
fUiii, in Manila, women were to take
important part.
- -
Chinese milliliter in London say it
is i.bsurd that the jsiwers should lelieve
tho empress lowis,or 1 aiding tlie luix-
ers' movemaut.
Mv shiumcuts of ooal from Seattle
to San Fmuclsco by water amounted ti
20,000 tous, or half of the total amonut
of coal received at that port during
Asa result of ft week' scouting lu
the Philippine, more than 200 in
snrirent were killed aud 160 captured,
while 140 rifles, with ammunition and
stores were seized.
Two five-story brick buildings, owned
by Geo. K. Kotcham, on est avenue,
New York, ctmtainng 128,000 bushels
of grain, were destroyed by llro, caus
ing a loss of $140,000.
In the preliminary examination of
L. L. Cook, charged with the murder
of James Collin at Arlington, Or., a
physiloiau testified that Collin could
easily have been saved.
it 1 estimated that during the past
month various railroad corporations
have placed orders for 20,000,000 to 80,-
000,000 feet of Washington fir, mainly
in bridge timbers, dock stuffs and tio.
Tim clean-nn of Bold in the Klon
dike this season will be $20,000,000 to
$25,000,000, according to the estimates
of well-known minor arriving from
the Klondike. The Spriuu work is
well along iu the district, the only
drawback being the scarcity of water.
This fact, it is said, will result in ao-
luvinir the olean-un until late in the
Kansas has 800 flour mills, with a
capacity of 10,000,000 burrels a year.
The proposed ocean cable between
nnnenhuLron to Iceland will be 404
miles long and cost about $850,000.
Many Americans who went to Pari
with the expectation of making ex
pontes by working are penuiless.
The census office it to handle tho
statistic of the 76,000,000 people of
this country with intricate electric
Germany hat prohibited the lmpor
tation of canned and sauBiige meat.
the vali of the citv is
reuorted to have discovered a libran
which escaped annihilation when
Tamerlane destroyed the city in 1401.
Gov. Roosevelt advocate municipal
ownersip and the application of private
methods to Dubllo ousiues a a mean
of preventing city fraud.
Collector of Internal Revenue Lynch,
nf Nun Francisco, ii making prepara
tions to establish an office in Honolulu,
the Hawaiian island having neon
added to the district of California.
Several Outbreaks In Yarioui
Parts of the City.
air a os Sinker !"-"
tla I !; I,rpril fr -
Usvatr kkarllT IHd Hkuullag.
fit Louts. J una 11. Th day JUt
luded bat Ueu ouo of the most
till and blomly since the great trik
lb bt. Lout Transit begn mora
& aututh ana. There mere UUin
noouuter between striker and oilier
Individual and the oouttituted aiiw
itas. rasultlna lu four deeitit SDit Itbt
wounding ol five or more perdue,
mostly ttrlkenr The deadrt
C. Edward Tbomat, atrlklng "
ducUtron the Chotxau arei.oe lut
, . - w aVur Wui h
on tba war to hoptat.
George Rlue, atrtktug Metc-w
Delmar avenue line; shot, in , 4- J
by deputy theriff; UintKiir pltl-
insUutly kllle.1 while stand tog In bit
Iront yard by deputy ehertff.
Kd llurklisrdt, striking cenuuoior on
Delmar aveuue lino; shot in head; may
die. I
The dav waa ouiet nntil thlt after-
noon, beu the pidice weia taken off a
number of street ear line fcr the pur
pose of giving them Msl tud to teat
the ability of the Transit Company to
tiiwrate without frlctlou.
The most aerlou troubU broke ont
twtwaen and 7 o'clock in (rout of the
stx-sUny bultdlug on Washington ave
nue, between llroailwaf and Htxtn
ttreets, occupied by the BhtrilT M)e
oomlutu a a barrack aud bead
onartera. Several hundred striken
had mine to Fast St. Lotili earlier la
the iUv to attend a iilculo Blvett lor
their benefit, and toward evening began
ratiirnlna home. The trouble ws pre
i l natd when 100 striker in uniiorm
aud headed by a drum corps, came went
on Washington aveuue. In their cap,
some of them had cards bearing tnese
word: "Union or nothing; liberty or
Just as titer were passing lite rr-
rack, a car of the Park avenue division
ikiImj west. A number of the
meo broke from the Hue and rushed for
the ear which waa without the usual
police guard. A brick wa thrown
through the car window and a shot wat
And liv somebody Uot ktlOWtt.
At the llrst intimation ol troume me
sheriff's uiue swarmed from the build
ti-fc!id si.rniunded the crowd of strik
am. ca 1 im on tliem to tusnerse. viuier
" . ... .....
hou were flrwl. Then aeverat depu
tin turned loose tholt repent Inn shot
uuus. loadeil with burksiixt, An tJr at
nan ha luarued Olilv four InilO ill .ho
strikers' rank were bit. Not deputy
wa wounded. J
Under the com'nsn.l U ColoJVI Ca
antler, the denutia! SO of the
triker and took tUcm i'tUi the bar rat k.
where thev were aearcLeu.'' Three-fa
volver and a number ol pocket knivee
were aooured, and the prisoner were
taken to the Four courts, where they
war locked on Dendluu an inrostlga
tlon. The remainder of the strikers
fled, followed by a auuad of mounted
police that had been summoned. They
disponed without further trouble.
rerelaner la raking Arc tinder
Anus to right.
Tlon Tsiu, Juue 12. The special
train that went to examine tho line
and raeunnolter returned last nluht
The railway wa found clear two mile.
beyond Yang Tsuli. The engineers,
with the uiiards, walked a mile aud
half further. The? found the tie and
two bridge burned, and the railway
torn un.
The llrst repair train, with Admiral
Hevmotir and hit stuff, 650 liritiah,
Captain MoCalla'a 100 Americans, 40
Ita ans and 20 Austriiius. le It till
morning at 9:80. A llotchkis aud
other gun were mounted in the center
of the train. A second train left at 1 1
o'clock, with 600 British, Japanese,
Russian and Freuoh troop. Repairing
matter and new rail, were taken along
Ther are 01 foreign wur vessel at
Takn. A message from l'okiug to the
admiral assert that the situation 1
hourW arowlnit more dangeron for for
elunen. All those at Peking have
taken refuue In Legation street. The
civil males are under arms to fight with
thereau ars. if necessary. 'J lie ap
proaches to Legation street are sur
rounded by how ling mob ol undis
ciplined toldiery, wnn oaiiuon etui
bayonet. Tho international gnsrd
were holding" jiff the tt' )b,' t hicli
soreamed insult's and threats. ,
To Prospect Klbarlan Cessl.
r n l.n T. n a 14 Tl... Una
slan .yndlcateimtwHd r trnitharttrs
Bogdanovltoli, tnat l to prospect tne
Siberian ooast (or gold, sai.ea tor tne
frozen north on the chartered steamer
Samoa today. There are about 40 in
the party, all told, among tnem Doing
27 miner, headed by II. Roberts, of
Comstock fame. Paul do Lamschkail
sky also accompanies Count Bogduno-
vitoh. He wa. formerly uian
mail agent.' aud know every bay and
inlet on the Siberian coast. The vessel
cleared for Alexander bay, and will be
gone about six months.
Hallway Nearly llestroyeit.
London, June 12. General Fores
tier Walker wires to the war office
from Cape Town, nnder today's date aa
follows: "Information received from
native! early yesterday reportt tho en
am in three columns near Honing
Spruit. The railway ha been almost
completely destroyed between America
and Roodeval."
A Fiend Kills Sevan.
Moosomin, Assinahoin, June 12. A
heriff'a nnsse which returned here to
night from Welwin, a village 13 miles
north, bringa detail of the slaughter
ing of Postmaster Alex McArthur and
fnnr other member of hit family, the
fatal wnnndtnif of another: also the
serious wounding of two others, by
John Morrison, MoArthur'a hired man,
vesterdav. There appear to be an ut-
tnr ahmnna nf motive for the BCt of
Morrison, who wa. considered a quiet,
well-behaved fellow. He i 87 year
old. The only logical theory 1. tein
porary insanity.
Olslese4 kr lundrr rillpla Dosa-
' Meets t'splared. I
Manila. June l&.-Tb great store of
Insurgent dooniuentt discovered by
General Funslon, toiiethef with the In
teresting paper which Captain Huiltn
found in the ptwsesslon of General Pan
taloon Garcia, throw Interesting tide
llghtt npon the Filipino government.
Most important of the lot I Aguinaldo'a
plan for the uprising ol Maulla, which
wat drawn by him at Maioios, u in ni
own handwriting in Tagalog language,
nd bear the date January 0, IHUV.
Pinned to the document waa a transla
tion Into Spanish don lu the band ol
iluencamlno. Aguinaldo'a order wt
addressed to bit "valiant aandatlhsns"
or bolo men. When the word lor the
ITs ng IZ Z w t uTn Hoath Africa, report, that In
uprising wat given ""y K" 'j.. .u i. itrituh t renins on
luliabltanU were to repair to in ,
VSiu tlie lusurgem
and toy Iron Imp eiuent tney migns
hale lLw-re.lU They were also
V. have ready in their bou hot water, (
.i,i,h...u;b thMwn mionpaaslng
ftou tvtinKi V rweaeat &3 aUdillt
a.hurtt to lieln In preparing the
. .I, , nii ,iiiiw 1,11. whlah ther were
- - . - ,
fclt0iitlwti.t w nee. After-
9;ral.Tbolo men wore to run through
lbs meets slashing Americana wher-
ever they met them. They were In-
ttruotod not to atop to pick op the gunt
ol the aoldier they killed, those could
lie noiiocwa
were warned to restrain themtelvet
L.... .1- , . Wlnff. be-
cause a Aguluablo explained, he wat
particular desirou to make goon in ne
yet of foreign nstlon. hi. assertion. ,
. . . 1.1 ... I
r .a a..
that the r lllpino aere oiscipunou " 1
civlllted pwifto. Particular lujonc-
tlont were given for protecting tut
bunks, even the Spanish bank.
Ms eatt Woman Now arls
Life Maa-
' Topeka, Kau.Juiia 18. Tha supreme .
court hat reopened the celebrated mur-
teaeas fur Marrtar.
.1... nld,a anil Mrs. I
lip. vmmm v, .vi'.,w -- - ---
Amelia New. now serving Hie aeuteuee
in the Lansing peniteutlary lor me
murder, near Fureka, lu 1897, ol
Joseph New, the woman', husband.
The court ha granted a writ 01 coram
n..i,U. ahiith is. In effect, an order to
the district court to hear the applica
tion for a new trial, which the lower
cou it had refused.
Dobb and Mrs. New were convicted
two year ago. The theory wa that
they were in love, and conspired to get
rid of New, so they mignt marry.
After they had been in the penitentiary
for wuiie time, Akin uaiiaru, tm
for horse stealing, asserted that he
could prove thut Dobb and Mr. New
were Innocent. Billiard Mia rrans
Allgood, now In the ptniteutlary for
lurgvry. William Tumot aud he were
the ruarwiurdurera. llallar I told the
tnrv in ri.ttail. savimt ha belomted to a
rubber band organised by Allgood, and
old the ofllceis where they could find
nun niutvii horses aud yohicles. al-
bird w ot taken from the peniteutlary
t vmifv hi assertions, and aided tho
oilier! j roooverlng much stolen prop
erty. Ou the streiigm oi wns eviuonce,
.iiiilicaiion for a hearing tn the case
of Dobb and Mr. New wa iiiade be
fore the district court of Greenwood
county, where thoy woie convicted, nut
the motion was refused, row inat mo
m pi ome court has overruled the lower
court' decision, tho motion lor a now
trial a ill bo heard at once.
HI. I.nnls Car Man Will ted 100,000
la Kqulu aa Klaborete 'Bui Sy.tani.
St. Louis, Juns 18. Tho Central
Trades aud LaUir Union propose to
establish a bus Hue iu St. Louts, to
compete with and run parallel to tlie
lilies oi theSt. Louli irausii lompany,
on which there is a strike, to be oper
ated by union num. At a meetiug at
Walhalla hall hist uignt, tne n res step
was taken toward this cud by the
adoption ol a resolution to raise at
least $100,000 to pnrciiae ana equip
i Im iiiHMinuiirv bus svstem.
From the resolution adopted aud tho
.Wlnmtion of. the speaker, ncuoe
forth tho policy will be to win the
trilie. if nosslble. on the basi of a
l.v..ntf uhli h in all ol it
iili.i.tiinii is to reach to almost
.furv IndiiNtrv lu the citv. The faro
n a 1ms for a dlHtuiico ennui to that
traversed by the street-cur Hue will be
live cents.
Monday opened quiet, after a rolgn
of terror. With one exception, all the
at.runt-i'Hr lines are in deration.
k mvinn list nf casualties lilukes the
Hut of dead three, fatally wounded
one, aud 10 wounded.
w. I) Million, nresident of the Na
tinmil Asuooliiflton of Amalgamated
Street Railway Employes, bat tele
graphed President Uomper. that itreet
iur iniin riiiuminii from a plcnio Sou
duv evani)u!i peacefully and unarmed,
worn lireoVnpoh by the ahorin't posse
jwudn ThjWtrTIke dogs
London. June 12. The Dully Ex
nrnas has the (ollowiua dispatch, dated
r . ...... ... ,
Hittnrdiiv from l'riishu: "tne tiritisn
relief force 1 now half way to Kumai-
tie. The road 1 partly under water.
Mnnv of the carriers have deserted, and
before advancing further the relief col
umn must await carrier, irom sierra
Leoue with store."
Flatus In Australia.
Adelaide, South Australia, June 18.
,A tntul nf 23 deiiths from thebubonto
tihiirue is officially reported from Rock-
hampton, Queensland. Two fresh case
are reported hero, one oi wmcu na
proved fatal.
Ilrltlalt Ocinuplad Kooinattport.
Lourenco Marques, June 12. It ia
renorted that tho British have ocoupled
Koomatiport. after fighting. President
Kruger la suld to have a large quantity
of personal voluaulea with him.
Contrant Not Tnxnule. .
Denver, June 18. The atate court
if appeals today decided that a mem
bership in or a contract with the Asso
ciated Presa is cot a "property" which
can be taxed. The suit wa. brought
by Rocky Mountain New. on behalf of
the paper. In the city using the service,
to nrevent tlie asHCSsment ol the Aso-
eUtnd Pi'pihs franchise at $26,000. The
decision of the lower court that it wat
not a taxable property i. affirmed.
fantnrv at SheboTcan. Mich..
has adoptod the union label ao at to
place it products to oeuer auvanutgo
Another Battalion Falls Into
the Hands of the Dutoh.
UlsasUr to Ike l.rb,i."l "
In tfce ICBfafataaMt at ltuLdeal
T OOleer KllUd.
Tendon. Jan 18. Liontenawt-Gen
ral Blr Frederick Foresller-Walker,
i nn,.nMnil of the Hues of coinniuui
jTn."r.. ileval. wher the lf.
,.,.. ,,. , mu,mnn.iu.
Sta - the rank and
r ., n..l.lilr TOnlmunt wnra 1
M killed. 7u(rlX '
eieepl .Is M,irJ '
and 15 meL M and flseomcr.
i12 men woa-MW, many t r vmu
. 1 .'' - IK. 'tt..aJk-a ' tla
Hvewtyv ; '.-"?VJ
wotuwea to in win. ., wurp
Lieutenaiif-Cutunel Ualrd-Doiig
, . .... ,1.1 .....1 IJ..I1. I L.
laa and UtnUwU
wounded included Colonel Ukum
tnd Lloutenantlllauchsrd, ol UieCaua-
dlan infantry. Forestior-Walker'adl.-
patch In full la at follow.:
"Cape Town, June 18.-The follow-
,. .....
uoionei ivnox: ivnxHisiaii iu.-
lowing casualties are rewrtod from
Roodeval, nnder date ol Ulicnoster
n.or, ..,
truce on June 10: The Fourth bst-
..II.,!, f .1... riorlivalilniri.uiluflllt.tlia
t 1 . . u anxiui huh iiumi rtw ritai n
" v------;------
Sherwtio.1 roresters: iiwn, uunten
an ,iaira-iugis .
liawiej ami 10 01 me raua iiw uiv,
woumled, Colonel Wilkinson, Captain
Bailey, Lieutenant Hall, Lawdor ana (
Rlanchard, and 60 of the rank and file;
the Shropshire light infantry, one;
Cape Pioneer Railroad regiment, mens
uape rioueer iiauroan regiment, eeveu,
Ammunition Patk, Royal marine, and
t.IIW)rji Teletaph. one each: Post-
office corps, one.'
"Stoueham report that many were
severely wounded tnd the remaining
fourth of the Derbyshire and details
are prisoner, except six ol the rauk
aud file, who are In his ramp. All the
a..a i lu i.t.i
pled by the Fourth Derbyshire, lu- j
qulrle are being made aa to the
nmmt 11 I
It l inferred the Boom captured over
....... ...a ... 1..,.. i.,,. tn I1..1.1
positions cutting off the Biitish force
north ol Kroonstad trout rein force-
menu. j
Tke laprlaonod fhlnxaa Kmporor Itrgs
for Ills llallar.
London, Juue 13. The Shanghai cor
respondent of tlie Daily Fx pre us, tele
graphing yesterday says:
Weua- Tung llo, r.mperor Kwang
Hsu' tutor and conlldant, who was
dismissed by the dowsKeroinpres after
the coup d'etat in 1KUH, sends, with
the special aauction of the emperor aud
his party, inotudiug three viceroys, a
measaite to the people of the West. It
1 in part a. follow;
"His majesty is convinced throuuh
ample trustworthy sou roes, that the
iqyal iipiort of mauy score, ol mil
lion of the Chiueso will be accorded to
hi crooueitU for nutting an end to the
state of anarchy brought about by tho
action ol the Km pros list 1.1. ine
mivernmeut ol China being virtually
non-existent, the emperor proioses that
the foreign powers, whoso troop nom
inate the capital, shall remove bi Im
perial person from the pa luce, in which
hi majesty i confined a prisoner;
(hall declare Empross list Tat and her
nrnaent ministers to be usurper, aud
shall bring Kmporor Kwang Su to Nan
kin, Wu Chang or Shaughai, which
ever the aald foieigu power, deem to
be the most suitable situation for the
new capital of the Chinese empire un
der the now conditions. It ia proposed
by hi majesty and hi adviser that
the foreign power should declare a
joiut protectorate and undertake the
task of governing the country turougn
hi majesty.'
"The messnge snggOBts tnat tne pro
tectorate should abolish crrt'iin boards
in IVldn. anooint new minister, abol
ish the existing so-called army, estab
lish a geuditrmerie nuder loreigu old
I'un.' take control of the customs, posts
aud telegraph and work thorn through
Chinese officials, establish uniform
currency, readjust taxation and insure
the freedom of religion.
Sookane. Wash., Juno 18. O. B.
Mtnitemnn. a vouuu business man of
Rathdrura, Idaho, eloped this morning
with Clara, the youngest daughter of
W. A. Hart, a wealthy banker of that
oitv. The vounir couple, accompanied
by a party of friend, and Probate
Jndse Brady, took the North Coast
Limited of the Nor hern Patifl.0 at Rath
dram. " The train was late, and, soon
after leaving the edition started at i
A9.mlln emit. The weddinu party hur
ried to the observation car, where Judge
Bradv auickly pronounced tne woras
which mndo the couole man and wife,
Unthdrum l but seven miles eastoi tne
Washington atate line, ao there could
ha no delay, a the Indues' Jurisdiction
eitondod only to the county line. He
nnlra the final word just in time a
the train waa in wasinngton Deioreuie
congratulation could be apoken.
Cave In at the United Verde.
.TarnniA. Aria.. June 13. This morn
ing about 1 o'clock there waa a aerions
cave in on the 600-foot level of the
United Verde mine, in which John
firav. of Salt Lake, and Jed Torreno
lt tholr Uvea, and Koiiert fsoriners.
nf Tmlnn. was slightly Injured
James Melckle, a laboror, had hia arm
and thigh broken, aud reoelved internal
ininrins which arelikelv to prove fatal.
Th annlilent ooonrred in whut wa.
supposed to be the safest place in the
mine. : '
Is a Fanatlval War.
London. June 11. Dellnito returns
rnimrritnir the severe fl ili tint! between
the Chinese troop, and the Boxers thut
waa going on Thursday betweon uou
Tain and Pekinn hod not been received
at Tien Tain when the latest telegram.
to reach London were filed. Tlie Chi
nose troops, however, had killed ninny
Boxera. according to tome reports,
while another aooonnt hnd tho govern
ment toldiert torely defeated In an en
oaoemAnnt naa IVuTlna.Fu. Appnr
ently, the legation guard have not yet
taken a hand In the lighting, Mil they
m . . fc . 1.1
are ready to no to at a moment'! Bvfw
Fife Centi fer
thrae Man KHI.n1 end Kliht Baraed er
New York. June 14. Three men
wMra kili-d. aluht so badlv burned or
maimed that they are In the hospital
and three other men are missing at tn
result of a fire in tho cooperuge estab
lishment of Paul Woidmanu, at North
F.leventh street and Wythe avenue,
Willlaiiisbtirif. Brooklyn, tonight. The
property loss it variously estimated at
from $70,000 to 250,000. IM aoaa
Argnst Benedict, 69 year old,
burned so badly that he died soon after
being taken from the building.
John M. Lockwood, 66 year old,
lied from being crushed by falling tim
ber. Unknown man burned tj death.
The building waa four stories high
d"t,,e7. over
,i. un, .i, tlin
10U employe in
the place at the time. Many ol these
ied from the wmdow.
.1 l.m.t twn-HKira of net
It is sain
at least two-soore ol people dropped the firemen had arrived. Wlion
they came many jmejiantfng from
ll,a nmwr window. AnuQSt IWnOdiCt,
a cooper, was hanging cut U one ol t'
wl udowe ..HU all Of , hi ; f1"thi
Hftnm. U btd on tn flifi lodge while
the ladJer wa being run np to biui.
Ho wa ao badly bunied when be wa
taken down that be died ball an lumr
afterward. John M. Lockwood bad
bit chest crushed by a falling timber
and died in the Kastern District hos
pital about 11 o'clock tonight. The
unknown man was taken from the
.,..,,..... tiuk
minieu hiuioiiik in "'
body was so badly charred that ideutl-
floatlon wa impossible
Kate of a Party Hound fur tke Lower
Seattle, Wash., June 14. The
rumor of a wholesale drowning on
Windy aim, Lake Bennett, is told in
the latest Alaska paper arriving by
e .teamer Rosalie today, seven
month, in the overturning ol a wow.
The now wa teletrraohcd from Tagish
to Skagway by a umauted jiolice officer.
According to information which was
received at Skagway, it i said that the
mime of the people who may have
heen In the scow are as follows: W.
11. Manroau. Mr. Warner. Joe nose,
Mr. Playmate, U. h. Pea wdy, ami
two nion whose names could not be
learned. All were from Skagway.
Hlx head of cattle and a quantity ol
nrovisiou made un the cargo with
which the craft ws loaded, it is said
thut the scow was too heavily loaded.
A stroug wind caught the craft at Big
IVindv. and the cattle. bocomillL' excit
ed, ovarturnod the craft. All are said
to have perished.
Mr. Mergoau wa formerlyjproprietot
of the California market in Skagway.
Mr. Warner ran the Puget Sound ie
tan rant In the tame place." The occu
pation of the other are uot given.
t'haraod With Cnidracy.
Chicago, June 14. Captain George
Wellington Strcoter, whose cohorts re
cently took possession of "Tho District
of Lake Michigan" and defied tin
whole police force, wa today held tc
the criminal court, charged with con
spiracy, accessory before the fact and
assault. The "District of Lake Mlcin
gun" is the name given by Streetei tc
Uud which has been formed by dump
ing iu tho lake off the shore. Captain
Streeter took possession of it when It
was a mure land bar. A recent at
tempt to ouxt some of the captain's fol
lowers, who had entrenched themselves
ou the laud, resulted in some shooting
aud other riotous acts. The land is
now valued at many million, of dollars
and measure about 40 acres.
t'hlcaco lirlck layers 8lilke.
Chicago. Juue 14. Over 800 brick
layer employed by tho city in the con-
.tract inn nf the intercepting sewer
system, tho building of electrical con
duits, aud other improvement, going
ou in vnrioua parts of the city, were
called out by their unions today, the
result being the almost complete stop
page ol tho work on public improve
ment, leaving miles of streets torn up
for the sewer and couduit svstema in
an almost impassable condition. The
trouble is uaid to have arisen over the
letting o! a minor conti act to a con
tractor who is persona uou grata with
the union.
Trenldent of Chile Is Dyliif.
Washlnncto. Juno 14. the state
denartuieut received the following dis
patch today from United States Min
ister Wilson, at Santiago tie wine:
Santiago, June 14. Secretary ol! President Krrimirize had a
third aud dangerous attack of paralysis
Vesioniay. JIB uwim in niuilJij a iuco-
?. . .:..
" . n, 4i
tiii r i riiiiu. i in firriniMin i iinciiiiiiin
bauo, ua provided by the constitution.
Rscaped From Shipboard.
Sun Francisco. June 14. The Ex'
Btniner asserts that of a band of 82 Jap
anese immigrants who weie receutly
deported on the steamer Thyra, at least
four, and possibly 20, are already tiaoK
in this state. One of them has been
identified and is now in custody. Tho
men are supposed to have left the
Thvra at Portland or Astoria, whore
the vessel touched, but the northern
customs officers declare that this could
not have been the cape.
Good Roads Hnlldins;.
New York, June 14. General Roy
strum, addressiiur the Lonii Island Good
Roada Association, advocated the postal
savings bauK ayBtem tor raising money
to be applied to the building of good
roads. He also discussed the project
for a system of great trans-continental
France consumes 025,000,000 gallons
of wine annually, equal to 24.25 gal
lons per capita of population.
Made a Winning and Wits Killed.
Phoenix, Aria, June 14. Frank
Smith, a miner made a large winning
in a Mexican gambling house at Hel
vetia mining camp tonight, and was
killed by Mexicans who provoked a
row before he could leave a saloon with
the money. He was stubbed and rid
dled with bullets, but in falling mor
tally wounded two Mexicans.
Kilbourne, Wis., June 18. Belle
Twd tha famous stiv of confederate
fame, died eudaenly of heart disease
here tonight, where she had come to
lecture. She wa. 57 years of age.
ISO. 915.
General Grant Reports Cap
ture of San Miguel.
i.urinl Taaal Leader Have
Centered -Otis Dpaak of tke Paslre
f tke Filipinos for Kdecatloa-
Manila, June 44. General Grant,,
who led reinforcement, with artillery
against the tnrargent in the moan-,
taint east ol San Miguel, report, the
..ntnra of the rebel stronahold after
lour boors' fighting. The rebel, were
Mattered and the American, art) por
ulng them. General Grant, column
bad no catnaltlet.
Xaear la Laara.
Washington. June 14. During Gen
eral Otlt' afternoon at ine wr pr
mi nt, ta conference with the b.d of
tit vuiOM depwtmentt ia ieir4
the cisa:tfcs scJ ccsti.--
partment. in the PbilipplnUe, be bad
many question to answer in bit Inter
cctirse with hui nend respeoting pres
ent and futnre condition tn the Philip
pine, and ol these he talked freely.
He made one statement in particular
which came as a distinct urpriae, ia
view ol the fact that he ba spent a
year and ball In fighting the Fill
nlno. for he declared that these Mime
Filipino, were without question the
very best ol any ol the Asiatio races
living on the Pacific coast and islands.
He paid high tribute to their acquisi
tiveness, aaying that young and old
were alike anxiotit to learn from the
American, and quick to do ao 11 given
an opportunity. The demand lor
nhnnla nn the American tlan waa in
satiable. It had not been possible to
'"..Jent .upply of Spanish
texTtook. Ihe market bay
Inn Imen denuded of tUfh.
When the book-hungry Filipinot
were told this, they begged for Ameri
can school book, and declared that
their children could learn from them
even without the Spanish text and
translation. General Oti. found to
bi. astonishment that such wa. the
case, and says that in the course of a
very few mouth the Filipino children
pick up a fair knowledge of English.
Even the old native con the text book
in the effort to fix English phrase, in
their mind.. There wa a dearth of
teacher, too, General Ots often having
to use the soldiers in bi rank who
knew a little Spanish and so were suit
able at detail for teacher.
General Otl said he looked upon this
educational movement a the ouly solu
tion of the Philippine problem, and wa
confident that the spread ol American
idea, through the Filipino school,
would in the end make good citizen, ol
the Filipinos.
General Otl wa positively ol the
opinion that tlie American force, in
the Philippine at present were suffi
cient for all needs. Of course, he said,
General Macirthur't present army
could not furnish a guard to protect
every Filipino household from the
Ladronea; to do that would require a
force of not le. than 200.000 troops,
and even then the task would occupy
many yean. Aa a matter of fact, be ,
aaid, Spain bad spent several centuries
in the effort to stamp out the Ladronea
in the Philippine group, and there wa
reason to believe that those 'brigand
are scarcely more numerous now than
they were dnring the Spanish occupa
tion, when the island were noininallj
at peace with Spain.
General Otl waa confident, however,
that condltiona would steadily improve,
and that little by little these robber
band would be driven away. Mean
while, be admitted that it waa often
dangerous tor Filipinos of, the better
class, whose interests naturally lay in
American sovereignty, to admit their
preference, for they were subject in
that case to assassination, to the losa
of property and to persecution, insti
gated by various elements in the popu
lation to whom American occupation
waa obnoxioua.
Japanese Official Slain by the JCmpress'
Body Guard.
London, June 14. The Times, In an
extra edition, publishes the following
dispatch from Peking, dated June 12:
"The chancellor of the Japanese lega
tion, Sngyama Akra, while proceeding
alone and unprotected, ou official duty,
waa brutally murdered by aoldiera of
Tung Fuh Siang, the favorite body
guard of the empress, at the main gate
railroad station vesterdav.
"The foreicn reinforcements are
i . -
daily expeoted. The present isolated
position at Peking, the destruction of
foreign property in the country, and
the insecurity of life are direotly at
tributable to tho treachery of the Chi-
nee government."
Infantliio Released.
San Jose. Cal., June 14. Nick In
fantine who waa brought back from
Tortland, Or., by the sheriff, on a
charge of grand larceny in the alleged
stealina of $600 from Jose Wilson,
who married hiin here, has been re
leased by Justice Rosenthal for want ol
Immigrants on Tramp Steamer.
New York. June 14. Assistant Sec
retary of the Treasury Taylor may issue
regulations to exclude all immigrants
arriving in the United States on tramp
steamships, according to a Washington
correspondent of the Herald. Under
the law, Immigrants who come within
the classes not allowed to enter the
United Statea must be returned when
possible on the steamers bringing
them. In the case of a tramp ateam-
ship, it ia very difficult to enforce this
India Famine Relief,
New York, June 14. The commit
tee of 100 on India famine relief ha.
formed a committee for the distribu
tion of relief funde in India, called the
Americo-Indian relief committee. Its
nine members are: William B. Fee,
United Statea consul at Bombay, chair
man; Dr. Robert A. Hume, executive
aecretaryj three business men of India,
American or European, and one Jnative
Indian; three missionaries, one being
European. The last $25,000 cabled to
India by the committee of 100 haa beeu
put at the diaposistion ol ita committee
in Bombar-