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About La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 20, 1934)
Pasre Two LA GRANDE EVENING OBSERVER, LA GRANDE, ORE. Saturday, January 20, 1934 m si ci Id e) ti 1 V TJ fi b: ei V li c tl f a I o t i) t i .1 t ( In An Independent Newspaper Fhoua Main 000 . V I M f ' H. W. PREDCRJCK3 . HABOLD M. P1NLAY Published evalngi. eiceptlon Buntlay, at 1710 Sixth atreet, La Grande, Oregon. Intend, at the Postofflce of La Grande, Oregon, u Second Claw Uall Matter under tot of March a, 1878. .OmOIAL PAPER OP UNION COUNTY AND THH .CITY OP I.A GRANDS . ' ..' MEMBER OP ASSOCIATED PRESS I ' ' The Associated Pres 1 exclusively entitled to use for publication ' of all newa dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited If pub lished ben. All . rlghta of , republication of, special dispatches In this paper and also the local news herein also are reserved. " Rational Advertising , Representative H. O. MOGEffBEN CO., Ino. Ban Francisco,' Los Angeles, Seattle, Portland, Chicago -- , DetroltNew York ' ' OREGON STATERS NOSE OUT OREGON FRIDAY, 16 TO 9 PACIFIC COAST CONFERENCE I Nortlierrl Division '. ., . . ' W. L. Pet. Washington - . 8 0 1.000 Oregon 8tato a 2 .600 Oregon , . . 2 2 .600 Washington 8tate 2 i Jim Idaho 0 4 .000 OOEVAIilS, Ore., Jan. 20 J.T) Tho Oregon State 'Reavers nosed out Ore gon here list1 night, 16 to 9, in one ' of the lowest-scoring, tightest-guarding games In the northern division. Paclflo Coast conference, In years and - moved Into a second place tie with Oregon. : " : In' the first half, the Beaver scored . only three' points, and Ore- ' son was able to score only three In the second half. Oregon led at the half, 6 to 3.;' The win evened the season's two games between the ' teams, and each have won two and V lost two conference clashes. George Hlbbard, Oregon State for. ward, tossed In four goals and three free throws for 11 points to account - for' most of his team a scoring. The University ' 6f Washington, league leadens with six wins and no - defeats, plays a non-conference game - tonight with college of puget sound, : at Seattle, while the University of Idaho Vandals invade Pullman for -' a conference' clash with Washington State college, : Lili jfci J. H. BLUNT TO SPEAK SUNDAY J. H. Blunt, hood of social science In tho High school, will apeak to the young people of the Methodist church ' Sunday at 6:30 p. m. using as hla toplo, "The Challenge to Young Peo ple Today." Mr. Blunt la a popular speaker with the young folks of the various enure nes navuig aaaressea the various groups many times In . tno last xour years, xne young peo ple of the elty are Invited regardless of church affiliation. The meeting closes in time for those who. wish to attend evening services c lac where, DELONG HOME A FROM MEETING E. H. DoLonjr has roturneV' from Salem where he attended tho hearing or. the-croamery code, under tlio new Oregon agricultural, adjustment, law passed by the last session of the legis lature. New Coach Named, At Auburn Friday -AUBURN, Ala,, Jan. 20 (P) Jack Meagher, former Notre Dome star who coached last season at Rice Institute, was named successor to Coach, Cliet Wynno Friday, as head football coach et Alabtmm Polytechnic Institute. AT THE Sunday-omlny: "Sons of the Desert Ktarrlni; Stan Laurel, Oliver Hardy. Clinrllo Chase; "Antakchnk" spcctnl scenlo Journey with tho "Glacier Priest"; Wnlt Disney All-Color Our. tool! "Lullaby. Land"; Clralmm Mc Namce News, . Tuca- - Wed.' - Thurs: Double fenture program', Lionel Bftrr-moro with Alice Brady In "Should Incites Be havo"; alGO Warner Baxter. Helen Vinson. Warner Oland In. "As Hus bands Go"; Liberty-Observer News Prlday - Saturday: Itobcrt Mont Romcry and MatlKC Evans In 'TukI tlve Lovers'!; Laurel and Hardy Comedy "Dirty Work"; Cartoon: Liberty News Events: (Saturday matlnre only) Clmpter 7 "FlKlitlni; With Kit Carson." When a husband tries to deceive his wife, he is alrmiet certain to be come involved In a scries of diffi culties. This Is especially true If he Is assisted In his fabrications by one as dumb as Stan .Laurel, who, with his sldc-spllttlng, eye-brow - raising partner, Oliver Hardy, is aeen In trtelr latest Hal Roach - M-a-M feature length comedy, "Soua of the Desert." coming Sunday to the Liberty theatre. Assisted, by a notable cast Includ ing Charley Chase, a star In his own right; Mae, Buscti. Dorothy Christy and Luclcn Llttlclleld. a situation, of wlfe-dcccpllon , Is . turned , Into a screamingly funny picture that ably colors, the mirth-provoking antics of the stellar, comedy team. On,. the, same bill. Is' the. picture AnlokgUak,',' filmed, by Father. Bcr nord Hubbard, Probably . some. of. nature's most amazing , phenomena are those dls- covered , by Hubbard. In the large. oorpo rated) Publisher and General Manager Business Manager. LOCAL BRIEFS UiikIjioss .Vtnlfcor , . O. H. Zurcher, of Enterprise, was :a business visitor In La Grando Thurs day night, i From .Wallowa . .' Among the visitors from the branch who were in La Qrande Thursday Is J. O. Bslrd, of Wallowa. More Mrs. Morle Campbell and her sister, Miss Frieda Mulkey, of Nnmpa, Idaho, are visiting in La Grande, calling on old friends. They formerly made their home hero until 1910 and this Is their first visit since that time. They find La Qrande very' changed, tbe city having grown considerably since that time. They expect to re turn to Nampa today. !;" MKs Broomfleld III ' .. ; . Miss Fern Broomfleld Is 111 at the home of her' parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Broomfleld. GRAND JURORS CALLED FOR JANUARY 24 Judge J. W. Knowlen, circuit Judge. has called a grand Jury session for Wednesday, Jan. 24, at 10 o'clock at the-court couso to consider cases bound over to them and to prepare criminal cases for the next term, of courjj which opons on Monday, Feb. fi. Motion day win too held Wednesday, preparing for tho February term of court. . . ; Tho case of La Conte vs. the Union Construction company, heard -herb boforq Judge 0. H. Mf.Culloch, of Ba tter, was transferred today to Baker for arguments. HOLD ANNUAL DINNER JAN. 24 Tho Benefit Association of Railway Employes will hold its annual dance and banquet Wednesday evening, Jan. 34 at the Socajawea Inn. The ban quet will be held at 7 o'clock followed by tho election of officers- for the new year. Dancing will follow at 0 o clock with music furnished by Lind say's orchestra. Joe Jaqk$on Loses Appeal to Landis CHICAGO. Jan. 20, T) ' Ke ne saw Mountain Lnndis, commissioner of baseball, Friday, donlod the appllca tlou. of "Shoeless, Joo" Jackson, In volved In the, Wlii to Sox scandal of 1010, for reinstatement. l'ltlilUC HN(i K.UmiQVAKEp WAiplUNGTON W') 'Tilt motors." Instruments the Jnpuncfie claim can bo. used to, predict ,cavthquakes,a few hours or even days In advance, have been Installed by the const ni geoclotlo survoy at tho UnlvcrtUy ol Cailfornlo. LIBERTY Liiurcl fcnd Hardy Ini ''Sons of L the Dcscm" uctlve crater .In the world. Anlakchsk Kreiiucntly Hubbard lias esprosscii regret, at not having hod a techni color camera along which Is a pro logue tor the. startling statement that Vermillion red and brilliant, yellow rivors wore found gushing from Icy mountains; that, in tin, crater, green vegetation was to be found I Everything about this film Is amaa Ing. AnlnlrM, ,1. I. - tlon of niar-nuracle. ' "WV UwilieiiH-anrHiiatV i.NaA bei 'The Weather. . '.WEATHER FOItKCAST ... -Oregon Pair In the east and un settled followed by rain late tonight or Sunday In the west portion) slight ly colder ,ln tbe east tonight; fresh und stroiu; nest becoming south wind oirsnorr- - For the week: Normal temperature ami considerable cloudiness with fo quent rains ever Oregon, and Wash' Inclon the latter part of the week. LOCAl. WEATHER Frldayi MAilnium 48, minimum 31 ooorr. nam J9 or an men. cloudy. Today: Minimum 38, 7 u. m. 10 above. Partly cloudy. UNION P.T. A. PLANS PROGRAM UNION (Special I Too local P. T. A. will give a program on safety at tbe High school auditorium Monday evening at 7:30. Mrs. O. E. Richards, chairman of the program committee, and Mrs. Lew Bldeler have worked out -the following -program: . Invocation Rev. R. c. Lee. Community singing led by J. W. Baxtor Jr. Boy Scout demonstration. .Business meeting. . Music by high school girls' cloo club directed by Miss Mildred Sloper.J nignway control By state police officer. Plro protection for our schools J. W. Llndsey, fire chief of La Grando. Local fire protection Morton Davis. A social hour will follow the pro gram. FIND IT HERE Copy for this CoJomn must fcs la by 9 u. m. Remodeling coata, suite and dresses, Children's work and fur coata a spe cialty. Special prices diiring January ana fouruary. Mm. Pearl Maser, 1612 Bixth St, Phone 387 W. 1-17-1 m. Just received a complete stock of famous Bell Bmnd strings for ell In struments. Violin strings from 6c up, WV U HANDS MUSIC CO. 1104 Spring. 1-18-3 t A new linrt of the latest in Ladles' Costume Rings la now being shown at Richardson's Art and Olft Shop Also new zipper purses on special sole at 65 cents each. These in all colors. 1-lG-t f, Wrier you neea fuel Coil Main 628 OAlTHBIi ICE & FUEL CO. 1-2-1 m. 8CU0O1 CHILDREN Tou can, get Boratob., paper tor school at the Observer. Now 2 pads 6o. fl-14-t f . C'ONVH IMMtTHAIT FltAMES A new. lno.of; Fine Frames for Con vex Portraits, of. all sizes haa Just been received by Richardson's Art and Olft Shop, Ypu oajv now have your pictures framed for half price with these attractive flames, at Rtohard son's, 1-16-t f. IHlljYOU KNOW. TILT our, mptlvxl , removes ALL the. oils aii4 Rreasos from, felt, hate? PorspUtttloo ollst da. not show up again, wltlUn a short: time. when, your hat Is oleaned at tho Standard Laun dry. 1-17-t f. 11AU1). TIMES 1UNCH . Suusot Tavern at. Perry, Sat. lUto. Prizes for best costumes. 1-18-3 tp ' NOTK'B OK' SIIKHll'F'H'. SALE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that under and by virtue, of a foreclosure execution, decree -and order . of sale. Issued out of and under the seal of tho circuit Court of tho State of Orecon, for Union County;' dated the 20th day of January.- 1034,-- to mo directed and delivered upon a Judg ment, nc.creo and order of sale duly made and entered In said court" on the 18th day of December, 1933,'ln a suit therein pending, wherein Lee B. Bouvy Is the plaintiff and Cornelia Penlngton, Stcwnrt M.1 Penlngton, Charles Clyde Penlngton, Berry Pen lngton. a minor, Lena Penlngton, as guardian of the person and estate of Berry Penlngton, a minor. Baxter Kavanaugh and Lilian Vavanaugh. husband and wife, arc defendants, and In. which said suit a Judgment nnd decree was duly entered In fa vor of the plaintiff and against the dofendnnts. in the sum of t'JOOO.OO togcthor with interest at tho rato of 8'.por annum, from and after the 23rd day of Juno. 1032; and for the further sum of $200.00 attorney's fees, and the costs- and- disbursements in curred, herein and taxed ot $28.70: and in which decree- it was further adjudged and decreed that the here inafter described real property be sold under execution In the manner pro vided, by law; nnd that all of the defendants named In said suit, have no further right, title or, Interest thoreln, savo only the statutory rlglit of redemption. THEUEFORE, by authority of said execution, .decreo and. order, of sale, and .In obedience to .the commands of said writ, I will, on Monday, tho loth, day of February,. 1034, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., ot tho front door of tho County Court House, In tlie City of 1 Grando, union County, Oregon, sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash In hand, sub ject to redemption, . the following de scribed real proporty and all of the rlHhl, title, .interest nnd equity of the snld doleudanta-named In said suit. and to. snld described real property. on the date of tho .mortgage fore closed in said ault, or since acquired therein or thereto, or that theynow have .therein or thereto, to-wlt: The East 02 feet of- Iot num bered 10, and the south 22 H feet of the East 00 feet of Lot num-' bered. 1U -in Block numbered' 8, 1 of itomlg's Addition to La Grande, Union County Oregon,' according to the recorded' plat. thereof. -sit unte in tho southwest quarter of the eoutheaat quarter of eoctton B. in Township 3 8outh, Range 38 East of the Willamette Meridian. The proceeds of said sale 'to be applied In tho payments of the said Judgment arid decree, after payment oi.ine cosw.or sale of said described premises. Dated at La Qrande, Oregon, this 29th day of. January, 1034. JH6SB.BRE8HBAR8, . , Sheriff of Union County, Ore. Jan. 20, 27 Feb. 3, 10. NOTICE OF HOXI) 8.1I.E Notice la hereby clvcn that the County Court of Union County. Ore gon will receive scaled bids until two o'clock, P. M., on the 7th day of February, 1984, at the County Court room In the Court Houot, In La Grande, Oregon, for the purchase of Refunding Road Bonds.. in the sum of 48,000, in denominations of (600 each, and Immediately thereafter the bids will be publicly opened. The bonds offered for solo arc dated Jan BLOND A Now Serial SYNOPSIS; rronH Uruh'imn, ttv , iator ana explorer, Unit himself involved in a curtoUa tunrle be cauat it u "hunch." Whilo wait inp to sea lluba-fi, famous movio exeoutivo.- ha seen a suapiciotta shadow wi the rtgico window. As Jantoe Kent tite mar, leaves My by a 's office ti ra ha mo aocs out, finds somemis has stood in lino with the window, and decides to follow Miss Kent's car. which tn turn is behia followed by a tan car in which are three men. There is ,a collision; Orahame knocks out the driver of the tan car. companions have disappeared, and takes Hiss Kent home. Chapter Four ABOUT LANGTON THE world remembered with a ""no ui siiucn nuu gner mo Vanishing of tlio llyor Langton. A contemporary and friend of tlm al most 3quoIly famous Grahamo. Langton had disappeared at some point on his course during that lllglii that was to have taken 111 in from Valparaiso on a wide arc along tho Andes arid up through Central Amer ica to New York. - That mystery was quite recent in the public mind. It grieved sincerely for the loss of Its boloved rdol In tho wake of the Caribbean hurricane. The Gulf and Caribbean , consiB were combed from New Orleans to the mouth of the Amazon. During the Hrsrt frenzied search it wag ex pected 'o find Langton encamped on some forgotten beacli like a modern Crusoe. Later, after weeks of sys tematic and painstaking beach-comb-. Ing-Jn the literal soiibb of the word with no trace of airplane wreck age found, the searchers were forced to subscribe to llin popular theory that Langton and Ills l&nd plane had gone down-at sea. . . it had been-demanded that Frank Grahamo bo recalled from the Orin oco headwaters country to assist In tho search,, but this was manifestly Impossible as Gru'inme's portable radio set was no longer communi cating with civilization. ' When finally Grahamo emerged from the jungle with the remnants of the Cadwnllader party, It was natural that he be asked for his theory as to Langton's disappear, once. Ills theory, however, was not acceplcj with much credence. .. - It was a tittle Incredible. The odds, certainly, were against his being right. For one thing, while-there wcro thousnnds of miles of coast, any part ot which might have boen the scene of Langton's crash, Grahame's misty theory localized It aa having happened along only a certain tew hundred miles of It the east coast of Yucatan; . more over, he believed that Langton had gone down not on the coast or the sea nearby, but In the country west of that particular strip ot coast line. "yOTJ see," ho told the board of In 1 vostlgatlon, "Langton had made Bhorter hops over that route." He put his dngcr on a largo map on the tahlo. "Langton would havo swung' up the east coast ot Nicaragua and Honduras, crossed the Gulf of Hon duras and then flown straight ovor Yucatan toward the Mexican Gulf. It is probable that the storm caught him near Yucatan. "Hut," the board objected, "Granting that such might have beon the case, ho would have been flying into a wind from the north, which according to tho laws ot hurricanes would bear nioro toward the east as the storm progressed. That, Grahamo, would cause him to' drift out Into the Caribbean," "True," replied Qrahnme, "that Is, It we were tnlklng about almost any body except Langton. Langton was a good flyer, and knew his storms. Seoms to me he could have pulled out of most any blow . . , Another point . . . while that wind would have shitted toward tho cast, as you eay, nevortheloBS the hurrlcano Itself would travel on a westward sweep. "Langton's ground speed .. was closo to two hundred. Just whnt It actually was or what his course waa with the various elements ot wind currents buffotlng him, Is Impracti cal to figure with any accuracy. It was an off-season hurrlcano too, which t.iny not have acted like a usual one. "Call it a hunch, gentlemen, but I believe Langton crashed on land within reasonable dlstanco ot the east coast ot Yucatan." Grahamo'a theory received Its share ot publicity but It was not generally accepted. His questioners left tho subject at that point and asked him about hla own deeds. For Grahamo was some thing ot a hero himself. There wero few who had not heard of Orahame, F. A. Orahame. Tho newspapers had made much of his Initials when ho had returned fron Vcnetuela some months after uary 15, 1034, and mature In nu merical order ns follows, and bear .the rates of Interest set opposite each amount of bonds, Series No, 1,'8000, on January' 16, 1036, interest at 5V4 per cent. Series No. 2, S0OO0, on January 16, 1D37, Interest ut 6!4 per cent. Berics No. 3, $8000, on January 16, 1838, interest at By, per cent. Series No. 4, 2000, on January 16, ivjv, interest at 6-per-cent. Saries No. 4, $4000, on January 15, iiwu, interest at ow.per cent. Series No. 6, 8000, on January 16, 1040, interest at 6ft per cent. Series No. 0, 0OOO, on January 16, imi, interest at aft per cent. Series No. 7, 1600, on January 18, linn, interest at 5"4 per cent Series No. 7, $4500, on January 16, 1042, Interest at 4 per cent. Series No. 8, $8000, on January 16, mid, interest at 4 per cent. Interest payable semi-annually on GODDESS -by- HerBert Jensen the Langton mystery. F. A., Force of Arms'Grabame they called him. , '"'- ' " ' ' ''.':--..' NO wlito man had penetrated so fo.fy.or so forcefully for that mat tor, the uppor reaches ot the Orin oco. Ho found Cadwallador's party, or what had been left of It; nnd re turned as viciously efficient as ho went. Tho dramatic inferences ot his feat had been lost upon Grahamo. He had guided that party or scientists into tho country to stay until tho rains forced them out. All of them had been capable men and Grahamo had left them : fully equipped to cope with their few mouths sojourn in tho jungle and to come out as soon as they pleased. Hut nearly a year had passed when relatives and sponsors, frantic for news, had asked Grahamo to return and find tho lost party. , Ho returned, and got tho news some of It bad. for Cadwallader had died of arrow wounds and threo others of the original party wore dead similarly. The remaining four nooded capable help and got It, , Grahame returned to find that tho newspapers had dramatized him. They hailed him as tho last practi cal adventurer. Certain inqulsltlvo ones scented a story because ot tho quantity of ammunition billed him by a New York sporting goods firm and tho amount ho returned for credit Nows llko that leaks out Grudgingly at first, then resigned ly ho answered questions. Thoy wanted to know It he had met with any resistance on the way and how he had handled It . Grahamo grinned. "Suro 1 met with resistance aa you call It I, well . . . I handled It." Ilowovor tho nowspapormen dis covered that Grahamo could bo articulate when ho wanted to bo; It was all a matter ot tempting him Into that mood. Ho'd been a nap time ace, after which he had flown Uncle Sam's mall tor a time He was known tn countries other than tho United dlnlcs. Ho was ta.ll, good-looking per haps oven handsome It ono could overlook certain grim linos about his mouth; at any ralo his blue eyes, wldo shoulders and lean laws photographed well. Swashbuckling descriptions of him gave romance to smudgy halftones. He had all the equipment tor good news copy. - (Cctriftl. le.'l. ly ..'( Inm) Tomorrow, Prank tttt lorn, of Mr. Greene's handiwork. 1 ,1ft I Slit iw CmmI ki-nnnhr Atlt C -trim 1 1 1 irian'a I party. I tho 16th day of January and July 'of each year, principal and Interest pay able In lawful money of the United States at tho Fiscal Agency ot ; the State of Oregon In New York City, All bids must be accompanied by a certified .check on a bank doing business In Oregon, for not less than two per cent of the par value of the bonds offered for sale. The Court reserves the right, to re ject any and all bids. By order of the County Court. -C. K. MCCORMICK, County Clerk, Jan. 20 and 27. La Grande, Ore NOTICR W SHERIFF'S SALE NOTICE Is hereby given. that under and by virtue of a foreclosure exe cution, decree and order ot sale Is sued out of and under the seal of the Circuit -Court of the State of Oregon for Union County, dated tho 12th day of January, 1034, to me di rected and delivered upon a Judg ment, decree and order of sale duly made and entered In said Court on the 12th day of January, 1034, in a suit therein pending, wherein W. 8. Harer and Valette Harer, are the plaintiffs, and William Rollins and Florence Rollins, husband and wife: A. V. Llndgren and Beryl Lindgren. husband and wife; C. E. Morris and Jessie M. Morris, husband and wife; and Mae B. Klein, are defendants,, and in which said suit, a Judgment, and decree was duly entered In favor ot the plaintiffs and against the de fendants. William Rollins and Flo rence Rollins, his wife, both Jointly and severally, In the sum of $1810.00, together with Interest thereon at the rate of 8 per annum from and aft-. er the date hereof; and for the further sum of $150.00 attorney's fees and the costs and disbursements In curred herein and In which decree It was further adjudged and decreed that the hereinafter described real 'pcrty be sold under execution in the manner provided by law; and that all of tho defendants named In said suit, have no. further right, title or interest therein, save onlv the statutory right of redemption. therefore, by authority of said execution, decree . and order of sale, and in obedience to the comjhands of said writ;, I will, on Tuesday, the 20th day, of February, 1034, at the hour of 1Q o'clock; A. Mi at the front door of tpe County Court House In the city of La Grande, Union County, Oregon, sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash in hand, sub ject to redemption, tbe'followlng de scribed real property, and all of the right, title, . Interest and equity of the, said defendants named .in snld suit, and to. said described real prop erty, on ..the date of the, mortgage foreclosed in said suit, or since ac quired, therein or thereto, or that they now have therein or thereto, to wit: The West. 74 feet, of lot num ber four . (4) In Block number thirty-one (31) in Chaplin's ad dition .to La Grande, Union County Oregon. , .. . . , .,, v Tho proceeds of said sale to be ap plied in the payments of the said Judgment and decree,, after, poyment of the costs of sale of said described premises. , . .- , Dated at La Grande, Oregon, this 12th day of January, A. D., 1034. "; . JBSSB BRBSHEARS, ; ',. ".' , ' Sheriff of Union County Oregon. Jan.: .13, 20, 27 Feb. 3;-10. BUS SERVICE For WALLOWA, ENTERPRISE, JOSEPH and JTay Points. Leave La Grande, Dally ' 10:36 A. M, 4:10 P. M. For PENDLETON, Way Points' Leave La Grande, Dally 10:30 A. M. U. P. Stage Depot, 1308 Adams Phone MAIN 49 A Sfo"?, Soundly Reorganized Home' Bank for Home People 1 he rlKd INMMI David t. Stoddard President P. I.. Mtrtrs, Vice President A, K, Parker.' Ca-ihler II. A, Zurbrlrk. Asst. Cashier U II. llrnmnell. Aut. Cashlrr C. L. Thompmn, At. Cashier I OMPLETION OF VIADUCT DUE FEB. 15 (Continued, nun rage One) ; , is better'thsn half completed. The central part of the viaduct was renewed by phe railroad, company last winter. Workmen are getting rock for the project from Taal'a quarry, also known as the Proebstel quarry. Gravel Is being taken from M avenue and Fifth street. Fifth street will be cut almost to 'grade before the project is oompleted, and probably will bo open ed to traffic, adding another block of good streets to the city system. PAYROLL OP, C.WA CUT HEAVY ONE (Continued From Page One) for Union county, and four of these have been . . completed,. About . elk more re mam on the. reserve list, In cluding the latest two to be author izedthe Grande Rbnde flood con trol and the pierce lane, and workers at present are busy on about -30 proj ects. All of the projects in La Grande are Still 'unfinished, according to O. B. Miller, county p.WA. manager. , word also waii received Here today that the Union-Wallowa county fed eral re-employment office hero Is be ing consolidated Immediately with the office at Pendleton, making the GRANDY'S GARAGE Phone Main 726 , V 4th & Anis Briiig your repair tifork to U3 all' work guaranteed. We will give you. quality, work at reasonable .prices. We-now have in oim employ Bill Strong; a first-class mechanic, and Fred Butterfield, expert body and fender man...: -. ' - ,.,,,',, - - - Night and Day Storage ; ' '' Reasonable rates ; by the. month"" : '-' San Frandscds Newest AND MOSt.MQOEttN J. , Downtown :,.-.M ',,.-. - ft 600 Oritd nooqw; 223 noma at 13.50 179 roam ( frl.00 198 room at $4.50 ind up Private garago in hase iricn't of hbt!l liuilclirig with direct elevator ser vice to Lobby and all fhiestroorii floors! MM J.ur . mm a : - iii'dp:!l ' If III' mmm . Take Pocket ..-'. HERB'S one way to save in 1934. Tiiin . your' pockets inside out every night. , Froriv the' pennies' and nickels pick out as many as you feel you might spare. .Put thenVirito a' jar or boxatop the bureau'." Th'enV eyei'y few weeks, after you ' accuiriulate ' a' dollar "of more';' deposit it in a savings ac count at this bank. 1 - .'.1!'-.. , ; .-: ' , , ,,,,, - REPEAT the process', month after month", VanCK''ybUr''a'a50t'p'ovv!; PJe'mein-1; bei, accoitnts' at this bank' are now insui'ed against loss. WE. IAY Compounded Scml-Annually ' ON SAVINGS I NA 1 lUINAL BANK Of La Grande OFFICERS AND DIRECTOR PIRECTORS David I. Stoddard Ernest ncLnnv F. L. Meyers Martin Klnj Oeo. It. Uarnhart W. C. Perkins latter an Eastern Oregon off ice. The local office; will remain here with only a cleric In i charge according to information received Here by Floyd Sherwood; Who was manager of the. local office. ' Trainmen :Redace ,. -. Working Hours (Continued' From Page" One) ' i ' '' ' : r . lly lay off until the next checking period as soon as he Jios put In 48 hours or Its equlvalJit, officers of the local organisation' satoV today. Chicago Bears To ' Play Coast Team SAN'FlciSCO, Janio '(P) 3. Amid a mild revival of mid-season, football enthusiasm, Chicago's Bears, national professional champions, and a 'picked -team composed mostly of former great Paclflo coast stars com plete training today for tomorrow's charity conjees ia Hszar stadium here. ... ...... BUILD HIGH SCHOOL STADIUM JOPLIN, Mo. 'm ', Joplin. w'ith a winning high school football team, has decided to' support the gridiron game in the most approved manner. A steel and concrete, stand to seat ' 350O Is In process , of . constructlonf Hotel Sir Francis Drake juat . off Union Stjtiare tfibst coffven- le'ril tb thfeaferS.'shbs, stores! business and .financial district Only California hotel offering Serviuor feature thus enabling you to combine "maximum ph- vacy with minimuni tipping",, All rooms in the Tower with Western exposure, have uTfra-yiblct-.ray (sun:bath) wiiidoWs. '' ' , In every room connection or, radio reception, running filtered ' ice wafer, both tub ana shower. ;'. Dinner in Coffee Shop from 75ji up in Alain' Dining Room from S1.25 up. Also a la carte service. mm. H6iei Slit FrAnCiS Huckini.Neitcous Hotel Co. Powell Street at Suttef Sah Trancisco Harry McKlntay" R. Green " A. K.' Parker "