Image provided by: YMCA of Ashland; Ashland, OR
About The Ashland advertiser. (Ashland, Or.) 1893-1898 | View Entire Issue (July 29, 1896)
The Ashland Advertiser. Published Every Wednesday. FOR FIRST CLASS PHOTOS AT THE GO TO The Larson, . flonarch of the Amateurs. E ditor , . . P ublisher , P roprietor . — THKMS. — Subscription. One Year,.................. $.50. “ Six Months..................25. Sample copies mailed freely. F. L. CAMPS’ OLD STAND, pppQSiTE H otel P^ kgqn , Made known upon application. T he E clipse of A ugust 9.—The total eclipse of the sun which occurs August 9th is attracting wide attention among the astronomers of various countries. The line of totality, which is the narrow strip on the earth’s surface the moon will be seen to completely cover the sun, begins in the North Sea, crosses the northern part of Norway and Lapland, the island of Nova ya Zemlva, Siberia and the Japanese island of Yezo, and ends in the midst of the Pacific Ocean. Observing parties will be sta tioned at two or three places in Norway and Lapland, on Nova ya Zemlya, at three points in Siberia and in Japan. At least half a dozen different nationalities, including, of course, American and Eng lish, will be represented among the ob servers.—Youth’s Companion. Roseburg will have two field days of sport this year, August 24th and 25th. About $260 has been offered in purse money, and the program will be about the same as that given in this city last year. Band contest for $100, hose race, wet test, for $50, base ball game for $40, tug of war $11. Foot races $25 in med als. Bicycle races, instrumental solos, etc. On the 25th the District Fair opens and will be made free for all. A big time is expected.—G. P. Observer. ‘‘Yes,” she said, “I decided to come home. I don’t think I shall go away for the summer any more.” “What was the objection to the sum mer resort?” “It’s the same old story—sixteen to one.” “Everybody talking politics?” “No. The average was sixteen girls to one young man.”—Washington Star An agreement has been formed be tween the Great Northern Railroad and the Japanese Steamship Company regu lating a monthly run of steamers from Seattle, Washington, toTokia, Japan. The New York Weekly Witness says that a company has been incorporated for the purpose of laying a direct cable ' from New York to Hayti. PROFESSIONAL ( ARDS. LOCAL SOI IRS. * Ashland peaches are now coming into ma rket. Virgin’s Granulated Patent Flour— seldom equalled ; never excelled. C^T’All ads., notices, etc , when not paid in advance, run until ordered out. An election of captain of Co. D, O. N. G., will be held next Monday night. Entered at the post-office at Ashland, L arson makes Cabinets for $3.00 per Oregon, as second-class matter. dozen | P. FISHER, NEWSPAPER AD- Ashland has enjoyed a couple of re vertising Agent, 21 Merchant’s freshing showers this week. Exchange, San Francisco, is our author Hard wood for sale. Leave orders at ized agent. The A dvertiser is kept on the A dvertise office. tile in his office. We are in receipt of an invitation and The “ADVERTISER” lias the Larirest Circulation press pass to the Third Annual Reget- a of any Amateur Newspaper in the World. ta, to be held in Astoria August IS, 19, ASHLAND,............WEDNESDAY. JULY 29, 1896 20, 21, and 22, 1896. Advertising rates. Discounts,............ Terms to Agents, 611 LAND. A. H1N/TAN, Jr., D. D. S., OFFICE : MASONIC BUILDING, UPSTAIRS, ASHLAND, - OREGON. 1 ’ AI N1. E S S E X T R A C T10 N . DR. C. W. BARR, DENTIST, I. O. O. F. BUILDING. ALL KINDS OF FILLINGS CAREFULLY AND SKILLFULLY INSERTED. Millfeed $12.50 per ton. wholesale; Marriage $14.00 per ton, retail, at Ashland Mills. Ladies* ads free. Gents’ ads l._. cent a Mrs. Patrick will lead the mother’s word. Everything confidential. Semi meeting of the W. C. T. U. next Tues 5 cents for copy. CUPID’S EC1IG, (S ta . T) 15, B oston , M ass . day. “Sacredness of Motherhood.” L arson is the only first-class photo For Sale A two-vear-ohl thorough- grapher in Southern Oregon. He makes .. .. T. .. .. bred Jersey bull. J. D. • the platino ami the porcelain picture. B olton , near C. E. Veghte’s brick yard. Inquire at the A dvertiser office. The ladies of the W. R. C. will deco rate the pair of arches across Main street. We understand that an “Angel of Peace” and a “Goddess of Liberty” will be placed on the top. 4 FOR SALE. g Remem her us for J ob P rinting . J A LADIES BICYCLE, J Unusually large shipments of black 4 x Little worn, at a bargain. berries are being made from Ashland F V BOX 272, ASHLAND. • this week. There are a great many campers along Ashland creek at present, and the num ber is steadily increasing. Among those who are camping there are Mrs. E. A. Sherwin, Mrs. F. II. Carter, Mrs. E. V. Carter, Mrs. Otto Winter, Mrs. F. D. Wagner, the families of E. A. Hildreth, F. G. Strange, E. J. Farlow, E. D. Briggs and P. II. Donoghue. Don’t forget to call around when you want anything in the Job Printing line. We turn out, without exception , the best work in the city at the lowest price. Arrangements were complete«! Mon day, whereby Messrs. Ferral & Slusser, of California, are now proprietors of the Ashland Steam Laundry, that has been run since its establishment by Thus. Cline. The new proprietors will run a wagor. to gather up and deliver ¡»ack ages, and will render the public the best possible service. The Normal summer school is growing rapidly, the enrollment having increased over 100 percent, since last week. Those now attending are Edith Hogue, Eva ami Georgia Jacobs, Mae Bailey, Mrs. Sauve, Mrs. Henry, Kittie ami Mabel Million, Florence Dodge, Mollie Songer, Eva Taylor, Jerome Fitzgerald, Homer Loucks, Joseph McConnell, Herbert Me Carthy, Louis Larson ami Walter Par sons. J 1------------------------------------------- s The Public Schools will commence Sept. 7 ami we shall soon publish a list of teachers with their assignments. Geo. Crowson ami N. C. Dozer have purchase«! the welhlrilling apparatus for merly owned by Arthur Dodge, of Med ford, ami are «Ir’lling a well on F. W. Sheffield’s fruit farm south of Ashland. They are prepared to do all kinds of work in their line at reasonable rates. rieniorial. W hereas it has please«! the Great Commander to visit our community and call to the Grand Encampment above, our worthy Comrade Jas. W. Colclough. Therefore be it resolved that we ex tend our sincere sympathy to the be reaved widow ami that we deeply feel our loss in the Post ami be it R esolved that the Chapter of our Post be drape«l in mourning for 90 days and that a copy of these Resolutions be spread on the Adjutant’s Report, that a copy be furnished each of the local papers for publication and that a copy In* given the widow of the deceased. i J. R. Casey, C ommittee : -Geo. Crowson, / D. High.