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About The Medford mail. (Medford, Or.) 1893-1909 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 2, 1903)
; PURELY PERSONAlI I J. W. Miller la in Grants Pass upon a visit to Mb son Fred.v ' J. F. Brown, of Eagle Point, was Medford visitor ovc'r Sunday. F. H. Oreon, .of. Talent," was in the city this week npon business. Mr. and Mre.rP. M. Williams, of Tolo, were in the city Monday. ' R. A. Moore, the Gold Hill morohant, was in the city Tuesday on business Kx-County Assessor John Grieve,- of Central Point, was in the eity Monday Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Pierce, of Ash' land, were visiting Medford friends this week. Miss Mabel Wilson, who has been visiting at Glendale, returned home Monday. J. T. Edwards, et Phoenix, was a pleasant caller at Tub Mail shop 'Wednesday. Merchant W. R. Coleman, ol Phoenix, was among the many Medford visitors this week. Rev. L. M. Idleman left Thursday for Ashland, where he will remajn for everal days. Misses Lucy and Amy Kent are pending holiday week with their par ents at Wellen. Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Apple will leave Sunday for San Francisco, where they expect to reside. A. M. Wilson was over from Jackson ville Wednesday upon business and , 'visiting friends. Mrs. K. T. Burnett, of Ashland, spent Christmas in Medford with her mother, Mrs. L. J. Sears. Judge Prim and Sheriff Rader were down from Jacksonville on Tuesday to witness the shoot of the Medford Bod and Gun Club. ""Son. W. H. Bradshaw and G. vV. Stephens, of Brownsboro, were in Med ford Monday upon business. Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Howard and son, Master Evan, spent Christmas with Portland friends and relatives. Mrs. L. J. Sears and daughter, Miss Pay, are visiting Dr. and Mrs. R. T. Burnett at Ashland this week. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. F. Young, Mrs. Jos. L. Hammersly and Mrs. Carl Phelps were Gold Hill residents in the city Saturday. Mrs. E. L. Gurnea and children, and Mrs. M. P. Ward, mother of Mrs. Gurnea, enjoysd New Year day with Ashland friends. Mrs. J. W. Short came up from Foots creek Friday to visit her mother, Mra. Whitney, returning to her home Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Sam'l Hoyt, of Grants Pass, ate Christmas dinner with their daughter, Mrs. T. W. Johnson and her good hu6band, Westley. R. A. Bunch came up from Sisson this week for a few days visit before going to Yreka, where be has taken a position in a barber shop. Sam'l Geary, the veteran rancher and hunter of Trail creek, was in the city Saturday upon business. He was ac companied by Jefferson Hewett. Thos. Lyons came down from Trail creek last Saturday upon land business. He walked in and was pretty well played out when he readied here. Stan Aiken was down from Prospect tms wees. Mr. Aiken is postmaster, merchant and hotel keeper at Prospect and besides all these be is an exten sive rancher. He and his brother own 1100 acres of the best land there is in that locality. It comprises good range and hay land, timber and agriculture land... Mr. Aiken was about, the first man to looate In that section and he didn't do a thtug but anchor himself onto a good bit of the oreiitu land of that section. . . Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Hosier, of Ash land, spent Christmas with Medford frtends. v f ' " 4 G. C. Cilly,' one of tho' prominent stockrntsors of tho Applogate section, was in Medford on Tuesday. J. H. Gay was up from Central Point Tuesday, He says tbe cold weather of the past week had been good for his present business ourlng pork "John L. Ragsdale, one of the good farmers of Lake Creek, was in the city last Saturday making homestead filing before U. S. Commissioner Bllton, Chas. F. Young, of Gold Hill, who bad been away on business for several days, joined Mrs. Young here on Tues day. Mrs. Young had been visiting Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Hall. J. H. Drake returned Wednesday morning from a two weeks' stay in Portland, where he visited at the bed side of a very slok sister, whom he had not seen for twenty years. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Comegys are visiting their parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Comegys, for the holidays. Claude Comegys, who is a student at the Pullman, Wash., college is also at borne for a vacation. Robert and Mort Lawton returned this week from the Ray dam, where they have been employed for several weeks past. Work on the dam baa olosed down for a few weeks, or until the weather becomes more settled. S. C. MoClendon came up from Gold Hill Sunday night to mtet F, L. Jordan, who had been recalled from Pan Francisco, owing to a change in tbe plans of the Bowden-Yellow Jacket mine. H. Leighton, the well known mining expert, who has been In Southern Doug las County for the past few months, running a quartz mill, spent the holi days with bis many friends in this section. A. S. Kleinhammer, of Buncom, was in the city Monday on business. He says the cattle in his portion of. the connty are coming down from the hills on account of the suow and that they are in first-class condition. He expects quite a number of bead to be shipped out between now and spring. C. 0. Ragsdale, proprietor of Hotel Nash, arrived in Medford last week accompanied by his family and he is now duly installed as proprietor of this popular hostelry. He is making many changes about the hotel and is doing everything possible to make it one of tbe very best hotelB on the line. E. P. Pickens came up from Igerna, Calif., last week for a few weeks' Btav with his family. Mr. Pickens is em ployed as watchman at one of tbe large mills at Igerna, but as the mill is tem porarily shut down owing to severe weather, he is enabled to take this va cation. J. B. Dent returned to Medford last week from Oakland, Calif., after an absence of thirteen months, during which time he has been employed by the Oakland Stone Company at $-5 per day. During Mr. Dent's absence he has been a close observer of matters j and things and he has never lost opportunity to put in a good word for Southern Oregon and his efforts are fully appreciated. He related that while in San Francisco recently he saw in the markets these placards: "Southern Oreeon potatoes, 81.2-5 per hundred pounds," and "Alameda County pota toes, $1 per hundred pounds" and the We greet you with a Happy New Year We are off with the New Year and so are our Prices Our Annual Clearance EVERY Sale now on FUR BOA LADIES' or MISSES' CAPE or JACK KT WALKING SKIRT BOY'S SUIT LADIES' WRAPPER SILK or FLANNEL WAIST LADIES' SLIPPER ' WOOL BLANKET ....Radically Reduced.... For . we must have room for our Spring stock, which will soon arrive HURRY! HURRY! for this is 1903 HURRY! W. H. Meeker & Co. buyers nearly all took tho Southorn Oregon product. Tlio dealer explatnod that the Oregon potato was by far a hotter article, It being llrmur ami of bettor flavor, Miss Sadlo Van Dyko Is visiting Ash land friends this week. Mr. nml Mrs. Will Hniiloy, of Burns, Or., arrived in Medford Thursday. Carl Kawllngs and his sister, Mrs. Arnold, returned Inst week from quite au extended stay iu Colorado. Mr. and Mrs. Franklin Howonsluln, of Ft. Wayne, Indiana, wore In Mud- ford last Saturday making timber laud proofs before U. S. Commissioner Bllton. W. R. Stanslll, the mining uiau, who has good mining property In many places In the country, was over from Jacksonville last week to meet his son and daughter, who had but recently arrived from the East. Mr. Stanslll has rented the H. G. Wortman resi dence on West Seventh street in Med ford and will soon occupy the same. G. W. Catching, of Eugene, was In the oity this week upon business. Tho gentleman is now superintendent of construction for the Booth-Kelly Lum ber Co. It was Mr. Catching who built the school building In Medford which was burned a few years ago. He can not but notice a great change In our city since those days. Harry and Ralph White, eons of Chas. A. White, now of Klamath Falls, spent the holidays this side of the mountains visiting relatives and friends n Ashland, Medford and Central Point. They report a foot of snow on tho divide, nut the road well packed. They came over horseback and will return the same way the last of this weok. C. G. Clark, who holds the hlghost record as head sawyer at tbe Sierra miliar near Chico, Calif., camo down from Washington the first of the week and stopped over in Medford to visit his friend and schoolmate, "Duff" Karnes. Mr. Clark was on his way to Chico, but spent sevoral days here be fore proceeding. Mrs. Mary R. Martin and daughter. Miss Dosha, of Trail, were in Medford last Saturday upon business before IJ. S. Commissioner Bliton. Mrs. Martin made a homestead Sling upon her homo place, which she has resided upon since the fall of 1S88. The filing papers have been accepted, and the lady will have seven years in which to make hor final proof. U. Mc.Murtrey, of Omaha, together with his mother and his sister. Miss Kate, arrived In Medford last week and expect to make this oity their future home. Mr. McMurtroy was a resident of this country a few years ago, at which time he was engaged in mining In the Applegate country In company with his father and an uncle. He is a nephew of Mrs. I. E. Sayre. who formerlv ro- sided In Medford. W. W. Edlngton, of Gold Hill, one of the old and tried friends of the Mail, was a caller on Saturday, his business in this office being tbe renewal of his subscription to this paper and the Ore gonian, and also to send both papers to his brother-in-law in Missouri. In this connection Mr. Edlngton remarked. I want my brother-in-law to learn something about Oregon, and I don't know that I could do it any better than by sending him the two best weekly papers in the state." Robert Knowles, who is now located at Spokane and has been visiting rela tives and friends here during the holi days, wus a passenger for Jacksonville Monday. Mr. Knowles is a brother of Mesdames M. F. Parker, Ashaol Hub bard and Wallace Woods. He is a car penter by trade and eighteen years ago ne ouiu the old frame building, corner or Seventh and D street, which was this fall torn down and the magnificent Palm-Bodge brick building erected in its stead. ADDITIONAL LOCAL plnoo Buy Acres Under ditch before June 1. 1003. T.,.vM ueeji, nuu uuuom iana, cleared and fenced. Near school, chnreh. urn p lU .and depot. A bargain. Atldrnsn cen A. Lowell, Woodville, Ore. 1-Bt Married Carpenter-Oglesby. On Sunday last Aaron F. Carpenter, of Central Point, and Mrs. Mary Oglcsby, of Jacksonville, were married. The marriage took place in Medford and the ceremony was performed by Rev. Darbv. , -T. II. B. Taylor has sold his at Woodville and on loft for California whero ho Intends to spend the winter and possibly luoulo permanently. Whllo In Medford, be fore leaving, Mr. "Taylor said all tho placer mines on Ward's oreek, Pleasant crock and Evans crook wuro being op orated. A now ditch le being dug from the old Spoor mill near Wlmer and will be used to Irrigate tho ranches on both sides of Evans crock. That por tion of the couutry Is noted for Its al falfa and with the additional aoreago In hay, which will be put under tho now dltoli, as much if not more, will be raised than it usually harvested on Ap plegate. Upper Evans crook la boooin ing an extensive stock country and tho Increased supply of bay will bo usod by the etookuion during the winter, For ton years Mr. Taylor has been one of the vory best friondsTiiis Mail has evor had, and his leave-taking from Jackson County is a source of much regret on the part of tho publisher, but we truly hope that success and good health may bo his portion wherever he and his very estimable family may decide to looate. Thomas H. B. Taylor is a square, honorable man, and he will have to change his ways greatly If he is over found different and a truer frlond to a friend never lived, Restaurant for sale a good paying restaurant business for sale, In this oity. Apply at Mail office. Dr E. B. Plokel has sold his resi lience property, on West Seventh street, ecu pled by Dr. Cameron, to J. M. Iloyd, of tho firm of Boyd & Conklin, furniture dealers in this oity. The purchase Includes tho residence and a quarter of a block of land four lots, and tho prleo paid was $2100, Possession is to be given the first of the coining February. Tho residence Is a now ono and a good ono, and Mr, Boyd Is to be congratulated In having seonrod It. This sale was made through tho While & Trowbridge real estato agoney, Dr. Cameron will move to tho A. J. Stewart residence. Carload of Portland content J. F. White. D. W. Hull, who wbb president of the State Association of Spiritualists, of Kansas, will lecture on the Bible evi dence of Spiritualism Sunday evoning In the White-Thomas hall. Mr. Hull will remain here for a few days and will lecture in Ashland upon kindred subjects noxt week. Ho is said to be an interesting -talker and thoroughly Imbued with his subject. A number of the Spiritualists of the county have signified their Intention of being pres. ent. The meeting will be public. Russ mill will do custom rolling Saturdays only, until March 1st. One portion of tbe road leading to Medford from Roxy prccinot has always been a source of dread to tbe farmers who have to travel It. This week a number of them took It upon them selves to cut down the high rlm rock and reduce the grade of the hill without cost to tbe county. Tbo rock blown out was nscd to fill in the road below the hill and has made n doclded improve ment. The only cost to tbe road dlstrlci was the powder used In blasting the rock, the farmers donuling their lubor All kinds of sasn and doors and screen doors, at lowest rourk'ot price W.Woods. ( The dunce given by tho K. of P. boys in Wilson's opera house on Cliriat mas nlfjht wus one cl the most enjoy able affairs ever attended in tho city. There woro olghty-four tickets sold and from a financial, as well as social. point of view it was a crowning success, and those of tbe boys who had most to do with tho arrangement of affairs have every reason to feel well satisfied with the result. Prof. Uoffa's orchestro furnished excellent music and Mrs. G W. Mnckcy served a sumptuous and very palatable suppci. The real estate will bo sold (nine reason Januury 10th. Mr, the majority of tho properly, -Mrs. J. 8. McCain nulls tho Cull- fnmtli, A ul...,l ....u Friday morning " h ml. O. W. Whitman :-"Hw was Clirl-t inns trado? Was that what yon ask mo? Well, I tell you; I ho Medfurd Hook Storo took In $1100 more this your nt Christmas time than It did lust your for tho siiuiu lungth of time. That's not so worse, Is It? My trade was onttruly satisfactory." ' V. I.. Hamilton, ox-proprietor of Hotel Nash, has purchased an hall Interest In the Union livery stables froui D. T. Cox, who retains the other. half Interest. Mr, Hamilton's many friends will be pleased to know that ho has thus again coupled himself to Mud ford iu a business way and is to pitch tent permanently In our city. Dining room, opposite postoMoo. Mrs. G, W, Maokoy, proprietor. There are reported to bo two or three oases of smallpox on Elk creek and one on Trail oreok. Our Informant did not care to have his name mentioned as having reported the matter, but be stated that the oases existed In thoso localities to his positive knowledge, Domestic sewing maohlnos J. F White. , ' S. L. Bennett has received the gold medal awarded hi in at the Charleston I Exposition for the best display of apples. The medul Is vory pretty and Mr. Ben nett has taken unto himself a well de served amount of pride In Its possession. "Shorty" Dodge and J. L. Rider have formed a partnership for tho pur poso of operating a scavenger wagon In Medford. They promise that all work Intrusted to them will bo quietly and thoroughly looked after. Dr. K. K. Emmcrson writes from San Francisco, stating that ho Is at work at his profession, that of optician, in that oity; is receiving a good salary, i but will return again to Medford about tho 1st of April, John B. Hummorsly, lato of tho Gold Hill Nows, was married In Grants Pass last week to Miss Georgia Wil liams, nf that city. Miss Williams was formorly a compotltor in the News oRlco. Evangelist A. M. Petty, of Cal ifornia, will begin a series of revival inoutings Sunday evening and continue them during the week at the Baptist Church. Walter Hoovor, of Medford. and .mis. J. N. lloyil, ol Kosohtirg, woro married in tho latter city last week They will reside In Medford, Beginning tonight and continuing until April 1st, many of tho stores will oloso every night at II o'clock, ox copt Saturday night. Homer Harvey has commenced tho construction of a new resldonco upon the property ho recontly purchased from Mrs. E. Brown, The Palm-Whitman cigar company has been putting out some vory pretty and useful sou von Irs the same being a fine leathor cigar case. There will lie joint installation of officers Odd Follows nnd Hubekahs In Odd Fellows hall on tho evening of January 10th. The Iowa Lumber Co recoived moro heavy machinery this week for their saw mill, near Jacksonville. F.' M. Wilson's Christmas present 'o his duughter, Miss Mabel, was an -lognnt now piano. Bert Hooker, (it this oity, and Miss lloyce, of Talent, woro married Sunday ly Rev. Iloxie. Fnr ll hint lil4t in tlin mnntli Inkii n few doses ol Chamberlain's Stomach and I l.iver Tablets. Piieo 25 cents. Wur-I anted lo cure. 'For sale by Chas. -Strang, druggist. TO MAKE, because it's no trouble to keep, Is to use tho Mudford mills Hour. II you start the now year with a tup ply of this Hour, ltn many merits will so endear themselves that you will never use any other. A. A DAVIS 11. S. HEN loot and snoe maker Repairing of all kinds. Batls faotian guaranteed. (Jivo uio a call at Woodferd's Shot mora, ;lh Strut. RURAL MAIL ROUTE TO BE I C. C. Clemens, rural mall route In spector lur tho l'uolllo const, hits been In Medford this week Inspecting the Iroe rural mull delivery route prayed for by the people living south of and adjoining Medford, and conducting nt examination of applicants for the posi tion of mall carrier on tho proponed) route. There were six applicants for the placo examined, viz: C. C. Parker, Jas. Stewart, Frank Bollinger, Fred Day, J. K. Day and W. J. Wnrnor. Tho route to bo established will bu about as follows:. Coimnonolng at tho postoMce In Medford it will run out Seventh street to the school house, tbenco southerly lo the J. II. Stewart place (tho old Fordyco place), thenco west along tbo Bellinger lane to l( intersection with the old California stage road, thence along tho stage ro6) to the Nnylor place on Griffin oroek, thence south along Griffin creek to the McPherson place, thence east over tho mounuln road to the Voorhios place, thence north and crossing tho 8. P. railroad track to tho Van Dyko placo,. thenco along the county rond on tho cast side of the railroad track to placo of beginning. It Is almiiH Hisiltvo that this route on about the lines above mentioned will bo established In thr neur future. Whatever ohnnges are made will not miileriallv HtTeot tho- conrso of tho routo. Persons llvlnir contiguous to this route may havo lliolr mall delivered freo to them ovory day, by putting up box-s at cnnvonleiit points and otherwise complying wlll tho requirements of tho postal regula tions in this res pent. Tho longi.h of tho route will bo a lltlloovor twenty miles nnd tho salary paid the carrlor will bo fiXX). . Married Oglesby-Robinson. R. W. Oglcsby, formerly of Jackson ville, and Minnie Robinson, of Lake view, were married in Medford on Christmas day, by Rev. Darby. Oglesby is the young man who was convicted of robbing the U. S. mail at Lnkeview a couple of vearB aim nml hno since served out his term at Salem. The robbery was made to enable him to procure means to nt that time marrv the girl whom he made his wife Inst Thursday. Notice. Notice is herebv eivnn that. T lio severed my connection with the Mexican Banantia Company, and that I will In no ways be responsible hnrnftn- far n.n acts of said company. . M. T.. T', ,.,., Dated at Talent, this 10th day of Do- Thn Wrnnl.i i ,. .4H iIW j.auKu ihuu are Rubbers all sizes all kinds. I have plain ones and those with rolled edges. Largo assortment to select from. Price arc all right. A.M.Woodford. , n. G. Nicholson, tho enterprising hardware dealer, has put out a calendar for 1003 that Is truly a beautiful piece of work and the picture upon these calendars is one which touches the heart of every loyal citizen tho picture is that of our martyred presidents. Lincoln, GarPeld and McKlnloy Mr. Nicholson is always patriotic and this bit ol loyalty to his country's martyrs is only another demonstration of his chief characteristic. Salt salmon to order. Special rates I in niiy-ponnn- lots nnd up. Meo ns. Medford Cash Market. M. 8. McCown. Waller Llppincott, son of our es teemed station agent, Is now residing at bnowhall, Arizona, whero ho hns a good position as bookkeeper for a mer cantile establishment. His old-time Medford friends will learn with pleas ure of his good fortune. Mrs. Llppin cott is still in California. Wells & Shoarer have thn hoai equippea outut tor Uruylng and house hold moving in Medford. All kinds ti woou tor sale full measure and prompt, delivery. Tho personal property of tho Wliito Crops Gold Mining Company wns sold by Sheriff Rador Thursday to satisfy ft ft ft ft ft it ft ft ft ft ft ft ft $ ft ft ft ft ft ft Si r- ft ft ft ft ft A Gome and See HJs! WE CAN SHOW YOU THE LAR GEST AND BEST LINE OF CoDDier Seal ana Uonolsierea cnairs IN SOUTHERN OREGON, ! 0 Couches and Morris Chairs In all colors of Volours, Tapostrios and Corduroys. We make no special prices. Our I 'ces are Always Right. WEEHiS (& BAKER 1 MEDFORD, OREGON. j here see their ad. noxt week. , the judgment, of H . D. JKood et nl, of ftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftftjftliyj