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About La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 8, 1911)
LA GRANDE EVENING OBSERVER, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 8, 1911. 1 PAGES ! I '' - SWEETEN SATURDAY, the 9th, we will candies up to 35c values, at . UP! CENTS Per Lb; This sale will be on between the hours of 9 and 1 1 o'clock, a. m., 2 and 4 o'clock, and 7 and 9 p. nu These are the candies which sell regular and 4Qc, but just for fun we will sell them between the hours stated at . . . C ilEfJ MOT Oi! DPMI AM M HlGIIT ACRES JfAMES OF THE TRACT. ,', Twenty-Four Five-Acre Tracts Placed ; en Market This Morning. 10 CENTS Per Lb. Dunham Wright acres, consisting of 24 five-acre tracts, wtre dedicated and placed on the market this morn ing. The tract is located on the out skirts of Cove near the Bell fruit ranch and its location is well known to local people. Dunham Wright, a pioneer resident ot Cove, who is now residing at Medical Springs is the owner but VT. K. Davis of this city is the sales manager and has the diupositon of the tracts in his hands. Applications for several of the tracts already brought to Mr. Davis Indicates that the sale will be rapid.": The price is graduated, ranging according to , the nearness to waittr aim otuer -utius umi go to uiane one pleo3 of land more desirable thaa others, and as all but a, very small portion of the tract is under water ditch, the owners believe the tracts will sell rapidly.1 It is -adjacent to soni3 of the finest orchards In the world. - ' - ENTERS iiffi EfJGLAUD OHIO GOVERN 016 GOES EAST FURTHER CAUSE. TO . His DrawbMHt. . Vis he Urnorant?" ' '"Very." ""' ' "But he may overcome it." ' ... "Never, tf Lloyds wre t:tmiM him I am sure they would be willing i-uo iiif uu uiaurv H for ntm," ' Couldn't B. Cthrwi, "You henrd aHnt many children In the village t.lnj i mumps. "Weil, they gave a party for them. "It must have been a awell tttalr." Vice Presidential Question Also Both- erg Eastern States. ... 10 CENTS Per Pound 3EIBEL2S 10 CENTS Per Pound LOOKING OVER C0ERDALE Boston, Mass., Sept. 8. The appear ance of Governor Harmon ot . onto. here as the guest of honor and chief speaker at the barbecue outing to be given by the democratic organization of Boston has aroused considerable interest in political circles in New England, It will be the tfrBt apeech that the Ohio governor has delivered In the east since he .loomed up prom inently as a presidential candidate The fact that the names of two New Eniland'jrs Governor ' Baldwin of Connecticut and Governor Fobs of Massachusetts are mentioned In con nection with the democratic nomina tion for vice -president.'lends addition al Interest to tb' Harmon visit. The nnlltlclans take the view that If either Baldwin or Foss ; la to "be" supported by New England; for second place on the democratic ticket as isintimated, a wesurh ; Candidate for fim; place m lght H n tur ally be c x pected to enjoy an advattagie in this section. ver Gov ernor Wilson of New Jersey, the nom ination of whom for president would probably be followed by the selection of a western man for vice president; Suspicious, . Bank President What's the matter. Bank Vice President I was Just think tag. l sat. next to our cashier, in church yesterday, and I don't quit Bke the way be sings "Will tkey m me when I'm goner" Puck. im hum i ii in m m iiih I Daily Shipments of I Fresh Veget-i I ables and Fruits ?EEiS LOWES CAPACITY Al'DIEXCE HEARS POP. VLAR COMPANY. , The Great Northwest" Will Be Given ' Tonight by Same Company. , A. capacity audience gathered , at 'Steward's opera house last night to -itreet thcs arrival of "The Boss' of Bar Z Ranch." To say they spent an en Joyatile evening would be putting it mildly. "The Boss of Bar Z Ranch" la of the type of plays that please tha young and old allko and we are sorry -that we do not have the opportunity of witnessing more plays of the kind. Miss Louise Lowe as Florence Cur- f ties, the boss of the ranch, was greet ed by her large number of friends and , at once proceeded to make more. Th8 comedy honors were carried away by Miss Annie Glrard and Mr. Lowe as Arabella Marshall and Doc Ryra respec tively. To say they were funny would ba saying nothing for our sides are ccbtng -yet from laughing at their ori ginal love making. '- V; ' Miss Mamie Haslam is a clever lit tle actiwsa who work we 'are anxious to see more of. And we say the same of W. R. Siegfried who did Billy Wil son. E. R. Howland as Frank Marvel and Val Howland as Richard Huntley also did some very clever work in their respective roles - Tonight the great Canadian play, "Tha Great Northwest," will be pre sented for the first time In our city. The play is by Eugene Walters, .oiw ot America's greatest writers and is sure lo-be a play that few can afford to tilEs. 1 ''.: A number of people wen? disappoint ed in not Becurlng tickets last night as the tickets were all sold before the house opened at 8 o'clock. THE ISIS HAS IT AGAIN. Spokane Man Thinks Well of the Fn hire of La Grande The implicit confidence that many people have in Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea remedy is founded on their experience in the use of that remedy and their knowledge of 7j MOMM mm mm im m i miiinni i ii.iiii Ton i i it lim n Spot Light Classic Songs for Friday and Saturday by Popular Request By request of many of the patrons of the Isls theatre, Manager Sherwood will again put on the musical pro gram which was so successfully ren dered last Sunday. ' ; li s : This class of music is gaining hold of this public and the public is not slow in asking for more of it. It is a good sign, and very evident that the best is none too good for La Grande. ; The Isis being able and al way willing to give the best, concedes tonight a repetition of the music given last week end, and fulfilled with so much appreciation by those who heard it. . ..- : Today and Saturday . Miss Garrlck will sing at matineeri, "A May Morn ing" and Mr. Go. Birnle will be heard i Friday and Saturday nights In that magnificent song, "Out on the Deep." "We believe, Indeed, we known, that tha quality of the offerings at he Isis theatre is far above the ordinary and we are glad" to place it on record," said Manager Sherwood today. . Arthur D. Jones, of Spokane, is in. the ctly today looking over Connerdale He has no hesitancy in expressing his 'the many remarkable cures of colic, faith in La Grande's future and be-; diarrhoea and dysentery that it has lleves it is destined to be the Spokane effected. For sale by all dealers, of th.3 Oregon country. I. eod & wkly ' Home Grown Lettuce, Radishes, t .Greea Onions, Corn', 'Carrots, Engie? Vnlley Tomatoes, Idaho Peaches . and Watermelons, Green Peppers and Egg Plant, Sweet Water aiid Tokay Grapes. For Sale by Pattison Bros. rE take pleasure in announcing our ; complete read iness for fall business. We welcome you to see our unusual display of new fall styles for men. w vv And to shire in the dislributhw ou quality merchandise at moderate prices. The total number of old age pen sioners in The United Kingdom at ue end of March was: Men,' 533,000" women, 547,411. Boys Ekick sateen stiirts special 2 5C Armor Plate Hose for Boys and Girls 25 cent value now zU cents Pay cash and Buy Right DA LION'S 45 cent HARDWOOD HANDLE BROOM While they last 29 cents ro (1 m o 111 w -; 111 Watch Our Show Windows We TON a l ,. 1 'The Afew Suits Men Will - I. : ; i. ' - ' ' ' . Pease for Surely You Come and see them now while the new ' styles and patterns are here In great , ' ; ftbundance. Men who recognize the . . advantages of an early choice are sn'e to be Impressed with our excellent v showing of Fall styles. V2M TO $30.00 FALLS NEWEST THINGS in HATS and FURNISHINGS Await jonr Inspection-here. The , qualities are the best and they are -PRICED TO SATE IOC MOXEY. : Seil the Best of Everything for Men In qualities that glre satisfaction and styles that represent at U times the Tery newest and most fashionable things to be had. Ton will find trading here to be pleasing and satisfactory In every way. Come and get acquainted -with onr excellent values. , EY & SCMT0 THE STORE THAT SATISFIES