Image provided by: YMCA of Ashland; Ashland, OR
About The Ashland advertiser. (Ashland, Or.) 1893-1898 | View Entire Issue (May 13, 1896)
Stationer. Druggist. Eugene A. Sherwin, Bookseller. ——Druggist. FOR COUNTY CLERK, W. M. Holmes, If Money is an Object » C entral : P oint : P recinct . IN YOUR - - - —Col. W. S. Crowell came up from Medford on Friday’s train. —C. B. Watson returned from San Francisco Sunday evening. —Wm. Grubb returned home from Central Point last Saturday. —Mr.—.—. Allenbaugh left on Sat urday’s flyer for a trip to Alaska. —A. Hunsaker left Saturday for Walla Walla, Wn., to si>end the summer. —Nat. Langell was in town Saturday, to attend the meeting of the Bimetallic League. —Horace and Miss Nettie Reeser re turned yesterday from a visit with Med- ford friends. —Wm. Potter, proprietor of the Ash land Feed Store, made a business trip to California last Saturday. —Edward Sutton and G. M. Grainger came over Saturday from the Applegate placer mines for supplies. —E. E. Wittie, wife and infant son left on Sunday evening’s train for Brooklyn, N. Y., where they will take up a permanent residence. —J. W. O. Gregory came over Sun day from the Hicks mine in California. He reports that they continue to pick up many valuable nuggets. —Two state educators, Pres. C. H. Chapman, of the Eugene State Univer sity, and Pres. T. L. Campbell, of the Monmouth Normal, were in Ashland last Saturday and Sunday. —H. J. Mattoon, of Drain, arrived in Ashland last Saturday. He informs us that he has come to stay. He will erect a dwelling on his propertv near that of E. V. Carter’s on the Boulevard, and as soon as it is finished, he will send for his family. , . GROCERY PERSONAL. BILLS, O . . deal with O Courteous Treatment and Square Dealing. E33 EÌ3 , UNDEE - NEW - MANAGEMENT. CORNER 4 th AND A STS. BLUE FRONT MBS. R. T. MELLU8, Proprietress. MRS. W. P. PARSONS. RAICFRY — breads IN CONNECTION • • cakes Bread, Pies, Cakes, etc. Fresh Eastern Oysters. . MEALS, . TWENTY-FIVE CENTS. Boarding by the Day, Week or OPPOSITE CITY HALL Month. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. PAINLE8S EXTRACTION. A. HINMAN, Jr., D. D. S., DR. C. W. BARR, office : DENTIST, MASONIC BUILDING, UPSTAIRS, I. O.O.F. BUILDING. ASHLAND, - ALL KINDS OF FILLINGS CAREFULLY AND SKILLFULLY INSERTED. OREGON. Was it Whist? M arried .—In Ashland,Saturday, May 9, 1896, at the home of the bride's par ents, Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Hammond, Mr. Thomas James and Miss Emma Howard, Rev. G. R. Annes officiating. The wedding was a surprise to all, the guests present—of whom there were about ten—had been invited to what they supposed to be an evening whist party. Both Mr. James and his bride are well known in Ashland, and their many friends unite in wishing them a life of perpetual bliss. W||iam [-[evener /