The Medford mail. (Medford, Or.) 1893-1909, June 13, 1902, Page 4, Image 4

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PutillHhAd Rverv rrldsj Morninn.
Mbo-miid, Friday, Junk IS, IMS
He la of 111 diva; bul quite i plonvj
juasciinoN $1.50 per yeah
a lered In the Poaiimae at Meurord, oromn
' Slmwou-Oihj Mall Matter
l'r4nl of lirutvtlt.
V lilldren horn between September
iv.'d l-'ohi -wiry nre. some authorities
k o, not so tiill us those horn In the
fvmtuer mid sjirlua months, 'ami t ho
f-rowili of children is much more rapid
frum March till August. The i-xtrenii-tics
srow rapidly up to the sixteenth
yr.-ir. then thrre Is n slow growth till
Die thirtieth year. The lepa chiefly
prow between the tenth mid seven
teenth year.
Comparing the general results. It ap
pears that there are six periods of
growth. The first extends up to the
sixth or eighth year and Is one of very
rapid growth; the second period, from
eleven to fourteen years, growth Is
slow; the third period, from sixteen to
seventeen; the fourth period shows a
low growth up to the age of thirty for
height, np to fifty for chest girth; the
fifth period Is one of rest, from thirty
to fifty years; the sixth period Is char
acterized by a decrease in all dimen
sions of the body.x
His Special Grace.
: "Tea," said a teacher in a soyith side
school the other day while endeavor
ing to explain to her class how the
same word may have different mean
ings, "there is more than one kind of
grace. Grace may be a girl's name.
and grace means beauty, too: so that
when we say a lady or anything else
Is full of grace we mean that she or It
is beautiful tn form and In character.
Now, there Is another kind of grace.
wonder who can explain what it Is.
Freddie, what does yuur father say
-when he sits down to breakfast in the
"Oh. gosh. ma. I wish things wasn't
' always put on the table so sloppy that
they spoil a fellow's appetite.' "Chi
cago Heoonl-H-rnlrt
Don't give them tea or coffee. Havi
vou trifd the new food drink callec
GRAIN-O? It iir delicious and nourish
iag and takes the place of coffee. Thi
more Grain-O you give the children tht
more health you distribute tbrougt
their systems. Grain-O Is made of pur
grains, and when properly prepared
tastes like the choice grades of coffet
but costs about i as much. All grocert
sell it. 16c. and 25c
Blanche Warren, an actress, also
known as Blanche Brown and in pri
vate life Mrs. Will Chapman, and her
mother, Mrs. G. M. Brown, were found
dead in the former's room at 425 Golden
Gate avenue, San Francisco, death un
doubtedly owing due to accidental as
phyxiation. The, two women had retired
the evening before in the best of spirits,
and bud made arrangements for meet
ing friends the next noon. From the
condition of the room there was nothing
to indicate that a suicide bad been
planned. The police and coroner are of
the opinion that death was accidental.
Expensive rings, a necklace aud locket
and gold watch were found on Miss
Warren's body, and pinned in her un
derclothing was a bag containing f442
in greeu backs. In 1893, when Blauouu
Brown was 17 years old, she eloped to
Victoria with Will M. Chapman, sou of
the Rev. E. S. Chapman, formerly oi
1 ... - I T ....
vjuiMuu, uiu., uuu now l juos AUgeied,
who is woll kuowu as the presideut of
the Anti-Saloon League.
'. "Advice." said. Uncle Eben. "Is like
mos" ev'ything else. If It's any good,
you doesn have to give It away. Yon
kin giner'ly sell it" Washington Star.
in siii-rk'.cs
of bis winning a race. but a question oi
being able only to keep aHcat. The ;r.n
who u iiifforincf from malnutrition is like
the fettered Etrwier. His stomach and
its allied oranr oi
digestion a id nutri
tion are diseased.
It is not a question
with him of winning
,in the race for busi
ness but of simply
keeping up under
aav circumstances.
Whenever disease
ifTects the stomach
i: is aOccl'ing also
thr blood and the
lieatth of every or
gan of the lxyly.
or blood is only
food converted into
nutrition and nutri
tion is tiic lite ot
tne body aud every
Wgl! of It.
doctor Pierce's
Golden Medical
Discovery cures diseases of the stomach
ami other organs -jf digestion and nutri
tion. It purifies the blood and enables
the perfect nutrition of the body which
means perfect health.
"For fty. Ions- visits I suffered witli Indiges
tion an-l my liver'aud ki'lney-i. .vhicli baffled the
fcesl doctors in our country." writes li. 1,. Han
sen. l-.q.. or Woo'w-y, Priii-.e William Co.. Va.
" 1 suffered witli my stomach and back for a Ivng
time, and after taking a ' cntl-loorl ' ot medicine
from three doctors I grew m, bad I could hardly
co a day's work. Would have death-like pains
in Die side, and blind sells. I began taking
Dr. Pierce's Golden - Medical Discovery ana
' Pieasaut 1'cltcls.' Before 1 had taken half of
the second bottle 1 began to feel relieved.' I got
six more bottles and used them, and am happy
to say 1 owe my life to Dr. Pierce."
Accept no substitute for Golden Med
ical Discovery." There is nothing "just
' as good " for diseases of the stomach,
Dlooti ami lungs.
The Common Sense Medical Adviser,
ioo8 large pages, in paper covers, is sent
free on receipt of at one-cent stamps to
pay expense of mailing only. Address
fcr. R. v. Pierce, Buffalo, 'N v. "
In tlio sonata littlo tutorost was nnviit
tested in tlio Philtutuo imvorniiunit bill
under tlio 15-mlnuto rule. Mason of
Illinois nt'gnod that tlio Filipinos, like
tlio C ubaiis, should bo granted solf-gov
ermnout. Hoar of Massachusetts re
ferred to the cost of tlio war us enough
to establish universities liko Harvard
throughout the country.
Tlio house, bv a vote of 139 to 40, sus
pended the rnlos aud adopted the joint
resolution extending tlio thanks ot oou
gross to Secretary of State John Hay
for his address ou the ocoasiou of the
MelCinloy memorial exorcises last Fob.
ruary. The house bill to .vucouraga
salmon onltuvo iu Alaska was defeated
ou motiou to pass ou suspension of the
The senate passed tlio Lodge Philip
fine government bill by a vote of 48 tc
80. Three Republicans -Hoar of Mas
suolmsetts. Mason of Illinois aud Wei'
lingtou of Maryland voted against the
measure, and one Democrat, MoLaurtii
of South Carolina, voted for it. Al!
ainendmeuts offered by the minority
were rejected. The concurrent resolu
tion extending the thanks of congress to
Secretary of State John Htiy for his
memorial address on the life aud char
acter of William McKiuley was adopted.
The house weut tuto committee of the
wholo to consider, the auti-auarohy bill.
The house committee reported a substi-
tute for the souato measure, which was
held to be unconstitutional.
Debate ou the project of constructing
an isthmiau canal was opened lu the
senate by Morgan of Alabama, who
strongly advocated tho Nicaragua route.
A bill providtug that the postmaster-
general may extend the free delivery to
cities of 5,000 inhabitants or f5,000 gross
income instead of 10,000 inhabitants as
at present was passed.
The debate iu the house on the anti-
anarchy bill was devoted to the legal
aspects of the measure.
Iu further consideration of the isth
mian canal project in the senate. Huuua
of Ohio favored the purch.i-.iuc of the
rights of the Panama Canal company
if a title could be obtained; otherwise
he should decide upon the Nicaragua
route. Mitchell spoke iu favor of the
construction of the canal by the Nicar
agua route. A bill to redivide the dis
trict of Alaska into thres recording and
judioial districts was passed.
Iu the house Loud of California made
a speech in opposition to the anti-an-
archy bill, and declared that the legisla
tion was unnecessary.
In the senate Hanna continued bia
speech in favor of the construction of
the Panama canal, as the Nicaragua
route was beset with difficulties. At
the conclusion bf Hanna's argument the
senate went into executive session.
In the house general debate on the
anti-anarchy bill was closed. Richard
son of Alabama, during the course ot
some remarks upon' the bill, caustically
criticised President Roosevelt's Memo
rial day oration at Arlington, and said
that he felt it his painfnl duty to con
trast McKinley's sentiments at Hunts
ville, Ala., with Roosevelt's remarks at
Arlington on May 30. Richardson alsc
condemned the president's reference tc
lynchings in the south.
In the senate consideration of the
isthmian canal projeot was resumed.
Mitchell of Oregon delivered a speech
in opposition to the Panama route. He
said that the methods of the P..aamu
Canal company were the most corrupt
in the history of the world.
The substitute for the senato anti
anarchy bill was adopted by the house.
A motion to reooinmir resulted 61 to 8S,
not a quorum, aiwl the house adjourned
t'he LItt Rn-it TlirfinKh the Alphabet
Prom A V.
If all of tile substnnees that' pass
::i oii',-li a cof.'.-e grinding machine dur
:;g the year should be written in al
ph-ii-ciii-iil order, "a" would begin the
i;'t with acoi'!s, mid "w" would end it
with wormwood, sprouts of which nre
tniiictiwea used to give the debased
c iTee a yliglit nronuitlc bitter taste.
Adulteration occurs largely In the
eoffee is sold in the ground form.
Several coffee berry factories have
:eeu discovered In Europe which were
(lulrmeji" large arid profitable business
by molding tin admixture of tunbnrk.
s;ove ' rust, clay, sawdust, chicory,
coffee sediment and cofr"!1 meal into
n mut berry by the aid ot some ngglu
rliiiint. and these berries were so well
mailt' that the deception was nut dis
invcred for a Ion;.- time. This produc
tion had it large sale among the lower
cliisses of Jitissiu ni:d Poland, and,
mixed witli the genuine coffee berry,
Its sale was quite lively in other parts
of Kurope.
I'uroastcd colTee berries are .often
made from oat ami rye Hour and corn
men I. The nuturiil r.roma of these
grains Is destroyed by some process,
and after the proper amount of coffee
aroma Is added the berries nre formed
and caused to mulntuin their shape by
some adhesive substance. The teat
usually employed to discover this de
ception is to place the beans iu a re
ceptacle containing warm wntcr, which
will dissolve them In a few hours.
Honolulu Slur.
"Have you got any corned beef?"
asked the guest.
"All I know about it," said the con
scientious waiter, "is that It looks like
befcf and it's corned. Wish some?"--Chicago
Tribune. ' .
It Is a good thing for a young men
to try to make bis mark Id the world
so long as he uses something besldue
red paint In doing it. Syracuse Her
ald. '
.nmtnttire Holland,
The striking tiling tibuttt Holland Is
rhiit everything except (lie old parish
eliui-ehi'S. the town halls, the dikes
and tho trees Is in miniature. The cit
ies tire not wide, and one can go from
i ho most northern point Iu Hie country
lo l lu most southern or from tlio ex
treme west to the o:;tritne east 111 t
ilngle day mid. If It be u summer day,
In daylight, while from the lop of the
lower of the cathedral tit I'tivcht one
can lo.k over it large part of the ooiin
try. The Hague and liotterdnm tiro
only sixteen miles n pari and The Hague
and Atiislere.ain only forty tulles. Am
hem and The Hague are the two must
cosmopolitan cities In I lie kingdom,
and one meets In the streets nil sorts
and conditions of Nclheilanilera. Hus
ton Transcript.
SlnriinsonW eril,i(les.
"A llnanelal i-rash. anil, pour fellow1,
lie went under." ,
"Anil then she threw him over, 1
hear."- Daltlniiue Herald
Ready to Yield.
"I used Do Wilt's Witch Huol SkIvo fur
ntlea and found It a certain cure," buys 8. It.
Meredith, Willow Urove, llol. Onerttltons uu
neeossuty to euro piles. Thoy always yield lo
Dc Will's Wit -u II met Salve. .Cures shin ills
eases, nil kinds ot wounds. Accept ho counter.
fells. Chtls.Stratig.
llrnaa unit Itronst.
Brass and bronze nre two alloys of
copper. The Hist Is composed of cop
per and line, the latter of copper and
tin. Roth historically mid scientifically
these two compound metals are of
greater Interest than almost tiny others.
Copper was one of the llrst metals ills
covered, extracted and utilised In the
curliest periods of our history, and an
tiquaries are uccustoiued to speak of a
"bronze nge" to express that Interval
of time during which this metal formed
ninny of the implements used for In'
dustrial purposes and in warfare.
The l.uel Thins;.
"Wasn't that an odd thing for the
minister to say Just as we were leav
ing?" asked the Chicago bridegroom of
bis bride.
"I don't think t noticed what he
said," replied the bride. "What was
"He Invited usi to come again."
"Oh. that wa Just ordinary polite
ness. He nlways docs my inarrylng."
fietroit free Press
Saved front an Awful Kate.
"Everybody said I bad consumption,"
writes Mrs. A. M. Shields, ot Chambers
burg, Pa., "I was so loir alter six
months of severe sickness, caused by
bay fever and asthma, that few thought
I could got ell, but I learned of the
marvelous merit ol Dr. K nk- a Now Dis
covery for Consumption, used it, and
was completely cured." tor desperate
throat and lung diseases it is the safest
cure in the world, and is infulliblo for
coughs, colds and bronchial affections.
Guaranteed bottles 50c and 11.00. Trial
bottles free at Cbas, Strang s.
Temperate-re of Foreete.
For many years the Swiss govern
ment has been making observations
through Its forestry stations on the
temperature of the air, of the trees and
the soil in the forests. Tbese observa
tions show that the temperature in the
forests Is always below the tempera
ture outside. The temperature also
varies according to the trees compos
ing the forests.
A beech forest is always cooler than
a forest of larch. As to the trunks of
the trees, they nre nlways cooler than
the surrounding air. I'cgurding the
lemperntiire of the soil. It is found that
la the forest the temperature Is Invari
ably below that of the nir. Outside the
I'urest (lie soil Is always warmer than
'lie air iu summer and colder in win
ter. Prcaervlntr m Shark' Head.
When a big shark Is taken on board
ship, the skull Is usually preserved, the
flesb being removed from the bones.
and It is a favorite pastime with sailors
io crawl one after another through the
distended Jaws. It would be far from
safe to do this, however, when the
head has been but freshly cut off, be
cause under such conditions the jaws
will snap together fiercely for some
time afterward if anything be placed
hptwppn thpin
Virulent (,'ancer (lured.
Startling proo! of a wonderful advance
in medicine iB given by Druggist G. W.
Kobeits, of Elizabeth, W. Va. An old
man there had long Buffered with what
wood doctors pronounced incurable
cancer. They bolieve.d his case hope
les till be used Electric Bitters and ap
plied Buoklen's Arnica Salve, which
ireitiriHnt. completely cured him. When
Electric Bitters are used to ex net bilious,
kidney and microbe poisons at the biuiii
time. this salve ex-ins Hs matchleei
healing powpr, blood diseases, skin
eruption-, ul -ers and sores vanish
Hitters SUc, dalve 25c al Chan. Strang's.
The IIolem Creed.
A German CliriHlian missionary who
has worked for many years among the
Mohammedans snys: "Honesty compels
every candid student lo acknowledge
that the old view formerly entertained
In Christian circles concerning Moham
medanism, according to which I lie teach
ings of the great Arabian prophet arc
nothing but devil's doctrines and dog
mns, Is altogether Incorrect. In reality,
Mohammedanism Is nothing but a ra
tionalistic type of Christlnnlty in the
form of a most unfortunate state re
ligion. The times nre past when scold
ing about the Moslem creed as I lie pro
duction of the devil will satisfy, and
the struggle against Islam ou these
premises is a failure. Practically all
of the mission literature Hint iu the six
teenth, seventeenth and eighteenth cen
lurlcs was written ng(ilnst Moham
medanism lunrielewB." ;
The Best Prescription for Malaria
Chills and Fever Is ft bottle of Hiiovk's Tastr.
I.BSS (illir.t. Tonic IMsslutply Iron und Qui
ino in a tasteless form. No curt;, no pay,
Price GO ceats, j
Pftonle Who Try Pay ' I'oalnwe III
Thill Way,
"Hero mo two pennies Jm-l turned In
to the Hiiperlnteinlent of delivery by
one of the earrleis," iviniirkcd nil oil!
clal of the Washington elty poslolllee tl
few days ngn. 'The iitmiunt of easl;
gathered up by llio voilccUirs of mil 1 1
J is really Kiirprlsing. Hardly u day
pnssil. wllh ill it certain pciveulngi; ot
the coin of the realm Dialing Its way
to my desk thtoii'b Hie medium of the
street letter Imk.os.
, "It Is liu rd to believe, hut hundreds
of persons every ijay In the year drop
unstamped letters in the box with pen
tiles to neenuipttny them to cover Hie
posing.. They think the money will
do Juki as well lis slumps. Hut they
are mistaken. All Hitch unstamped let
teis. If there Is no Identifying murk on
the epvelope, ultimately hind III the
dead letter ol!U't
"It often happens," added tin postal
olllclal. "that coins plaeed lu envelopes
for ti'iiiui'.ilsslon work their way
throin-h the paper. In nine , n.i-s nut
of ten, even when the motley so Inst
Is no more tliirn a dime, this ollleo Is
not I lied of the occurrence by the loser,
who requests that be be reimbursed,."
Washington Slur.
Flsh nre sold alive In Japan, the pod
dlers conveying them through the
streets In (auks.
Kent! it lu Ills Ncwsimner.
George Sohub, u well known Vleriiiaii
eitlxi'ii of Niiu 1' .iiliiuiiin (Mn id i,
stunt reader of the Day tun Vol kf.ell unit.
Ho kuows that this miner alms in ml
vortiso oulv tllu bust In its culunins,
and when he sun- Chamberltilu'a I'ulu
Balm advertised therein for lumo b.ik,
he did not hesltat,, In hnvimr
of ll (or his wife, who fcr eight weeks
bud suffered wllh the most terrible
pains la ner oack and could gel no re
lief. He live "Aflrp italn-F ll... I.!..
lialm for a fow days my wifo said lo
mn. 'I fartl n llinmrh h,,t,n aat.iu. ami
before uiiug tho entire content of the
mime, me unoeuruDio pain Had entirely
vanished and sho uould again tako up
ner nousenoia duties." tie Is very
maustui ana Dopes that all fullering
likewise will hear nf hr ennil.tfiil m.
covory. This valuable liniment is for
sale by Clias. Strang, druggist.
An Irian Roll.
Bridget and Pat were sitting In an
armchair rending an article on "The
Law of Compensation."
"Just fancy," exclaimed ' Bridget,
"accordln' to tills, whin a mon loses
wan av 'Is si uses another gits more de
veloped. Kur Instance, a blolud mon
gits more si use nv bearln' an' touch,
"Shure. an' It's quite thrue," answer
ed Pat "Ol've noticed It meaclf.
Whin a mon has wan leg shorter than
the other, hegorra the other's longer."
Philadelphia Times.
Mia'i Vaklna Cut.
"Miss D. doesn't have n single for
eign label on her trunks and bags, not
a sign that she ever has hud them out
of the country," said the girl who at
the end of a six weeks' trip abroad
surveyed her plastered over luggage
with pride and admiration.
"Ah, well, you see Miss D. doesn't
need to," replied the unkind man. "Sho
goes across so often, and every one
knows It." New York Press.
Kothlna Too Good.
Mose Johnson Dat liniment yon told
me did mab wife lots ob good.
Druggist Why, that was horse lini
ment! You said you wanted it for a
Mose Johnson Ah did, suh; but dar
ain't nuflln' too good to' mnb ole wo
man nceder, Jess yo' understun' dat!
Of what do'-s almd tnsto in your mouth
remind you? It indicates thai your
stomach is In a bad condition ami will
remind yon thai there is nothing so
good or such a disorder as Chamber
lain's Stomach & Liver Tablets after
having once used them-. They ch unse
slid invigorate, the stomach and regu
late the bowels. For salo at 2fi cett a
box by Cbas Strang, druggist.
It le Colled the Mont Mnrvploue Treo
In the World.
Undoubtedly tlio moHt marvelous tree
In the world grows iu Brazil. It is the
carunliubii palm anil can be employed
for many useful purpnses. Its roots
produce the saint medicinal elTect as
siirsnpnrllhi. Its hIciiih afford slinrg,
Ugh fibers, which acquire a bene' il'nl
luster and serve also for Joists, rai'i-is
ami oilier building materials as well as
for stakes fences.
i-'roni parts nf the tree wines mid
vlniMiir iir in.'Vo. it yields also a auc
eharioe suLi-.i. ice its well as a starch
ri'M-n, !' r ::;). lis fruit Is used for
fccilii!'' I-..;;. The pulp bag an agree
able taste, unit tlie n:t. which Is ole
aginous and emulsive, is sometimes
used as a substitute tor coffee. Of the
wood of the s'.em musical luslriiiiienlH,
water tubes and pumps lire made. The
ill t la Is all excellent S iljstiliite fur cork.
Iroiii the slein a while liquid; similar
to the liiiik of the coennnut and ll Hour
roncmbliiig tnnlzeiiu inay be extracted.
Of the nl rii w,' bills, baskets, brooms
t,ii(l mats arc iiunle. A considerable
quantity nf tills straw Is shipped to Ku
riipc, anil a piiil of It returns to Brazil lnlo hats. The straw is
also used for thatching houses. More
over, salt is extracted from It and like
wise an ii 1 k it 1 i used in I lie manufacture
of common soup.
I'llinl Trees.
It odds to the homelike character of
city to embowel' lis houses In maples
and elms, to give hilling places for the
birds, anil II adds in coolness und sa
lubrity lis well us beauty lo provide
simile 1'naln-t Me- I'l'-'H ring days of
summer. -liroi l.,i n i;,.g,e. '
he nhmt fs-iniiinu One, the llurlnn,
U the Ml I'll uu et lit All.
"The I'rtillH nf Java," writes n eni'i'e
spiiiideul of the I'lllsliui'g Dispatch,
"form an Interesting study In them
selves, there uro so many and of such
Strang.' viirhth-s. The most eiiiumon
Is the snniigest nf nil. II Is culled the
dii'rlirii7iiit1 iti'tuvs like u. huge excres
cence from the trunk of a tree some
what similar lo imr peur tree. The
fruit, which Is pear slu ped, i.iows In a
great sh'.e, oflen several feet lu length,
and has it yellow sklu, rongh like r
pineapple. The must i'cuiiirU;il'lo thin;,
about the iltii'lnn, howevir. Is Its inloi',
To say you van smell It n block ml' Is
pulling It mildly. A coinbluiKloii nf
aged eggs and the, ripest cheese could
mil be coiiipnivil wllh II. When you
In-oak open l lu- hull in Hod wlial can
be the cause of all Ibis disturbance to
your oll'nelory nerves and llml n nival
cluster of snow white kernels whleji
taste like sonic nli'aiigely dollehuis cus
tard, your iiuiaxemenl Is greater still.
Another slrauge fruit Is the serpent
fruit, so called from I lie fact that Its
sklu Is the exact cuiiiileipart of that of
n snake. There are the poumloe, like a
great orange; the pnliitn fruit, which
resembles that vegetable lu nil but Us
line tlavor; the custard apple, with n
yellow eiistardllke pulp, having n mill
er decided taste of lurpeiilliie; the pop
pie, liken melon growing on n tree; I he
great Jack trull, of nil her n coarse Mil
iar; a small yellow trull, with an uu
pronminccnlilc native miiiie, Incused lu
ll great bur 1 1 It v n chestnut, mid a hun
dred other varieties, wllh none but na
tive and seleiitllie liiiiues, some good,
some Indifferent iiii'.l iioiue entirely uu.
palatable, to any but u native. Tim or
ange is rather a scaco fruit, but the
pineapple and biiiuiuii lire Abundant
mid delicious. cs)icclall,v the former.
There lire more than twenty different
varieties of bananas native to Java,"
A Tldbll.
A lady who had a pot magpie used
to allow It to take bits of food from
between her lips. One dny It perched
on her shoulder, a usual, but Instead
of taking the tidbit she offered ti I til he
poked n nice, fnt, green caterpillar he
tweeu her lips.
A Blotchy Skin is the Ear Mark
of ill Health "SURE SHOT" SALVE
No one claims to sell its equal
Curci ftloni, bolls, cuti, eld
toru In one day. Price 25c
Monty back If you want It.
EltctrlcSarvtCo.. Redding. Cel.
ASHI.ANU. Oil.. March 2-S. 11102.
Till Ei.KOTiiif M.m.vk Co., Uodcllng, (Jal.
uoniiemon : tne box ol luro mini
Salve I ordored of you came lnainighl. 1
put some on a umbering on my nock ;
put (ton thiee times, ll drew out almnl
tableapoonlul ol pua and I think will
lako mnro out. I think It la the best
salve I ever used. Yours truly,
WaI,t.k Mai. v.
Seld Gvarywhtra,
Sent b mall up-tn receipt ot price.
$ Mitchell, Lewis
Dealers In -
Vehicles and
niiuiiipi oi i.-itting Machinory, Clininpion Kukcp, Binding
Twii e. 15 ! Tios, Barb Wire', ICto., Kto.
Wo liave a complotu stock to select fiiim. Cull and
see uh
e manufacture Dnnra, Simh,
Estimates furniHliod on Store
soft wood
Contracting and Rtiilding
Mill on North D Street
Advertise in THE MAIL and get good results
Wan MIkIiI; V.mi'N with
I'Vimilo Troulilo ititil Finally
Cnrod ly l.ydln I1), i'luk Jiuih'm
Vt'f,'tlalilt.('(niioiiii(l. ,
"DiiMi Mini. i'lNii ll A M t t liavo
never lu my life given n tniilluuiiilal
liefiiio, but .von have done so lunch for
me thai I feel culled e; "ll lo glvo you
this acknowledgement of
! etfG.
n wrt.iv.
Tt. Af
""TV ,--...'
MII8. .II.NNIK K. i"hinNKI.I
I'ritlil'teill of Oakland' lllitlitu Clnti, '
the wonderful etu-nllve i-uliio of l.yillil
JO. l'liikliiiin'H i";etiilvlo 0111
poillllt. h'nr eijflil jc-.-.rn-l hud feumlii
trouble, falling nf the womb Mini other
eoinpllentloiis. Iliirlii-r tliiil time I was
more or leas of an iitvn'tdnm! not much
gnisl fur auvtlilng. tiulll ono duy I
fiiuiid a boolt lu my bull telling nf
the euros you i-ould perform, 1 liictimti
tttterehteif; I bought a buttle nf l.yillu
IO. I'liililnuii'M V"ritiilil toin
poilllil and was helped; I, eoutiiiiieil It. i
Hsu and ill seven iitinit lis wits cured, ami
since that tlmii I huw bud perfect
health. Thanhs, dear Mrs. I'inkhiuu
again, for the lieallli 1 now unjoy," -Mils.
Jrnnim O'Iiommkix, 1178 East ftlst
St.. t'lileiigo. III. tiovo w.ll if .
ttittmotttal It sue ynwln.
Wumoii suffering- from any
form of fciiiulo Ills can ln ciirt'd
by l-ydlii 10. IMiikliiiin's Vcgctu
1)1)1 C'OIIIH)llllll. 'J'luit'H Num.
Mrs. IMiikluuu iitlvlscHNlck wo
men frc-o. Address, I.yuu, Muaav
D. jL. Day.
Satisfaction guaranteed la both
work and prices
IE. vS. Wolfer.
Galvanized Cornice
Work, Tin Roofing
and Plumbing
East 7th St., MIOrORD, OX
avy v.-vv B-yavaa
& Staver Co.,
Mr. Med ford, Oregon
Milt CO.,' Proprietors
mouldingB, Rustio -and Flooring
nnd Office, fixtures in hurd or
fi.TJ.-W I'
vJyV J ','.'-