The Ashland advertiser. (Ashland, Or.) 1893-1898, September 04, 1895, Image 2

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    ®he Ashland ^drrrtbcr
School has begun,
Publlnhrd Every Wednesday.
M onarch
A mateirs .
of the
C3TRemember us for Job Printing.
A total eclipse of the moon occurred
last night. “It was out of sight,”—the
One year, only twenty-five cents.
Subscription. One Year, ..... .
Six Months, ................. 15.
Sample copies mailed freely.
Advertising rates,
Terms to Agents,
Made known upon
CW“AI1 ads., notices, etc, when not
paid in advance, run until orderet! out.
Entered at the post-office at Ashland,
Oregon, as second-class matter.
It pays tn advertise in the right
journal; this paper is the one. Try it!
The game season is now open and
grouse and quail may be shot until the
first of I>eceml»er.
G. W. Crow son is sale dealer in “Peer­
less’’ fruit paper in Ashland.
I he Normal School o|n»ned Momiav
with an attendance.»! fifty students, and
more coining.
Perhaps you don’t know it, but now is
the time to subscrila*.
vrrtising Agent. 21 Merchant’s
Exchange, San Francisco, is our author­
ized agent. The A dvertiser is kept on
tile in his office.
The pickers and packers employed in
the Stewart |»ear orchards had a general
good time last night, “in the »lark of
the moon.”
Th** “ADVERTISER” ha« the luir<r*t ( Irralatlon
of any Paper of It« <*la»«.
< io to Myer and Gn*gorv for all kinds
of furnishing goods at l«vd rock prices.
A shland ,
W ednesday ,
kept .
1K9 .
Ow ing to great rush of work at th»*
opening of school, there were no Normal
School Notes handed in this week.
If those w ho know a first class job
when they see it wish to see a good job
that is a good job, their attention is
called to the covers of the l»ooks of the
pupils of the public schools. The forms
wen* set up by the A dvertiser .
Preparatory for th»* coming Reunion,
the old M»l«!i«*rs have “tried their bund**
at carpenter work ami er«*ctvd a pair of
arches a< ross Main street near Hold
Oregon. When »ieroraU'd, these arches
will form an attractive feature of the
< It) ( oanrll Prorerdl
Septemlier 2, 18H5.
A petition signed by sixty-six citizens
asking for a diminution of the cost of tin*
city electric lights from $147 to $85 | m * i
month was leferre»! to the street com­
mittee for investigation am! rej»ort.
We have placed an order w ith our local
dealer. E. A. Sherwin, for a large ami i
A petition reonesting free use of city
complete stock of stationery. The order
water for church pur|M»ses was presented
w ill l>e filled in San Francisco, and when and read, and result»*»! in the allowance
the goods arrive, we w ill I m * in a position
of fr» »* use of city water for drinking am!
to furnish you superior work ami mater­ Imptismal purjtoses but not for irrigation.
ial at l*e<l rock prices.
Th«* street committee reported, that
One of many.
We publish this one owing to coat of O|»ening the street ami
present financial condition of the city, it
on account of it« brevity.
San Francisco, Sept. 1, 1896. w ould not be 1»est to carry out the pro­
I admire the sty le of your pa|M*r very posal to open a street from Matson’s
much and consider it an ideal amateur blacksmith shop, running along Ashland
publication. With the lx*st wishes for creek, am! intersecting Granite street
near Mrs. Blanton's residence.
your paper in the future, I remain,
Yours respectfully,
Bills to the amount of $408 w ere or­
W. E. Jackson. dered paid.