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About La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 28, 1933)
Page Four HA GRANDfi EVENING OBSERVER. LA GRANDE. ORE. Saturday, October 28, VSM S I I IK If if V.. Vi 13$. (Incorporated) !An Independent Newspaper , ; I'lioiie Main 800 B. W. iFRBDERJOKS , Publisher and General Manager HAKOLP M. PIN LAY Business Manager Published evenings, exception Sunday, at 1710 Sixth street, La -Grande, Oregon. Entered at the postofflce of La Grande, Oregon, aa Second Claaa - Mall Matter tinder act of Moron 2, 1879, . OPFJCIA1, PAPER OF UNION COUNTY AND TUB CITY OF LA GRANDE ' '. MEMBER OF ASSOCIATED PRESS ' The Associated Press la exclusively entitled to use Jor publication of all news dlspatchea credited to It or not otherwise credited If pub lished here. All rights of republication of special dispatches -In this paper and also the local newa herein also are reserved. , National Advertising Representative M. O. MOOENSHN CO., Ino. Ban Francisco, Los Angeles, Seattle, Portland. Chicago Detroit, New York SUBSCRIPTION BATES By Currier Pally, one month In advance .. ............. pally, six months In advance pally, anle copy ,., Dally, . per month In advance... Dally, per six months In advance . Dally, per year In advance .... ..MOO .. 60 liy Mall ..12.50 -.66.00 The Weather. . I L 1. IVKsVrHBIt FORECAST Oregon: Hula touight and Sunday; uuxlerute teiuiteraturea; ocroslouully southern gules efssuore. J'or the week: Generally uwtettled and mild Willi rain. LOCAL WEATHER Friday: Maximum 84, minimum 40 above. Ualu .10 of an lnrli. Partly clouiLv. Today: Minimum 44, 7 a. m. 54 above, fluuily. SUGAR AND 1XCU.U PORTLAND, Oct. 28 m Sugar cane granulated, 64.86; fruit 86.05; boat sugar, $4.76. Domestic flour Selling price, mill delivery, 28-tobl lots: patent, 49s, S8.TO 7.40; blended Hour, 0.l3w6.70: soft white pastry flour. $6.77 $5.85: bakers' 'hard wheu "flour, $5.75 at $6.80; -rye, 5.6Orfj$6.20: whole wheat, $5.35 $5.85; graham. 85.50. "Uncle Jim" FrazKr of Whltas- "burg, Ky., who Is over 80 years old. can kill a rat with a rifle at 40 yards. - TODAY iN brief' in mx OREGON ABOUND AS CUBONICLED BY THE DAILY LEASED WIBI OF TBI ASSOCIATED PRESS Estimated Budget Expense Allowance , for . for ' 1934 . , 1933 ! Expended - First Expenditures, fox the Three Years t Months Preceding Current Year , 1933 1833 ' 1931 1(90 . Hl'll) MARKET MORE ACTIVE PORTLAND, Oct. 28, VP) The market. lor potatoes la beginning to reflect some comeback, a Journal survey today disclosed, with fractional Improvement in the price In. some quarters, . The Improvement was said to. be of some slight consequence in Idaho and lu the Deschutes terri tory, but at Yakima and at Portland there Is .yet little Interest. SALEM CHILI) KU.LKD SALEM. Oct, 38 W) Prank. Mah ler, ajed, 4. died early today -from In-' Juries, .received last night when his father's truck crashed Into a tele phone post here. . ROY HEWITT OlVEX POST SALEM, Oct. 38 VP) Roy R. Hew itt, former dean of the Willi tuiieUe university lav school, has bee a ap pointed assistant attorney general and assigned to tne state Board of con trol office, It was announced here today. - , , ASK COMPREHENSIVE PROGRAM PORTLAND, Oct. 33 VP) A com Drehenslve orrkrram tn fnum rirf. dance of pollution from the Wil lamette river must be outlined be fore any consideration to Individual sewage disposal systems can be given bV tho nublln .wnflra n1m(nlBiin It was declared here last night by juarsnan n. Dana, regional public works advisor, who. said he was, ad- dreasllur letters to mavnn T An nm- munlties In the Willamette valley muting wnetner applications for such Byebvuis ore to De IKea, The cafeteria and hnnltRtnro of tta university or Florida ar tvtn. rJn erated under NRA rules. CHALLENGE TO LAIiOK AND INDUSTRY In a time like the present the horizon is fairly cluttered up with signs and portents. None of these is much more signifi cant than the sudden epidemic of strikes an epidemic that has broken out in the last month or so and that is giving tjie federal doctors one of the busiest seasons they will ever have.' Whatever else these strikes may mean, they at least prove that industry is no longer stagnant. They didn't put in an; appearance during those dull months when we were at the bottom of the 'depression. They're coming now for a number' of .reasons, but chiefly because things are picking up. Men : don't strike when the plant is closed down for lack of orders. And the strikes present to a nation which already has a century's supply of problems to settle in a few months a new problem; one that carries a 'double-barreled challenge, pne barrel for industry and the other for labor. . ' It is a challenge that must be read in the light of the NRA program. The National Labor Board's ruling, which empha sizes the fact that the law guaranteeing the right of collective bargaining jneans exactly what it says, is part of the back ground for hese strikes, and it conditions their significance. First of all, the problem challenges the directors of in dustry. It is a test of their spirit of fairness, fjf their willing ness $o co-operate in tlje tremendous experiment of the new ideal. Labor has gained a great victoiy in Jhe Industrial Re covery Act ; the industrialist who seeks reprisals and wants ' to "put labor in its place" is piling up trouble, not only for - himself bu.t for the entire country. , Secondly, the problem challenges labor itself. It puts upon labor the necessity of developing some broad-gauge states men. It calls on labor to take the long view of things, to ex ercise patienoe in places where patience conies hard, to get rid of the racketeer and the self-seeker. Bofch of thse challenges must be met. The present out break of strikes could, if unchecked, lead to a catastrophic situation. I( can, if the leaders of the contending forces meet the test with intelligence and patriotism, be the forerunner of a new era in American industrial history, an era in which botb sides can profit as pever before. NOTICE OF PROPOSED TAX LEVY NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT the County Cou rti of Union County, Oregon, wllH ta cs9lon on Friday Wovembor I7tb, 1933. at 9:00 A. M,, at the Wf(ce of the County Judge in the court house rn the eitu of ti vrruuuv, lrvguii. 1W vile iuiuwo u, iv,jrwj uwv uwu wiu luuwssuoie DroPCny OI LTnlon CQUntv AB tho anmo appears upon the 1933 asaessment roll of said county, at which time and -place any taxpayer subject to such levy will be heard for or against the proposed, levy,, or any part thereof. Tax levies -will be 'based upon the following estimates maae by tne uuoget committee of u olon County, pregon, pursuant to the provisions of EXPENDITURES (Oenernl Fund) ' Estimated Budget Expended, anpeuse Aiiowanoe SHERIFF'S OFFICE: Sheriff's salary 1st Deputy's salary 2nd Deputy's salary Truvellng expense -Premium on bond' Criminal work outside county.. Office supplies Extra help ' state Industrial Accident Ins.... Telephone and telegraph for 1934 2.500.00 1,800.00 1,200.00 800.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 300.00 200.00 for .' 1933 2,500.00 1,350.00 1.080.00 000.00 100.00 100.00 150.00 First 0 Months 1933 1.249.98 876.00 840.00 205.46 10000 18.83 Expenditures tor the Three Years Preceding Current Year 200.00 140.30 01.35 1832 2.800.00 1.500.00 1,200.00 1,281.29 100.00. Mft.21 , 60.00 216.62 185.01 1931 2.500.00 1.600.00 1.200.00 1:822.70 100.00 0.96 220,17 182.00 258.22 1930 2.500.00 -1.600.00 1,300.90 1.337.10 , 100.00 . 18.00 133.18 150.00 124.83 247.47 Total $ 0.600 00 6.080.00 2,991.91 7,151.03 a 7,470.04 t 7,310.68 TAX COLLECTING DEPARTMENT: Deputy hire " 150.00 t Supplies and bond 'premium ' 1,000,00 420.00 Total 1,750.00 CLERICS OFFICE: Clerk's salary 1st peputy's salary . 2nd Deputy's salary 3rd Deputy's salary Premium on bond Office supplies Telephone and telegraph 1.800.00 1,600.00 900.00 360.00 60.00 i. ooo.oo 125.00 850.00 861.40 76U64 091.22 703.69 1,270.00 1,308.43 2,109.Sl 2,009.78 1,777.00 1,800.00 $ 900.00 1,800.00, V 1,800.00. t 1800 00 1,600,00 760.00 1,080.00 1,880.00 1,660.00 900.00 480.00 999.00 1,080.00 1,080 00 480.00 43:60 l.OSQ.pO 1,080.00 1,080.00 80.00 60.00 50.00 50.00 60 00 1,000.00 404 J0 917.07 083.63 1,292.43 125.00 49.25 1.25.54 132.25 12195 , Total 6,686.00 5,916,00 2,677.05 6,65I,.B1, 8,795.77 S 8,984.38 TREASURER'S OFFICE: Treasurer's salary - 1.300.00 Premium on bond ....... 100.00 Office supplies 100.00 Extra help 86.00 Telephone and telegraph 65.00 1.300.00 100.00 150.00 88.00 00.00 600.00 100.00 42.84 1,200.00 100.00 "7.60 63.13 1;200.00 100.00 51.83 6.00 62.13 1,200.00 100.00 85.76 PORTLAND LIVESTOCK PORTLAND, Ore., Got. 28 (IP) . Cattle: 8103, calves for week. 299. Trade appeared stcody, but In apots 1 there was a rcactlonal showing. Price changes were oxlrcmoly limited, while demand took enro of the run without much delay In marketing. Hogs: 2074 for week. Trndo storied the week under prcssuro and some price concessions. Final prices showed a cut of at least 60c as compared with the oml of the previous week Insofar as killer stuff was concerned. Depression hit tho feeder market harder than was noted In the slnuBhter trade. Biieep ana lambs: 7364 for. week. Trade (n lambs was steady to stroin: In spots. Absence of top quality was noted, but best grade continued quot able to 5.76, although $6.50 was gen erally nold for the best available. There was practically no ohonc far ycnrlluRs. old wethers and owes. I l'OUTL.WI) PRODUCE PORTLAND, Out. 28 mi Butter rnnw. oxtms, 24c; stondards, 23c lb. Butterfat Portland delivery: A grado 21c; fanners door delivery, 19c per ib.; sweet cream 6c higher. E!gs Puclflo poultry producers' selllntr nrlco: fresh fxtrA ntww.ini ni. extras. 20c: stniulords, 24c; mediums. ic: pullets, 18c dozen. Buying prloe by wliolcsalers: fresh extras. 30c doz,; firsts, 23c; mediums, 30c doz,; undcr Bnidc, 14c: pullets, 14c. Live poultry Portland deliver)': buying prices: colored fowls, 4 to 0 lbs. 13c: ovor 0 lbs., lie; sirliuj mil lets. 2 to 8'j lbs., 12c; roustera, over 3'i lbs., lie: Leghorn fowls, over 3'..j lbs., 10c: unUor8l4 lbs., 10c: torollors, 1V4 -to 2 lbo., 14c; 2 lbs. oud up, lie; stags. 7c; roosters. 6c. Pckln ducks. 10c; colored clucks, 8c: geoso 8c lb. Cheese, milk, country meots. mo hair, onions, potatoes, cantaloupes, wool anil hay, unchanged. Total ASSESSOR'S OFFICE: Assessor's salary Deputy's salary ,..,... Field Deputies Auto expense In field work Extra help Supplies and bond, Telephone 1,400.00 1,646.00 760.64 1,427.6.0 1,409.95 8 1,437.85 1.500.00 1,248.00 600.00 100.00 875.00 450.00 60.00 8 1.600.00 1.348.00 600.00 80.00 , 866.00 450.00 60.00 t 024.00 367:00 89.97 245.70 885.96 21:40 1,600.00 1,196.48 1,007;00 80.62 1,210.75 498.89 63:42 1,600.00 1,980.00 1,067;00 88.50 878.00 483.51 63.10 1,500.00 1,380.00 1 ;077.00 110.47 845.00 471.78 40.75 COUNTY AGENT SEALER OF WEIOHTtJ & MEAB.......... TAX REBATES INSANE BXAM7.NATION8 : ... GARB NON-VIOLENT INSANE... COUNTY SURVEYOR . AUDITINO RECORDS . CORONER'S 1NOIRJKTR BOY8' & OIRLS' AID 6CIIrrY7"I!l"! PACIFIC PROTECTIVIS Boanerr CHILDREN'S FARM HOME.., JUVENILE DEPARTMENT CIRCUIT COURT . COURT REPORTER " JUSTICE OF PEACE COURTS EMERGENCY EXPENSE INDEMNITY ON DISEASED CATTLE PATROL OF FORESTS, , PREDATORY ANIMAL DBSTRUoJIII V! AVB fSNUlONS . INTERE8T ON WARRANTS" TOTALS .,...'.,....,.;. t 1 900 00 1,500.00 $ 750.00 $ 2,100.00 t 2,800.00 $ 3,600.00 t 346.00 346'.00 145.03 363.41 346.08 342.34 60.00 loo.oo ..... m - ' man $ 25.00 85.00 -. M0 12,000.00 $ 10,000.00 $ 8,070.88 4 9,49338 ; .... 30.00 15.00 39.60 15.00 15.90. . , 16.90 400.00 400.00 $ 100.00 8, 476.00 876.00 325.00 300.00 300.00 162.28 $ 436.88 660-80 865.28 ea.oo eo.oo 30.00 120.00 110,00 130.00 t 120.00 $ 130.00 60.00 340.00 t 340.60 240 6a 120.00. . 130.00 60.00 240.00 340,00 $ 94O.00 $ 200.00 800.00 60.49 163.92 341.68 $ 367.31 6,000.00' 6,000.00 1.586.81 6.664.86 13319.43 8,448.48 1500.00 1,300.00 600.00 1,200.00 1,200.00 ' 1,300.00 1.200.00 1.200.00 956.86 1,967.78 I 3,811:01 185.10 3 000.00 2,008.00 1,353.17 t 993.44 8,781.73 1,6S1M 6000 100.00 . 7.60 :108.60 30.00 .- 17:60 t 400.00 8 -400.00 306.77 $ 88830 400.00 '400.00 I 400.00 600.00 500.00 4 8 40,000.00 ...! :.... ' - ' - t 3,600.00 - 1.10886 488.23 :. 8138,973.00 91,184.00 63,111.43 111,776J3 86,608.83 83,079.88 Fines Sheriff's Fees .... Clerk's Fees --ESTIMATED RECEIPTS Interest on daily deposits renaity and Interest on taxes... 600.60 876.00 6,276.00 1,100,00 600.00 ..Jt S.3&0.0Q Total 4.823.00 4,163.00 $ 2,433.33 6,585.04 4,949.11 4,031.00 SCHOOL SUPERINTENDENT: Superintendent's salary - $ Traveling expense (school work) Traveling expense (club, work) Extra help Office supplies .., Premium on bond Teachors' Institute Telephone , I I I 0 Total A I COUNTY COURT & COMM. County Judge's salary $ County Judge's auto expense Records and supplies Commissioners' Fees Telephone ond Telegraph 1,660.00 800.00 300.00 175.00 6.00 8 1.660.00 300.00 B36.00 V 1,650.00 6 1,050.00 8 1,650.00 150.00 6.00 89.36 P...PP 200.00 100.00, 030 38 176:64 5.00 63.67 300.00 100.00 610.00 194.20 5.00 130.00 60.40 300.00 100.00 649.50 206.49 5.00 339.87 69.40 2,390.00 8 2,065.00 8 1,043.75. 8 3.824,60 2,966.6q 3,110.26 2.100.00 $ 2.100.00 1,050.00 2.100.00 8 3.100.00 8 2,100.00 146,60 298.30 60.00 26.00 32.64 10.00 t 29.15- 9,26 3.000.00 1.300.00 1,096.23 2,464.94 2,469.40 2,720.80 76.00 76.00 31.10 ' 71.22 77.15 67.16 Total DISTRICT ATTORNEY'S OFFICE; Telephone and telegraph Printing and supplies Office rent Stenographer , Total 4,226.00 8 8.400.00 . 2,209.86 8 4.686.16 8 4.822.30 $ 6,195.50 60.00 70.00 $ 54.27 $ 67.03 111.10 $ 36.71 20:00 20.00 31.11 30.28 28.81 150.00 150.00 76.00 ' 180.00 180.00 180.00 800.00 800.00 150.00 800.00 300.00 300.00 620.00 540.00 249.27 678.14 621.36 645.52 PUBLIC HEALTH NURSE: NOTICE ifV I1K.IIIIMI ON NON-IICIII SCIUXII, DISTHICT Ill'IKiKT I.,friCE,,f,,"E"IinY "'VEN that a BmlBot Committee of the Non High Sohrx, District of Union County, State tf Ore.fon. at a meeting or said committee held on tho 13th day of CTtober, 1033. .prepared n Li- count house in La Grande. Oregon. ,, M1'c e imates may ho dlcu.ssl with the BocuM of.sau, Nonoilgh iJhJ ni f'fL' "'"; -y ,ul Mliprrwn, itad wm bThra zjx ,r,crr .'nTadc"""1 bct"'"'"lK 01 11,0 5,e'"' ror hlch this bwlet 3. Amount received from other sources . TOI-AI, REOEIPTS ' -- , ' EXPKMim ki;s 1. Tult on 2. Transiwrtatlon ZIZ.,Z... ( 3. Postage unci Stationery . 4. Printing 6. Expenses of Election (pnMlrnlton nmi M.,,L.,.i 0. Travel Expenses of Board Meiuliels , 7. Olorlml Expense (supplies, 1.1 service, "etc") '."". tuivivat warniius County Nurse's salary 1,600.00 1,600.00 $ 750.00 1,800.00 $ 1.800.00 1,800.00 Travel, telephone, supplies 450.00 450.00 168.74 331.03 648.98 632.83 Total r 8 1,950.00 $ 1,950.00 908.74 8 3,131.02 2,348.98 2,332.83 WATER MASTER: Salary and expense 8 1.000.00 1,000.00 131.01 $ 1,447.56 $ 1,490,33 $ 1,519.26 COURT HOUSE: Jn""or 1.080.00 6 1,180.00 640.00 8 1,212.03 8 1,250.00 $ 1,316 60 Furniture and fixtures 250.00 250.00 10:86 176.81 365.75 832.33 fr'110' 750.00 750.00 370.86 610.30 204.39 600.01 Water, lights and suppliea - 1,250,00 1,600.00 672.54 1,385.22 2.297.23 1,676.16 Building repairs 160.00 160.00 44.73 107.94 377.13 426 00 Total ...... COITNTY FARM: 8 3. 4 80. 00 8 8,830.00 $ 1,044418 8 3,653.19 8 4.394.50 8 4,751.10 none none nono 0.000.00 1600 Mi 00 15.00 60 00 20 00 Emergency TOTAL EXPENDITURES KECAI'll I I.A I Illv Total Receipts Total Expenditures ZZZZZZ" ..?"' uoo.oo 250 00 32.0O0.od . 32.000.00 DIFPERENOE (Amount to be raised by tax on the County Non-High School District) iwm Dated this 13th day of October, 1933. .uuo.oo TOM WAI.lINOER, Chairman, Budget Committee E. A. SAYRE, SecivUry, Budget Oommlttce. October 31 28. Repairs and supplies 250.00 8 165.00 t 10.35 8 18 5D 8 38.44 8 626.10 Cure of Inmates ..... . 1.000.00 1.650.00 654.68 1.585.62 1,043.85 99.95 Total 8 1.350JOO 1.815.00 605.03 8 1,604.12 8 1.082.29 6 626.05 RELIEF: County aid allowances 8 1.400 00 8 1,500.00 8 293.50 t 1.592.60 8 1.806.00 8 2,085.60 Hospital service . 4.500.00 4,500.00 3.499.15 6,031.30 4,653.25 4,411.24 County physicians 600.00 600.00 300.00 180.00 180.00 180.00 Nursing, special care, burials ..... 1,600.00 1,300.00 823.88 1.933.98 1,125.02 931.00 Supplies tq Indigent persons 12,000.00 15,000.00 12,103.48 31:814.80 11,531.15 6,040.77 Total ..... 20.000.00 S3.100.00 8 10.018.88 30,342.58 8 10,385.43 8 13,648.61 MOTHERS' PENSIONS 6 7.000.00 $ 7.000.00 $ 3.190.00 8 7,038.00 8 6.488.50 8 6,114.60 COUNTY BOARD OF HEALTH: Secretary's salary, supplies . 8 400 00 400.00 8 163.75 319.35 I 349.00 8 384.00 JAIL: Prisoners' board 8 1. OOO.OO 6 1,500.00 6 459.40 8 3.039.58 8 3.538.25 6 1.980.75 Supplies 60.00 50.00 15.15 . 42.80 31.20 1081 Total ELECTIONS AND REGISTRATION.. ADVERTISING: ' Court proceedings and notices...... E. O. Livestock Show Assu '. Union County Fair Board Boys' and tlrl" Club work Advertising county resources..... 1.050.00 3,600.00 8 1.550.00 8 474.65 8 3.082.38 3,559.45 8 3.098.16 8 75.00 8 1.894.39 8 4.349.38 59.75 8 3.43547 8 3,000.00. 8 1,000 JOO 1,000 00 8 1.479.30 6 . 591.03 1,000.00 473.83 674 20 l.OOy.OO 300 00 -646.03 8 1,373.(0 1,000.00 '150.00 300 iW 29357 Total 8 3.000,00 3,000.00 1.47940 3,061,65 I , 3,42043 3.016.77 Total estimated expanaes for the year 1934... Total estimated reeelpta HECAPITULATIOM Amount to be raised by tax levy , .,81 38,973.00. ., 8,360.00 ...8130,633.00 SCHOOLS AND SCHOOL l.lllllARY County School Fund, 6.300 children at 810.00 each. ruga school -j-uttion cund... Library Fund. 6,800 children at 10c each... Amount "to be raised by tax levy. ... 63,000.00 ... 22,600.00 ... 76,030.00 ESTIMATED RECEIPTS Twenty-fivo per cent of forest rentals (mis amount cannot be deducted from the amount to -be raised by tax levy) ROADS AXD BRIDQES Seventy-Jive per cent forest rentals... EXPENDITURES .(Bond Fund) , ' . , . Estimated Budget Expended ; Expense Allowunce 1 First Expendlturea for the Three Years for for - 0 Months Preceding Current Year 1934 ' 1933 ' 1933 1932 1931 1930 8 31,600.00 8 23,250.00 t 19,370.17 49,062.60 8 89,658.83 $ 66,469.33 ESTIMATED RECEIPTS Total estlmatea expenses for the year 1934.. Total estimated receipts RECAPITULATION ..( 1,100.00 ..8 21,600.00 .. 1,100.00 Amount to be raised by tax levy... ..8 30,800.00 EXPENDI'PUKDS (Market Road Fund) Estimated Budget Expended Expense Allowance First Expenditures for the Three Years for for 6 Months Preceding Current Year '. .. 1934 1933 1933 1932 10S1 tsafl MARKET ROADS ; 8 30,500.00 8 42,000.00 $ 26,300.93 8 63,343.99 8 89,344.81 94.32UA5 Recolpta from Motor Vehicle Licenses... ESTIMATED RECEIPTS ... 14,600.00 Total estimated, expense for the vear 1934... Total estimated receipts ; RECAPITULATION 30,500.00 14,500.00 Amount to be raised by tax levy... .. 10,000.00 ROAD BOND INTEREST . Estimated Budget Expended Expense Allowance First Expendlturea for the Three Yeara for for 6 Months Preceding Current Year 1934... 1933 1988 1033 1931 1930 - 26.000.00 8 10,000.00 . 8 9.436.00 ... l,,360.55. ..38,480,4.' ,;f .3.3,363.50 TOTAL ESTIMATED EXPENDITURES FOR ALL PURPOSRa ioaolnann TOTAL ESTIMATED REOEIPTS FROM ALL SOURCES . ' 23 950 00 utterest on Road Bonds.. ...J. ..... TOTAL AMOUNT TO BE RAISED BY TAX LEVY.. ..8368,163.00 NOTB: State taxes not shown here: amount not vet riaivmmH BONDED -INDEBTEDNESS 8380,000.00 WARRANTS OUTSTANDING : General Fund Warrants 856.041:66 Road Fund Warrants 821.102 68 Market Road Fund Warrants ...6 7,636.34 Witness my hand and the seal of the County Cour t this, the 10t"n day of October, A. D,, 1933 n c. K-Mccormick, county eier'c. BUT I DON'T BORROW MONEY!" A Safe, Soundly Reorganized Home Bank for Home People You might say that in answer to the state ment that a bank' provides the credit ma chinery for a community. In fact, you might -. not be direct -borrower. Yet few people -."are free from those credit influences. You pay ,yotir house rent monthly, perhaps gro cery, merchandise and other bills. How can even these small creditors afford to carry you ? They in turn are carried by otheis until finally it gets back to where the local . bunks are the original source of a credit which extends like nipples in a pool, The FIRST NATIONAL BANK Of La Grande OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS David I. Stoddard President F. L. Meyers, Vice President A. K. Parker. Cashier 41. A. Zurtirlck, Asst. Cashier L. H. Bramwell, Asst. Cashier . DIRECTORS David I. Stoddard - Ernest DeLong MartlilTlnr Harry MeKlnlar Oeo. II. fiarnhart '" C'een W. C. rerklns A. K. Parker CLASSIFIED ADS "S 600