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About La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 18, 1934)
LA GRANDE EVENING OBSERVER, LA GRANDE, ORE. M John Wealty Is Named President Of Association Thursday, January 18, W34 jolin Weatty, of Elgin, was re elected president of the Blue Moun tain Livestock association, when the board of directors met Wednesday Afternoon Ixi the offices of H. Q. Avery, county agricultural agent. R. B. French, qf Povo. was elected vice president, Duncan McDonald having held the office previously, and Mr, Avery was re-elected secretary-treasurer. Four members of the' board of directors were -re-elected at a gen eral meeting of the association two weeks ago, and they mot with the old members. The board Includes Duncan McDonald, La Grande; John Wealty, Elgin; John Bchroedor, Island City; B. Woodruff, Union, A. North Powder, and P. Summervllle. French, Cove; William F. Bowman, a. Pottrabs, SEVERAL SEEK LOCAL LIQUOR APPOINTMENT . (Continued From Page One) to the commission for other positions, Inoludlng clerical work and clerking. Mr. Runte, who has toocn In La Grande frequently during the lost 20 . years and who Invested a consider able sum of money some years ago In the, Mercy Theatres, Inc., to which thtfLa Grande theatres belong. Is well known here among the 'business mt& oi the city, and his appointment is meeting with approval on. the part of his friends Jiere. Ho recently travelled through Eastern Oregon representing Neustadtex Bros., cloth ing firm, and ibefore that, according to local business ' men. represented Hlrsch-Wols Manufacturing Co. of Portland. . Frequently during his vis its to La Grande he remained over several days in connection with his business interests hero. Mr. Runte will have all of Eastern Oregon under his supervision except Klamath and Lake counties and will have his headquarters Jn this olty. He will have charge of tho conduct of the commission's operations in thta territory, will arrange for establish ing liquor stores as recommended by the administrator to the commission, and will investigate and recommend appointments of agents to -handle commission liquor where stores are not to be Installed. He also will check on applicants for positions In his dis trict, to find the best men for the places available.- ' , ELKS LODGE RATES HIGH OVER STATE (Continued From Pogo Oho) j gathered for the visit of the district deputy whioh also Included an Initia tion of a large class of candidates. Prior to'the lnltlatloiitho ctadMates were paraded on Adams avenue to the strains of music supplied by a "Ger man Band." During the session they furnished the entertainment in the form of a sohool which proved to be very amusing. Exalted atuler Stall,- of the Baker lodge, was a guest. Adding Interest to- the meeting also was the attend ance of Jock M. Farlss, his first time following a long Illness. A clam feed followed the meeting, with L. L. Snodgrass In charge. The dance committee, headed by Victor A. Eckley, announced that a ,m Ttpxt Tuesday eve ning at 9 o'clock in the ballroom at the temple. CHILD MAKES GOOD RECORD Although only 22 months old, Boy Beaumont, son of Mr. and Mrs. Phil Beaumont and grandson of Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Smith, Is no mean cycllBt. The little lad rode his tricycle from his home on East X avenue to Adams nvenue and Second stret, receiving old only at the crossings when he was lifted over the curbstones. The tricycle was a Christmas present to the lad. RALPH HURON TO BE SPEAKER Ralph R. Huron will be one ot the speakers at a program featuring rtn- t tional defense to oe mciuaea in wi regular meeting of the Baker post of the. American Legion tonight at Baiter. FUNERAL TORE HELD FRIDAY Funeral services for Johnny Gar rison, who passed away Saturday af ternoon, will be held from the chapel of 'Walker's Funeral Home Friday af ternoon at 2 o'clock with Rev. B. Marcus Godwin In charge of the ser vices. Burial will be In the Summer vllle cemetery. TEACHER ILL t AT HER HOME Miss Bcsste Pettlgrew, head of the English department at the La Grande High school, is ill at her home and her c'.asscs are being conducted by Alfred Meyers. Progress is Made By Missionaries (Continued rTom Page One) sing. ' High caste Hindus and un touchables are intcr-marrylng. as a result of Christian teaching. The Hindu system of religion Is being overcome Dy the Gospel of Christ, freeing the people from the oppres sion -under which they have Buffered for centuries, she said. Besides an Interesting address, Miss Miller showed an Indian house-god; an Indian costume, and other Inter esting things from her adopted land A ixn& audience heard Mies Millers address. Wash 12 Shirts at once! . " can o it easily ... " can do a week's wash for my family of 4 in half an hour! , ""No more dreaded Mondays to steal health, youth and charm, I I .i " Think of it 6 minutes after you start this famous washer the whole tubful is done! In 30 minutes you, can save 4 hours hard toil over the washtub ! , .... Thousands of women know this It means no more aching back no more rough hands no more washday gloom. And the clothes are washed cleaner, whiter, faster, safer than before. Unless you knew about Wards 500 stores you'd never guess that such' a marvelous washer could be priced so low. ' Only $5 DOWN --$5 a month, plus small carrying charge on deferred payments mm .,'.,'.... CWw- H r . L !... ...if,-.-... wx-ftj " " '''' '""f jjf 55 D0VN "1 We've been selling them Tight along at a higher price, and find ing it hard to keep such Iright, smartly patterned cotton prints in stock. (Mostly, we suspect ! cause they're tub-fast with' smooth, strong texture.) Now fot the Sale, a new low pricel ! 36 inches wide. So orWcrrnV'on Vire Mails Whether you're building a house and need alls-by the keg, or just mending the cellar stairs youll find what you need at Wardsat money-saving prices. Tool Grinder' 1 4 in.whel. Blowtorch tin1 Ms -Bras-stank, lrvZtVv Aeicitoreoltk 9Ap 7&5 Noll HOMMW ' iHibkory 'handle Blade ia "Wlvl " ,MMaMaauHatMMMMHUB Come take a look ot all these work-saving features . . . Famous Washboard-Action Tub Famous Tangle-Proof Gyrator Famous Lovell Safety Wringer Famous 6-Minute Lightning Speed . Famous Penetrating Water Whirl Famous Cleaner, Whiter, Results ' . . t. . .. i r?- --1 'TSiw Radio I . .Mm. Save Now , . MUZ lip i $5 down, 6 mo. plus small carrying charge At a price con siderably more, you'd still think it an ex cellent "buy"! Instant D i a 1 ingl Complete ly 1934! 7-Tube Radio Priced very low $3995 $4 down, 65 mo. plus small carrying charge Low in price, great in value. In looks and performance, it's there! In stant Dialing, to call letters, and other new 1934 features. II EM. mm I Cannon Sheets FRIDAY & SATURDAY ONLY 88c Carefully woven',- from selected coft tori. Carefully bleached, carefully torn to size for straight, even hems. Short sleeve time is herel Colorful N ew Printed Crepes i Dark Shadte ComblnatlOBA ':; 5 .00 Whether print, plain or both together, really new frocks wear - their sleeves short; they may be . prettily puffed or cuffed above the el bow but short they must ho! In missea' sizes. Also some long r sleeves for women who prefer them. 'FIELD 2 B ll i fle $ort Mwfen SlngkSUt S6.S5 'Newbooded sight means greater accur acy. Blued steel barrel 'shoots all .22 1. "c at t '. ridges. Chro miuffl plated bolt, lever and .trigger. kflotihmUtw fhoM firm Sight Copptr-ctOfO for i5c Heavt eases with noncor-t-osivtt pkim Ing, Uniform. 4 1 Wards fans (he New Straw Cloth In de ucsranfee TRADE-IN ! Wards, take any make as generous part payment for Riverside De Luxe, Mate or Power Crip, guaranteed -against ALL Road Hazar . . . Cuts, Bruises, Blowouts, Rim Cuts, Accidents, Faulty Brakes, Wheels Out of Line - EVERY THING Except Punctures, Fire and Theft as long as you run the tire. Should it fail we repair it FREE OF CHARGE or give you a NEW TIRE charging only lor actual service old tire rendered. TIRES MOUNTED FREE fires for rsides BHavaaVHHMIlHMaVBVaVnMMifesa XV.- A1- SPRING HATS I .00 It'8 so thrilling? iiewl The latest word f ' from New York I Lota of rich silk erepes h toot In high shade,' olio, black, brown. UtfVtfrrt 20C H 'square Inches ef rob ber. 2 tiibet of cement, and buffet. Wtm Iron 1-m. CriS 53.65 Indicator tells you when to pour. Wide Aift. Carry- : irig handles. ElecttkPad 12xT5-iri. . ' $1.00 Warmith- fdi cold feet relief from pairi't Single heat Safe! 1 Hours 8 :30 n. m. to 5:30 p. m. Operr Sattrrdays till 5:30 p. m. llDl-OS Washington f'(ffi Phone MUirt" 18' 13 bin CHDG)tf6(DI3g0w