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About La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 26, 1933)
LA. GRANDE EVENING OBSERVER, LA GRANDE. ORE. Pm Five ' QUTOljqWAY; By J. R. Williams THE NSWEANQIES . Rare, Indeed!; CLASSIFIED ADS VjBl UKUT PLACI OF ONION WALLOWA COUNT UU OWOOn ICKIiYOU'LL DIS AM DE PUNNIEST BUSINESS AH EBER IS TRV TER: LEARNl scee .-B06AO. vou AND, WOW I Hft.1C'Ttt5 peakiwc; or 'POP,'' I WDNPEI) VMVWT HE THOUGHT NbVb.K LeAkN TO . (PI HE A BUCkTIM' CltiftKET L6HTEH GH THfe GANG AT itHE WTH THE?E BBACEV&W Of nCE, WILL THEIP (Count fl Tnge word , " ' ' to the llna.) Per Una, U( intcrtlon 10a Pr lint, each added oorueo- BATES BY MONTH HOSS TH' FUST 'VO' CAIN'T STAV OM.TILL YO LEARN IT, AM' YO TO OF'M POCSCKT: 9 lines. pr month . 8 Una, par month' ; -8.J6 -M.00 -M.7 JUMV, YUH GRAB '- t St.' Ik.."- FOOM US i 4 llnea, per montb . C line, par montb'; CAIN T LEARN IT, TILL utlr lnaertlaa It YO KIKj STAY ON. Minimum charge on on . ordat Bub additional Una over tin oharged at 60o per Una par montb. 1 . , , FOR SALE FOR RENT Tuesday, December 26, 1933. - ' j OR TRADE Equity In mod. 6-rm. house on paved street. Will con sider, timber, land or. good truck. Ph. 38fl-r, even,ngs. 13-J8-M qOOA3EA0JlEp woop. and lots of iL (Ut'k'jraavFafin,! ' ia-l rnp. HAND ROLLED chocolates 350 lb. Special Fridays and Saturdays 86c lb. qui , cndtas are , always fresh and, the Cherry Bpesom Pandy S.iiop,,. ';" 11-14:1 m 8CBXTCH PAPER lor school or home "at the 'Observer, 4 pads lor 60. B-H-t 1. EAST, OREGON CW, A. HEADS COMING HERE (Continued From Page One) . tec to. La Qrande. to'lum, the local C. W. A. and rejlel committees, and their employes, expressing "admlra Uon at the manner In .which all those owoclated with, civil works and relief administration have met the respon sibilities laid upon them, particularly during the last lew weeks. .. , . The C. w' A. has changed the attitude ol the. unemployed and has put new heart Into them and us," he said. Gqld PrigeAgpWt Fixed dt $MM WASHINGTON,. Dec. 2fi W) . For the. sixth successlYe time, the price 01 . domestic "Sold was ilxed. today by the government ' at 34.08 an ounce simultaneously with the. disclosure that 626,000 ounces had beeii pur chased a$ a total ccot of 17,604,0O0. The, amount of gold purchases was mado public iby' the RFC chairman, Jcsso Jo.iies,. He refused, to discuss foreign gold purchases. Less Fortunate Made " Happy On, Qhristinag (Continued From Page, One), Grande Lions club, and the city fiio department, distributed toys and dolls to 600 needy children In thlB com munity. Both the firemen and the club 1 members co-operntcd through out the last several weeks In prepar ing for' the" visit of, Santa Claus. Monday morning children of the community were treated to a matinee at the.. Liberty : theatre through the courtesy, of Manager C M. Wight, and vat ll" o'clock, the ..La 'Grande "Lodge 61 Elks gave candy and nuts ' to a, large gathering ' of children at the coriununlty tree the lodge erected at Depot on'd Washington, near their temple. - This Is an annual custom an:l was In addition to a program of Juvenile relief; the Elks conducted in the 'schools during tills month,' 'fur nishing needy youngsters with cloth ing they were unable to obtain other wise..' Other organizations throughout the city' lodges, churches, clubs and PART OR ALL 6-rm. , furn. house. Call Observer. 12-18-t f. STEAM-HEATED ,ap(..'13U Ovo. ; "' H-ac-imp MISCELLANEOUS OOWELL BROS. CLEAN-UP We will clean up your ashes, papers, eto. Phone 323-J. ' ' r-' ' 8-8-t 1. Uses NRA Lash On Cleaners SwiiiKhi): the dull hf (Tlmlniil',' prosecution over - the mitmn'B cIoancrH and dyers, WilHiim Daviii, above, national; coiiipllauco director, is ongaKC'l in a hitter Kti iiKKle with shop' owners to compel them to h.oost prices. un der their NRA code. "Scores of them, at a Washfimtou ljeariitK, said they would be viiined, it they compiled. Davis vigorously' informed them that 5they yould lib prosecuted if 1 hey did noli , Individuals also did their part to make the Christmas season a 'happy one for those less 'fortunate.. Many Christmas dinners found their ways td families over Vhe community, sometimes accompanied, by gifts or sums of cash. Eli Deal has been employed by the Piedmont Wagon Manufacturing com pany nt Hickory, N. O.j for 47 conse cutlve years. ' ";" FRECKLES AND HIS "' '" How to FRIENDS by Blosser Dolt! vJHAT'S COMING ) ( BEEN FIGHTlW ASAIU, HAVE ) PFP HERE,'" f 7 YA? HOW MAMY TIMES HAVE I ) FELLAS' 7 ToLrjyATbkEEP.yoOpDUk.ES y( 3 ' " J ' TO yoURSELF? CAW'TCHA act Jatsrisht fl ' UKE A EWTLEMAW,WEH J YTPASH....' ri'llW' you?E AROUWD MICE jVE IT jTF I jVH- "tSL K"s? Ya OUSHTA to him 1L some.'.' m VMELL,IT'S POWE-rJO ONE klW PPENEWT MJHATS PAST A CoOlD IF yA ACTEPQUICK ENOUGH 1 W S'WAN.rJOW... MOW COULD VAl How CP.ULP VA? .1 ( ( STOP .T BEFORE J ' f f Rcau.s.PAT.orr. HEROES ARE MADE - NfiT BORN. 0".R.WIULiAnc, I j 11 ALL, CHICK OWED VT "TO VOU, AND MO TRULY ' GPVC THE. THOUSAND D0LLA.BS , WAT A CHRISTMAS IT .WS- FIVE HUDPED, ' I BUCKS ,N, CASH ' I I si. . UCPrilSEOf AXDOyou ! reauie That i am one of THli DARE FATHERS (MH05E yID MAKES GOOD ON MONEY HE BORROWS . . FCQM HIS Ot-Q THE BUNGLE FAMILY Hope As Usual WELL JO THIS WAS A VERY MEPJ5.Y XMAS, AND FOR ONCE. THE : NEIGHBORS GOT . MIXED. UP A.NO GAE' US ALMOST J A.S MUCH AS WE GAVE THEM. 1 ; HAD A GOOD TIME. j ANU MOST Op IT .CAME FROM MAKING r UP MY MIND I WOULDN'T WORRY ABOUT PUTTING SO MAJ1Y 1 THINGS ON OUR CHARGE I ACCOUNTS. 12-26 WE'VE GOT A WONDERFUL ) j HATE , UINEL OF CREDIT. GREAT. Jf SNIPPY WELL- I SUPPOSE THAT'S If COLLECITORS. ; ALWAYS BEEN-' K WHEN THEY ; VERY VERY rX ,( (try TO USE ' PjENTV yfo1"5' WE LL TAKE CARE OP EVERYTHING AT THE PROPER. TIME. WE'RE SLOW PA I'LL ADMIT BUT EVERY COLLECTOR. IN TOWN KNOWS WE WORRY ABOUT OUR DEBTS JUST AS MUCH Smt fvT M - E" T? I WAS r if wr J-afX v-u7V, THE ORST.. I I FIGURING J W THEY REOUGH n THOSEl AVHO Ai UP THIS (flL AT? NEVER TOO MUCH 1 1 V. wr'vr. fiflB MORNINS N l i.JPJi: U 1 J W KNOWN HOW MUCH I ll vjfyr- riuyr-?m. i a lokig x n we owe. ji. . .S-.''rCi 'W);! -hn TIME, m THE TOTAL J I- V " - ' '- .- ii: - - J0EPAL00KA flot Foot JOE AND EDDIE BIGS ARRIVE IN SEATTLE . ? NNHO'S THE BIG GUY ) ( SOME ri HO- HO - S S WIT' THE ORNIMENT J DUDE, I LETS GIVE L ON 'IS UP WIT' r-T I'LU.J' SM TH' J EDIGGr- jHOT FOOT: YOU CRAZY. FOOL'at' Y DONT TRY ANY MORE I OF M3UR PUNCHY pr' ., TRICKS OR I'LL rkir- SIC BILL r--MHOLy SPIVWACK r CBX'Z. f mm A Ka( AN' JAlSHOW HEARJl Dlbn WHOBCHEE " DAT (DEYSW IS rl" HE'S x'. "v'n HUMBKtl, IWONDgR IF HE REALLY KNOCKED DE HALF BREED OFF ' Q t-ic;Lr i DIANA DANE ... (Trademark Beglstcred) U, 8.. patent OIIlco Playing Safe -;hi5 coat voo save ME YVE5TEBDAV IS JUST TOO SOKSbOUS, '4ll those lovelv Gifts f isiT he ' JUST THE DEAREST, DAD, MOM? IN ALL THE ,E' OTEMENT V' FOIZSOT TO Give voa ,x-'6LL--WeLL OPEN IT AND 1 1 s.j what sAttmrr' VOU LIKE 1 I ILL ASK,)-; XT IS J. I it mav Ba A Err tMKUY, I'I'i MAKING MY NEVV YSAB'5 RESOLUTION NOW f 2 Mt SC0RCHY SMITH (Trademark Reglaterod) . U. 8. Patent Office Doubts J there gobs an ves,shis aWfolly nice oirlJ But scopchy, "S JAK6 .' -rf ' THIS 'HERE ' -i I situation is U V BEYONPjVie- i can't auire 5awy now n ORNERY CUSS LIKE BO& KENNY' KiN SWITCH AROUNq NICE -Like S07 Sudden - it ain't rersonabie - THARS SoMETHlN FIukeY ABoor it; 'IT SuRE 50UNDJ Sort of fishy to ME, TOO. Il Tin K. f . All IllthU IUtnt4 -rfT 1 I J THE DILLYS A'Long Smoke I WERE, HAVE V I A 9MOKEV V BOY.' 1 : IHlrir I liiipilll ll-1"fiiiKH!l WWlffllf ll'if'i'llllili""'!' ER-UHi SAY; -THAT - LOOKS SECOND HANp YEAH, I SMOKED ON YN IT LAST NI&HT--BUT GO. AHEAD AN' TAKE IT, I'VE GOT ANOTHER I STUB IN MY POCKET ' I HERE, OLD CHAP, I INSIST THAT VOU HAVE ONE OF MY CHRISTMAS CI&ARS i BOY- V Down in Africa i used A LOOKIT TO JOIN TWO OF THESE ' THE SIZE ) V TOGETHER. WITH GUMMEO j , y 7 PAPER.' HEH.HEH,-- , TSi l MAKES AN AMM.IN& f SMOKt j-S SO THAT'S . HOW THE . " BIG- SHOTS I ' V. DO IT " , U- 7 BE A GOOD BOY, tMC35tOi iHBig WIG-GY --R.UM 'ROUND P5?0.c5j r 1