Image provided by: Independence Public Library; Independence, OR
About The Independence west side. (Independence, Or.) 18??-1891 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 25, 1891)
THE WEST SIDE. -I85CKD " Cist li 3 Put!ish:ng tepsf J I I. ITU I SOI, PROPRIETORS. FRIDAY, BKPTEMBKtt 85, ISM. TO ADVCRTISCRS. IiuWiviKtonof l IomiaI l the (M-atl nf nvt gnikm (ihn niiwl of ill ymtn.nn th V ilium. nt riviT, iut n Ui uimu lli of th Orwn A Olltrnl ItallMait; nuiUlnn tkHiliiiii of lwVMi)lni I llio i)rlm'lmltili'lug lnl lt n'ltnly, which l ne of tli litl, niiwl wmltli and thh'kljr tuulau4 iu llio WtllimM ValW'jr, lo not forgvt to mention the Wkst Sinn wmui yon write to ad vertisers. Tn K doer hunting season has been trnnsferml from, the beach to tho drawing room, JrrnEU Pi.i'Yii'swswunfVuHHll' to the annual Oregon horse race that is paid for out of the state fuuds. Tho wealth of tlio UuiUmI States is estimated at :i,00,(MM,Ot0, tlt ofHnglaud at W,tXH),M0,t.HK, ami that of Fmhcoat f;W,(KHl)000,lH)0. TK Democrats of Now York nominated Rosmelll Flower for governor. The ticket now stauds Fassett versus Flower. The cam paign speakers are now in their glory, each on saying to the other, "you're auother." The period of a generation has been lengthened; it used to bo thir ty years, and later increased to thlr ty-four; now a scientist says the av erage tvrm of human life has iu vreused iu the last fifty years from thirty-four to forty-two years. k rive the exact Act Ju our eilitorial roluius this week in refer euco to tho two Congressional dis tricts in O'-egon, A great many people want to kuow the exact counties in each district File this nuinlier of the Vjt SlDK and you have it. k Tuk Democrats and Republicans .of New York are equally metallic ally equipiMHl for the coming cam paigu in that state. The Demo cratic candidate for governor has a "bar'P with a faucet to it, while the Republicans have a Faasett with a "bnr'r" to it. Honors are equal. . A new piano-forte key -board hav ing six rows of keys has recently been exibijed in Manchester, Eng land. An octave is formed by six keys in two continuous rows. All the keys are on the same level, and each note is serrated from the next by an interval of two jtemi tones. j . ' The Dalles editors are calling each other very hard tiamesjust now. The failure of water, from some cause, during the recent fires there seems to be the bone of con tention. Roys, you should not be naughty, but that the city should provide water facilities in case of fire is a fact that needs no argument. Last Thursday's issue of the Oregonian was an expression of western enterprise highly com. mendable. The truth is that the Oregonian is a magnificent metro politan newspaper, the character of its news of the world is .solid, reliable and unacnsational. Its editorial columns treat ably upon a greater variety of subjects than any other paper in the United States. t ' Ilorf. Rooek Q. Mara, cfTexa.. : and Hon. Binger Hermann, of Ore gon, are great friends. If Mr. Mills is elected speaker of the House of Representatives, which he will be, then Mr. Hermann will get such a position upon tho com mittees which will be quite advant ageoimto Oregon. It is a good thing to be on good terms with the whole world, and especially with the Texans right now. The man who attempts to floor Jerry Simpson, when he is "doing the oratorical" attempts tho impos sible. For instance, the other day Simpson, in one of his speeches, while eulogizing Daniel Webster, referred, in complimentary terms, to his dictionary. A friend on the stage pulled Simpson's coat-tail, and whispered: "Noah was the man who made the dictionary." Simpson gave his friend a scornful look and whiHpered back: "Noah built the ark," and went on , with his oration. , This, from the Argmuiut, is worth repeating till the youth of non- wealthy parents cease to envy their "more favored" companions; and until parents, whether rich or poor, learn their obligation to supply to their children that heritage of hon orable example and instruction which poor and rich alike can be stow: "It is nlinost a misfortune to be reared with the hope of inherit ing money. It Is (better to have the moral and iutelcctual surround ings, the examples and teachings of honorable parents, than to be reared in indulgence, idleness and extrav agance, look lug forward to the death of parcnlH for the means to enjoy life." T11K OTHFK OX. The Portland Ttleontm has the following, controlling the Jfi-ess day at Portland last Monday : That was a uWsunt tratheHmr the newspaper inon had up in the exposition building laxt night is reirwning to a newspH'r man to get away from his busy worksltoo for even hi short it time to ludutge in social pleasures. ine exposition itutungera are good nosis nun made it agreeable tor (he bovi. The Khow was worth Urn visit, and the visitors were worthy me snow. The Salem Stuttma sluritiirly says this: AUhe "press day" blowout in Portland Monday, the newspaper men of t he state were eonnniniimn only by their nbseuee. The smtmrntn ought to know that the list iu attemlanee shows over forty ncwsiiaper men of Oregon present This is a largo number for any one particular day. The whole press of the state will visit the exposit ion before it closes. AH could not attend ou that day. even the Sttttema had no representative there, htraiige, that the Stittwm would criticise the Wit SttK for its criticisms of the State Fair, and the above is a sample of like work, but with a different motive. We were right, the Stutrmim sccuis jealous of Portland. A FAUJ.W OFF. The last day of the State fair was well attended. The receipts for the week were t.VU.50 agaimtt ,..V.- 50 for ISM). The race track re. eeipta were l18t.(5 against :', OLD. 50 last year. The 2:22 trot was won by lUondie in three straight heats; best time, 8:251. The Ore gon iVrby was won by Misty Moru in 2:5tlj. The seelal trot was wou by Klamath, best time 2:;J0.--i. It is very strung that with the prosimrity which good crops' should inspire, that the actual receipts all arouud, at the gate of general ad mission and at the raw track, that there should be a net falling off of '!. 75 from last year at the State fair. Poor management, and pet schemes do doubt h-d to this defi cit W hear more complaints this year concerning the of the fair than evi-r lielore. Is it potable thut Ortjpm is ret tugrud iugt The fault lira somewhere. The next legislature will jierhap turn the light on, when we way hoje for a change, for the U tter. The horse racing hits become so di -holiest) that people know full well, that the horse which has the most money ls-t on him will be the win ucr. All "trials of spml"(t) are merely "chuck" taces. Nolwd) wants to see that. The whole bus iucss utthe nice t no-k is a gambling institution, and of a low grade m (hat. there is nothing fair uboul it. Turn on the light AX ACT. To Apportion the Stall- lulu Tun Com r-lin il tHatrli't mill OtabtUh tlto Mmiia id I nivklr for tli Kln-Uun of KeiiA-wnlMllvm Therein, Ik it mu'tedbij the l,i'yihttiw Avrut bty nf lite State of Oregon: Section 1. That theStute of Ore. gou lie and the same is hereby ap portioned into two congressional districts, and that the same are hereby established and shall be re spectively composed ns herein set forth, to wit: The first district shall be com posed of the counties of Kenton, Clackamas, Coos, Currj, Douglas, Jackson, Josephine, Klamath, Luke, Lane, Linn, Mariou, Polk, Tillamook, Washington and Yam uill. - The second district shall Ijc com posed of the counties of Ilukcr, Clatsop, Columbia, Crook, Oilliam. Giant, Hartley, Malheur, Morrow, Multnomah, Sherman, Umaliilla, Union, Wallowa and Wasco. Scctiou 2. One representative to the congress of the United States shall be elected in each' of the dis tricts before enumerated on the first Monday in June in the year of our Ijord 1S02, and one iu each ol said districts every two years thereafter. Such election shall lie held and the returns thereof made and canvassed in the manner pro vided by law. Approved February 20. 1H!I. A IMOST IXCHEDIllLi:. The heaviest modern ordnance istho Krimp 410-ton gun- Its charge is 000 pounds .of tho best prismatic gun-powder, and the cyl indrical steel shot weighs 1,800 pounds. At the last test this enor mous shot penetrated entirely through compressed armor (steel faced iron) .twenty inches thick; then through an iron backing five inches thick; then it pierced wholly through twenty feet of oak, five feet of granite and eleven feet of hard concrete and three foot into a brick wall. No existing fortress, much less armored vessel, could coirld withstand such a shot. . The time required for a journey around the earth by a man walk ing day and night without rest would be 428 days; an express train, 40 days; sound, at a medium temperature, .'521 hours; cannon ball, 211 hours; light, a little over one tenth of a 'second; electricity, passing over a copper wire, a little less than one tent h of a second. Putooi pay at tho Portland Ex position was htsi Monday. The bnmiuet In tho evening wan superb- ly grand, lion. T. M. Richardson, the president of the Exposition, audilon. II. W. Mitchell, the an- IM'Hnteudent, occupied atta re spectively at each end of the table. The remaiuiug seata were occupied by tho editors and publishers of Oregon. II. V. Scott made the le iding address, and of course did it well. Oilier speeches were made, and a most enjoyable time was had. Hujicrlntcndeut Mitchell and President Richardson were unanimously voted a success In the management of the great Exposi tion now iu full blast in Portland. Anybody fulling to see the many m-w and attractive features of this exhibition of wealth, products and energy, before Oct 17, 1801, will have missed au opportunity of lifetime. ; ' Tuk attendance at the State Normal school at Monmouth this year is so far iu excess of last year, that it is worthy of special remark. ht year there were 132 present the first day, this year there were present the flint day 219. Sixty students took dinner at tho Hoard tug hall last year the first day, this year 140, The first week's enroll incut is 2S0. The number of stndeuts will reach Just about 350 for the year. Monmouth is a bean tiful place, for situation. The Faculty is first-class iu every re spect the buildings are spleudid brick, the climate salubrious. hoarding hall room amply sufllcieut and the state of Oregou may feel proud of this great opportunity to do for her children what she has never had the opportunity of do ing before 1 Tuk 2'iWs MiHtntaimw of The Dulles refuses to contribute his share of advertising space to pay the salary of the secretary of the Press Association. We think that the press throughout the state should be a unit in supporting this move of the Association; and we further thiuk that the "Timet .VcwHiiiHwr" is wrong in refusing , In' sitme, and it is the ily pupr In the stato wtnru has done so, so far as we are iuformed. Thk fii'st crematorium, or ratal- lishmeut for the burning of the dead, was built at Milan, Italy, about si xteeu years ago. In Il'MW human bodfra were cremated in Purls. Io Italy they have per imbulating citunutories which go fnim village to village to dispose of the dead, and they do a large Imsiuess, l'ui.K county is a great county. Travel from one end of it to the other, and you will find good livers, contentment and wealth. Not a case of necessitated poverty in all her Isirders. No poor, except pos. duly a case or two iu cousequenoe of misfortune or debauchery. To le happy here and hereafter, only subscribe for the Wkt Side and Oregon School Journal. Poi.k county should lie proud of her schools. Used in Millions of Homes MRS. GRAHAM'S hi and ELDER MM CI In nut 11 i-omwtlft In Oiom'iimi In whli'h thut Ixrin In pnpuliiriy um-i,iiui fiKriiiuiwiiuy wu lllli'n. It nri-Hlit 11 win, mmiiitli. dour, vnlvnty kin, ami liy dally u irailuiilly nmkia the Mniiililin Mivcnil aliiutt whiter. It la noun .mill prntmtliin from th I'lTwU nf aun and wlmi.untt pri'viml aiinlmrn nml trenklitai mid hlH,'khi'iul will ni'vorniinn wlilln you iian II, llnlimia tint fiHW lur Imtivr limn wnp mid wilier, ii"UrlHlii'iiiilhull(liiilhiikln llaauni, mill tlitiM iin'vtmt tlm fnruiHllun or wrlnkli-a. Ititlviw tliti filuiia, nlnnniKw, iind amimtli iicaiif akin thin yu Imd when llttln F.vitv Only. yiMitiit r iilil. ounlit U urn II, iu. It Klvi'iimrt' voulnllil npimnmnco l miy lady, mill Hint pi-riiiiiiK'nlly, It mninlna no Brill, iiw(nr, nnrHlkiill, Hint Ih tin linrinliaia iu dnw, unit a timirlaliliiK tn llif akin Ha daw la In the Ihiwiir, I'rii'o, l, nt nil ilruaiilal and hulr-(lri-iTH, nr ill lr. (Iwvalae Ornlinin'a atan llHhinont, li Ki I'liat atr(!ia,Sn FrnmlM, whnre ihn trwila liulliw fur All blnmlahmnr Inn fwi or niturti. I,mltia nt a dlatuniw tripled ny le I- llir. Hi-no aillinp ior iivi liiim mioK, nuw w ! Hiniitlfiil." .,-..' Sampl bottls itinlled frsa to nny lady 1111 rwi'liil ol llio in aiKinpa mi my nn poaiufe anil uu:klnK, l'ttdy UKunu wiintwl, MRS. GRAHAM'S Face Bleach Ctirwa tlm worat nnw' of frwklna, aunburn aal lowiitiaa, ninth piiuihi-a, nlmiilna, und all akin IiIimiiImIii,. I'rluK. Si. An. IlariiiUwa and el riirllvu. Noaiunpfecun boacnt, I.ady uijenta wiiti tod. .... Tha Druaalat in una town wno nr or dcra a hill or my iirnpnrntloniwlll have hla nmntt addi-d to IIiIk HilviTtlBflinnnt. M.V nri"P- iiriillnna urn for b,iIii liy wliolnanlo drugglata 111 i:niamo una svury ny wuaiui ii DISSOLUTION NOTICE. Notice In hereby given to all whom It may ooneern thut the co-purtnerhlp herotofora Dilating between J N.Joima and George II. Utter In the livery, feed and ante liable bual neaa In Indupendence, Folk county, Oregon, la till day dnaolved by inutunl conieot, J, N. Jonea will pay all dvhta contracted by the nnn.Mid all ufcount duo atthl nrm mut be paid to J. N. J0110H. : Signed H(-t. Bill. J. N.JoNit, ' iNimexRiisMcS, Or. Clao. H, Urnts fw his " mm. ATA TH imVBANCM COMPANY. Then la no doubt aa to the reli ability of The State IusursnoeCom pany, The gentlemen who manage the same know their business, aud the great secret of their success lies at this point; this company never Jeopardises existence by writing hatardoua risks in the east or any where else, lienco whenever the State Insurance Compauy issues you a policy, yon may rest assured that the amount the policy calls for la as good as gold iu case of a loss by fire. Here li a card from Mr, Singleton, of Itoseburg, whom we know very well, aud was well ac quainted with the property which was destroyed. This card waipub llshed in the Rtebrg Kevievt ACAHD. ..;'.,.' I feel that it Is my duty to state to my irteuos aua tne puuiie on De half of the State Insurance Co.. of Salem, Oregon, that they have treated me perfectly right in the settlement of my claim under I'ol icy No. 22m I cleerfully state that I eanuot speak lu too high terms of the adjustment of my loss, they havli.g paid me every cent ol my policy to day, without puttlua me to any expense or trouble. 1 could not have been treated better and am glad 10 make such gtad treatment known so that other wanting iuaurauce can patronise the compauy that they have seen tried. W. a SlNOLCTos. Itosoburgi Oregon, Sept 2, 1891. WItX KKBUtU). ' W. B, Slugletou called Thursday aud reported that Oeorse M. Oeel er, the gentlemanly adjuster of the state insurance l., or saiem, naa paid the full amount of the policy, one thousand dollars, upon his res idence reoeutly destroyed by Are in this city. This prompt settlement or tne loss is ooinincnuauie ana nr. Singleton cheerfully reoommenits the compauy, He also wishes to thank the Fire Detrtmont and the cltlwms of Roseburg generally for their prompt efforts to save his property. He wlllHuild a fine cottage residence similar to that of A. T. Thompson's, an4 basal read v commenced the preliminary woii of clearing off the site. A'owesrj A'ew'ew, This shows a recent accident aud a recent incident The accl dent was the burning of the house, the incident was the met that Mr. Singleton goes at ouoe to bulltlli g himself a new home, because ' f the promptness of the State Insur ance Company in paying every dollar of the policy. It is useless to say more ou this point We would recomuieud everybody to insure their property lu a good, safe, reliable company, The State stauds the peer of any, beside it is a home company Henry Ward Bcecher said that 1 married man that "did not tuk. out a life policy for his familj could not be a ChrUtlau." Wh. think you of a man that fails to iu sure his home or his business prop crty, thus Jeopardizing his uieuur of a livelihood for his familyt Common tense says go and insure your proiierty, go and insure it now, aud insure it in the State, lo cated at Salem, Oregon. TUK Admm, J. II. Stlne's new venture, published at Wbiteson, is to hand. Mechanically speaking it is first-class, and as to news, it is in the front auk, the very first number. Success to the Advance, Baking Powden 40 Years the Standard. TKJB stats mm m OPCNS SEPT. 10, 1691. COtHlHK OF BTUDT arranged enraai In nifwt the niwda nf the tanning and me. euanieai inuireaia ni ine ami, Ijiriw, eominmltmia, and wel.vitllatd btilldliitfiL The miIIma la Ineated In a uiilll. valed and Ohrlatlan onniinunlty, and In an or in DeaiiuiiMtaectiona ot me awu, MILITARY TRAININO, Exptnos mii not seta. $1.60 for the entire Ion. Two or more Free Heholarahlpa Iron) every county, w ni mr i .aiaioaue w B. U A UNOU), Aua., Corvallla, Or. Portland, Onion. A, V. AnnMroiig. Prln, Sranoh arbwit i Capital Bui. Cnuaua, aaiam, UntM, Mm, oounaa uf atudy , aana ratw of lultlott, Business, Shorthand, M-ln Mwlon tlirouiumii tba yaar. atuilviiti atlnili lad at any tloaa, Veuloaue Irani elMm nliuil, tm. Hi I. Rill WHO WILL BE THE REAPERS? From A to 110 per day awalta the energetic perann wi a win engage now. au cxierienee neeeaaary to inaure you aucoeaa In represent Inr our new and moat ouniulcto work on Etl- quelle, entitled! POUTE SOGIETV II HQ AND Hundreda are waiting Ihr It, and theharveat wilt be great. Thle bonk onntalna Me royal ?uurlo pagea,C(iniirehendlng nearly 7U) tuple I la beiuillfiilly bound In clnih. with llluinl. naleil cover, goto, anver. ana iiiook namp lni. and anlla nironlvti. NoeHliltal renlilred. Moat liberal term mada known on annliua tlon. Addrea. Ia. V. MIU.KR A CO., U71 Ham atreet, riiocstoa, unl. 5MBBt Dycpop:ia 1 mmt Mv gal !, sal aaa M-SmMMIM. tXMNM OlMt totta, Stok SeeOaa, keartWni, anr wot srthM wr ONUMowa imk tagikwaw, ead'i SanaawlUa ls Ue MmauMk. emtae ra toatnia, '" lOlln, tttl kiataikl, aliU Mm stlaat SrSneile. In a Torrthlo OeMlltosw t ItK Io BmS'i Sareapkilt fe two fMn I we la terrlal M4UI wllk lfl. I oraM oat aoUilag kl aaaa eraekfrt, a4 mf Ifkt tu traei If a gg aat, Reed'1 larMiill kle4 e e , aa4 after !( It bettle I wee aUMlf r4. I k nlaei aat tum etakl, m pU. m4 W il- (MlaMlIk ! ". f.J,lii.S Si M SMtk ttnwi Sail Ule car Tk, I k4 keadMka, ke SmH, eeftaeaj 0S iweUlBg meair t4y,Mlotai gktalJ(7IUrr,aalselUi aS Meod't SanaaetrlUa wllk tfc MmnO. Caaa I Wuf keallk Uaa tor faar rear, liaud't SarMMUitl t mR, tellaklO U aw. J, . Sfiujoo, Aakara, Cat Hood's Otrtaparlllt oMkrSrwgltU. tli di Jar . fiaanS ICd On Oollur DOARO Or EQUALIZATION. N yrU' m IIRRRBY OIVBRTHATTtll of Kuuallaaiiua will ttuwt at Ital ia, In th mrtinty mun nwm Uiere-if.oo naa. rruraaad tsuMUlng taiaa, ISS . Al Th. Largoit Stock atf D0lt Quality of Ft. Can be found at J. F. O'DONNELL'S. (- ?wrarii Wew Firm New -Goods We have enlarged onr store room, and filled It Jam full of new goods, and feel safe In saying that we have the best selected and largest stock of Dry Goods.. Including Fancy and Staple Dress Ms, Wraps and cloaks, gloves, hosier', ladies and children's underwear, boots,' shoes, men's, boys', and-chil- '..a drens clothing, rubber goods, hats, trunks and valises, etc., etc., and we cordially invite you all to come and SEE OUR STOCK and GET OUR PRICES We are sure that we will use you as white at the old firm has been doing, and are prepared to show you a great many more goods. Truly yours, pfl Ql) pflfQ mluil (lilll IMMu SUCCESSORS TO Monitor Steel-frame Drills and Seeders 'l.';. f Oliver's Steel iand Chilled Plows Steel-frame Spring-tooth harrows, etc AT , oodman & Py4s AGENTS FOR POLK COUNTY. gOV ME n n nn mfmroi(tTmit$ue. fVortmil rrnrainf tn (UABTUikli vinwm iEST. J. L. STOCKTON. - 1UT THE SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS AT W. O. COOK'S c MATTINGS, Wajl Paper, Picture Framco. W. E. GOODELL, SUCCESSOR TO H. O. WALLER, DEAUCR IN HI AAA 1 ?!aniiMrV Era mm NEW GOODS ARRIVING EVEKY WEEK. My Mock i now more complete than sver before. Khali tie plesoed to have all the cuttiomcra of the store mutloue trading, snd nope to induce ruanr to trsde who never did bvfore. Id ooanectlon with my store Us REPAIR SHOP Where boons and shoes cun be renslred or msnufaoturwi under the niAQuetuent of M. A, BAKE1L Ik'iueiubcr the name snd place, W. E. GOODFLL, - Main Street, Independence heller Are the leaders, And their Pall Stock is ready for inspection. They are still in the front rank with the most complete stock of GENERAL MERCHANDISE In Tolk county. This house has the oldest record of any house in the city, and-their fa cilities for doing business are unequaled by any firm in the valley. Their large facilities for doing business, together with the fiict thut their purchases are mostly made direct from the factories, taking advantage of all the dis counts there are In sight, enables them to speak with confidence as to their place being a Btife one to place an account or to DEPOSIT YOUR MONEY, Feeling sure that you are getting value re ceived. In the future, as in the past, kind and courteous attention will be given to their customers. Their stock is so large and varied that to mention articles would be an Impossi ble tusk. And they respectfully invite the publio to take a look before purchasing their ' fall Btock. helley s .G EUUILJE . 1 PliiT wm li S Ivjj IUI Liu) Z - M U V I ALL KINDS OF & Vandiqfn & -Vandujfh;