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About La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 13, 1933)
ft'ce'Twd" LA fiRAXDE-EVEXlXn OBSERVER. 1A GRANDE, ORE. Wednesday. Dccen).ci f?, raff: SOCIETYNOTES MM Baas Bka. IMt MM Ttlfsbea. Mala a rati M a. av Riveria P. T.A. To Meet Friday Dr. Lewa Wilkes Ager Speaker At Meeting- of Neighborhood Club Tuesday Afternoon , To iltiu of nvbiK-al scc- uad latilwal croredure ana presented ably aa a tai- waieo'Dr. la W-.LtfS Asrr pasftitfJ yesterday af.eraocra befoc ta mecabera of tit Sevfafax&aal elab at the La Oread beceL Gixlps Turiey tal Ana Sas'a. fradtaas nar- Cr. Aer to Italian City Of Assisi Discussed "Tbe rtaLaa czry of AaiK was 5i theca of tie procraal preseased atccx&ay afternoon wisest U Art tf- K ta a search crab Qea tart a. a. aa.. coerauca ra wuaji tier rated a to ' " bo- -""- L oart m tn craia in a S oid ct tie tasssixx at tie aty oS fcaspttal opera . - room, j tie tire ad nurac of sst. Franc Dr Acertnoea tie orvvrw of tea- A"1 Arthur Vajat caarcxeil r.n-nora. aasiil ret oraa. aa. ti B" -"t bere- hu.,il 9uiroaK: MS GHa TNa-nwic tJ-ied of taJ dSKarerart -.aa haw beta aside; fectrrapty i sr.--ii.uco of a raj aad ataUard by tie cedjcal prcc-! ad scene of tie braVt-a: Mr, lur- bra cjicusaed tie cfterrivw or tit -)ta.((va! Xawobr saxiiT ad far-Jmr tiat poena tracta the deiwaoosteat I1 c- M SaatrAreys tie discourse of Paaaecr m eUaor described tie Duxso, a easrea. acwoiiua io t preaa Uf. Tie Qty Purap -.a he six Breajciel. t profram oks M.-ciir Ciap puxo tfwiaf pro- jca- - ' tt c&A feu bra MS ku&t x tt Mr&G.S. Birnie Reviews Book jLjatJl atiyr. UTf. aUUrr. cra I'Lulbr by ctrtl Sron e-.a Tie Tt Blwra FreM Tci- vao- :S-,r Cfc : aa toM tu UiS fee-' to f1" " ! J JO at it T-vjoi mrt rrra. ":t "- - LOCAL MES AT BIG CHEVROLET MEET IS BOISE, UKIOX COUNTY SOCIETY PLANS -FEB. 14 DlNNERY of tne Crnoa Oountr IS CLOSED FOR WINTER ' The Dutch ahop, loeaMd at the cor- j cum A An Arese rar ti' Buiiaavr oc .- n.1 jr w ui eenwoou t itn. Geare atri rerxwnl! Frer. orrasiecj ot tiae la Ortaie ry fctnurti' ibCist oriwr:, wul tait a awa.".! of tie w.; y c Pi- by Bulboa. iljodif jo;o vsva t-- An fcVm c t m; -tta Ita aursaret A-.yi to CVjCf Seta acas mirt aa zx Saxi iaaas oa Jaa. S t&e prorrazs u be Ac noosnci laser. A. A. U. W. Group To Meet Tonight stare To Meet Friday TJ o'cioci as uae !oat of Delphian Chapter Meets Tuesday Ethel McXeilly iWeds Herbert Teade Mrs, Ray Winters Entertains Club trji aboter aia ec It. Ray i- Vjtwn cJtiacl Kic ber A pctttj wrcc-s rta -irvrmi artitr ct-jb ai E lin. Siy-? 6iSJ' ix Jtav SSic r-W Cnj ru a r- i """-J beoa ari Betsaert Pr a: tmt w axuied vs' IMAe. ecufe C CMiat Wati.- ai t Jin, axser V. LcOet. Crsi. asd at. boot e abe aar aaaer. Its A Oray, ocaweasaax arier axa re-l w Tae. a La Ccaise- Tie t tastzns atM by tts bac-f sazsr pert-ryt! by Brr ai" r Mia B. W. "ivj e-.ierai-ri Kr. ct ii lc. I lie daft oa n-i wc tiaer. &ex a baiijral of yei- . J icw asfi brccuae eCsraii?K ; . ?; alnr bta. Birthday Party ? s . rr "j-- . ' , j raa( crepe a'i a owl aetT-e IS tTlJOyeu ( aaa tro barpe tcra Co tie aSoec ! Ber c"st tijsoe aor- ae UK y Barr. fjcr-ar-OMi f tax a corssGt of ti - rose eo K6 d it. aal Vta. BaJej,! aal JUj tie n-iry. itst rraiie aol ICm. C K. Tccae w teti! a, ier c4 arer.'n-'i aa wot a caspUsaesaMii Mosay e 5l ox-; bawl- tosui wvlt oarsi i3$ .of tiecr btr5i6J.y aiwraarjea ; aj of Tawey. at a party ai -tiri 'ata. Bailry a i Dr. C a Moon JCUaC Si be sertaiaed'al ber iocs. Tbe raxssfjr at. TtoaAe. w faiy dtonied ta Cfcntccja i A rewpctoc fcajswi St cereEaaoy Kin i aal tie -jd 3 tie lirje wt3 Gaa nn aay afler wftat re-1 trot ate s xina X3 caen i Aer ti aerecucy si J1-1- cctf bfn tafie at ' k-O ca a wqrtf ';g trt w boti east Sj.-a twre Unfa atiMe &ucaz afjer tiey re bt&SaT oM v i CS5 be a a aci .Gaeaca m ata. Omfr Baaa3-Aer-t as Cxy jrral axt n VErv aJMr rb-MaAMWJOK. ata. L 1 OXura. VCn. at. &. latwS. ata Tdcmt aU tad J2SK Kvjry. ' m W Warrea Oa&ora. i - f SOCIAL. t'AI.KMMK " S- w. Preea. O. t- Lanaon. SaarS RnUnrt aad VaUaoe Caaa aucced . HXsaancaj aacvty Ttjesday erenlDK at CSemi datrlct ieit beM ta u;- SaxasaRa Inn conJlced lu time . j Befar UaaUr vbrre tbey imnrt a buataeai matlere. wttn Mn. Kate - J aaocaoBBect of full apeciX3cauooa Hxnirj sa cbae. Plana Tere made i lor tie near I4 Ctrrc4 trtara and the part the society aad tie pre-auaooacetrexit of ZZ ' wdi tae ta the Union Pacific cele- anr ISM bae ct fm,mnei ctra. tncoa eeit Jaly and also for the Aa scrwsiai roia tsrazraat sas , T' u Gna-x -va reoce-r n annual fca-"'j?. Pebruarr 1. the VnL-a eura&era a-J! be !uisil beea airarced by Msaa C Suck .' of tie aaosl r'hl'P- Kaeeoapt m : "Uca btrtatoy of the atate of Oregon, by ata. Leo atjer. ; M-w Beryt Jcaea for tie reyaixr ; yeara. vita a brg atteaojaac of . Tie next taeetmff nil be the aecond DBoacKraviau anl BiiFS are r- rc-erMr tu oi tit &R:iwd . canroics 5 of Sasara Orcscei TvaiatUy la January. ctra by aeverai of til rnA Tie Pxreal Teacier aisocsacoQ on Dec 1 f- yt r i lires jraiie. at-a E-fa Omar, -la- ; iz Irti ottotk at Use st-oci j ; . acroetor. m-JS crt-spnt a r- unjt desi-i Tie -in-r-cacer for acaooq- 1MAS; . , lj(J tK. JIEiA f ocitraaoc U-'s Et-tr-; aria. m-jl be alarxc Hir-tn od be wSl i J JilfOlAj fjdllOn xaxA exaie rojs rl3 furaui aa tsa..--. tie profraai: I rtr ' II--1 n art 4HMt.-u -O Oxre All Te PaKtr-JL- KZSf by, Uf LlQUOT ill He -Tie avrre &Kwes Cccroo aad a erou? of a jradera rmrJ J?.. C WociJ a p-cp-ryiy jCiy. nil be pre- -a Grreoaj.- Dcra aLfceiiii , ifltpOTltU Dtf U. O. sec3! by ti.- t -re ;nae caeier tie -CaraEzau a S-jaiireI Te Afi." ; i-i-irr. Jfiaa r-i recraaoa by Lffcaa ( WAbtltSOMJK. Dec U vr la . txld. aopl 3ara! aeaeccocs by tae aaraxsa-teatral aKobei coesrat daaajsera- ' Tie report 1-diratw a rirtual mon- Q.fiCa figure for the first 10 month? ra baad. i am aaaocaced today tiat aSccaocaa oporr at preaeai m the telephone : 1933 compared wlUl the aame per- REGULATION IS EXPECTED (Ccatinoed Proca Page Ooe) -si -i: "Tie By Eja-a-aul-' ner of Depot and Plfth atreet has been closed for the winter season. It is announced by-K. i. Mc Williams Oakes. pastries, etc. will be retailed at the ta Grande bakery on Y r sirtet while the butch shop is dosed, he said. ' BIX(i ! III TTOS BP.TKAVS KOKfiEKV BRUSSELS VP) A tunic button on the uniform of King Albert has betrayed a large number of foiled l.000-te!gs now worth at)out 1230 each. The button, whit on genuine . currency. Is blacle on the counterfeits. HM.UIVIVK IBAD8 SI.IMPS THE HAGUE M A big drop In Holland s foreign trade was shown by Mrs. Will Pidcock Hostess to Club -We TTir cf tfce Ocxss Ar." t i-5Sl3f7 &Bocar ct btxxr o b fcotzanB s3 rsvtber crmbled con- m 1932, exports feil from 2fi3.- tr-jix grpcrteia" wrttim zancs ' (cmt taa in tae nlio ladustry. '812,000 to $245,220,000 and imports T Hi09 Cteafta. piay by ! rr-.- fcd beea gr.Ml. Xbe report also uUors op the ques-j irom 4 3Q, 974. 000 10 399. 186.000. LOCAL BRIEFS bcoseger by 'rXtif C2eaptaf prccC of rerolaucg the cable onafcs axaaaie watie as lie i tat baarsi-VTp wttb esacroag Decs so sul ocx xasat stspctssea. tnetwar - j Pnacdral Bcosrtvil is eofcf to for elwarA tie re-axt to tie caalncen of foveraeaeaa ma) arxr v-- 31 w be aeaase ard boose mastate com- Set as 1 ! rl of wsar. jra.- f aeroe cn-r-rratiB for tier study, and Icv1ca arcarvat I w; ?c-s.t srii iauess ta cp were dttrassed by tie rattaiata j of tie X E a cfcib as ier caaaur T-Jesesy airat al a raretiac. j,.;, T-r- toSues were " tT , " " j arraaprd erape w.ti MS. csesa, Trmt TTaiteao 218 of caaeaatsse. lT3:o of bnady. laacitie it a resTtag decision. kIT j aEaacory ad r-jcOTa as u-is aai y-'.-Ted J.-Cre. Ceri JI. of waaavy. lacxii; ir-1 xS'cLef fJcaaeJwta.'"'1 , ,w du-;tn aoi Mr. afeOaa were ertaer type, rye aod beorbeo: TtereTs rc! reasca to doubt that -fTTIIl wf rweiTecl tie jorj sie cct-of-OTa ra.Kr at Oe Cf rs. i cf a oi Htm'a ma aer be nrht than t sa-ise Mr ajra am J. . - - us jjft. ttw i- hi , iaar e -h -tp - 3al aeaciers of ssedjeral Praaoe also t Ecrsxni aad Ss. rsxa asks. AftfLaa rairit aaea ta reias aad ia- ivKacase. Ooe of tie srtvs beats! 11 tie pttaLK berary a jaoref by; SeCOnd T SLYU. at'aoaeiz. ui waKS ace-ara a B. X.. Eja caa last crat- s eib was secoai. Berreaejiieots were trm Waiiow. lira . E Ecaar ca'-rraila Je v.", t C TT."."V" rv- rhildreifsCdfds Yiefd quicker to ' double action of itv u a a act, r. k. h-jt- Pythian Sisters Social Club Meets Testssy afterajcxa a: tie ban ita. Jiwt Clirer Tea sreaaatr were areseat aael aaeaa lie ejrau ca arvr nasi were serredL aCra. ajaes Oar&l wiZ c5db cc TxieaaiT. Jia. . Elks Enjoy First Of Dance Series UQI OR HERE t"XTlL LATER (Oaatoed Frcsa l?Xe Obel Tiiny artfaabecs at tie Seccrji War aeSaeJ sor-jecr cjt tie L. Z. S i3ts irt Tjeiy at tie caapei ratal tie caae 1 1 if qis. Tie seeciaf y befias aa ?:$9- ; XS 'Sl- J. -Jsj- I "fft "tei Tfc w!55A S- S-rj Dec. IS Wti iaa ett izlls sc3 ta tie M-rS of of s vi -n was serred care- t-e crcc. tie caiar tiec ,r aa srr. -a aa cccsKLier-ar tie raeas- -Greei LneralCT wt2 be tie ai ijs PortiLai aicts toiar. sirae ef tie aTerarr jesses tia wtti -ruin acc wca be ra be tei al ta oca zxest by saraed soiix. Xaat of tie raT Xfca aVa rax. ce. Dec. assoes for strl tie soeeui sksecci . ctf tit leieacasisre was caUea. bate pet Interesting Meet ? Tie earal teaes T- j X-:V sracsa! wmt ta tie eietme ec- 1 UeSday lgn I I t. iz, ccrare Jaia. f L. lee-jer tai baa tie ctSXLDoo - A jrsca1 at ateresseii sujra repre- t.yi ytixt its ai tjs taaiSs ---f lie tr-M K-Jiry etrjss of Jar srnrxl esja. Ii was expected ie m r.N& tae Tasse- waati. eaa IsbeZI aad Earaarm Kay A(SSSs'il ktlj a Hat Sjcvara's cciialra j aasracsrt aai ijvTit ui j tie Ls Graaae P. T. A crcaaaatarca wocaa wxa u! ie sacxs tie fctaar rart tie estanaiiaa cfr-r'ftte ccctr txla iecce ie anacies c-a lie A. A. C. W fr tit tot cc a sacaatare to lit reiief neassre. waara cf rwr r arfcaiCK. Tafsaty. images aca tie laq-aar reweaa. rwr. li. at ttoe Saajtwesa laa.. '. atj Arts Lawreore. of lie ElfMra BrxTtAV BaXIOE IKOf D i Crspaz Saraaal sciaxi. was tie tatfii- SliifATS FV.'S Cce. Dec. IS S1.C5 aafi tietr Sr -n aaaati to tie J er rar li ewaaj iSjf cxtt a -wry rsa KaaiLti Pt n Iri: a-- A.4U-.W..Holds J n terest ing1 Meet . la craer tisa at saticjbicx at lit j tnaca s-.5;at te sc ct tie c-f-i f erecJt Oeua of wrt ta viKa Its iwaiaeni' are easapeii. aai 5 fTT,ur;-j i sccat .if tit proKiesas waacij tiey aaeet, eat saecabtca of tie la Graaae braaca of tie Aeraa AsaVj ciaoas of ranyrsrtr n raraai- j e2 tie yirif sart of tie co.ijraa:, J- tie a-ctiiy sasaatcaa tSkSsriiT- j Vtabk Dcct. ctty iiraraaa. 3 tof iej. aobjecs -tariasea ticrary Sk-; tore ta a TteCUsed OxscrraSty" ra. pceaeaaa; tie prabtaaa at tie Cj bary. ata. Jfcraaa Preas preseattii C Iieii of tie ioosea. at- i a Pt'.-ec tiat tie aracier Lssj itiSre- Pjerre S5v" tie tralr.f s- tfaSK of Vjkshx aai exrn."t? wcreTariW. aai SCj T.0 Cure! tit PiDtr brati "rfniT cai Sca & Ms.vr icxat a a &eaa e 'i y.yaa. VCjm XCabeC X.-ctoa v--rjnr : x tie aaripiarr ttveaaa. -rajt Dc. i ttwa .'Sr-ie Afec fare tie Praavy , rire Crcca ice cjary. esaiuaiar tit irereaa catsea area. Tie ta3 ; ns aa twe caii-itea wre savr.--s tr.c sod taaraaaaif aa wed at -s ' Veaaejoay. Der. IS ' t-0 ABrrmaa Lflpaa axjsSiary. . at tie Saoaw4ea Zaa. - TSKZSiay, 3fr.. If ra atat. E. at Hcwaai. i JiO abssuaarr xanr. JSttS tl ti-.-i Scsaa. w-ti its Tn lf jerry, ccraer Saaseil aai afafuc. Srvtauat LaO Aoa. loat Tietaaa ras5ty. prjrauat tiarrta j tairciSared lie speaUrtr. aCn. a K. Parte- avac rw scnca; Csnac tat ac-Jtras.. "Tit lauti S.-2ht Ol Tit KC aai "Ooaiv-i Iks aar tVctrKC t-raii-if t SfcXgsagu r, rrntat . aCiaa vaaa vtk. rceaaarcv Siail ria.-vt at tit Jaaas 'rt JT t1 m& & santunc Swt seta ccurses Cit rarieoa wu n; at lie SisoaTupf Tax.. txrecwry tiaa. wta i&a. X- T. Itoraa.. u rrjaajit tx -waiS; ats aaifl ata Watc Jbtsea ' t -1U Snare cfaia, wni jtra niiat Isacsty-. Pntay. rc. U 3 W Greeawsl Pareot Tearier awev .i t-fi at tie acaxa. I St Caarcer t P S. O. sKa aCra. Ha: R.'.?-t"-VtT-r. i Xi Salati iaat saar.. jatci Cj ci-arra. Sawr-Aa, tw. ic 1 -.V vsraea'a 5wlitf Caraa. avt tit Octfi PtDrws iaZ- afi.-ciAT Dec. :S i .'tf An StHvarri w-.ta atra K H Caviar Jait Sraafv r :M Da-afilar st Vizc Trt eraaa sol atn. ymiT T.-t " Jtl " Btc-tai ra. at ir Sucs- f-a tcra Eraest rrjcieiai. X til 'wil- TtHStaay ajcat at tie toa cf tic aa lA tcaic ci "Sr'W CaJ:.rra F-ara -r Txc Kl, were beje-pei fisrad wasec semea at yevrat at tit i Eaicta Aa jTereuua? iwaif-caije at AaaT Sato Sate pesaaraay. Tie baa saxs at tie BVfc atrat. A i iiKsasearc (:u:at tie -i t was ifi. taa 'K-ii z recara 5ast xxat aaf jarpt 8"? cacaS trx,csned tie , aiJa. by aC lawrecar.. scarriaar aanats were seat csl aay. rrtaJar. Vartr A. BrtVr as 1 ar JBie- J tit tTtiaiac'a- p.' u arr, Xvtfciasa's e wa Sosraca e lit -aaa ti? tie .ftaare frerarfSe ' " jvcwaw etf a rr.m rff lamiftec iJSe- ' f53res c tr Saie tfcBf jja.i '-r Preparing For Fridav Dinner CtccxzJtn xrjs?ra.ic far 11 Uatfi tlViSL yjakj tS3if JaT iSjaTalf L t-rTX V it rjtrtco. n-l r-virn,; JkCrfc. V. P. Sultrfi vie. lat-fa. R. I" -31 T-lat tar'Jrflt, ICTT. im iK-vcia; lCr 21I?rr 12 it.-i. IkCitviV- r.w, cse S,vci. Millenary Grouo To Meet Thursday Tie Tara afiaw.iaarT awjtr ctf tie aSnMcaa ca.u-.-a Jvia; "t- ioU a KWriStfC. iKEaraw ai sxsa satttar nr-WiaT abrara at i xlixx aa tit a.m cr at-a rauc!: trw at tie coraer jcawe- aa Xtat.K. BUY USEFUL GIFTS A: Lot riiM Dinner Ware Water Sets Casseroles S12.00 S13.25 ah J 5 ir it id r a Hi Of f.-iarse th f jatoi of tie fiae seaesrtkiS i. yocr Christriis shcysr. tet tre are so tv; the :fC-Katkn of Eri!jr war tttcrsi- ANNIVERSARY SALE Mixers Cra?AcTS U2 ict) Melville's ItJ-l-Adirs -.arJ.aajf.lra ay jp Queen Esther Circle Metis TS Qjrfa 1V-J- rurrJt re a toeti-TCao riiOTJi at zi aar C jw at-t-r S-a.-t aloaaaT w 3f.. A."atr a Jv-s.-j.-a- taaer a Vjk- Tie anns trv ni -ir jjMjang T HT traaaa Xcrtca eiwj Brav faraashtd tSw Vmcia. AJ! jrtrs ajd 1' ajtr uiraibtirs wt Tar uraa arene v- i jaa. I at tit tiamt ear atja tmtt Aaatat Ca- Raw Furs AH Kixas cf IjifH Caff! Fsrs B.-ijrt.t chris Filler lilfi AtiuRS Are. For Men DRESS SHIRTS 79r 9c S 1 .39 NECKTIES 29c 39c 61V MEys SCARFS iwne ntx-urwa. HANDKERCHIEF AND GARTER SETS 59 c SI SPENDER AND GARTER SETS S9c DRESS GLOVES r-"7 r-it ajii k:ulM avua: :ir tt natn 69r ;o S1.9S FXNCY SOX 12c 17c of Air 69 c H0l E surrERs 69c $1.69 &x3 seJact rear jiits fcr Mea. tt'aoe zs& Cii For Children SILK HANDKERCHIEF TIE & KNIFE SET 59c SUSPENDER & HANDKERCHIEF SET 59c BOYS DRESS SHIRTS 79c CLOVES 69c VOOL SWEATERS 79 c to S1.S9 T.VM AND SCARF SET 9Sf 1 HOl'SE SUTFERS SSc :o 69c RAYON BLOOMERS LEATHER JACKETS So.69 For Women KsMl SiS PAJAMAS w-a. rribe s rittfa Tie sioc awai tart :r tit laaiea S1.09 PANTIES AND BLOOMERS 49c & SSc -RAYON SLIPS S1.09 HOUSE SUPPERS 79c to S1.49 ALL WOOL GLOVES Sre tiesi. Taer art r--t iaT- S9c SILK SCARFS S9c SKIRTS Wnci TV S2.S9 HOUSE DRESSES 79c it S1.19 NEWYORK STORE PROBLEM f YOUR GIFT Getting Gifts . . . the right gifts . '. . for the family, relatives, and friends can so easily be a heart breaking task and so devastatingly ruinous to the pocketbook as well. But, organize-d, it becomes enjoyable and economi cal. Make a list of the people to whom you desire to give Christmas presents. Opposite each name place the amour.t you can afford to spend for that person's gift. Then Take This Copy of the Evening Observer and tomorrow's, and the next day's, and shop through the ads to find the appropriate gift at the right price to match your Chrstmas shopping list It's direct it saves the foot mileage of aimless shop ping, and it enables you to make your spending con form t o you r bu dge t PATOIZE YOUR HOME TOWN MERCIUXIS FOR YOUR CHRISTMAS SHOPPING I ti rc? t sst r. rii Cat rinfiet M t.-ir