Image provided by: YMCA of Ashland; Ashland, OR
About The Ashland advertiser. (Ashland, Or.) 1893-1898 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 6, 1897)
Dont Get off the Track! SHERWIN GIVES YOU THE BIGGEST and . . BEST 5-10-15 and 20 CENT TABLETS Of Benefactor lxx Oregon. PERSONAL. —Rev. G. N. Annes came up from Medford Monday. —A. S. Barnes, county sheriff, W'as in town on business Saturday. —Miss Carolvn Herrin returned to San Francisco fast Saturday. —Fred Hogg and wife left last Thurs day for Mason City, Iowa, to reside. —J. R. Norris went down to Grants Pass Saturday, returning to Ashland Monday. —O. A. Thornton returned to Astoria last Friday, after spending a week in Ashland. —Chas. Wagner, of the State Univer sity, returned to school from Ashland last Saturday. —C. Mingus, who has l>een ill in Med ford for some weeks past, came up to Ashland Sunday. —M iss Edith Van Dyke came up from Medford on Saturday’s train, for a visit with friends in Ashland. —Prof. A. F. Cornutt, accompanied by his bride, came down from Myrtle Creek on Friday’s train. —Miss Jessie Wagner, who has been visiting in Salem for a few months, re turned to Ashland on Sunday’s train. —Carlos and Harry White returned from Woodville Sunday, They had been spending the holiday vacation at that place. —The members of the local Salvation Army barracks went down to Grants Pass last Thursday, returning to Ashland Saturday. —Chas. Cowles went down to Medford Sunday. He will return to Ashland to day and intends to leave for Nebraska to-morrow. —Prof. E. E. Washburn, accompanied by his sister, Miss Iva, and brother Sey mour, returned on Sunday’s train from Woodville. —Eugene Overton, of Merlin, who has been visiting in Ashland the past week, returned home on Monday eve- nings train. —James Donohue, son of P. H. Don ohue, came up from San Francisco Mon day evening, to spend a couple of weeks in Ashland. —Mrs. S. E. Meminger came down from Portland last Friday. She has been staying in that city for several months past. —George Henriott, who is working for the Portland Cracker Co., spent the holidays in Ashland, returning to Port land Sunday evening. —Bernard E. Spencer, a student of the Eugene University, after spending the holidays in Ashland, left on Mon day’s train to resume his studies • • —Miss Bayright, one of the faculty of the State University at Eugene, passed gCONOHY . . . Ashlajid on Monday evening’s train, re turning from a trip into California. —Geo. Stanley, who, for the past four months has been chief typo on the Duns muir, Cal., Herald, came over to Ash land last Friday. The publication of TAKE A LITTLE ADVICE ON FINANCE: “Town Talk,” an enterprising little sheet of which George w’as editor, is sus pended for the present, Invest 50 <"-»■♦« — in a year’s subscription to LOCAL SO I’IBS. • I »■* r • “1897.” Weather is rather wintry of late. Fresh fish every Thursday at Poley & Co.’s. J. P. Say le has succeeded George Engle as nightwatch. Everything to suit the traveler, at the Ashland House. First class accommo dations. The holidays are over and Ashland has settled down to its regular routine of business. The public schools opened Monday, after the two week’s holiday vacation. Even the hens share the feeling of confidence in business and are turning out eggs to their full capacity. The new product is always for sale by Wm. Hev- ener. The new city officers assumed the re sponsibility of their respective offices on New Year’s day* We are informed that Miss Carolyn Roper is in a critical condition, some doubt being entertained as to her recov ery. A surprise party was tendered Miss Jessie Wagner at her home on Granite street last Monday evening by a number of her friends. Crokinole was the chief amusement of the evening, and all re port a most pleasant time. We are now settled in our new quar ters and in a position to give you better bargains than ever. Wm. Hevener. As we go to press, William Short is re ported to be in a dying condition, de spite the encouragement given by his brief rally since thexiperation performed last Saturday afternoon. Last Wednesday evening, Misses Gregory, Sutton and Dodge gave a Pro gressive Crokinole party at tne home of Miss Dodge on South Main street. The young ladies were wholly successful in their efforts to furnish an evening of en joyment to all concerned. ^^T’Rememlx'r us for ¿J ob P rinting . A Chinese theatrical troupe, compris ing about fifty youthful sons of the orient, passed through Ashland in a special car attached to Saturday’s over land, euroute from Portland to San Francisco. They had filled the season’s engagement in the former city, and are going to show in the Golden Gate city. T he advertiser , receive “the week’s news in a nutshell” regular ly every Wednesday. turn out the highest grade of Job Printing in the city. Prices the Lowest. A trial order solicited. . . I Opposite Botel Oregon. Novelty Block, ASHLAND Steam Laundry BRADFORD A VAN NATTA. First class work guaranteed. Gentlemen’s work a spec ialty. Try our fine Laun dry soap; only 15 cents a gallon. —■ MYER BLOCK. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ...-------- — » PROFESSIONAL CARDS. A. HINHAN, Jr., D. D. S., office : MASONIC BUILDING, UPSTAIRS, OREGON ASHLAND, PAINLESS EXTRACTION DR. C. W. BARR, DENTIST, I. O.O.F. BUILDING. ALL KINDS OF FILLINGS CAREFULLY AND SKILLFULLY « INSERTED. Dr. B. R. Freeland is located on Oak street, opposite Hotel Oregon, Ashland, for the practice of Dentistry. Has had 34 years’ practice in San Francisco and Portland.