The Medford mail. (Medford, Or.) 1893-1909, July 24, 1896, Page 6, Image 6

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    r DITDC1 V
Jas. McDotjgal was in Medford on
Business last week. .
Miss Grace Foster was visiting in
Ashland this week. '
Judge Richards, of Gold Hill, vis
ilea jieaiora xnursaay.
Dr. Sommers, of Ashland, was visit-
mg in Meaiora Wednesday.
Pkrry Fostbb, of Sams Valley, was
tuiuok iii xueuiuru last ween.
Attorney H. L. Benson, of Grants
Pass, was in Medford Tuesday.
Mrs. Chas. Howard is visiting her
parents as nerDyvuie this week.
Mrs Jas. A. Slover, of Grants Pass
is visiting her parents this week.
W. R. Dickinson, of Table Rock,
-was visiting in Medford this week:.
O. Holtan, the tailor, made a busi
ness trip to Ashland one day this week.
Rev. J. Merle Y and wife joined the
long list of Colestein campers Thurs
W. D. Beidleman and family left
Jor the Dead Indian country on Wed
Jas. Burns, the Galls Creek miner.
was doing business in Medford last
S. H. McClendon. of Sams Valley,
was doing business in Medford this
"Wallace "Woods and I. A. Mounce
made Grants Pass a business trip last
R. G. Bunch returned Tuesday
from his' sojourn at Wagner's soda
Miss Irene Chitwood left Tuesday
for Marshfie'd for a two months' visit
with friends.
DOLPH Carlton, the new stock in
spector, was doing business in Med
ford this week.
Frank Brown, the Eagle Point
merchant, was doing business in : Med
ford this week. : . ,
Chas. DeLashmutt, of Portland, is
visiting wita nis sister, Mrs. K. H,
Fickel, of this city.
DAvm FRY, an erstwhile printer
Tor The Mail, was a pleasant caller at
this office Tuesday.
Mrs. P. Simon, proprietress of the
Eagle Point hotel, was doing business
in Medford Thursday.
G. L. Webb returned from Colestein
last .week. Mr. - Webb will remain
there for some time yet.
Dr. C. C. Frye, Geo. H. Kelley
and J. P. Kelley. of Grants Pass, were
-visiting in Meaiora auna&y.
N "Mrs. E. D. LISTER and son, of Grants
Pass, were visiting with Mr. and Mrs.
Grizzle in this city last week.
Mrs. S. Willis, of Roseburg, has
'been visiting her uncle, Merchant F.
M. Plymale, during the week.
Mrs. W. C. MINES, of San Francisco.
who has been visiting with E. E. Miner
and family, returned home Tuesday,
tJB AS. Strang and family went to
Colestein Monday for a two weeks' so
journ at that popular, summer resort
Mr. and Mrs. E. Brown and Mr,
and Mrs. P. S. Enyast left for Cole
stem Wednesday lor a lew weeks so
journ. - ' .-';
Z. Cameron, one of the proprietors
f the celebrated Gal ice creek mines,
was doing business in Medford Wed-
Prof. 1. A. GreGOBT and family
"have returned from a two weeks' so-
jotirn at
the camping grounds Bear
hkeel will reside there with him dur
lng the summer which will be mueh
more pleasant than suffering the in
tanse heat of the valley.
li. uameron came over
from his home at Union town Monday
to receive medical treatment. His
mmy friends will regret to learn that
he has been quite HI since returning
wu urn name.
Dr. Elmer Hoover, of Portland.'
is visiting in Medford a few days with
his brother. The doctor is a bright
young man and is building up a good
practice in that citv which his man
iiiouua uoro win oo pleased to learn
1 1' . it -
i . a. oj-kkk. onammr inn as
sistant agent at the depot, left for
junction uity Sunday evening to at-
wjuu mo . iunerai oi nis step-father,
who died at that'nlaoa last
tuui uiiiif. a is DosiLion was ummnr tr
niled by bis brother-in-law, Mr. Han-
saicer, of Junction City. Mr. Spear
a. j Ttv. a -
returoBQ neanesaav mornmir. acnnm.
panied by his mother. Mrs. Bundav.
ill I I . 1 . . - J. '
"uu win riait coupte oi weeics with
Miss Mary Baker and hr aa.
Mrs. C. Jump. M. D.. of ririnnri'
i j 'i- ...' . . -
voi"., ornvcu in meaiora innt Nun
aay evening for a visit with relatives
ana irienas. These ladies were both
rormer residents of Medford where
mey ooin laucnt In thn mih n mnmil
in its early history. They have a large
ii w Jrenus in me vauey who
will be glad to welcnniA tham tiraln In
V! mi ... . .
uDii uiiusb. j.ney win proDably re
main nere until late in the fall.
A. I. ASHCRAFT. of Snnlrnno Wuh.
iukwu, was in Mfifllnrrt lust vaoIt
Aae genueman, with his family, is
traveling by convevanca lnolrlncr tnr
ouiuauio iwauoa to estaonsn a busi
ness. He reports that the grain in
this valley is the best that he has seen
since leaving Washington and that
inere are more signs of business activ
ity in Medford than in any town of its
size through which he has passed all
of which confirms the oft repeated
statement that Medford is the beet
town south of Portland.
Mrs. A. Adams, who lives out on
Griffin creek, left this week for a three
monins' tour in northern California
and : eastern Oregon. Mrs. Adams
has resided in the Rogue river valley
iw we past niteen or sixteen years,
uu gvaa w visit me scenes wntcb sur
rounded her former California hnm
ana tO Visit With BAVflrftl snm aA
aaugniers who reside over that way.
Mrs. Adams was one of the pioneers in
the sage brush countrv. cnmincr thi
in 1892. and recounta mnnir rf in.
earlier experiences in Interesting de-
tan, yet She thinks the Rr(m r
11 . - - o " " v
vimev ana me land of chaparral pre
ferable to it, ,. "
Dr. E. P. GEARY, grand chaucelor
oi tne Knights of Pythias, for the
aomam oi Oregon, returned to Med
ford Wednesday morning after a five
weeks' visiting tour among the Pythian
lodges of the state. During his
absence he yisited thirty-four lodges,
and met with most the cordial and
royal receptions at every point visited
and the hearty receptions tendered
him are only in line with the admira
tion and esteem which each lodge in
the State holds for Its nresidin? trr&nd
officer. Dr; Gearv returned some
what fatigued from his nrotracted
visit, but he hjtd no sooner reached
home than he found a letter awaiting
him which reoueated hi, uttontlnn tn
lodge matters at Portland, and in iw !
spouse he left on the
the same day.
evening trn of
'Harry WOrTHAH and wife, accom
panied By his mother, left for Colestein
-Friday, where they will remain for
tome time.
Mrs. L. Whittle, of Portland, who
has been visiting in Medford for the
wast two weeks, returned home Tues
day evening. , K
P. J. HEAD, the piano dealer, re-
tamed Tuesday from a trip in Cali
fornia. He reports having sold
.umber of instruments.
C. W. Stratton, one of the pro
prietors of the electric light plant, ar
rived In- Medford from Portland last
week to remain some time.
Chas. Higinbotham, who has been
u California for sometime past, re
turned to Medford last week for i
-visit with relatives and friends.
Mrs. W. H. Meeker. Mr. and Mrs
J. Meeker and Mr. and Mrs. W. J.
8TURGES left Wednesday for a ten
slays' outing at South Soda springs.-
Frank Sheidlek, who has been
attending school at Berkley for the
.past year, returned home last Satur
day to spend his vacation in this city,
I Wiggins and family, accompanied
r Mrs. I. A. Mounce, left with team
far Colestein this week where they
will enmp during the continuance of
the warm weather.
Mrs. E. Leever. of Central Point,
is in Medford visiting her parents, Mr,
and Mrs. u. T. JNicnoison, this week.
If r. Nicholson, we are sorry to learn,
Aaa been quite seriously ill.
D. H. Van Antwerp was in from
"his Thompson creek ranch this week
and reports that he has had a very
large cop of gram tnis season, which
will soon be ready for harvesting.
C. Johnson, of Lakeview, came over
from that place last Monday with a
load of hides which he shipped to
Portland. He returned with a load of
aousehold goods for Dr. O. F. Demor-
Ed. Smith, be who was formerly en
gaged in the jewelry business in Med
ford but who has been doing missionary
in California for the past year, re
turned to Medford this week for a short
D. W. Crosby and wife returned
from their trip to Walla Walla, Wash.,
last week. They say that the heated
term of the valley of the Rogue is not
in it with that section of the Evergreen
Mrs. P. B. Patterson, who has
been making her home for the past
two years with Mrs. E. Baker, near
the Taylor saw mill, left for Oakland
Monday, where she will reside perma
nently. M. W. Skeel, who is head sawyer
at Gray's Prospect mill, came down to
Medford this week for a few days' visit
and will, on bis return, be accompanied
by Mrs. Skeel and the baby. Myron
has fitted up a pleasant summer . home
p amoog the swinging pines and Mrs.
How t Bn u4 Uk KvtfM
TMr Matte.
aiany insects make a noise oi some
sort, at least most of them do. And
this noise is of different kind in differ
ent animals, so it is produced in differ
ent ways. Scarcely "any two insects
make their music in the same manner.
There is the little katydid. You all
know the katydid, of course. It is in
color a light green; its wings are gauzy
and beautiful. Just where the wing of
the katydid joins the body there is
uuck nage, ana another ridge corre
sponding to it on the wing. On these
ridges is stretched a tvin but strong
smn, wmcn makes a sort of drumhead.
It is the rubbing together of these two
ridges or drumheads which makes the
queer noise we hear from the katydid.
it. is ioua ana aisunci, one not very
musical, and the next time we hear the
sound "Katy did! Katy didn't!" you
may know this katydid is rubbing the
ridges oi ner body together and per
haps enjoying doing it. The moment
it is dark she and all her friends begin.
Perhaps some of them rest sometimes.
but if they do there are plenty more to
take up the music.
Then there is the bee. The bee's hum
comes from under ita wings, too, but is
produced in a different way. It is the
air drawing in and out of the air tubes
in the bee's quick flight which makes
the humming. The faster a bee flies
the ' juder he hums. Darting back and
forth, he hums busily, because he can't
help it, until presently he lights on a
flower or even a fence, and all at once
he is still again.
Reaohed the Limit.
'Paper flowers are all right in their
place," said a gentleman who boasts of
the joys and comforts of married life,
"but I'll be hanged if there isn't even a
limit to paper flowers. My wife and
daughter have the craze, and they have
it bad. If I attempt to light the lamp
invariably set fire to a tangle of
honeysuckle. If I go to the library I
am frightened to death lest I break one
of the branches of morning glories that
hang like cobwebs in front of the
glass. If I attempt to sit down, stand
up or walk, I am compelled to recon-
noiter about and to indulge in all kinds
of Fabian tactics before I can move. I
did not object They enjoyed it and I
was satisfied. But Sunday the limit
was reached; then my regal anger was
aroused. I have a small .conservatory
which is the joy and pride of my life.
One Sunday one of my business friends
came up to see me, and 1 took him out
to show him my flowers. That's where
the trouble was. My wife and daughter
had paper flowers in every nook and
corner. Every plant in the place had
a paper flower. That settled the mat
ter. That night there was an extreme
ly large bonfire in our yard." Cincin
nati Tribune.
In 1835 gold pen manufacturing be
gun in earnest and on a considerable
scale in America, being inaugurated in
x ew liork by Levi Brown
When hat making was introduced
into America is not eertainly known,
but in 1732 the industry had become so
extensive that English hnt makers com-
H'umeu omeriy tnat not only could-
tncy not sell their hats in America, but
inui American Hats were actually sold
in ingiana.
ine enormous extent of the for
ests, and also of the lumber industries.
ui me nortnwest is indicated by the
fact that this year Washington will
make shipments of lumber aggregntinir
JIA Ann iiaa n o
,uw,uW ieet, uregon 150.000.000 W
ana iintish Columbia 40,000,000 feet.
And there is no danger of the supply
uniting anon. .
San Jose, one of the nrinoinni Pni;
fornia fruit-shipping points, sent east
in one week 1,146.960 pounds of
s : . . . - .
muh ,jm,8m pounds of sun-cured
fruit, 870,950 pounds of canned fruit
ana 4,uou gallons of wine and brandy.
During the same time Fresno shipped
cunt w car loads of raisins. mnH.,
eastward this season. San Jose also
sent east 53,280 pounds of garden seeds
during last week.
ui tne Human heart Dr. V.nh
Cutter writes: "I have listened to the
heart sounds of one woman and one
man, ootn over 99 years of nm
feelings of awe, and have thought W
'vonrterful it was that these hearts had
pulsated so long, propelling blood
through vessels which if possible to
oe ranged in one line would on a very
iiivuernie estimate reach t-iw.m,n,i
the earth, or 4S.000 miles, with n W-
for the average red disc of one-fortv-
eijjm-inousandih of an inch!"
The antitoxin discoveries hnvA n.
lusea tne greatest amount of activity
into the labors of the bacteriologists of
Europe, and a correspondent of the
Sun writes to warn young Americans
uiai, ior tne present, they had best stay
at home, for the eminent men of the old
country are too much engrossed with
their own "original investigations" to
have time for imparting instructions to
others. He concludes by saying that
"the scientific men of to-dav who arc
making investigations in bacteriology
are as feverish as were the prospectors
for gold in California half a centurv
ago." '
Ether is preferred as an anaesthptio
in northern countries and rhlnmfnrm
in the south, although ether tonds to
cause secretion in the air iwssages and
bronchial trouble. One cause is iin-
aouoteuiy the difficulty of keeping
"'r J noi enmates. nut Tir Ten
der Brunton suggests that the gen
eral abstention from
another reason for the successful us
of chloroform. He is led to this from
the increased number of fatalities un
der chloroform in Edinburgh since the
introduction of American and Austra
lian meats, which hasmude meat eating
more common among all classes in
Dr. Ileubner, professor of the did
eases of children in the University n
Berlin, has published an important re
port on ine results of the serum treat
ment of diphtheria. Th number of
deaths this year in Berlin. 434, was 200
less than the average and 100 less than
in the most favorable yetnr on record,
wane tne number of cases has in
creased. The same observation has
been made in London and Paris. The
treatment unquestionably facilitates
the casting off of exudations in the
pharynx and influences very favorably
tne course of the fever. The scrum is
perfectly innocuous. The probability
vi. me complete success of the treat
ment is increasing every month.
ua ummt Snake" How His Naphew
Ha4 Cllmbwt Cp.
My uncle," said Representative
John Allen, of Tupelo. Miss., to a
of listeners, according to the Washine-
- . vu3 v me uetrc-inxorcnea
uuen in my aistrtct. I think & rrrof
uei oi use oia genueman. . During
campaign I go everywhere in my dis-
u-icu Aiier oeing nominated a second
ume i resolved on a searching, what
one migni call a Painstaking o.m.
paign. joemg scheduled for a. smwh
.v . . - -
w in me lar end or my district, and
remembering that mv uncle abode in
that vicinity, I determined to visit th
old gentleman. We were just sitting
down to supper and the old man was
purveying me a fried chicken on the
lines of his fork, when he remarked in
nis mellow, amiable way:
nar have you been, lately, Johnr
x iom mm i a been in Wuhinirtnn
iur iwg years.
in Washington?' he reneated. In
tones of astonishment. 'Why. -what.
ever in the name of Peter be you doin'
in Washington?' ,
lm representative from
inct,' l replied. I was elected two
years ago, and have been at the capital
annual, continually since looking after
mc interests ox you and mv other con
Well, I shorely wonder!' observed
my uncle, laying down his knife and
ions and looking at me. 'Don't that
ueat snakes amazin'i Why. I np
knowed that. I heered how you went
uownto lexas about three years ago
to visit your Uncle Bill, and notnoticin'
you around none since and not hearin'
of you. I sort o reckoned you'd staid.'"
The Doctor' Advice.
Have you no pen and inW u .
doctor to a poor woman, whose boy he
was attending. a
".no." dr
"Well, I have lost mv pencil: irlr
me a bit of chalk."
The doctor chalked a Droscrintion nn
the door, telling her to give it to her
son when he awoke.
Take it ray boy. tak it nm'd
old woman, lifting the door from its
hinges and carrying it to the poor boy
when he opened his
know how you are to do it, but the doc
tor says it is good, and you had better
try to bolt It." Spare Momenta. I
""""'" "ea Whereby Frauce Rope to
"7 r national Debt. .
French marquises, counts and barons
are growing as common as asparagus in
uiuuin oi juay. Every well-dressed
iurans minks himself dishonored
if his buttonhole is not ornamented
"ecorauon of some kind, or ii
w visiting card a coronet is not en-
giuveu. jn ever have thir o
aristocrats in France than under the
uiiru repuoilC.
One of the remarkahlA fhin, i
this i t.w u wul
- " majority nave no
"tsL to prenx a tit.i r tv.i-
but as the offense is a harmless one no
vjcouons nave been raised
lur "y ine authorities.
irary, it seems as if the
Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report
The DIKhton Wntlnir Bock.
a uignion, jviass.. lvincr well tmt.
in the tide water of Taunton river, is a
rock of great antiquarian interest. It
is a granite bowlder about eleven feet
long and five feet in ereatest hoio-lit
rather inclined and is known throno-hnnt.
oucii is inn nn n nn 1 i i aa tne -unrnton ivxiin r i r
r .vm w4 u u-arima . , 1 ' . . ... uuc
On the con-
deputy, M. Girault, who. wkn
ment reassembles, intends to introduce
- uicn aii noblemen shall be
side of the bowlder is almost perfectly
smooth, as though worn by glacial ac
tion. On this flat surface, in eWr-mit.
outlines, arc dozens rf
The tariff will be levied hieroclvphics and
the rank of nobility selected by a partv 80,116 P'storic engraver. The
,m quest oi aristocratic glory. A prince arcnaxogtets have never been able to
Sandwich Bread.
Box bread, as it is called in rr,
bakeries, and sandwich brend n tt t
known in others, is a loaf with per
fectly square corners. The loaves can
be stacked up like bricks. It is square
iu cross section and about twice as lonir
as it is thick. The crust can bo cut
from it with very little waste, nnd ,
slices can be cut into the desired tri-
antrular sliane fiirs.-iiliri..w.nt.i . , curaO' baa prov
I . "mum con""tionai disease, ard
will be compelled to nnv mo: decipher these characters, nut 11. .
tariff 1,.:m . ""uui . " . . J
v un,c wixi Lnmp novt . v. i w. uuuuuilv.
v if no I
;neauie, and all the titles wUl be sub-
to an innexib ...i.ii. r
nirU '
C" t i j iuiiy prepared, and
which is destined to ameliorate the
financial condition of th t,w. j
(..11:1... i . "U
.hibms m years to come tli n:i..
Ii,.. ...
revolutionary Tir r.i,..uv
, r v.uii,j
H.u may appear, no one will deny that
it is a most democratic resolution
- uuuic tine uemir anvtliin.
article of ablnte necessity, only
those with money to snnr .m 1. '
anything to pay. It is an original
method of makino- th.. -s..i.
larger share of the burdens of taxa
tion. Without doing this by taxing
their incomes direct it taxes their titi
as au article of luxnrv
thW l,i.., ' " " oyju"-
. . " ..vo WJC jjssessors a cer-
.u uouioc in tno eyes of the people,
for which they ouirht to l-wni!i.'
vwiujiVUOU tion.
its'J?:"!.1 law "Withstanding
,T --"- "j. ja t-rench writer,
has been turned to rldinU s t-
before it has been ivnd 1. t,
I n.. . . .
.u ute cnamoer of denutit-s. Ti,.
AM. . . V,
iL.t . ,f H would not be
" w uriranize an mm.. i.h
the grand prize of, which would be a
title of prince and the ..-.i
: uuis
i,;":, ?y Rome
"V",M a VtHQPfl ATllI nil
In Probate Court.
penses. ""'property to pay funerul ex-
KBtnte of Jacob Grob: Fmll Wrii.
T Sieving Vppr.," " Dll- J H'. and J
pralsment approved! ' lDTentorr nd ap-
Lasting Regrets. "I never bet on
a horse race but once," said the good
deacon, "and I have regretted it eW
since." "Surely the sin has been for
given ere now;" said the minister. "Oh -I
don't doubt that. ;But the fact is I
only won $2. when I might just as well
have made it a thousand, since I was in
for it." Indianapolis Journal.
There is more catarrh in m. . .. ...
be Incurable. For aJra.nV!
a local f . " ooctora
pronounced It local dlaease.
local remedlc. and hvlxZ, ".p.rPrlbe
cure "lb local treatmenl. d .w
?: "r. Science bM proved" c.ta." .-
Mr. Spinks "Well, Willie, has vonr
sinter made up her mind to go to the
concert with me?" Willie "Yep.
She's made up her mind and she's muk-
in up her face now. She'll be down in
a minute. Great Divide.
vaiarrn in va .
conl'lu"uni uiseet ard thrfn. ZZ ,
la the on;
m.nut'ctured br K. J. cbe, r"
V "."""tlonarcare on .h
" " lac" "iiernally in dones from i(
bici laoJSaS. .ur&cc, o, tbeVT.W
Sold by droRints. 75 ccnia.
. Hall s Family PM re the beat.
CoHnth Canal Not a Ureat Sarcaaa.
Owing to the insufficient width of the
Corinth canal, the steepness of its sides
and the current, which at times be
comes exceedingly strong, none of the
great steamship lines of the Mediter
ranean sea have yet adopted this route,
although it womd result in the saving
of much time, and, consequently, ex
pense. Under the circumstances, it
looks very much as if this enterprise,
begun abort the time of Nero and
brought to a termination only about
t wo years ago, is destined to result in a
finanelnl fnilrv
There's Arsenic
and there's Sugar
Thej both look alike and they are sometimes mistaken for
one another, but their effect upon human nature is different.
It's the Same Way with Cigars
They are all made alike, but some are good and some are bad.
But our s are differcntr-tbey are all good and so is our ice cream
and summer drinks they are just what you need this hot weather.
....Proprietors of the
Men Bo
Tk Ommicm, rim
aad frnrnHf Madt.
far all diwiin at the
linr, Stenaca
and Spfeca.
RCuUm ih Unr
aad bctcoi Chills
o Frraa, Malaii.
ma Fmraa Bowil
CoimjiiKn, Rbtus.
Jaunuicb am
NmhiBC b o unpleauat, aotluac so coamoa. a
T-.a ; ua m ncanjr rvrry cue a come front
tht Komach, and can be to cuily cocrccMd if yon will
wk biMMom Uvj R ac ulatoh. Do not nerleci to
aire a remedy for iha repulsin daorder. It will abo
unprore your appetite, complexaoa aad semral baalik.
How many tnfkr tonure day after day, malunr life
a burden and robbing existence of all pleasure, owing
to the ecr differing from Piles. Yet relief is ready
to the hand of almost any one who will use systemati
cally the remedy that has permanently cored thou
sands. SlHUOKS LtVIK Rlci-unn nr. rlr.u-
. iiu,f, uui gentic assistant to nature.
SHOULD not be regarded as
a tri6ing ailment in tact, nature
deaanda the utmost regularity of
the bowels, and any deviation
from this demand pares the way
often to serious danger, it is
.quite as necessary to remove
impure accumalattons from Use
bowels as it is to eat or sleep, aad
no health can be expected where
a costire habit of body prevails.
This distreaeliur afllrtHia m.m
The disturbance of the ynnirk
imperfectly digested contents, cause a serer put ia
the bead, accompanied with disagreeable ainsse, aad
this constitutes what is popularly knows as Sick
Headache, far the seKef oi whih S,.
J. H. ZEXLXS CO., PruUdelphia. Pa.
And catch a breeze from the little
fan. The Crater ia headquarters
for cool and refreshing summer
drinks. Agent for Siskiyou Min
eral water, nature's own beverage.
Families supplied at $1.50 per case
of 50 bottles. There's no flies on
us when the fan runs.
QUT ... j
I am going to close out my
Cost cuts no figure. They
way. Come at once for
fast'melting away
must go any
the goods are
Summer Vests,
Corsets, Ribbons,
Table Linen,
Toweling, etc.
Shirts, Gloves,
Hats, Ties
and Socks.
BOYS' 51 IIT At your own price
If you want to save money call and see the
great bargains I am offering
------- - i i 1 1 i
- - r-.-a , -yy .
s ' M
Is too busy
seiliDp; ...
To write an ad this week look fnr it.
Foinifore, Carpets, Etc.,
Punch and Judy ...
Never had a merrier time than we've had the
last few days, waiting on our customers, but...
Qtir New Goods are Just Coming ...
They'll be here this week a little of every
thing. Muslins, sheeting, ginghams, Swisses,
new line of overalls, straw hats and tinware .
Do you want a brush? Not with England, but
a hair brush. We've got something new in that
line a palmetto brush that's just a perfect dandy.
.... THE Ffllf
D. I. Waldroop, Prop'r.