®he Ashland ^drrrtbcr School has begun, Publlnhrd Every Wednesday. M onarch A mateirs . of the BREVITIES. C3TRemember us for Job Printing. A total eclipse of the moon occurred last night. “It was out of sight,”—the moon. One year, only twenty-five cents. TERMS. — Subscription. One Year, ..... . $.25. “ Six Months, ................. 15. Sample copies mailed freely. Advertising rates, Discounts, Terms to Agents, Made known upon application. CW“AI1 ads., notices, etc, when not paid in advance, run until orderet! out. Entered at the post-office at Ashland, Oregon, as second-class matter. It pays tn advertise in the right journal; this paper is the one. Try it! The game season is now open and grouse and quail may be shot until the first of I>eceml»er. G. W. Crow son is sale dealer in “Peer­ less’’ fruit paper in Ashland. I he Normal School o|n»ned Momiav with an attendance.»! fifty students, and more coining. Perhaps you don’t know it, but now is the time to subscrila*. P. FISHER, NEWSPAPER AD vrrtising Agent. 21 Merchant’s Exchange, San Francisco, is our author­ ized agent. The A dvertiser is kept on tile in his office. The pickers and packers employed in the Stewart |»ear orchards had a general good time last night, “in the »lark of the moon.” Th** “ADVERTISER” ha« the luire filled in San Francisco, and when and read, and result»*»! in the allowance the goods arrive, we w ill I m * in a position of fr» »* use of city water for drinking am! to furnish you superior work ami mater­ Imptismal purjtoses but not for irrigation. ial at l*e