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About La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 21, 1933)
Thursday, December 21, 1933 LA GRANDE EVENING OBSERVER, LA GRANDE, ORE. Page Five LOCAL IBIDDEIFS Holidays Hem Mr. and Mm. O. E. Happersett, of Portland, are spending the holidays In La Grande with their daughter, Mm. Raymond O. Williams, and their son, 8. C. Happersett. To Portland Mr. and Mrs. George Ourrey have gone to Portland to remain until al ter Christmas. They are the guests of their daughter, Mrs. Roy Parley, and their son, George Huntington Currey, and their families. . Child la Born Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Hftunta are the parents of a' daughter born on Deo. 19 at their home. The Observer which yesterday stated theiohlld was a boy, was misinformed . From Umer Cove Mrs. Clarence Bepker, of Lower Cove, was In La Grande yesterday transacting bUBlne6s and shopping. Elgin Teacher Here " - Miss Ida Gordon, a teacher at El gin, was a recent visitor in La Grande. Business Visitor Charles Swebke, of Imbler, was among the business visitors In La Grande yesterday. Shopping Here Mrs. Paul Gragg. of Huntington, spent a day earlier in the week In La Grande shoppmg. She has return ed to her homo. From Durkee Mrs. Ernest Forney, formerly of Durkee, has moved to La Grande to Join her daughter, Dorothy, who' Is attending High school here. Mr. Per ney will Join them later. From HUitara Don Onelll, of HUgard, was visiting In La Grande yesterday. Mr. Onelll works near Hllgard. ' From California Mrs. Barbara Cochran Is expected to arrive this evening by train from Stanford university, OaL, to spend the Christmas holidays with Mr. and Mrs. George T. Cochran. Mrs. Cochran formerly made her home In La Grande, having left,. last fcU to live In California, . ' Receive Trwvtniejur - Misses Cecelia Charley,. Edith and Clara Kanlne, Indians from Adams, Ore., were receiving eye treatment at (he Bouvy hospital early this week, From Cove Mr. and Mrs. T. O. Hefty and son, Charles, of Cove, and their house guests, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Chaffee and son, of Compton, Cal., were shop ping In La Grande this morning. Mr. and Mrs. Chaffee areWteltlng at the Hefty home. Mrs. Hefty and Mrs. Chaffee are sisters. Business Visitor c L. G. Plfer, of Salem, a representa tive of the bureau of' labor, was a business visitor here this morning. From Walla Walla Herbert Hokamp, of Walla Walla, was In La Grande last night looking after Interests ot the Shell Oil com- pny- , TonsBM Removed Miss Vada Brown had her tonsils removed Tuesday at the Bouvy hos pital, Ear Operation E. R. Oeburn underwent en ear op eration at the Bouvy hospital early this week. From Ungvtew Mrs. R. L. Davis, of Longvlew, Wash, is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lester H. Bramwell, during the Christmas season. Mrs. Davis was formerly Miss Ruth Bramwell, AT THE LIBERTY Herbert Marshall heads the strong oast assembled for "The Solitaire Man," startling drama of super Con-1 tinentai crooxdom wmon opened at the Liberty theatre today. The casting of Marshall in another role as a sophisticated "gentleman crook" ibrlngs him to the screen in a vehicle that has all the appeal of "Trouble In Paradise." . The added drama of a smashing story by Bella and Samuel Spewack provides a thril ling basis for the action. In the Spewacx play every charac ter's Safe Is Involved with that of the Solitaire Man. When they finally meet in the cabin of a 'passenger plane crossing the English Channel a situation arises that has scarcely been equalled on the screen. The climax Is a breathless defiance of death. Grande Ronde Meat Company FRIDAY and SATURDAY SPECIALS Main Store, Hoover Market and Fir Street Market Your City, County, and Schoo Dist. No. 1 Warrants, are as good as gold in exchange for our merchandise coupon books. JELLO . The National Dessert All Flavors 5c SUGAR Pure Cane 10 ls. 56c 20 lbs. $i.ii COFFEE B. Safetj POUND 29c M. J. B. Safety Seal POUND CRACKERS Snow Flakes White orGrahams . 2-LB. CADDY 29c ' Preferred Stock ' .' PUMPKIN or HOMINY 2i2 TINS 10c Fountain Brand STRING BEANS & Walla Walla PEAS ; ' NO." 2trNS' 10c CASE $2.35 V t Monarch GRAPE JUICE Finest Cohcord : , QUARTS' 25c JAP ORANGES 2 DOZ. 98c ORANGES Fancy Navels 2 DOZ. 49c ' ,iBob'Wh'ite Laundry Soap Buy all you want. BAR 2c Fancy Box Chocolates 2-LB. BOX 63c Beefsteaks 12c lb All cuts, very choice beef. j PICNICS i Fresh sugar S cured, lb. ........ 8V2C j i GROUND BEEF Ground from whole carcasses, 2 lbs 25c I PORK CHOPS Nice chops from lean loins. Uniform chops. Machine cut. 2c ea. CUBE STEAKS """""" j R0UOT SliAK """" j Generous serving. Delicious -i f J ! Ground. From choice ' n j ! Tender, each XUC ; J round beef, lb XoC ! 1 J SHORTENING 4 lbs. VJc. h Cellophane Wrapped. "JtJ1 jTURKEYs" "beef " i Very 1 P Ofif ' IIintl Vrtcs Ctn J Choice, lb XtJL toUL ; j :hoice beef, lb. . OC Lard 4 lbs. 29c f 100 pure. Cellophane wrapped. 11 Friday Saturday Dec. 22-23 , Mj Til IW 1FS n pr, -m Christmas 1933 is the time to consider where you can buy Nationally Advertised Foods at Saving Prices. Safeway Stores are chock-full of Yuletide Foods the choicest at prices that are decidedly sav ing. , ' Jellwell All Flavors Easy to Prepare 5c PKG. Gold Medal Salad DRESSING 17c PINT JAR !B1 29c Sherry Wine Flavor Mince Meat, 2 lbs Fancy Red Cranberries, 2 lbs. .: .. 25c 25c Broken Slices Pineapple, 2's, 2 cans . . . . tJC Post's " Bran Flakes, 2 pkgs. . . ..lit L())by - Quart ' ; 1 Q Apple Butter . . . . " J-7y 2 for 19c 23c SUGAR . Fine Granulated io ibs. 56c 2oibs.$l.ll Aii-way 17c lb 3M 51c MafirsHiisaallowc Fresh - Fluffiest ' y 17c lb. 19c J; Libby's Fancy Sliced Just Center Slices Large No. 2 can only . . . . . . Pumpkin Inavale- 212,s 10c ! I & III IS rr ' ' - GJQJIlrl Jr ULHL in i Dates 2 lbs. : Iff i aR2--for25c 1 11 I ' ' I $ f ! Sure-Pop, Jap Hulless , "I 7 f 1 1! 1 r,P6D Corm3 lbs. J- -C v Ill I V Rosedale Fancy Sweet ' Pickles, qt -yC PA jl 5 IbS. I . . I f - I B B I UUCCll UIUIUVO ., I 1I T VJl.s 'v vl 4 vy III III VW )A .Large, Crisp Stalks ' 2 Bunches Cliquot y'i Celery 17c Ginger Ale ..: .... 7: ll oiives IMr , Al tt f WIS Lindsey Ml Jal' ' Ju ffvi Prince Albert f - k i - Ripc w oon' "oca rrall i-,b- Tin- f 2Ca25cl H32C 35G Vgjf II ssc W Xmas Candies Xmas Nuts II I 1 fl Satin Mix, 2 lbs..; ...... .. .'. ..27c 1 I t IKC5 ' if TS i II. i n Mi; , t 1 JJIUACII 1T1IA. id 1U3 , f J Chocolates, 2 lbs. 29c ?k'Vm iy A MnBlerGums 2 lbs' ' ' 29c LA) r Chocolates 89c 1 WBffl TEA A ??(L JitHCTT) M.J.B. Green Pint Quart 17c 29c , Pint Bottle 2 for 25c Tobacco Walnuts, 2 lbs. . . . . . . , Peanuts, lb. .... .... Brazils, 2 lbs. ........ Almonds, 2 lbs. . . . . . . ... . .... 35c Mixed Nuts, 2 lbs .....35c Washing White King ZQcpUg naiieys SaladtimeDressing WHIPPED SMOOTH AND CREAMY LIKE MAYONNAISE Prices Effective While Quantity Lasts 4