Image provided by: YMCA of Ashland; Ashland, OR
About The Ashland advertiser. (Ashland, Or.) 1893-1898 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 12, 1896)
The Ashland Advertiser. Honarch of the Amateurs. VOL. IV. ASHLAND, JACKSON COUNTY, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 12, 1896. Field Sports to be Held in Roseburg. Nothing BETTER PREPARES YOG FOR THE DAY’S WORK THAN A . . . . f Nice f Tender Steak 5 J Purchased of - - £ < KLUn & CRISLER • - DEALERS IN - - Fresh and Cured fjeats, ? flAIN STREET, Two Doors North of the Post Office. MAIL ORDERS GIVEN PROMPT ATTENTION POLEY & CO., OtALtRS IM Groceries, Poultry. Eggs, Flour. Feed. Grain,__ _ I FRI ITS. II VEGETABLES, ETC.. MAIN STREET, ASHLAND, ORE. UNDER - NEW - MANAGEMENT. CORNER 4 th AND A STS. MRS. R. T. MELLES. Proprietress. BAKERY br %?E s • cakes IN CONNECTION . MEALS. . TWENTY-FIVE CENTS. Boarding by the Day, Week or Month. T he A dvertiser . . . One Year, ONLY 50 CENTS • Six Honths, 25 Cents. 1 NO. 21. er, Miss Susie Homes. The following persons composed the M onday , A ugust 24. crowd : Street Parade and March to Grounds at Miss Susie Homes, Mary Homes, Lu 9 o’clock. cinda Bryant, Florence Dodge, Effie Running Broad Jump,......... Prize $ 2 50 w -- • . rt • ' r Williams, Myrtle .Vaupel, Florence lkUAllAllig Align u limp................... z ov Trefren, Lillian McCall, Nellie Graff, Hammer Throwing,............. “ 2 50 Clara Graff, Telia Dixon, Mabel Rodgers, Shot Putting,....................... “ 2 50 Tug of War,.......................... “ 1100 Oma Crocker, Hellen Packard, Jannette Melius, Ida Sayle, Lizzie High, Mabel AFTERNOON. Galey, Edith Crowson, Mae Bailey. Bicycle Race, one-half mile Among other “marvelous” perform and repeat, (novice) three ances, they specifv a climb to the prizes, pants, stockings summit of “Dunn1« Peak,” Florence and shoes. Foot Race, (100 yards)......... Prize $10 00 Dodge, Lucinda Bryant and Myrtle Vaupel being the first to reach the top. Bicycle Race, mile dash, am “Amateur Mazamas.” ateur, three prizes, sweat er, lamp ami cyclometer. D ied .—In Ashlans, Thursday, August 6, Bicycle Race, five miles, am 1896, Carol Caldwell, infant son of ateur, $10 gold medal. Rev. and Mrs. S. S. Caldwell, aged 1 All under L. A. W. Rules. year, 1 month and 12 days. Entrance fee in bicycle Funeral services were held Friday, races, 50 cents. August 7, at 2:30 o’clock, in the Presby EVENING. Clarionet Solo, ..................... Prize $ 5 00 terian church. Interment in Ashland Cornet Solo,............................. “ 5 00 cemetery. Baritone Solo,.......................... “ 5 00 A company of twelve young people— Slide Trombone Solo,............. “ 5 00 Misses Irene Mark, May Sutton, Ethel T uesday , A ugust 25. and Louise Cutts, Rosa Dodge, Hattie Hose Race, wet test,............ Prize $50 00 Gleason, Flo Otto, Jessie Wagner; AFTERNOON. Messrs. J. W. Storms, W. W. Hevener, Foot Race, (200 yards).........Prize $15 00 Joseph McConnell and W.Y. Crowson— Baseball.......... ..................... “ 40 00 spent Saturday at the Wagner and the EVENING. Tolman soda springs. Band Contest,..................... Prize $100 00 Teacher—What is an island? Everything free, no admission fee Little Johnny (sympthizing with charged for any of the contests. Cuba) A body of land almost entirely A Grand Bali will conclude the second occupied by insurgents. day’s exercises. During the past week, the executive Accident on the Stage Line. committee of the G. A. R. Reunion have An accident occurred on the Ashland- been active in completing preparations Klamath Falls stage line between How for the grand time that is now in pro ard’s station and Shake last Thursday gress. The large arches were covered evening. The mail wagon from Ash.and with cedar boughs, and otherwise taste was just ready to start from Howard’s fully decorated. A “tin soldier,” pre when the team ran away. The driver tends to mount guard over the lower was thrown out, but retained his hold arch. An “Angel of Peace” and a on the reins for some distance. The “Goddess of Liberty,” adorn the pair of wagon was completely wrecked. The arches near the opera house. team was overhauled about two miles “I believe in a man living up to his up the road. Another wagon was ob principles,” said Uncle Al.'en Sparks. tained at Hart’s, and the mail taken on “Now, I have a neighbor who is a howl to Parker’s station. ing silverite and is always talking al>out the crime of 1873, but whenever he finds Are You Satisfied? that someone has passed a Canadian ten-cent piece on him, he saves it to If you want water only when the wind throw the contribution-box at the blows; if you are satisfied to utilize but church, into I’ve got him down in my a small fraction of the water in your hypocrite and book as the biggest fraud of well; if you prefer heavy damages for re them all.” pairs after each storm in winter, by all means use a windmill; but if • you want Advertised Letter List. water at any time, and up to the full ca pacity of your well, put in an Ajax Coal List of letters remaining uncalled for Oil Gas Engine, the latest thing in me in the Ashland, Oregon, Post Office, chanics, an engine that uses common August 10, 1896: coal oil for fuel, and is built by the well Dant, Jno., Howe, A. E., known firm of Palmer Rev, San Fran Whitlock, J110. cisco, California. Persons calling for same will please say “advertised.” Sunday School Picnic. — W. H. B runk , P. M. Last Saturday, the Junior S. S. class If you don’t read the A dvertiser , you of the Congregational church enjoyed a jolly picnic at the home of their teach don’t get half the news. Subscribe.