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About The Observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1968-current | View Entire Issue (April 5, 2019)
✷✟ ➋✠✡☛ ❖☞✌☛ ❱☛ ❋ ✁✂❆❨✱ ❆✄ ✁☎ ✆✱ ✝✞✶✾ LOCAL ⑤⑥⑦⑧ ⑦⑤⑨⑨⑩❶ ➢➤➥➦➧ ➨➩➫➭➯ ➲➳ ➵➸➲➫➭➯➺ ➻➼➸➲➽ ➾➺ ➚➪➶ ➹➾➚➪ ➫➭➯ ➩➘ ➴➷➬➹➮➨➪➶➸➶ ➭➸➶ ➴➱➷ ➫➭➯➳ ➽➶➘➚ ➲✃ ➚➪➶ ➯➶➭➸➮ ➢➤➥➦➧❐❒ ❮❰Ï❮Ð❰Ï❮➢ Ñ✃ ➻➼➸➲➽ ➾➺ ➬➹ÒÓ➺ ➚Ô➩ ➻Õ➶➸➲Ö➭✃ ➳➶➸×➲Ö➶Õ➶✃ ➭✃➫ ➭ ➨Ø➸Ù➲➳➪ Ô➩Õ➭✃ Ô➶➸➶ Ù➲➽➽➶➫ ➲✃ ➚➪➶ Ú➩ÕÚ➲✃Û ➩➘ ➭Ü➶➳➚ Ý➶➸➽➲✃ ➫➲➳Ö➩➚➪➶ÞØ➶➺ ➭✃ ➲✃Ö➲➫➶✃➚ Ô➪➲Ö➪ ➼➸➩Õ➼➚➶➫ ➭ ß➮à➮ ➭➲➸ ➸➭➲➫ ➩✃ á➲Ú➯➭ Õ➩➸➶ ➚➪➭✃ ➭ Ô➶➶Ù ➽➭➚➶➸➮ ➤â ➢❮❰❒ ➥➦➢ã ä✃➬Ó➬å➺ ä✃➫➲➭✃ æ➪➲➶➘ ç➩Ôè ➪➭➚➭✃é➳ ➫➭ØÛ➪➚➶➸ ç➩Ö➭➪➩✃➚➭➳ Õ➭➸➸➲➶➫ ê✃Û➽➲➳➪Õ➭✃ ë➩➪✃ ì➩➽➘➶➺ ➭ Ô➲➫➩Ô➶➸➺ ➲✃➚➪➶í➲➸Û➲✃➲➭ æ➩➽➩✃➯➮ ä✃ ➬➹➬➾➺ ë➶➳➳Ü➲➽➽➭➸➫ Ù✃➩ÖÙ➶➫ ➩Ø➚ ë➭ÖÙ ë➩➪✃➳➩✃ ➲✃ ➚➪➶ ➴Ó➚➪ ➸➩Ø✃➫ ➩➘ ➚➪➶➲➸ îÛ➪➚ ➲✃ ï➭×➭✃➭➺ æØÚ➭➺ ➚➩ Ö➽➭➲Õ Ú➩ðè ➲✃Ûé➳ Ô➩➸➽➫ ➪➶➭×➯Ô➶➲Û➪➚ ➚➲➚➽➶➮ ä✃ ➬➹➾➾➺ Ý➸➲➚➲➳➪ ç➸➲Õ➶ ñ➲✃➲➳➚➶➸ Ü➲✃➳➚➩✃ æ➪Ø➸Ö➪➲➽➽ ➸➶➳➲Û✃➶➫ ➪➲➳ ➩➘îÖ➶ ➘➩➸ ➪➶➭➽➚➪ ➸➶➭➳➩✃➳➮ ò➶Õ➩Ö➸➭➚ ì➲Ö➪➭➸➫ ë➮ ò➭➽➶➯ Ô➭➳ î➸➳➚ ➶➽➶Ö➚➶➫ Õ➭➯➩➸ ➩➘ æ➪➲Ö➭Û➩➺ ➫➶➘➶➭➚➲✃Û ì➶➼ØÚè ➽➲Ö➭✃ ì➩Ú➶➸➚ ê➮ ñ➶➸➸➲➭Õ➮ ä✃ ➬➹Óå➺ ➻➸Õ➯ ó➶✃➮ ò➩ØÛè ➽➭➳ ñ➭Ö➻➸➚➪Ø➸ ➫➲➶➫ ➲✃ Ü➭➳➪è ➲✃Û➚➩✃➺ ò➮æ➮➺ ➭➚ ➭Û➶ Òå➮ ä✃ ➬➹➱å➺ à➚➶➼➪➶✃ ô➲✃Ûé➳ î➸➳➚ ➼ØÚ➽➲➳➪➶➫ ✃➩×➶➽➺ õæ➭➸➸➲➶➺ö Ô➭➳ ➸➶➽➶➭➳➶➫ Ú➯ ò➩ØÚ➽➶➫➭➯➮ ä✃ ➬➹➱➾➺ ✃➭➚➲➩✃➭➽➲➳➚ æ➪➲✃➶➳➶ ➽➶➭➫➶➸ æ➪➲➭✃Û ô➭➲è➳➪➶Ù ➫➲➶➫ ➲✃➨➭➲➼➶➲ ➭➚ ➭Û➶ Ò➱➮ ä✃ ➬➹➱Ó➺ ➸➶Ö➽Ø➳➲×➶ Ú➲➽➽➲➩✃è ➭➲➸➶ ï➩Ô➭➸➫ ïØÛ➪➶➳ ➫➲➶➫ ➲✃ ï➩Ø➳➚➩✃ ➭➚ ➭Û➶ ➱➷➮ ä✃ ➬➹ÒÒ➺ ➭ ➬➾è➫➭➯ ➪➲÷➭ÖÙè ➲✃Û ➩➸➫➶➭➽ Ú➶Û➭✃ ➭➳ ÛØ✃Õ➶✃ ➘➩➸Ö➶➫ ➭ ôØÔ➭➲➚ ➻➲➸Ô➭➯➳ ÷ØÕÚ➩ ÷➶➚ ➚➩ ➽➭✃➫ ➲✃ ä➸➭✃➮ ä✃ ➬➹➹➬➺ ➘➩➸Õ➶➸ à➶✃➮ ë➩➪✃ ➨➩Ô➶➸➺ ìè➨➶ð➭➳➺ ➪➲➳ ➫➭ØÛ➪➚➶➸ ñ➭➸➲➭✃ ➭✃➫ ➴➬ ➩➚➪➶➸ ➼➶➩➼➽➶ Ô➶➸➶ Ù➲➽➽➶➫ ➲✃ ➭ Ö➩ÕÕØ➚➶➸ ➼➽➭✃➶ Ö➸➭➳➪ ✃➶➭➸ Ý➸Ø✃➳Ô➲ÖÙ➺ ó➶➩➸Û➲➭➮ Ð➤➢➢ãø➧ ùúûüýþÿ ❦ ✁ ✩✂✵✄☎ ✆✝✞✞✝✟✠ ➬➹è ✾ åè ✾ ➾èååèå➾èåÓ ùúûü ù ▼✡✡▼☛☞ ✁ ✩✂✵✌ ✆✝✞✞✝✟✠ ✾✾ èå➱è➾Òè➾➹èÓåè➴➾èð ✾ ➻➼➽➾➽ ➚➽➪➶➾➹➘➴ ➽➷ ➬➮➶➶➱➹ ✃➪➘➼❐➮❒ ❮❰ÏÏÐÑ ÒÓÔÕÖ❰×Ø ❰ ÙÕÐÚÛÏÑ×ÜÔ ÔÑÏÝÐÙÑÔ ÑÖÞÚßàÑÑ ❰á ❮ßßâ ãÑÖßÏÐ❰Ú äÐåÏ❰ÏàØ ÏÑ❰ÛÔ áß ❰ ÙÚ❰ÔÔ æÏßÖ çÑÐÛÐ çß èÏÑÔÙÕßßÚ ❰×Û éÐ×ÛÑÏê❰ÏáÑ× ❰á áÕÑ ÚÐåÏ❰Ïàë Read Together series to promote love for books ❷❸ ❹❺❻❼❽❻ ❾❿➀➁➂➃➄❽ ➅➆➈ ➉➊➌➈➍➎➈➍ The La Grande Literacy Alli- ance, Cook Memorial Library and the City of La Grande have teamed up to encourage of pro- moting an interest in reading for young children by having promi- nent community members read to them. At the city council meet- ing Wednesday, La Grande Mayor Stephen Clements pro- claimed April as Read Together La Grande month, an initiative sparked by Mayor Clements, Christine Jarski, the city’s eco- nomic development director, Carol Lauritzen, a leader of the La Grande Literacy Alliance, and representatives from Cook Me- morial Library. At 10:30 a.m. every Saturday this month, parents can bring their 4- to 8-year-old children to listen to stories read by com- munity leaders at Cook Memo- ➏➐➑➒ ➓➐➔➏➑➏→➣ ↔↕➙ ➛➏➜➝ ➏➙➑➞➐➟➠ is by Suzy Mayes, principal of Central Elementary, on April 6. Mayor Clements will follow on April 13 with a reading of “The Berenstain Bears’ New Neigh- bors,” and April 20 will feature a reading from Jenell Zamora, a speech pathologist at Grande Ronde Hospital, who will focus on the importance of not judging how others speak or what they ➯➐➒➒ ➧➤➒➛➒➒ ➑ ➏➙➳➤➐➏➙➡➙➟➝ ➧➢➏ ➑ community development block grant received by the city from Business Oregon. ➵➑➏➜➥➐ ➜➑➐➞ ➝↕➐➜ ➏➙➳➤➐➏➙➡➙➟➝ ures read to young children in the community as a way to show them it’s OK — and even fun — to enjoy learning. “Kids need reading role mod- els. When they see important people in the community out- side of their families taking the time to model being readers, it has a real positive message for kids that reading is a good thing to do,” she said. “We appreci- ate community leaders who will demonstrate that reading is im- portant in their lives.” The mayor’s reading of “The Berenstain Bears’ New Neigh- bors,” which focuses on the struggles that some families have had to do with fair housing edu- cation and reading with children was one way they could complete this task under the grant’s guide- lines. She approached the mayor with the idea of him reading a book on fair housing to children in La Grande, and he was all for it — he even wanted to expand the day of reading to a series throughout April. That’s where Lauritzen came in. The literacy alliance leader had already been working on a reading event for April, so she welcomed the city’s collabora- tion proposal. “The alliance tries to pull together everybody who has an interest (in literacy), from librar- ies to the school district to the city, because of the importance of high literacy rate for economic development and level of living,” she said. “The whole idea of Read Together La Grande month is to support all literacy and learning ➯➐➝↕ ➑➲➢➏➞➐➟➠ ➏➙➒➐➑➔➒➙ ↕➢➤➜➐➟➠➦ ➙➲➢➏➝➜ ➐➟ ➢➤➏ ➨➢➡➡➤➟➐➝→➦ ➑➟➞ ➡➑→ ➜➢➤➟➞ ➒➐➥➙➣ ➓➙➜ ↔↕➢➡➑➜➦ ➛➏➙ chief for the City of La Grande, will wrap up this series on April 27 with a reading on safety guidelines. Lauritzen pointed to the ef- ➧➙➨➝➐➩➙➟➙➜➜ ➢➧ ↕➑➩➐➟➠ ➫➤➔➒➐➨ ➛➠➭ to especially encourage parents of preschoolers and school-aged kids to read with them to pro- mote love of reading. When you read together you build a bond with your kids.” There is a reason, Lauritzen said, April was chosen for litera- cy awareness month. On May 2, Pierce Library on Eastern Oregon University’s campus will have a culminating event following Read Together La Grande month to celebrate the 100th anniversary of chil- dren’s book week, which is April 29 to May 5. “After talking with the may- or and Christine, I realized we could coordinate a month-long build-up to the 100th anniversa- ry to child’s book week,” Laurit- zen said. “We’re trying to get as many people and organizations involved as possible to show that we’re trying to build a communi- ty that values literacy and read- ing together.” ➸➒➝↕➢➤➠↕ ➐➝ ➐➜ ➟➢➝ →➙➝ ➢➺➨➐➑➒➦ the city, literary alliance and library all hope they can turn Read Together La Grande into an annual event. P☛✇ ú ❡ ýü ✡✡✁ ✩✍✎ ✆✝✞✞✝✟✠ ➬Óè➬➹è➴➾è ✾ ➴èå➹èçÝ ➬Òèð➴ Free blood screening provides important information ❲▼☞ ✏☛❡ ♦▼✏ ú ✁ ❆✑✒✝✞ ☎ ✾ ➬èå➱è➾➷è➾ ✾ ❷❸ ì➃❻❼í➀➁í❻ ❷❿❼➀î❿ï ➅➆➈ ➉➊➌➈➍➎➈➍ ing will not give a diag- Grande Ronde Hospi- tal’s annual free blood screening event is com- ing to three locations in Union County in the month of April. The free screenings will free way to check on your health. The event is part of GRH’s Community Bene- P▼ ÿ ❦ ✓✁ ❆✑✒✝✞ ✌ ✔ ✕ ✖✗✘✗✙ ✚✛✜✛✕✛✢ ✔ ✣ ✖✗✘✗✙ ✤✛✥✛✥✛✢ ✔ ✜ ✖✗✘✗✙ ✢✛✕✛✚✛✜ ✔ ✕✦ ✖✗✘✗✙ ✧✛✕✛✣✛✧ P▼ ÿ ❦ ✓✁ ❆✑✒✝✞ ☎ ✔ ✕ ✖✗✘✗✙ ✕✛✧✛✦✛✚ ✔ ✣ ✖✗✘✗✙ ✢✛✤✛✤✛✚ ✔ ✜ ✖✗✘✗✙ ✧✛✧✛✦✛✧ ✔ ✕✦ ✖✗✘✗✙ ✦✛✕✛✣✛✢ ø➤➦➥ øã ★ ➤ø➢ ✪✫✘✬✭✮✯ ✰✱ ✲✳✴✴✙ ✔ ✶✷✯✸✹✭ ✺✮✭✻✱✷✙ ✧✦✦✛✤✜✜✛✢✼✢✧✗ ✔ ✺✫✰✯✸✹✭ ✺✮✭✻✱✷✙ ✥✦✼✛✥✧✧✛✚✤✣✕✗ âã ◆ ❒ ★ ➦ ★ ãø Ð➦➢ã ❚ ❊✽✿✒❀ ✿❁❁✟✒t ✝❂ ✆❃❄✿ t✟ ❄✿✞✝✽✿✒ ❀✟②✒ ❅❇❂✿✒✽✿✒ ✝✠ ❃ t✝✆✿✞❀ ✆❃✠❈ ✠✿✒✄ ❅❉❉❃❂✝✟✠❃✞✞❀ ❉✟✠❄✝t✝✟✠❂ ✿❋✝❂t t●❃t ✆❃❍✿ ❄✿✞✝✽✿✒❀ ✆✟✒✿ ❄✝❁✈❉②✞t✄ ■✏ ❏☛ þ ü ❡ ú ☞☛❑ ☛☞ ü ▲☛❑☛❡ ❡☛ þ ❑ ú ❖ ❄✿✞✝✽✿✒❀ ❂●✟②✞❄ ❇✿ ❇✿❁✟✒✿ ✥✙✼✦ ✖✗✘✗ ✶◗ ❘✱✫ ✹✱ ✷✱✰ ✮✭✲✭✸❙✭ ❀✟②✒ ✑❃✑✿✒ ✑✞✿❃❂✿ ❉❃✞✞ ❯✌✂❈❱✍☎❈ ☎✂✍✂✄ ❳❨ ➤➢ã ➤ ❩ ➢❮ã ➥➦➧ õä ➸➶➭➽➲ ➇ ➶➫ ➭ ➽➩✃Û ➚➲Õ➶ ➭Û➩ ➚➪➭➚ ➭ Ú➶➽➲➶➘ Ô➪➲Ö➪ ➫➩➶➳ ✃➩➚ ➳➼➸➲✃Û ➘➸➩Õ ➭ Ö➩✃×➲Ö➚➲➩✃ ➲✃ ➚➪➶ ➶Õ➩➚➲➩✃➳ ➲➳ ✃➩ Ú➶➽➲➶➘ ➭➚ ➭➽➽➮ö ➋ ❬❭❪❫❴❵ ❛❝❜❞❞❢ ❣❤❪✐❥❝❧❵ ❧♠❞♥❜✐ ♣qrs✉①qs③✉④ ➟➢➜➐➜➦ ➔➤➝ ➐➝ ➐➜ ➑ ➳➤➐➨➥ ➑➟➞ ➛➝ ñ➏➢➠➏➑➡➣ ➸➔➐➠➑➐➒ ò➝➢➟➙➭ ➔➙ ➢➲➙➏➙➞ ➸➫➏➐➒ ð ➑➝ ➝↕➙ breaker, public relations specialist at GRH, said one of the central focuses GRH Union Clinic, 142 E. Dearborn St.; April 13 at the GRH Elgin Clinic, 570 S. Eighth St.; and April 27 in La Grande at the GRH Pavilion, 909 Adams Ave. All the clinics will be from 7 a.m. to 10 a.m. Appoint- ments aren’t necessary, and each clinic will be able to ac- commodate 100 people. The screening will test for hemoglobin and he- matocrit levels as well as glucose levels. A cardiac lipid panel will also be run. The tests can help detect warning signs for a wide range of issues like diabetes, anemia and high cholesterol. The screen- Program is prevention, and the blood screening event can be a good op- portunity to catch serious health issues early, and for free. According to a GRH press release, people who take advantage of the free screenings are getting more than $150 worth of blood testing. “For those who don’t have health insurance or don’t have good coverage, this is an outstanding op- portunity,” Stonebreaker said. The results will be available through GRH’s online patient portal, ④⑤⑥⑦⑧⑨ ⑩❶❷❸❹ ➊➋➌ ➍➎➏ ➐➑➒➓➓➑ ➔→ ➣➒→↔↕➓ ➙➌➛➋➜ ➝➞➟➠➌➛➛➡ ❺❻❼❽❾❿➀➁❽➂➃❼❺➄❽➃❼➀➅❺➆➇➅❽❽❼➀➁➁➈➉❻➇ ➢➧ ➝↕➙ ó➢➡➡➤➟➐➝→ ô➙➟➙➛➝ MyChart, or via mail. The results can also be sent to the participants’ primary care doctor. Participants are asked to fast for 9 to 12 hours prior to the screen- ing for accurate results. Sharon Butler, lab man- ager at GRH, stressed how important it is to drink plenty of water while fast- ing to prevent dehydra- tion, which makes draw- ➐➟➠ ➔➒➢➢➞ ➞➐➺➨➤➒➝➣ in Union for the last few years. They said the event is a good opportunity to check on your health. “If you don’t have blood tests regularly, sometimes there are things there that you don’t realize,” Puckett said. “As seniors, we’re prob- ably the group that spends the most on medical prob- lems, so it helps us with our budgets,” Bristow added. They both agreed that There will be four phlebotomists — people trained to draw blood — ➝↕➙ ➜➝➑➲ ➐➜ ➩➙➏→ ➫➏➢➧➙➜➭ at the Union and Elgin ➜➐➢➟➑➒ ➑➟➞ ➙➺➨➐➙➟➝➣ events, and six at the La “Last year it went re- Grande event. Butler said those afraid of needles can ❚✍✎✏✑✍✒✓✔✕ rest assured they will be in good hands. ✫ ✘✎ ✙✓✎✚❞✒ “I can attest to the fact that we have good phle- ➔➢➝➢➡➐➜➝➜ ➢➟ ➜➝➑➲➦õ ➜↕➙ said. Imogene Bristow and Cecil Puckett are resi- dents of Cove who have attended the screening ❙✫✬✮✯✰✱ ❙✬✲✴✫✵✬✶ ✇✇✇✳✖✗✘✙✚✛✜✢✣✤✦✧★✦✤✢✳✩✗✪ ✷✸✸✹ ✺✻ ✺ ✼✽✾✿❀❁❂❀✼✽✾✿ ❃✸❄❅✺❆✽❇✸❈ ❘❉❊❋●❍■●❏❑❊ ▼❉◆❖●▼❋■P◗❚❉ ❯❱❲❳❨❩❬❭❪ ❯❪❫❭❴❲❵❛❛❛❛❛❛❛❛❛❛❛❛❛❛❛❛❛❛❛ ❜❳❩❛❛❛❛❛❛❛❛❛❛❛❛❛❛❛❛❛❝❯ ❞❣❩❫❴❤❭✐❥❫❭❴❲❵❛❛❛❛❛❛❛❛❛❛❛❛❛❛❛❛❛❛❛❛❛❛❛❛❛ ❜❳❩❛❛❛❛❛❛❛❛❛❛❛❛❛❛❛❛❛❝❯ ❞❥❲ ❦ ❩❳❧❧ ❭❫ ❱❬❳❲ ♠❴❲❳❵ ❛❛❛❛❛❛❛❛❛❛❛ ❜❳❩❛❛❛❛❛❛❛❛❛❛❛❛❛❛❛❛❛❝❯ ♣❴q❳❥r❧❳❵❛❛❛❛❛❛❛❛❛❛❛❛❛❛❛❛❛❛❛❛❛❛❛❛❛❛❛❛❛❛❛❛ ❜❳❩❛❛❛❛❛❛❛❛❛❛❛❛❛❛❛❛❛❝❯ t❴✉❥❫❭❴❲❵❛❛❛❛❛❛❛❛❛❛❛❛❛❛❛❛❛❛❛❛❛❛❛❛❛❛❛❛❜❴❣❨ ✈❴❣❩❳❛❛❛ ①✉❨❴❩❩ ③❴❱❲ àáá âãä åæçèéêë éâì êì íîíîï ðñ òóôõö÷øùú ûüýþ ÿ÷õý ✥ þ öø ② ✭✁✂ í ✄ ☎☎✆✝ îï ✂☎ üú øüõõ ✞ úùù ✭✟ îî ✄ ☎✟ ï ✝ î ✁✟✠ ▲✡☛☞✌✌✍ ✡♦♥✎✏ ☞♥✏ ✡✑✎✒☞✓✎✏ ❢✡✒ ✡✔✎✒ ❡✕ ✍✎☞✒s ❪❝❡ ❫❴❵♥ ❜❡r❢✐❣✐❤❡r ❥❦♠q✈① ③④④④ ①⑤ ⑥⑦ ⑧⑨⑩⑨③❶⑨❷ ❸❹❺❹❻ ❼ ❽❻ ❻❾❹① ❿✈❹❥q➀ ➁➂➃➃➃ ➄➅ ➆ ➇➈❸➉ ➊❶④➀❷❷ ⑧⑨⑩⑨③❶⑩➌ ❸❹❺❹❻ ❼ ❽❻ ❻❾❹① ❿✈❹❥q➀ ally smooth. I don’t think we were there for 20 min- utes,” Puckett said. Puckett and Bristow said they look forward to going to the event togeth- er. Not only is it a good step for their health, but it’s also a chance to chat with community mem- bers. Plus, since fasting is necessary, the two usually go out to breakfast after- ward. Contact Francisca Benitez at 541-963-3161 or email fbenitez@la- ✖✎✓❞✗✎✓✒ ✖✎✓❞✗✎✓✒ ❪❝❡ ➍r❴➎➏r❴➄➄ ➐r❡➑❡♥❢❡r ❵✐❢➒ ❜❡r❢✐❣✐❤❡r ❥❦♠q✈① ③④④④ ①⑤ ⑥⑦ ⑧⑨⑩⑨❼③➌❼ ❸❹❺❹❻ ❼ ❽❻ ❻❾❹① ❿✈❹❥q➀ ➁➂➃➃➃ ➄➅ ➆ ➇➈❸➉ ➊⑩③➀❷❷ ⑧⑨⑩⑨③③❼➓ ❸❹❺❹❻ ❼ ❽❻ ❻❾❹① ❿✈❹❥q➀ ❪❝❡ Ý❡❡Þ ß ❜❡❡Þ ❥❦♠q✈① ③④④④ ①⑤ ⑥⑦ ⑧⑨⑩⑨③⑩④❶ ❸❹❺❹❻ ❼ ❽❻ ❻❾❹① ❿✈❹❥q➀ ➁➂➃➃➃ ➄➅ ➆ ➇➈❸➉ ➊❶❷➀❷❷ ⑧⑨⑩⑨③⑩➌④ ❸❹❺❹❻ ❼ ❽❻ ❻❾❹① ❿✈❹❥q➀ ➔→➣↔↔↕➙ ➛➜➝➞ ➟➜➠➡➢➤➝➙ ➥➦➡↔↕➙ ➧➝➦➨➩➝➦↕↕ ➫➝➤➭➤➯↔➤➝ ➲➠↔➳ ➵➦➲➯ ➸➣➣➢ ➺➻➼➽➾➚ ➪➶➶➶ ➚➹ ➘➴ ➷➬➮➱➮➱➮➪ ✃❐❒❐❮ ➮ ❰❮ ❮Ï❐➚ Ð➾❐➺➽Ñ ÒÓÔÔÔ ↕Õ Ö ×Ø✃Ù ÚÛ➮ÑÜÜ ➷➬➮➱➮➱Ü➶ ✃❐❒❐❮ ➮ ❰❮ ❮Ï❐➚ Ð➾❐➺➽Ñ ◆▲✇ ▼P◗▲❘❙P ❯❲◗❳❩ ❬❭▼P ✛✛✜✜ ✢✣✤✥✦✧ ★✧✩ ✪✬✭✣✦ ✮✯✧✰ ✲ ✳✴✵✸✳✛✹✸✹✹✺✵ ✛✛✵✛ ✻✤✼✬✽✿ ❀❁✣✩ ❂✬ ❃✦✬✽✿✣ ✲ ✳✴✵✸❄✜✳✸✜✵✳✛ ❅✥✽✿✬✰✸❇✦✯✿✬✰ ✺✸❄ ✲ ★✬✧❈✦✿✬✰ ❉✸❄ ✲ ★❈✽✿✬✰ ❊✸✳ ♣●♦t♦s ❍♦■ ❏❧❧✉st■❛t❏♦❑ ♦❑❧②