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About La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 12, 1911)
I At first a curiocity; then a usury; then a great convenience; now almost a necessity Tbat la the history of the electric light-the greatest invention of the last century. A perfect light without one bad featur. The moat remarkable thing of all is: ihat while the prices of most necessities hare greatly advanced, the cost of electricity has been steadily reduced. . - . .1 No matter how humble yjur circumstances, elec'trlo lights are within your means. There is no reason why you cannot enjoy ticn. Phone Main 34 for rates. " EasternOregonLiglit & Power Co. UFFlf ! m irunc nnflnnr ROYAL NEIGHBOR8 OP AMERICA, will meet at I. 0. 0. F. hair sec ond and fourth Fridays at 2 o'clock ; p. m. ' . J . . , KATE EARLS, Oracle. MLUG KIMJdELL, Recorder. 11-28-m f STEWARD'S WE LEADj S Others Follow "' ; . , . I OPERA HOUSE Sat., Dec. 16 MIL ARE TRAMP ONE OF THE BEST COMEDY DI9AMAS OF TODAY. V If yon want to spend a pleas ant evening don't miss this at traction. Owing to the Holiday Season being In foil blast tbe price will be cnt aiSfi 75c? and WeV SEATS WHJU BE OXilBJfc TAN BUBEITS ON THURSDAY. fieenre them early as these low price will make them go fast UNDER OUB SYSTEM OF HAN DUNG ACCOUNTS, YOU KEEP THEM THE SAME AS WE DO. THERE CAN BE. NO P1FFER ENCE. WHEN y6uS AC rnrrvT4 PK HANDLED Til BOUGH A McCASKEY AC COUNT REGISTER THEY CAN NOT GROW WHILE YOU SLEEP. Stageberg & Sandborg PHONE MAN 70. J. H. Ricbardson . S. Given E; S. Givens Investment Co. Rear La' Grande Nat'l Bank Real Estate, Loans, Insurance.-; High Class Invest ments and Securities Preferred Stock Clam Chowder, at 30c a can, will make one-half gallon clam chowder by adding a pint of milk Preferred Stock Pumpkin, Squash, Beets, Spinach, and Sweet Potatoes are fine? Pop Corn that will pop AT THE CITY GROCERY & BAKERY The Home of Fancy Groceries UMON COUNTY POMONA GRANGE HOLDS MEETING. Speakers From All Parts .of County Attest? Election of Officers. A large crowd of enthusiastic gran gers assembled at Blue Mountain Grange hall on Saturday, the 9tii to attend the regular meeting of the Un ion County Pomona grange. In the election of officers C. D. Huffman was unanimously re-elected as master. Ttm other officers are: W. F. Gekeler, W. 0.; M. L. Carter. W; L.; N. Daron, (Mt. Fannie grange) W. S.; Fred Young. (Riverside) W. A. S.; Mrs. R. A Wil kerson, W. C; Hattie Eckley, Treasur er; Mattle H. Golden, secretary; Geo. 8outh (Medical Springs., G. K.; Mrs.j Geo. Wade (Summerville), Flora; Mrs.! Geo. Miller, Pomona; Mrs. Cindia South, Ceres; Alex Robertson, choris ter, and the executive board are John Lewis, Jr., Philip Thompson, Geo. Mil ler, Mattie Golden and C. D. Huffman. The reports show not only a large Increase In membership but also new local organizations, which shows that Union county has don it share in se curing a gain of over thousand mem bers in Oregon since the last state session held in May. E. H. Flagg, ed itor of the Elgin Recorder and grang er and public worker of Oregon was one of the leading speakers of the day. a1Ha Orout in her usual pleasing manner welcomed the visitor to Blue Mountain grange, and waa responded to by M. I' Carter, who said lh part; "We are glad to be with you today and to know that the subordinate granges oi our own county are pros pering and growing. The first grang es in the county were organized about the year 1872. The Cove organization held their meetings In the old Morri son church. The first master was the Hon. M. B. Reese. Among the mem bers were1 John Quincy Richardson, Boswells, Kennedys, Cochrans, Mrs. Hendershott and T. T. Geer. The first master of the La Grande grange wb M. Baker. This grange movement lasted about ten years and this hall was built during that period and It stands as a monument to the first grange activities of Union county. In later years this grange was revived and the other granges of the county were organized by officials from, this grange. So we consider this the par ent grange of the county. When the county grangers gather At this celebrated hall From the valley and tbe mountain glen , We feel just like the prodigal Who wandered far away ',. Returns to see the old folks once again." The program was unusually inter esting. ; Dr. Gillilan was present and spoke on "the chautauqua and in be half of the management asked that, a grange day be held during the coming session. The county grangers voteu to hold another fair in 1912 and will make necessary arrangement at the next meeting. , The next Pomona grange meeting will be held in Cove with Mount Fannie grange on the fourth Saturday In March, 191?. PROFESSIONAL EISr.CTfiHT PHYSICIANS AND SUEGEONS N. MOUTOIt. 1L D. Physician and Surgeon. , Corner Adam Ave. and Depot St. Phones: Office, M!a 68; Residence, 69. A. I RICHARDSON. M. D. i. W. LOUGIILIW, M. D. Drs. Richardson ft Loughlln, Physicians and Surgeons Fhonee Office Black 1S62. Dr. Richardson's Re. Main E5. Dr. Loaghlln's eRa. Main 757. DR. M. S. HALL Physician and Sur geon. Cor. Adams Ave and Depot St Phone, Main 23. a H. UPTON, Ph. G. M. D. Physician and Burgeon. Special attention to Eye, Ear. Nose and Throat Office In La Grande National Bank Build- - ing. Phones: Office Main 2; Resi dence Mala 32. Move DR. H. L. UNDERWOOD Disease of the eye a specialty. R- DORA J. UNDEWOOD Diseases of women and children. Offices: Adam avenue, over Wright Drug Co. GEO. , W. ZIMMERMAN Osteopath Physician. Sommer Bldg., Room 1, 8, 9 aud 10. Phone: Horn 1332, Pacific, Main 63; Residence, Black 951. Successor to Dr. F. E. Moor VETERINARY. OR. P. A CHARLTON, Veterinary Sur geon. Office at Hill Drug store, La Grande. Residence Phone, Red 701; Office Phone, Black 1361; In dependent Phone 63; Both Phones at' Residency . ''TC'JTO!. 0 utttAwuCTlC.. You have asked yourself, "7hy docs thd man nexjt to me advance?' You think you work as hard as he, and you do. You ear as much, too. Good, so far. But you SPEND MORE! There's the difference. Simmer it all down and it becomes a matter of train ing. Training in habits of thrift. Ond large eastern manufacturing, company marks those men for promotion who hav? shown ability to save money. The savinga book with the bank is by far the best evi dence to this end. It tells exactly how the saving ability has been cultivated. The sav er proves his ability to manage his own busi ness. No wonder his employer marks him for advancement! G. T. DARLAND, CHIROPRACTOR All acute and chronic diseases. Not drugs, not surgery, not osteopathy. I remove the cause of your disease. Then you get well. Room 20-21, La Grande National Bank. Phone - Red 8181. " MECHANO-THERAPIST DR. C. A. SMITH. MECHANO-THER-APIST Successfully treat rheu matism, kidney disease, heart dis ease, weak lungs, constipation, pel vic disease, catarrh, and disease of the nervous system. Consultation free. Charges reasonable. Phone: .Black 3351. 1411 Madison Avenue. ATTORNEYS AT LAW JOCHRAN ft COCHRAN Attorneys Ohas. E. Cochran and Geo. T. Coch ran. La Grande National Bank Building, La Grande, Oregon. T. H. CRAWFORD ROOT. S. EAKIN CRAWFORD ft EAKIN Attorneys flee In . La Grande National Bank Building, La Grande, Oregon, at law. Practices in all the court of the state and United State. Of- National Bank ENGINEERS. D. W. C. NELSON Mining Engineer. Baker City, Oregon. Savoy Hotel EUROPEAN PLAN The rooms are good and Steam heated only one ' block'from depot ! , L '-a r T" l-v ! y i -V:' ''"i t . i ! 17. 'I i I J 0. C. Brichoux,Prop. 5 COME to oui shop and let demonstrate the use of Perry Pan nUe Water Systems to yea. We fcive Just installed one at "Coanty I P - Farm'. Why not 11 bath room, hot and eold water, nle y lawns and also fire nrettlon for yoar homes! Ton can hare a t-4 U Inch ttreani at 05 pound press re ft case of fire. Call and let u take yea oat and anow 71 tno tn erery day operation. BUY 6 ZWEljFEl With , the latest appliances ana modern methods of do ing work we are able b take care of your teeth in a man ner that will insure perma nency and comfort and also to eliminate the discomfort of dental operations which has been so objectional in the past. - JelLSteTeza, D.D.S Each family size pack- j age of . J QUAKER OATS ' Contains a handsome piece of decorated 1 .... . . ..'. SEMI-POCELAIN TA- ! BLEWARE Cud and Saucer. Plate. Oatmeal Bowl, or Cream j ritcher. 35c A PACKAGE For Sale by . S Pattiscii Brcs. j Christmas Bai&ar. . The ladles of St Peter Gulluwlll hold their sale of fancy article suit able for Christmas presents, also ap rons, rugs, etc., In Honan hall on Wednesday (not Friday) December 13. Sale to commence at 2 p. m. and con tinue through afternoon and evening. In connection will be served a sup per of chicken taraales, with brown bread, butter and pickles for 25 cents; dessert, ice cream and cake extra. Supper will begin at 5 p. m. 12-9-3t Ptea Una .ftl l ai m aau mmm tm Thig But Partly Tells It Remember tht our stock is repletek with new things and that all other lines are the largest in the county. No one can be sure of having made wise selections unless they come to the store, see all the goods not, told of here, and get the prices. $ v'-:j! S HELPFUL SUGGESTIONS. ' I ; y:' -Note these lists, look through the remainder of the advertisements, then come to the store, taking time to look through the entire stock. GIFTS FOR MEN. Traveling Cases All the Latest Books Fountain Pens ; Shaving Sets Shaving Mirrors Smoking Sets Fine Pictures Collar and Cuff Boxes Necktie Boxefcs Military Brushes A Magazine Subscrip tion. Pocket Books Brass Letter Openers Hat Brushes Blotters InkStands Metal or Celluloid Soap Boxes. Paper Cutters Diaries, etc. . GIFTS FOR LADIES Fountain Pens Silver Bonnet Brushes Toilet Cases Brass Goods Cut Glass - Fancy Vases t Fine Pictures Books in Gilt Bindings Imported Calendars Manicure Sets Glove Boxes : Photo and "Work Boxes Post Card Albums Pearl Handled Pens Sterling Silver Goods Pocket Bocks Celluloid Goods Etc., etc. GIFTS FOR CHILDREN. Toys, Dolls and Books, Don't forget a phonograph for the family. riniNiiniiiro,