Medford daily tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1906-1909, August 12, 1909, Page 2, Image 2

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! !
is hot work at any time, and with tha DJSLIli&THIr
best of cans, but it is conceded by all VTTf KYfil 1
that the only sure way to keep fruit
is to use
Schram's Automatic
Sealing Cans
In order to give those who have never used them an opportunity to
see how easy and simple the work is, a
Free Demonstration
will be given at Stringer's grocery store
Atfgust 1112
&m II
Mo Accidents
No twisting the jar in two it
you use Schram's Automatic
This demonstration is free to
all and will be in charge of
Remember the place uti-J
(lie time
August 11-12
Our Coupons Books
are proving quite an itftraction to our patrons,
as tlicy realize that there is no easier way of sav
in;; money (hail to claim the
j ,5 Per Cent Discount
on either the $5.00 or $1.0 hooks. liesidc, it is
much more convenient than making change every
time it is necessary to pay a small bill for meats,
po ill try or butter.
HUTH & ASHPOLE, Proprietors.
Opposite Postofflce Phone 461.
Wa anbtawmnmiT direct from us r
Otir Trem are rrown strfcMr L
Wrlle fnr frt-o eaUloa. Larse otlr of k
Tnrirti(wiaitftb)eforcommrciat orchanla W
Choice Fruit. Nut and Omimental Traet, Grape
Vlnn, Snail Fruit Flint, mi Shrubbery W
" Tub Dalles Nurskbiks f
tUlnOBcev li Grand Av,Portluil,0. k
uvv w vvwb
What Is the Best for Indigestion?
Mr. A. liobinson of Prumrpiin,
Ontario, hus been troubled for years
with indigestion, und recommends
Chnmberlnin's Stomach iind Livjv
T'lblels ns "the best medicine I ever
used." If troubled with indige slioii
or constipation give thcin a triai.
They are certain to prove bencf ieia I.
They are easy to take and nlcnsiint
in effect. Price 25 cents. Samules
free at Leon B. ITnskins' Pharmacy.
An ordinance declaring the cost of
tint imiuiiviMiient of u purtitui of
d'Aniou street ami assessing Iho
property benefited thereby and do
elar'uu: such assessment and direct
lim tlie fill rv lliereoi in I lie docket ill
eilv liens.
The eilv ul' Medford dnth onhiiil
as follows :
Section 1. That no protests hiniuir
jbecn filed it minis! the iinprovi'ineiit
i.ivi..:.... tt....t ft-.. in ili.t ..iiii. i:. ..r
U .111.1' it r.n. i . ' . ".'lint 1 1 til i'l
Sixth olivet to nnrlh line of Kr,'hlh
! street, due notice of the intention of
the council to cause said innMeVMiient
to be made havini; been given, and
aid iiiiiiinvement haviiu; been order
ed mniir. the eouiicil ms considered
the mutter and herewith aseertiiins
the cost of uiakinir such improvement
to be the sum of -H-i 7'J.KSf. And said
council further decided that the
special and peculiar benefits accrual;:
upon each lot or part thereof adja
cent to said improvement by- reason
of said improvement and. in just pro
portion to benefits to bu the respec
tive amounts hereinafter set opiosiiu
the number or description of each lot
or part thereof, and such amounts
respectively are hereby declared to
be the proportionate share- of each
lot or part thereof of such improvo-
I incut resiH-ctiveiv. the mime appear
ing above each description beiin; the
name of the owner of such lot or par-
i cel.
Descriotion of Property for Assess
ment of d Aniou Street. Between
! Sixth and Eighth Streets,
i Medford. Orenon.
! Xo. 1. Town of Medford. .flilli.ST
Lot .". in block 'Jl. in original town
;site of eitv of Medford. Oregon. is
; recorded ill county recorder's records
I of Jackson count v. Oregon.
I Xo. 'J. City of Medford. .-MM.SI--
Lot (i. block "Jl. in originnl townsite
jot eitv of .Medford. Oregon, as re
j cordud in county recorder's records
I of Jackson county, Oregon.
! Xo. :i. S. K. Lane, $130.75 Lot 7,
' block 21, in original townsite of city
of Medford, Oregon, as reeirdetl in
jcountv recorder's records of Jackson
I comity, Oregon.
i Xo. 4. S. K. Lane. $136.64 Lot S.
block 21. in original townsite of city
of Medford. Oregon, as recordeil in
j county recorder's records of Jackson
; county. Oregon.
No. 5. Verou J. Kmerick and Mvr-
' ton J. Emcrick. 130.."n Lot i). block
21. in original townsite of city of
Medford. Oregon, as recorded in
I county recorder's records of Jackson
count v, Oregon. i
Xo. (i. Vernon J. Kmerick and Mvr
tou J. Kmerick; .13(i..Vj Lot 10,
block 21. in original townsite of city!
of Medford, Oregon, as recorded in
count v recorder's records of Jackson
county. Oregon.
Xo. 7. $13li..-)0-t:. V. Palm, Vi lot
11. block 21. in original townsite of
eitv of Medford. Oregon, as record
ed in count v recorder's records of
Jackson county. Oregon.
! Louis Neidcrmcver. V. of lot 11.
I block Jl, in original townsite of eitv
! ..4 r..ii' i . . .'
! ui .iieiiioni. urcgon, us recorded in
county recorder's records of Jackson
county. Oregon.
Xo. 8. 3(1.45 ('. F. Yoiimr mid
J. L Hall, lot 12. block 21. in orig
inal townsite of city of Medford, Orc-
! iron, as recorded in county recorder's
records ot Jackson county. Oregon
Xt 9. $1:16.40 C. F. Young and T.
C. Hall, lot 13, block 21. in original
I townsite ot city ol .Medford. Oreiroi
j as recorded in county recorder's rce-
j ords ot Jackson county. Oregon.
j No. 10. $130.34 C. F. Young and
i. i.. ttall. lot a t, block 21, in oris
hull townsite of eilv of Medford. Ore
gon, as recorded in county recorder'.!
records ol. JackHon county, Oregon.
I No. 11. $130.28 C. W.'l'ulm and
! i-oiiis rscidermeyer, one half each of
j lot l..). block 21, in original townsite
ot city, ot Jlcdtord, Oregon, us re
corded in county recorder's records
of Jackson couiitv, Oregon.
No. 12. $130.1 0-C. W. Palm and
IAuis Neidcrmcver, one-hull' each of
lot. lfo block 21, in original lownsite
of city of iledford, Oregon, as re
corded in county recorder's records
of Jackson county, Oregon.
No. 13. $1830.22--Oreg(Mi & Cali
fornia Railroad Company, a parcel of
land known and recorded
ground of eitv of Medford. Oregon,
commencing t thc X. W. comer of
....tin. mm j-i om si reels, riiiuuui: in a
iioiiueriy. direction liliv fr.lh r....i
west and .parallel with the K. line ol
rioni sireet tnrce hundred (300
icci, inence westerly m hue will, tl...
extension of south line of Sixth stree'.
i" uie wregon cc l alilornia l. Jf.
iiiicK. inence souiiierly uloug sui'l
line b Oregon & California li U
track: to a point where said exleii iioii
line intersects with the north line of
Main street, thence easterly along,
side the north line of Main sln-et to
i ne point, oi nei'jnnmg.
No. 14, $137.37-J. T. C. Nash, t
.. block 20, in original townsite of
city of Medford. Oregon, iih recorded
m county recorder's records of JaeV.
son countv, Oregon.
No. 15 , $137,-,0-J. T. V. NMh
0, block 20, in onginnl townsite of
city of Medford, Oregon, ns recorded
in county recorder's records of Jack
' county, Oregon.
No. 1(1. $ 137.02-J. T. C. Nash, lot
I, block 20, in original towusile of
t'll.V ol Meiltord, Oregon, as recorded
ui county ii nler n records of Joe!;
sou county, Oregon.
-N". li, $137.77.!. T. C. Nash, lot
n. mock 20. in original townsite of
city ot Meiltord, Oregon, as recorded
m county recorder's records orMuel'
sou county, Oregon.
No. 18. $137.830. M. Selsbv, lot
0. block 20. in original townsite ol
eilv of Medford. Oregon, us recorded
in countv recorder's records of Jack
son couiitv, Oregon.
No, l'.l, $140.43 M. (!. Tl..i.w. t....
fliiill. and Medinsky. lot 10, block 20.
in original townsite of eilv of Mod
ford, Oregon, and in addition a strip
ot-lot 11, three feet in width along,
side the north line of lot U, as ro
cordud in county recorder's records
of Jackson countv, Oregon.
No. 20, $120.54 Herman Jurgens,
Wirt of lot U. block 20. in original
townsite or city of Medford, Oregon,
twenty-two (22) fret wide on Front
street, extending back to the alley
twontv-two (22) feet wide, as record
ed in countv recorder's rccunU ni1
Jackson countv. Oregon.
an. 21. $138.15 Kd Wilkinson, lot
12. block 20. in original townsite of
eitv of Medford. On con. as riieiirii.
ed in countv recorder's records of
Jackson couiitv. Oregon.
No. 22. $138.25 Kd Wilkinson, lot
13. block 20, in original towusile ot
eilv of Medford Oregon, as record
ed in countv recorder's records of
Jackson countv. Oregon.
N... 23. $138.33 Vernon J. Km-'
crick and Myrton J. Kmerick. lot U.
l.l .1..
oiock :o, original townsite city of
Medford, Oregon, as re rded in
county recorder's records of Jackson
county, Oregon. ,
No, 24. $138 David ('. Wilson,
lot 15, block 20, in original towusile
of eitv of Med lord. Oregon, as re
corded in county recorder's record-:
of Jackson county. Oregon.
No. 25. $138.54-David (.'. Wil-on.
lot 10. block 20. in original lowusit-i
of 'eilv of Medford. Oregon, us re
corded in county recorder's records
ol Jackson countv, Oregon.
-No. 20. $1848.10 Oregon Tali
forniu Kailroad Company, a unreel ;i
land known and recorded as the depot
ground ot eilv of Medford, Oregon
commencing on the southwest conic
of Main and Front streets, i iin
m n 'southcrlv direction fifty (501
feet west mid parallel with the east
line ol Iront street, three liundrei
(300) fect.thencewcsterlviii line with
the extension of Kighth street to the
Oregon i!c ( aliLornia railromr track
thence northerly alongside said Ore
gou & California railroad track to
a iHiuit where said extension line in
lersccts with the south line of .Main
sireet. (hence easterly nlolig sail
south line of Main street to the noint
ol Degiiuiiiig.
Section 2. The recorder of the nil.-
is hereby directed to enter a state
incut of the nssessnients hcrebv tmitlti
in the docket of city liens mid to give
notice thereot uv pul,, cation as re
diiired bv law.
The foregoing ordinance was pass
ed bv the eitv of Medfonl on the r.n.
day of August. 1000. by the following
vote: Welch aye, Merrick absent.
Worlmun nyo. Kmerick aye, Kifert
ave, Dcmmcr aye.
Approved August filh. 1000.
W. If. CANON, Mn vor
1 Recorder
Notice is hereby given thut the city
council of the city of Medford. Ore
gon, will received settled proposals, to
construct u 6-iuch lateral sewer
along Rosr court, from West Fourth
street south, a distance of 600 foot,
in the city of Medford, Oregon,
' All bids must bo filed' with thc city
recorder on or before 4:30 p. m. Au
gust 10th, 1000, mid nc.companiod 4y
a certified check payablo to the city
treasurer ot said city, equal to i per
cent of the contract price; check to
be forfeited to the city of Medford in
case the successful bidder fails to
enter into contract for flnmo. Con
tractor to furnish nil .labor and ma
terials necessary to coinpluto suid
sewer. Plans and specifications may
be had for snid improvement by call
ing nt or addressing the city engin
eer's office.
Done by order of the city council
this Oil! day of August. .1000.
130 . ROUT. W. TELFKlt,
City Tfccoi'dof.
MEDFOUD, Or., Aug. 5. 1 000
Hall's Texas Wonder, of St. Louis,
cured my daughter of a severe kidney
and bladder trouble oftcr doctor?
failed to give any relief, and I can
cheerfully recommend it. Mrs. L, L.
Wilson. 135 Bartlolt St. Sold by
Hnskins' Drug Store.
"For you particular customers who demand the
best groceries, we recommend Folders Golden Gate
It is so good wc cannot obtain a better coffee not if we paid
$1 a pound for it.
' KvcrythiiiR about Folgcr's Golden Gate Coffee is perfect, aarj
we sell it with the positive ijuarantec that it will please you,
Allen & Reagan N
a ........ ....
I Medford Iron Works I
J&XSrCiHI E. G.. TROWBRIDGE, Proprietor. f
J ' --". 4.
All Hr..' of Engines, Spraylnu Outfits, Pumps, Boilers and Ma-t
Chlnffw Annnltt In Qniltharn ftpannn 4tf
PAIDDAMlc unocr nn T
ninunnivtf, itiupju at ww.
4-f 4f
- tlrs. Urtnz 'Kampton Isaacs
"3rttuct?r cf Jlano. LmI 3ttttl)o&
The best resolution for you
to mnko is to conio to us for
your next suit, if yo.t want
something out' of tho ordinary.
Wo do the best work and char.; a
the lowest prices.
A Bargain
The famous 120-nere
85 acres of alfalfa garden, 20 acres of thc prettiest oak nnad laurel
prove in the valley, 15 acros of apples and pears iQ bonriug, and
, loaded with fruit at thc prose-it tinie. '
This is the best proposition ever offered in Southern Orogon.
Exclusive Agents, for prices, terms, etc, at offico,
Phone 93 6 Fir street
Excellent Workmanship