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About La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 20, 1933)
Pr Two (IseorponUd) Aa Independent J'ewppec . rben Mala M , . H. W. WRXDSRlCKfl . HAROLD U. TOVLAY , ' Pubdabed maihfB. exception Sunday, at 1710 Sixth itmt,,U arand. Oregon. Bntered th Portofflc of La Grande, Oregon. M Second Cla Mall Matter under act of March, a, 1879. , . OFFICIAL PAPER OP PNIOK OOtTKTY AXD TU ' cm of M obajipb Minim OP ASSOCIATED PHESS The Aff1tT-1 Press 1 exclusively entitled to use for publication of D new dispatches credited to n or sot otherwise credited tf pub lished ben. All right of republication of special dispMcbe la - till papix and also Uw local sen bereln alio are reaerred. National Advertising Eepreaentallr " U. C. MOOEfSEK CO, Inc. Ban rraaeUeo, Loa Angeles, Seattle. Portland, Chicago Detroit, New York K7B6CRIPTIOK BATES By Cams Dally, i month In advance Dally, six month In advanc Dairy, atncW copy By Dally, par month In advance- Dally, per all month In advance . Dally, per year In adrance As the hart panteth after the water brooks, so panteth my soul after thee, 0 God. Sly soul thirsteth for God, for the living God. Psalm 42 : 1, 2. t CHANCE OF A BREAK FOR MOTHER Year in and year out, it's usually Mother who does the Christmas shopping, i Dad contents himself with buying her a present ana men lums over me remainder 01 ine purse , to his help-mate and tells her to go to it secretly glad he doesn't have to help her buy those gifts for Junior and Mary :ar)d Apnt Abatha and Uncle Ned. And Mother, trudging wearily from store to store for days, does her bit the best she can rand heaves a sigh of relief when the last thing is purchased, and daintily wrapped and tied with green or red ribbon. But it can be different here this week. Most of the retail stores in La Grande have decided to keep their doors open until 8 p. m. Thursday, Friday and Saturday, so as to give everyone a chance to do their Christmas shopping partic ularly to give Dad a chance to help Mother look around for a sled or doll with curls or the right kind of a tie for Cousin Bill. And, you wives, don't Jet your hubbies stay at home those three nights and toast his toes by the fireplace and read hair-raising detective stories while you attempt the shop ping alone. Make him put his suspenders over his shoulder, don his coat and hat, and make the rounds with you. If he does, it will be a happier Christmas not only for Mother, but for Dad as well because he'll get a real kick out of the shopping when he two of you go a gift hunting together. , XODAY IN BRIEF, IN AND AROUND OREGON AS CBBw.MCLED BY TUB DAILY LEASED WISH OP TUB ASSOCIATED PSESS SiLY&AIAS LOSHS AFPEAL PORTLAND, Dec. 20 oPl Jake Silverman, Portland rooming house proprietor, convicted of manslaughter for the 'gang.lancT killing of Jimmy Walker and Mra. Edyth MrClaln on a lonely road near St. Helena, was denied a new trial by Circuit Judge Crawford late Tuesday. Silverman la under sentence of three years In pri son and a floe of 11.000. He was Indicted on a charge of first degree murder and waa tried at St. Helena. 11 IKS or l.VJl KIES MARBHFIBLD. Or- Dee. 20 UP, Mra. Fred PUher. K. of Boaeburg. died In a Myrtle Point hospital last ntf ht from Injuries aufleredt VI on- j day In an automobile accident near Bridge when a car In which she and her huaband were riding plunged ! over a 46-foot embankment inv the Coqullto river. The mishap was caused by a blowout of a left front tire. IIENV PK1ET SOIMl PI.E V PORTLAND, Dee. JO 'JPi Denial of the petition of Puget Sound In terest tor modification of the ten per cent Columbia river basin freight rata differential enjoyed by Portland, waa announced In a meaaace received here from William C. Mcculloch, at torney for Oregon lnteresta, who now is In Washington. D. C. Mcculloch advised Portland In terest that the differential In favor of Portland on shipments from the territory south of the Snake nver wlll continue In effect, according to word he haa received from the In terstate commerce commission. 1II0IIH AY ( O.VUlvIO Ml.fcrs OARDIJ.HR, Ore.. Dec. 20 -RouUn business waa transacted here last night by the Stat hlKhway com mission which yesterday started a three-day tour or the Oregon Coast highway for the purpose of holding bearlnga on relocation of atate roads j ana placing of approaches for the i pioposea coast Highway bridge. Th commission held hearings at Newport, Waldport and Florence, and continued today to Reedaport and North Bend. VIM TII CONVICTED MARamELO, Or, Doc. M lis. -A 16-yrar-old youth, Raymond Pry. i convicted of first degre murder I oer i-uenay tor th (laying of H, V Biacaman last Oct. 30. A sentence : ot lite imprisonment waa recom- uwruuvsi uf in circuit court jury, and thla sentenc Is mandatory un der the law. Prye, resident of the Norway dlt- ' and General Manager Butlnex Manager Mall no, waa quoted by officers as having said the abootlng of Black man was accidental and occurred, when the two were bunting deer. The boy did not testify. WOMAN F.tTALLV IXJUKCD POBTLAND. Ore, Dec. 20 tv Mrs Samuel Smith, bo. of Scappoose, waa fatally Injured here last night when struck by an automobile near the center of the Burnalde bridge. Police aald the driver of the car was Bman O. Miller. 36. of Portland, and that he told them Mra. Smith and an unidentified man ran across the bridge, that he awung his car to avoid striking the man. and hit Mra. Smith. Miller aatd he stopped at once aul asked the man to help htm put the woman In the car. Instead, he declared, the man fled. STAGE REVUE TONIGHT AT ZVHER HALL A "Stage Revue of 34" will be pre sented at the Zuber hall tonijrbi featuring Eaaiem Oregon talent, and preceding a dance. The curtain goes up at 8 1J p. m. On the program will be the Camp bell autera. tap dancers: Margaret Painter. Pendleton, tap dancer: trio from Wallowa: Babe Millet. Union vocalist: Oeastt and Wardell: Mae llrabeth Cooper, violin: Budcy Cooper piano: little Mi Bruce, piano. mi some comedy skits. "Doll Baby" Has Gained; She Now Weighs iy2 Pounds KINDLAY, O. Dec. W iVt The "doll baby" has rained a quarter pound and today she weighed a pound am) half 84 whole ounces. Orand- mother Mra. Charles Flnerd savs "arte' doing Just fine." "We Just feed her the old-fashioned ay wtienever she crlr. about every 20 or 30 minutes. She takes about a teaspoon of milk at a feed, ing." aald Mra. Plnerd "Somethimes we give It to her with a medicine dropper and sometimes with a dolls nursing bottle." The tiny girl's mother. Mr. Chariest Carmen, ttprrmed eonfldenc the child, tjorn Saturday four months before she waa expected, would lire CallfoenU's irraM iTvcm la Urwr in area than that of th New Ertff-J land states combined. The Weather WEATHER FOKEtASY Oregon: Uscai rain toturltt and Tbtmday; Utile rsnax In tvxaaer lore: ireaa to drone aoathant wind offanore. ' .LOCAL HEATHEB , Xoaaday: Hailmam it, minimum 31 aboie. aUinfall .3 of an lorn. Cloudy. - Todari Minimum 41. J a. m. aboie, tloady. 1933 ONE OF "WETTEST IN LAST DECADE , (Continued Prom Pace One) for La Grande: I Year Rainfall Variance im itsa 1925 31.67 J22 1V21 19.93 -47" ! 1827 '! 15.68 3i-5 j ldjM 39 J 130 157 .8 J 131 1823 1.22 I 132 , 22 323' 133- 20.63 138' , Kxces rainfall 1 rainfall. 1B33 total Incomplete. In -rwe Cjeler" . ficane weather obaereera claim that there are sm and dry cycles, ranging ! irom sour yosra iipwaros. arcr;0( Hsr-g-nan creek Inundated yards records reveal La Grande su present 3JroKi of in a "wet cycle- tf such claims are . Bpakmne. correct. Prom 124 to 1927. inclusive. WesteTn wasbiarton. boarver. 84.40 inches of rain fell here, an a-ux, sum bad apparently Mown tr ees, of 6-80 inches for the penod. : .. During the four years from -2 -Ojujung at-sewa; points In the Oas- ltoi, tncOusire. the rainfall totalled Ci&a nm te!nptrum, dropping.; 63,65 Inches, a deficiency of 8.15 m-j pmnising u nuns streams.' chea. During the last -a years, ap-; lte Grays harbor dues of Aberdeen parenUy the start of another cycle. vtxrt 2,000 hcanes and excess rainfall already has reacaed bot n hre w ; SSI InrhM ' . . . ., - 1K7 The Wettest During the last 10 years, 1827 had toe gzeauesa eaoess. wnwuuc? 7.44 Inches. This is one of the wet- test years In La Grande wveuter rec- ords. And the year 1928 was the dry- ayttBA Reamer Soi Doc in port fjk est, with a deficiency of M inches. lU rnUTtllT njtu Mach! jii, This, however. Is not one of the most fTOerrront property had been dam-i arid years In the local records. here jaged br yesterday's gale, and the) being several 12-month periods with . B!ootlel Tjooxsran lumber carao'?rV less rainfall. Including 1922. when the p!ant TO forced to close. , v j 8 UXMl was 15.43 Inebe. 1 The cmter Bedwlrjg restrmed efforts f The month during the last ten ' Vjaz,T .j jnter Charles L. j KfJ year In which the most rain feU was wneeJer Jr, from Sond island at theiSI' March. 1932. with a total of 6.08 In- the oolumhia. Pour other jK'rf ches. which resulted In floods in the )ar?t ho, baKered and! f I Grande Rood valley. Tre previous bui,CMd try the aeries of storms. j jVj July (1931J was without any rain. To the north, at Juneau. Alasta. a I gjf , whatsoever. '. frrrr-rtsiv cold snell continued with a ! xJk Longest Dry 8 pdl J V. 1 . Mw. mill njr --j" decade was from July 1 to Dec. 1.' 1929. when only 2J0 inches of rain fell In five months. Next longest and really dryer was from June 1 to Oct. 1. 1932. when -94 of an Inch Je'.l In four months. The longest wet from Not. 1. 1632 to June 1. 1933. when 1741 inches of rain was count- ed. fcn arerat? erf 2 47 a tnoatii, Tbe ; raoA rain to tail in any lirw-manUi period In Use Ust lecttef bcnrerr. WM iron Sept, 1 Co Dec. 1. 1927, vxai 12.77 Inches, or un a-rerape of 4.26 Incbea month. It H beliered to b&Te ben tbeavUst UM In La Gr&zule history. " , FRENCH NAB BAND OFTEN i MEN, WOMEN (Continued From Pee One) francs which tbe jndartiv s&M were Intendetl lor accomplices, were found In Bereovitz pocketa wblle bis wife. CUr. bom Dec 19. 1903. to Bendery, Rumtit. wu said try tiie polloe to .hare had 13,000 francs aewn into her nktrt. Among the alleged eistiote mate rial which tbe police confiscated were three wireless mu, lndudlru; cten desllne eendio? outfit, mill 117 docu ments, photofraphle plates and morte camerms and larpe sums of money. CommissarT Oianrettl of tbe Prench police made the haul of .parapher nalia and sahl that he bad found in addition that one of the prisoners. Louis MArttn. 43, a Prench man and translator In the ministry of marine, had an account' in a Frankfort. Ger many, bank. Madame Llrta Tchekaloff Buhl, -48. a Russian teacher, also was arrested. They said they found another sus pect. Mile. Jvtade'c'.nc Mermet. 23. French and a teacher, ready for flight 1 when tbey raided her home and ar rested her. The home of Mr. and Mrs. Mali Salmon. Polish medical students, yielded additional document to the police, accoscang to their announce ment. Swim was described as a former aviator, 8 wit made no appeal to the Am erican consulate which would act only If It t asked to do so or If de velopments sugirest that an Ameri can fails to receive fair treatment. KKW YORK. Iec. 20 OP. It was learned today that Robert Oordon Sattz. held by Paris police as a sus pected member of a spy rlnj?. quali fied for a department of commerce flylnit license at Curtlss-Wrtght fly- ; ing school in 1930. WASHTKOTOK Dee. 30 Pass- fJLLlS-CMflLMERS- Vrack type and Air Tired Tractors, Com hi ties, TmitJemenU. Road Machinery. CHANDLEB TRACTOR A t((LlPMli.NT CO. 1313 Jefferson Main M3 SCHOOL GIRL Fermiirrcnt (T- rrpr Wave .. ...31.D Includes Service Permanent Waves fncludea Shampoo, GO PA Haircut, Flngerwav 9iWsdlf Others WW to MOO Ma-ays Ouaranteed CINDERKLLA HE.l TV SHOP Phone Main 250 Sri LA GRANDE KVENING OBSERVER, LA GRANDE, ORE. ' port information on file m the state juqwuKBi t Den ooujKxenttal arm ilt ni Impossible tocby to secure any cersciai caxa on Mr, and Mis. Robert Santa, Americans arreated In the alleged -py ring" In Prance. Storm Ckmtinues To Damage Coast States (Continued Prom Pjge One) TU lemma-, rich dairy dis-.rtcj ner Use Oregon coast, report caras of power line down. 50 taenia wreckeA. herds of cattle scattered and pc&sibly drowaed and rten farms frndir Hail the county was cull In -1 - t- w jast night. The alraosa - vj--fr:dea-ed high udea. whippei asicre by the gaas, al had brcuihl leasts at AsMna. Ta dredge CS-rtt-ra.i had been tern - aeed- To tie ar-.'l tzi Dr t'.-ih CWumbta. a mud and ro:i rjiie SO to 75 ttr: deep and l.fjCO ;t-. toe? Izzt nht d up tbe CamSwa Pscific Kodc enay Lake line lor daya. At Vancouv er, thousandaf aensa-of tovtand on the axiUxm ec! of the city vare flooded a-brn the blheax ude of the year broke through dies on the Pra-1 eer nrer yestcr-Jay In four places, and J 40 ahec? and a number of hogs were drowned. ... KpoLane rkwded , In Spokane, in tise "dry bet-." of amni Waahingtoo. the flood is7 rwiiwmy ana ow isnuues vers iv- icued In boata. stUl remained endan- gtTtd bT coounumg mgn aaes. At TtHnftrCT, tug boats were working throughout the night dear- j-- . toe-cltmered harbor which kept iow & I0 ozrees below rero yesser- i . . . . oT. uw ccaaesi nay since iwia. -yv otatils a-.Tnbuted In part t-r orms included. Sim Brwster. 19. kjned by a falling sapling near Sno- onat31ie snd Richard HiUalre. SO. an lnAltJ, tatallv iniurtd near Beting - br x an:i the drowning of Nicky Pumar. Filipino child at Port . l i Angeles. . l , 1 ALICE WEISS - il IS RECOVERING ' Mis Alice Weiss, nine years old. of E2srtn. who underwent al marr ! operation at the Grand Roode bos-; 'pi:al Monday, Is reported as lmproT- : Save Money This Christmas with This New Low Priced RCA VICT0I. You owe yourself a pres ent this Christmas, espe cially if you are one of us who have teen econoniizinc ill it hurt. This new RCA Victor Model makes furth er ecomimizinjr a penuine pleasure, for it's fun to stay home with a 115 . . . with the world's best entertain ment it hrinjrs you faith fully, tseautifully, as never before. Tile radloi a modern Superhetero dyne with greater output. Electro dynamic speaker. continuously variable Tone Control. Kc-callb-rsted and lighted dial. 6 to 1 ver nier tuning, poltce calls. Radio and Music Supply Co. Phone Main 805 Guaranteed Radio Sei-vice, No Guess Work Radio' Comic Three-Act Melodrama To Be Mflfffiil IJPP. Za i j n A comic melodrama In three acta -nth a moral and the intriguing title. -The Lore of the City," anil be pre cented Chrlstmaa night, Dec. 35. at the Eagles hall by the Majestic Stock company of La Grande. The first act of the play takes place in the Biler'a Court of Moralt. and the eec end and third acta are in Mary Bar ton'a Urtng room In Davis Corners, Sooth Dakota. Mary Barton, played by Margaret Parv;iev la a poor, blind widow trho recently -moved to Darta Camera, Jackaon county, - 6. D. Bugene Shaw plays the role of Aimer J. Fmk- harn. a aeedy constable and Justice of the peace. Emu Gelat In the role of the judge a bardboiled yet tender hearted indlridual,- while Jerry Ertcison la can In the role cf Caaeldy, the judge's helper.. Edtjard Crane, played by EUas Webb. Is the well educated, smooth talking- and highly pouabed rlllatn. t Kate Weston. hop heacy. is pyed hv Beur Johansen. Ellen Blake, re farmed, played by Ida Nebeer. goes out to Davis Corners to lire with Mary - Barton. Louts Plnson plays the role of the local minuter, a who is a "he-man." All the breeds of geese In the ITnlteil States are descended from the wild gray goose. Tbey hare been do mesticated for centuries. STORE OPEN EVENINGS THURS., o X5jr. t II ' !v:s 5V. ! j ; . ivrf fg Wii . Big 1 w . g( Sofa Pillows Colors to harmonize with any house furnishings. A gift for the home. 5L i $3i m ;i i m rjci ; i kr'v. i lav v AT TOE LIBERTY One of the most during and un - n offnn thl, . . rr". . .TT. i Is The Solitaire Man. - Anu of Continental croblidom tea tur-.r.r Berbert Manhall. opening Thursday at the Liberty theatre. The new picture, based on the play by Bella and Samuel Spewacsr, la a distinct departure- from the conven tional handling of drama fpr the talk ing screen. Many of the tense mo ment of the picture take place in the confined space of an air-liner cabin, with the conflict between per sonalities mounting to terrific heights. . Marshall and Elizabeth Allan, who scored recently In "Looking Forward" portray the romantic leads with Mary Boland and May Bobson sharing comedy highlights. Also featured are Lionel Ats-Ul. Ralph Forbes. Lucille Gleason and Robert McWade. STOCKHOLDERS A.VXCAL . MiXTLSG Notice Is hereby given that the annual meeting of the stockholders of the First National Bank, of La Grande, will be held at their hunting house In La Grande. Oregon, on Tues dsy. January 9th. 1934, at '10 o'clock A. M. At thla meeting a Board of Directors will be elected to serve for the year 1934 and such other busi ness will be transacted as may be properly offered. 12-9-lm A- PL PARKER, Cashier. Showing away on a ship was made a Jail offense by the last session of the Hawaiian territorial leeislature. More Slioppingji ONLY three more days in which to finish your Christmas : shopping. Don't wait until the last day to get your needed gifts. BUY THEM NOW. Avoid the last minute rush. 3'. MORE DAYS LAST MINUTE Kid D'Orsay Slippers Colors are black, red and green. Make very appropriate gifts for ladies. $145 ' Phoenix, Chiffon and Service Chiffon Hose Wrapped In special fancy Christ mas box. Ready to give. $1 Cox Handk'f's i All linen - Hand Embroidered - 50c 75c & $2 Assortment Others to $1.95 Ladies' Overnight srsass-ts sbm tv v3eautlful linlncs. cowhide. A case X "aJ oull be proudv to carry. Others from el 95 to H "5 Xfti - TWQCOUPLES -ARE LICENSED 1 ,, hv I Marriage llas J rT.; art C. K. Mccormick to Champ Bond, oi names, Fisher, of La Grande; ana to Weyer and Desslma Sutton, both of Baker. SPEND WINTER IN WILLAMETTE Mrs. ' Nellie O. Nelll haa gone to Portlsnd where together with other points In the Willamette valley, she, plans to spend the remalru'er of the winter. Fall,Wheat For 1934 . 96. Pet. of '33 Total (Oontmuec Prom Page One) 278.000 seres and production 475,700, 000 bushels. An estimate of produc tion from this yeart sowings will be made next spring. The abandonment of acreage sown to winter wheat In 1932-33 was 33.4 per cent and in 1031-32 It was 16.7 i per cent, while the 10 year average was 13.4 per cent. The area sown to ryo this foil was 5,091.000 acres, are 114.7 per cent of the acreage sown in the fall of 1932 and the condition of the crop December 1 was 69.9 per cent of a normal, compared with 76.3 a year aeo. 62 0 two years ago. and the 10 Tear average. 1921-30 of 86.8. Ladies' Dag Handbags a browns, blues, blck nnd grey. Give a Handbag. x&5 aatitwO' Others from tl.95 to 9.75 4 i 5 ; ; s s tv Men's Fine Gift Give Him a Scarf for Others to ?1.95 Give him a box of fine Gift Sox 35c pr. Others to 81.00 Pair 1 I New . Formals All pastel shades, just the thing for the holidays Attractive in all the newest cuts and styles' New Rayon Pajamas Will make great cifts. A wide selection of clever, attractive colors and patterns. $1.0 s xl tiWI-G .T.rsc:. tyc.C Wednesday, .PjjmbcjOljgg) IIIOTELPLANS CONCERT ON NEXT SUNDAY The La Grande hotel today n. nounccd plana for a program of Chrlstmaa music and carol singing In the lobby next Bunday afternoon from 4:30 to SO. Some of the finest voices In u I Grande are to take part. The com plete program wiu oe announced later. Brlstow, Okla, no longer ' has a "white way." The city offtclala turn cd off the light to save money. Sore Throat? Don't Gargle Get quicker and better relief with Thoxlno, a famous doctor's proscrlp. tlon. It penetrates and soothes the throat membranes, positively reliev ing the soreness and hard swalloty Ing within 15 minutes. It does more, It goes direct to the- internal cause, Its antipyretic, analgesic, stlmulat ing and mild laxative actions an the system In quickly eliminating the trouble. Thoxlno Is not only the best Sore Throat relief but Is best for Coughs and Colds as well. Make It yofr family medicine for these ailments, keep It handy, there Is nothing bet ter. Pleasant-tasting and absolutely safe, even for children. Your money back If not entirely satisfied. 35c. Glass Drugs. Inc. Adv. FRI., SAT Gift. mvxii irwii ia !rmn n'3 i vt nAV itm- irv"ir- ir,-n"'i i - : m S E3 . S M 1