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About La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 14, 1933)
Thursday. December 14, 1033 LA GRANDE KVKNINU OBSERVER. LA GRAN UK. ORE. Page Three f?5 SOCIETYNOTES Mlaa Mm !, (Mmsm; MUo Umyhont Uttm M8 Pita :M a. j8. Ella D. Moe Elected Worthy Matron of Order of Eastern Star Wednesday Night f Kra. Bllft D. Mae ' wu elected kethy matron of the Order ot East rn! Bter last night at the annual Iwtlon of oKloers. Mrs. J, K. Trht Is the outgoing worthy mat am. and will preside at her laet meet' Mi on Deo, 87 for which extensive jUcs ere under way to honor, the pet matrons. i R, Henna Is the new worthy alton and other elective offices are .U91 by Mrs. Marie Rltter, associate taetron; Fred Hufman, associate lkon; Mrs, Ella Russell, secretary; lire. Myrtle Broughton, . treasurer;' SMaud Hanna, conductress; Mrs. n Richardson, associate conduc- f3th ! Other officers are appointed by the. iofthy matron. Installation will be gat New Members in 4uxihary light members were Initiated lntor Amerlcan Legion auxiliary, aftd transfer was -received at a xneet- at the Sacajawea Inn Wednesday lit. New members ore Beth parity. it Tyler, Hazel Evans. June Me nus. Eva a.Mpnanson, Anna itoeecn, ,h tie .Oreeyes and Lola Letlel. gdred Snyder was transferred from jpner. pnristmos party tallowed the icral business meeting. A irse ,w oy and presents presented .to ih of those present. Games .were lycd and andy sorved .during the itnder of the evonlng. Mrs. o. B. ixam. president, was In ohnige. ,r a box win be placed In the Radio .Utislo audi Supply etore where con- futlons -will -be received for -Christ-i presents for the poor children. .... .''. tfhday Party fBingner Home . and Mrs. Oharles Blngner en "tpytaln Tuesday evening to honor fatlr daughter, -Miss Janet Blngner, tas the .occasion of .her 17th birthday .anniversary. Quests were invited for iihree tables of bridge and the prizes .Jofe awarded -to tMIss Jean Sturde .VMit, -first, and Miss Orvallne Mc .WUllamB. consolation. ? A lunch was served late in the eve- ;ng- bntral P. T. A. Leets Tomorrow are Mrs. T. R. Maxwell. Mrs. H. . Aehby, Mrs. A. K. Parker, Mrs, David I. Stoddard, Mrs, Harvey St. Johns, Mrs. Lee B, Bouvy, Mrs. A. I. Ora lapp, Mrs. Walter Bean, Mrs. Edna Stonebreaker, Mrs. .0. S. Moore, Mrs. J. B. Fitzgerald, Mrs. Myrtle Russell, Mrs. Anthony Rauwolf, Mrs. Lynn Wright, vocalists, and Mrs. Merlin Batley, accompanist, t Clio Club Enjoys Bridge Luncheon The Clio club was entertained yes terday at a -bridge luncheon, at the home of Mrs, H. W. Fredericks. Quests Invited were Mrs. Hugh B. Brady, Mrs. Q. h: Larison, Mrs. Alfred L. Rich ardson, Mrs. Harry MoKlnlay, Mrs. Howard Young and Mrs. H. M. Flp lay. - Prizes at bridge were awai-ded to Mrs. Brady, guest, and Mrs. August Stange, club. r IThe .Central Parent Teacher asso ciation will" moot at 2:30 o'clock lo- .jnbrrow afternoon Instead of at 2:45, Wtft tune i,t- wliloli former .meetings 'totve been called. The session will "hi held at the school. ,K:lMrs. Lowell' Williamson will be.-the Inclpoi speaker of the at ternoon, ilng "How Parents May Aid in Determination, of School lEsoon-. Us." . ' 1 ,t:jjA mixed chorus from the upper lthful" and "Deck the Hails' A frls' chorus, also rfrom the upper jades, will sing "We Three Kings.1 A. R. .Meeting eld Wednesday ine. ov. . ( and ueWet carolnne, itv tadcneeS. Stifle . BERGMAN OPENS U GRANDE STORE ON DEPOT STREET Smart apparel for women will be featured' In a new ladles ready-to-wear store opened ,111 La Grande to day by Harry X. Bergman, of Walla Walla. The place of business is on Depot street next to the .Glass Drugs. This Is the first of a string of ahops which Bergman announces he will open also .in Baker, Pendleton and Yakima, with headquarters at his present store In Walla Walla. Coats, dresses, millinery, Jackets, scarfs and other wearing apparel wlty be featured, with special catering too, says the proprietor, to popular priced merchandise in the larger sizes, New Yprk and Los Angeles buying connec tions will furnish bis shops with ad vanced styles, says Mr. Bergman. . Both Europe, America In The Grip of Winter .(Continued From Page One) snow was predicted for today. Three deaths in Cleveland and two in Baltimore attributed to the weath er helped to Swell the list ot more than 60 previously reported dead. California had Its share of un usual weather. Los Angeles was re covering from the effects of floods, while heavy seas pounded the coast line near Ban Francisco. A tem porary trestle of 1100 feet on the Golden Gate bridge project was wash ed away at,a loss estimated by offi cials at tlOO.OOO. Sacrnmsuto reported that n an. foot snowsllde across the line of the oouinern icmo at Florlstan In the Sierra Nevada mountains had forced the rautlui! .of truffjo over a uarniioi track. The Klamath Falls country In Ore gon was covered with a light blanket of snow this morning. . Ice was form ing on upper Klamath! lake and the outlook was (at continued anow flur ries and low temperatures. BRIGHT Jllil) VJa,V8T W0KX BY ,COMTSH PARIS (TP) Bright red uncrush able velvet makes a stunning eve ning gown wJiioii the Comtesse de ta Rochefoucauld wears these evenings. With .the gown, designed by Moly neux. ,the comtesee wears a waist length cope in coque feathers shad- uig irom ugnt to ibrlght red LA GRANDE'S NEWEST LADIES' READY-TO-WEAR SHOP ' inrytLiz xroicDCP OPENS FRIDAY 8:30 A. M. WITH a W I MJIf BV MM II II Mi IlJW f IIIjT.IVV-' ZWklS rfck aCTfck SV T7 lengta! cape In coque feathers shad- V ft BsSk T C" -OmM , from "ght to red- - & ' Xxw v S - v,. t ,.r ... ..... ..,, J I Brush Sets - I K TO W?V XFNX II. teat. The designs, ,In .three sutes-amall, medium and largo I .Most Below Cost,L I klS'Mt ilH X"' J (measure 12. 13 and 16 Inches respectively at the neck. Number 1 I I feX f twwSV' -iQr SHBJ SK, fij&k S In medium size requires S-4 yard of 89 inoh material. Number 2 I tsoo'pvniin mm An I V UlW'Sr WS3s?P TOHti. ifJmSm I .requires 5-8 ard for the .collar and 3-8 yard for the, tie. Number.3 I l't "T"" JH4 K I B siMr4fr ' IV'ff? SY """-,,,' - I .requires 8-4 yard of 39 inch material or 9 yards of ribbon, Insertion, I B c V.W WWpf&mM f -ltf2455f!itSr I II V ,r banding 2 inches .wide and 6 6-8 .yards of valuing or fagottlng. : 7- I -Jf mkmma, I. 417 . To secure a pattern ana simple sewing chart ot this model, tear , I Bargains Every Day ." I HfSKgH J wf''i 1 M out this sketch and mall It to Julia Boyd, 103 Park A-venuc, Tow I ' m f I - ' jVo'i'k, N. Yv, together with 15 coin. Be sure ,to enolose, on a I Xr I IrilO I A I UWXAXtmm, s-. JJH separate Bheet.of-paper, your, name, full address, your.sUe, the num- I -U X MJ illtg -We . fe'4OTi t 3)5 iS iri . M ' - ber of this pattern : (No. -4808k), and mention IKo name of tlils,news- 9 ; ' 1 'mmmmmMtk. '1 y" I VillllAQ J)Pflr. .... .. j -. rA4mmmmmymmmmmmwmmmmmmmmai& WV Wk 1 J ' ' , : ' f ---- , - -:t-- ' 'WMmm A 1 toU'CCN ':a, '--i'. M4M Jw ' J $16.75 : p v ; , ivi . .., ... J J l - Dulux finish of this haiiUMomo 8 1 Frlcidairc. I Efl . I m 1 Mf .Morande -Honde -ohapter, Daughters me Ajneriuuii wwmimuu, we- Wednesday afternoon at the home. of. rs. B. P. Murphy with Mrs. ueorge ikeras asslstAnt,hoetess.;Mrs.,W.JB. kens, regent, presided over tne ilness meeting aicor .wiuuil -. Ject of national defense was dls- uvi hv Mrs. Joel Richardson. Tea was served following the prb- tam. A. T. Hill will .ntertaln ; the ir at the next meeting on Jan. tapper Hrs. .S.-C. Smith ' intertains Group Mrs. S. C. Smith entertained tlw oman's Foreign Missionary society the Methodist church at her home rednesdav. Mrs. Lee Hanrorn cou- icted the devotions on tne topic,. iuldlng Light." Mrs. R. P. Tyler led ie lesson with the subject "roe lunge in the Social Standing ot the omen of the Par East." kaA miniature blotrranhy of .a mis- "'(onary was presented by Mrs.-R..W. MFiKiiiuii. ,i Mrs. J!. B. Kendrlck presided over Lie nusines meeting, ine auiiuui hristmas offering was taken .and rjie money will be used to help sup- lit missionaries in ine ucju. Mrs. .E. A. Sayre will entertain at ie January meeting assisted byfrs. Hale. Refreshments were served by the ostess assisted' by Mrs. L. Redhead. Music 'Program lYIonday Evening m Mrs. Jessie A. Hosklns. of Baker. (Bas arranged a program for prescnta nlon before the Neighborhood Music fjlub one Monday evening at 8 o'clock id the La Grande hotel .ballroom wololsts and the Symphony Singers in iae part. Miss Marcella McCullounh. of Baker: m-ho bos studied under Romonl In few i or uuy ana wno naa wiae ex erlence In musical comedies there, ,'lll be one of the featured soloists. uss Ava steiger, pianist of Baker, lso will appear. She has played be- ore La. Grande audiences before and a pianist of considerable finish. Miss Florence French and Miss Lily uie Angel, also of Baker. Dlanlsts. jf-tll play the first movement from mumamVs "Concerto In A Minor. pus 64." "Peter Pan" and a Christmas num ber win be presented by the Sym phony singers, all of La Grande, who Her. is one way you can ,make Christmas joy last all year far many, many years I Frlgldalre! It gives better health to the whole family. It gives tastier meals to your table. It gives worlds dfconvenlcnce, . budget ..economy, prldo ,and pleasure to(the one whd has the day-ln-and-day-out job of caring for you and yours. Yet Frlgldalre costs so little to buy and to use! And the new Standard model has Vi THIS NEW FRIGIDAIRE USES. LESS CURRENT THAN ONE ORDINARY LAMP tBULB more food space; extra room for tall bottles; ,iifetimet Btalnless porcetain interior; automatic clcfrontinf; arid automatic. ice-trny rclcanc Your wife will like the smart simple lines ant sparkling Dtilux finiith of this hautlMonie Frig id aire. f When you ficlcct you r Christ mas Frigldairo, we'll affix a handsome, sterling silver gift medallion, appropriately engraved with any Christmas sentiment you choose. .Will yuu come into our showrooms today and tuko a look? We'd like to nhow you why Frig id aire will muko you a life-long Santa Claus. C.ift Mcdallinn in Hurling Stiver Values to $19.75 Values to $24.50 Coats of Every Description ' You will find models with' rich furs, handsome fabrics,' i finest workmanship, include ing'-a good selection of un trimmed sports coats of tweed, polo, etc. . $U3I.G5 0I(5oS Values to $29.50 Values to $37.50 Viilues to $44.50 Rm til Values to $69.50 All Colors All Sizes I tENEIU 0 10 8S HUE EASTERN OREGON IilGHT & POWER CO. Always at Your Sen'ice These Are Brand New "Sunday Night" Types - Afternoon Frocks and Strictly Formals Regular $6.95 Regular ?9.95 Regular, $14.95 Regular $19.95 $4.85 $6.85 $985 $12.85 Fall Dresses Silk.& Wool Values to $9.95 $1.95 One to a Customer New IT A . Fall Kegnliii' $2.95 Value 79c Suede Jackets a $4.95 Scarf Sets 98& $1.69 204 Depot Street hi ii-ifm-.fci All Wool Swagger SUITS Values to $24.50 $14.75 Rizna 12 to 18 it Next to til ass Drug Co. - 't r- f4 fv4rWi v i- I , ICT 'Vl