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About The Ashland advertiser. (Ashland, Or.) 1893-1898 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 3, 1897)
referred to the street committee for fur ther consideration, and rejKirt. J. C. Hopkins and Frank Murphy, Published Every Wednesday. A special committee appointed to ex who were committed to the county jail amine the brick building on main street, some weeks ago by Justice A. P. Ham belonging nonarch of the Amateurs. to Mrs. De Peatt, made a mond, to await the action of the grand written report of the needed alterations E ditor , . . jury on a charge of breaking into the to make the building safe. P ublisher , store of D. L. Minkler Ct Son, have The sum of $150 was transferred from P roprietor . effected their escape, and up to press the “General” to the “Street” fund. time, nothing is known of their where — terms . — abouts. An 8:00 o’clock curfew ordinance was Subscription, One Year.................. $.50. Regarding the escape of the prison passed, and the city marshal will be “ Six Months,.................. 25. ers, we give our readers the following lesponsible for its enforcement. Sample copies mailed freely. complete and authentic information, fur The street committee asked for further nished us by Sheriff' A. S. Barnes: time in which to report on the matter Advertising rates, Made known upon “ Hopkins and Murphy broke jail Sat-, of constructing a sidewalk on 3d street. Discounts,........... application. urdav night or early Sunday morning. A petition from residents on lower Terms to Agents, They were locked in the steel cage as Oak street requesting that a two inch t?T“All ads., notices, etc., when not they have been confined since their com water pipe be laid down said street was paid in advance, run until ordered out. mitment to the Jackson County jail, and referred to fire and water committee. as all prisonerr of desperate character With reference to raising the water Entered at the post-office at Ashland, have been kept. rents, F. H. Carter made a motion to “They managed, with a strip of raw the effect that the charge for each fam Oregon, as second-class matter. hide which they took from a raw-hide ily for household ami domestic use from 1 P. FISHER. NEWSPAPER AD- bottom chair kept in the cage, to fish a 34 inch pipe be raised to $1.00 a month, vertising Agent, 21 Merchant’s out of place a steel staple inserted in the charges for larger sizes to be raised in Exchange, San Francisco, is our author opening at the end of a heavy steel bar proportion. The motion was seconded ized agent. The A dvertiser is kept on which secures the steel door of the cage, by w. B. Million. A motion by W. A. said bar passing through an opening into Patrick, seconded by G. W. Crowson, file in his office. an iron box, under lock, on the outside to amend the first motion to include ir The “ADVERTISER” has the Largest Circulation of the cage. rigation of not more than acre of land of any Amateur Newspaper in the World. “There is a space of one half inch over in the proposed rates, was voted down ASHLAND.................. WEDNESDAY, ERB. 3, 1897 the bar at the place of entering the iron by the council. box, and it is supposed that the prison The original motion was submitted ers succeeded finally in passing their to vote. F. H. Carter, W. B. Million Accident at Siskiyou. stiff raw-hide string through that open and W.J. Schmidt voted “aye;” C. B. Miss Pearl Grieves, of Siskiyou, was ing, hooking it beneath the staple Crisler, G. W. Crowson and tV. A. Pat brought down to Ashland on Monday used and, fastening the bar inside of said rick voted “nay;” the mayor voted night’s freight train, to receive surgical iron in box, they threw out of place the “aye,” and declared the motion carried. treatment for a broken arm. The acci staple, thereby the bar, which Further consideration of rates was de- dent occurred Monday evening they could then releasing easily draw. They had ferred until a future meeting. about 7:30 o’clock. Pearl, with her then only to draw the lower bur, which younger sister, was running around the was seldom fastened because considered The following bills were approved and house, when she fell over a bank of froz unnecesaary. It removing the staple it ordered paid: , en snow, and her sister falling upon her was necessary to pass a hand through Electric Light Co., street lights,. .$115 50 right arm, broke it above the elbow. one of the apertures al>ove the opening Geo. Engle, salary and expenses,. 50 75 Drs. Parson and Songer rendered the in the box through which the bar passes ; | I. C. Dodge, salary,..................... 50 00 necessary treatment to the injured limb. one of the men was capable, as we had C. B. Watson, “ ..................... 10 00 witnessed, of passing his slim hand and Milton Berry, recorder’s fees,.... 28 20 Normal School Notes. part of his arm through any one of said C. E. Hoofier, lalior on streets,... 32 35 The nearest one that could Norris & Co., lumber,.................. 27 20 Needed—a drum at the Normal. If apertures. 5 00 be used for that purpose was some ten J. P. Sayle, nightwatch,.............. you know’ of one send it out. Million & Sons, hay for pound, .. 12 47 or twelve inches above the entrance of 3 50 Watch out for the new’ play. The said bar into the box. When out of Fox a Hildreth, hauling,............. 2 95 private secretary will take Ashland by cage, they broke from the supports of B. F. Reeser, merchandise,......... ......... storm. 1 oo water bowl in the closet, a heavy (alx>ut Kinney <& Provost, “ .J. W. Hatcher, lal>or on streets,.. 4 00 and one half inches by 38 in.) iron M iss Anna Nelson, class of ’96, is two Emil Peil, blacksmith work, ....... 2 10 bar, which they used in prying off the spending a quiet winter at her home in fastenings of the outside door. Jas. Powell, wood, ........................ 2 05 Gardner. 1 00 “I have lieen ever cautious and w’atch- M. R. Mver, merchandise,.......... Warren Williams, lalx>r on W.W. The Misses Wells and their brother, ful of the burglars in question, thinking 75 Mr. Percy, are out of school on account that they would try some means of es Thomas Cary, lalior on streets, .. 60 of the measles. cape, yet I did not suspect them making Council adjourned to meet Feb. 8. an effort to work the fastenings of the M ilton B erry , City Recorder. Miss Dolly Davis, ’96, w’ho is teaching in Montana, Hends cheerful letters of cage door. I rather looked for them to to saw their way out, and every night her work among the Norwegians there. try The total tax levy of Grant’s Pass this after feeding them and securing the cage year is 40 mills. NI iss Nellie Towne spent Saturday and door, I passed around the outside of the A sjiecial school tax of ten mills has Sunday with Phoenix friends. Miss cage and carefully inspected the lattice been levied in the Gold Hill district. Tow’ne’s sister will be a Normalite next work. year. “I am especially certain that every The total tax levy for the city of Port thing was secure on that fatal night be land is 25 mills, one mil! higher than the The mid-year examinations are at cause I distinctly remember that, after levy for 1896. hand. The students have had compre finishing my usual inspection, when I Mrs. S. H. Calhoun died at her home hensive reviews of their studies and was about to leave the jail, one of the three miles from Merlin last Saturday seem to feel no fear for the examination. men asked for a candle, and after I gave night. Funeral services were held at The advanced elocution class will be it to him, I again tried the door to satis Grant’s Pass yesterday. The remains gin their indian-club drills. It has been fy myself that the bar w’as secured by were brought up to Ashiand for inter suggested that the seniors retire from the staple.” ment in the Hargadine cemetery. the grounds to spare the expense of Mr. Brown, who for the past few City Council Proceedings. window panes and surgeon’s bills. weeks has been lingering between life We wonder if any other Normal was and death at his home on the place for MONDAY, FEB. 1. ever afflicted with a siege of measles and merly owned by John Grubb, south of Usual monthly reports of city officers Ashland, died yesterday (Tuesday) what remedies the unhappy students found most effective, and if they enjoyed read and approved. morning at 3:30 o’clock, aged 51 years. chicken, and how they liked it cooked, The declaration of vacation of certain Funeral services W’ill be held to-mor and if the disease held sway at examina streets in P. H. & N. addition to Ashland row afternoon from the family residence. tion time. was reconsidered and the matter again Interment in Hargadine cemetery. The Ashland Advertiser. I Hopkins and Murphy at Liberty.