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About La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 12, 1911)
j; i 5; 'i i) i ; s. i t I ? ; v - v .i ..) '. ... LA GRANDE EVENING OBSERVER. TUESDAY, DECEMBER 12, 1911. r We have a large stock to select from Diamond Rings, from . . $25.00 to $500.00 Diamond Ear Screws, from . $17.50 to $500.00 . Diamond BroocKes, Stick Pins, Cuff ,..' i - tin ! r o t en i. M en nn I i Links. Locuets ana iNoveuies, rrom 10 iou.uu . ; ' ; 7e will Engrave FREE OF CHARGE Any Article Bought Fron Us s Christmas PresentsjhaijaGt forever, and each year mcreasgjnjvalue All cur Hand Painted umna on aa the dollar. . WF wm SAVETOU MONEY ,Tlj1 -fltam - Prompt . Attention s V "J Largest Jewelry Store in Eastern Oregon. isP J' ItED SEALS A IK TO LIFE SALE OF CHRISTMAS STAMPS HAS purpose. Terrible WkJte I'Upae Made an Ene. 7 'of Those Who Bay Bed Seals. 4'. - t' : - (By H. G. Underwood.) propriate to the season and the Christ man spirit of altruism. Cae the Red Croaa seals on your ChriBtznaa gifts and do the world, pos terity and perhaps yourself a good turn. . Voile far Sale of Improvement Beads. Notice la hereby given that the city of La Grande, Union county, Oregon, 111 receive sealed bida for. the pur chase of Improvement bonds, in the sum of $11,87.97, in denominations of $500.00, hearing six per cent inter est per annum, p to & o'clock p. m., Tuesday, December 13th, 1911; said bids to ;e filed with the recorder of th Ht of La Grande, and to be ac- TV RrnnifA TIajv 19 H'fa tnt iiiu- ct tie Observer)Are the subjoined comPan,ed n6ck to e work. Call 2002 Oak street 12-11-tf . ens at the Soda factory. ll-9-4t f Tl I I 'li'llii I hXrti KENT Housekeeping roouu 1914 Third street. 12-7-tf FOR RENT One furnished sleeping room, with bath. 1407 Ninth street. Phone Red 332. 12-7-tf MESSENGER SERVICE P O. News 8tand. Phone Red 3111. Mrs. O C Combs. FOR RENT Light housekeeping rooms. Modern. One parlor auite - for three gentlemen. Apply 905 Spring. Call Black 3881. 13-4-tf facta generally known? For if not they; eugt't to be. j Mre people die of tuberculosis annu ally in' the United States than would populate 25 cities the size of ,La Grande. . ! Thai of these 150,000 deaths the tast majority are of persons between j 15 and 60 years of age, in the prime! -of life and when most useful to the public weal. I Is ft generally realteed that the com fcined' deaths from diphtheria, whoop ing cough, measles, scarlet fever and typhoid" do not equal those from this greet1 white plague. That one in seven of the world's population die of tuber culosis and three fourths of the pop ulation o fthe world are more or less Infected with It. That it ia a preventable disease, more easily controlled than many of the infectious diseases. That although sunshine, fresh air And good food are the patent enemies uf the' tubercle bacillus, yet no habit Able region of the globe la able to re sist its Invasion, however superb its climate. Thus even in Colorado a ery large percentage of cases are ac quired within the state, where only a few decades ago the disease was un known.' Inheritance of the disease is practi cally unknown. Predisposition counts for relatively little. . :. Occupation and environment are Im portant. But Infection with the germ In any considerable Quantity (some say 45 to 50 bacteria) is able to start the dis ease In anyone, however robust. Front a well developed case of pul monary tuberculosis some 7,200 mil lions of the bacilli may be thrown off dally. The great majority of these, It la true, die or become Innocuous with In 36 hours if exposed to sunlight. In this beautiful Grande Ronde val ley. thus far only slightly tainted with the disease, It ia on the increase and unless 'we do our part our children will reap the harvest of our careless tewing. " Thu far the sale of the Red Cross Christmas seals la less brisk than one ould wish for, although many of the irwul business houses have them on The object of selling them to pro- Tide funds for a nation-wide campaign against tuberculosis, is certainly ap- sum of $550.00. The successful bid der will be required to pay for said bonds within ten (10) days after no tice that said bonds are ready for de livery. La Grande, Oregon, December 5th, 191L . . C. M. HUMPHREYS, Recorder f the City of La Grande, Oregon.' 12-6-6t Xotice. Notice Is hereby given that the annual meeting of the stockholders of the La Grande National Bank will be held at their banking house In La Grand Oregon, on Tuesday, January 9. 1912, at the hour of 2 o'clock p. m.. for the purpose of electing a board of direc tor! to serve for the ensuing year, and for the transaction of such othr busi ness us may properly come be'oro said meeting. December 6, 1911. F. L. MBYT'nS CaaMtr. 12 b to 1-9 MOXLl BACK DASDRLFF CP WE. Kfw I) ma; Co. Guarantees Parisliui Sage for Dandruff and Fafllng ; V 1 '. Hair. , - Think of It dear reader, if PARI S1AXSAGE h n't the most InvfgorU'n; and pleasant hair dressing you ever used money back. If it doesn't banish dandruff (top hair from' falling and do away with scalp Itch money back 50 cents at the Newllit Drug company and drug gists everywhere. 'PARISIAN SAGE as a hair grow er and scalp cleaner la all right." Mrs, Dora M. Daniels, Williamson, W. Vo. "PARISIAN SAGtl cured me of ter rible Itching of the scalp," Mrs. C. f. Pope, Oxford, Ala. , . FOR KENT Furnished house in South La Grande, Inquire of John Adams at Eagle saloon. 2-4-11 FOR RENT Barn. 1609 5th St 12-9-10t FOR SALE Good milk cow. Inquire at Grand Union Tea Co., 209 Fir atreet 12-9-tf FOR SALE OR TRADE One and one - half acres adjoining city. 5 room house, barn, chicken house, family orchard, etc. Fine for chickens. Good terms. Call at Grand Union Tea Co., 209 Fir street 12-9-tf FOR RENT 5 room modern house 1908 Adams. Phone Black 3561. 12-9-tf WANTED Woman to do family wash-j ing once a week. Inquire Mrs. C. E. Cochran, corner Second and Washington. 12-9-tf FOR RENT Light housekeeping rooms or furnished room with priv ilege of nsin kitchen. Phone Red , 1311. il-27-tf WANTED Woman livingt Lome for ' light housework by the day part - f thm Amr. Phi e Black 1331. . ' " 12-9-3t' ' WANTED TO RENT Fy Dec. 12 to 15. furnished house or housekeeping rooms. Modern. H. G. Trlplett. c-o Gelbel's store. 11-28-tf CaU Main Eight Retail Department Lumber, Lath, Shingles, Ruberoid Roof ing, Sash Doors, etc. affie George Palmer Lumber Co FOR SALE A few choice Bared Ply- j mouth Rock and White Leghorn ! cockerels. Phone Black 441 or bet-; ter, come and see them. Jap Stev- STRAYED Yearling calf, red - an.' white spotted, branded G-5 on lef ! hip, two slits in right ear. G. G , TAAL, La Graide. ' . ' j WANTED Have a buyer for cheap town property. No higher than $1. 500.00. Call at once. Second door east of postoffice. S. M. Slough In vestment Company. 12-9-tf Complete Equipment tor Resetting ann Repairing -Rubber Buggy Tire LA GRANDE IRON WORKS D. FITZGERALD, Proprietor COMPLETE MACHINE SHOPS AND FOUNDRY FOR THE STOMACH. HerVa an Offer Yeu Should Net Over look. Rexall Dyspepsia Tablets remedy stomach troubles by aiding nature to upply the elements the absence of which In the gastric Juices causes indi gestion and dyspepsia. They aid the stomach to digest food and to quickly convert it into rich red blood and ma terial necessary for overcoming nat ural body waste. Carry a package of Rexall Dyspepra Tablets la your Test pocket, or keep them in your room. ." Take one after each heavy meal and prove our asser tion that Indigestion will not bother you. We know what Rexall Dyspepsia Tablets are and what they will do. We guarantee them to relieve indigestion and dyspepsia. If they fall we will refund your money. Three sizes: 25 cents, 50 cents, and $1.00. Remem ber, you can obtain Rexall Remedies only at our store The Rexall Store. HILL'8 DRUG STORE. Let us fit your house for elec tric lights. It will cost you little and please you much. LA GRANDE ELEC. SUP PLY Opposite Foley Hotel. . LADIES. Indian IV Slippers, Velvet Budoir Slippers, Kid Bu doir Slippers, Silk Hosiery from 50c to $2.50, Embroidered Lisle Hosiery at 50c to $1.00 in fancy Xmas boxes. MEN. Indian Moccasins, Soft Kid Houso Slippers in dif ferent styles, $1.50 to $2.25; Silk Hosiery all colors at 50c, Silk Lisle Hosiery, all colors at 25c, in fancy Xmas boxes. CHILDREN. Indian Moccasins, Felt Slippers, Fancy Shoes and Hosiery. IClassiiiedl i Advertising OCOOOOOOOQGO O O O WANTED A girl for sener.1 hOUS- LL.O J. -fRENCH SHOE GO Exclusive Agents for Onyx Hosiery t i 1 i. 1 p9 r 5