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About La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959 | View Entire Issue (May 18, 1911)
3 Trips to Extend to Sari i'"'"V.-:;. , .-' Francisco A?e Yoii It Gbsts Nothing MeSpiKlg a Deseying Friead ; for patrons of this paper U kelp eontestaits. Tetes w allowed the reguUr price of the paper. Head over the ToUng schedule Md see hew yoa caaheip to sead arfend to Portland, to the ocean kacaes and to Saa Francis. eo, or to wear an additional scholarship. Tour own year's subscription, which, wfll be paid anyhow, If paid now, will adTaaeo jour friend la the contest for one of these desirable prises. , 11 Trip a to Portland Rocs Festival ROUND TRIPS WITH ALL EXPENSES TO SEAPC CITIES;. Tuition to the Value of $100.00 in any departaent of W College,' Walla alla. Tuition to the Value of $50.00 m tho Baker Business Golkge, Baker City For the quickest and Most Se llable . MESSENGER SERViCE Call Slain 4 or Independent 121. II. KESLER. : Calls Answered Pron:;l"y. Never leave home on a Journey without a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. It is almost certain to be needed and cannot be obtained when on board the cars or steamships. For sale by all dealers. Plumb ing and Heatin or John Melville U28 A cferns Ave LA GRANDE, - ORE Savoy Hotel EUROPEAN PLAN I 'The rooms are good and Steam heated only one block from depot D. C. Brichoux,Prop. We are now having Fresh Strawberries from Milion and California Also a Fresh Line of Vegetables of every description. Royal Grocery H. Pattison, Prop. Not in the Association 1 Agents Wanted Good .hustlers to sell high gade specialties. Live jnen of good address can beat a salary r job two to one. Apply from 8 to 11:30 a. m. The Oregon Spec ialty Co. ' v ' Room Corpe building, (up stairs.) Second entrance south of post office. A BIG LOAF FROM THIS BAKERY will prove none too much bread af ter your family has once tasted It. Our bread makes people hungry Just to look at it, and it TASTES AS GOOD AS IT LOOKS. Try a loaf or two if only as a mat ter of econom. You will find the family filling; up on bread and neg lecting the other foods which cost much more money. That means a good saving ln't your "household ex penses. ' WE HANDLE FERXDALE ICE .' i CREAM. The best In the market. SX0WFLAKE BAKFRY, JAS. FARQUHARSON. Prop.. The George Palmer Lumber Company Retail Department We solicit your orders for Shingles, Rubberoid Roofing, Deadening Pelt, Building Paper We are prepared to furnish and deliver material, promptly. Phone Main & . ., . BIOGRAPHIES ARE REPRESEXTATIYES AXD SEXA TORS' LIYES TOLD. Government Has Just Issued lee- trv of Its Law Makers. JC Washington, May 18. (Special) A neat little study in biographies has Just been Issued by the government printing office. It is a hefty, red bound volume of 475 pages, called of ficially, v ''The Congressional Direc tory." A goodly part of the book is devoted to the biographies of the congressmen and senators. They are all autobio graphies; or at leaB( prepared by friends of the subject. They rang from seventeen words, contributed by Representative Redfleld, of New York, as his life history, to 534 words, em bracing the events which marked the career of Charles Manley Stedman, ot North Carolina". ; . The senatorial biographies are less interesting to the seeker after knowl edge, than those Submitted by rnember of the lower house and particularly the new members. There are a good many who don't hesitate to heap en conlums on themselves. Among these is Adam Brown Littlepage, of W. Vir ginia, who remarks: "He (that is, himself) bears the rep utation of being a very grateful man, never forgetting a kindness, and if faithful in his friendships and thor oughly reliable. H? stands for the under man in life. Works hard, late and, early as a congressman and Is re flecting credit upon the country by his manly, conservative and wise course In Washington as a representa tive of the people. He Is a patriotic man, of ability and fine qualities ot mind and heart." Rep. Ezekeel Candler, of Mississip pi, who is a veteran 'member, says naively that his family has been prom inently Identified wtih the history of the Btate from the days of tbe revo lution up to and including the pres ent." ; ', Rep. Janies Alexander Daughtery, or Missouri, sets down the fact that he Is regarded as one of the strong men In the Missouri delegation." Rep. J. J. Kindred declares In his Sketch that he "has In no sense been a politician." Rep. Chas. E. Patton, of Pennsyl vania, declares that "his agricultural experiments have been of great benefit to th community."; A careful count of the biographies ot the members of the house reveals the fact that out of the 398 representatives delegates and commissioners, 246 am lawyers. Twenty-six members neglect to state the nature of their business, so this is not a complete census. Next to lawyers, In point of num ber, come the farmers. There are 28 of them.' 'Many of them are only ag riculturists on the side, however. The banker's list totals 22. Then come the newspaper men. There are 15 of these besides one "Journalist." Rep. Sher wood, democratic, Ohio; and two pub lishers;" Utter, republican, Rhode Is land, and Underbill,' democratic of New York. ; Ten members of the house are "man ufacturers." Eight are lumbermen. Five were teachers, In school or col lege, up to the time of their being cho sen" representatives. There are sev eral score others who formerly taught school, and later "studied law. Reps. Foster, democratic, Illinois, Walson, democratic, New York ; Kin. dred. democratic, New York; B'aalon, democratic, North-Carolina i and Rep. Barchfield, republican, Pennsy vania ; are physicians. V Rap. ' Difeuderfer, democratic, Pennsylvania; la a prac Iking dbi.tist ,; At least four membet were court stenographers i , Palmer, democrat, Illinois; Byrnes democrat, South Carolina; Kendall, republican, Iowa; and Aikin, Democrat, South Carolina. .Three say they! were com mercial telegraphers: McDermott, democrat, Illinois;,- Smith, democrat, New York; and Cary, republican, Wis consin. ' Representative ; Lee demo crat, . Pennsylvania, simply says h is a "buslnes man.", Five congressmen were'at one tinio "knights of the; road," and "drummed" In various sections,. : Three are real estate operators; three own coal col lerlesione is a petroleum operator j three are authors Edward W. Towu. send, democrat, New Jersey, of "Chini my Fadden" fame; Stephen B. Ayre. democrat, N. Y and Henry George Jr., democrat, N., Y. f -. ' In the miscellaneous class are Cal der, republican, New York, builder; Fornes, democrat, New York, woolen manufacturer; Hartman republican, Pennsylvania, ; iron manufacturer Lafean,' republican, Pennsylvania, candy -manufacturer, known as tne "Chocolate King"; Howlell, republi can, Utah, merchant; Lindsay demo crat, New York, hotel business; Ma-, her, democrat, New' York, hat maker, Lewis, democrat, Maryland; Daugn erty, democrat,' Missouri, and Cam eron, republicun, Arizona; are min ers; Copley democrat, ; niinols, is in the ga3 and electric lighting business, Gallagher, democrat, Illinois, Is a hai dealer ; Buchanan, democrat, Ilftnom, Is a structural iron worker; Kennedy, republican, Iowa, Is a nurseryman. There are six members of the House who wore the confederate gray during the civil war Rucker, democrat, Col orado; Estopinal, democrat, Louisiana: Talbott, democratic, Maryland; Sted man, demoratic, North Carolina; Gor don, democratic, Tennessee; and Lamb, democratic, Virginia. Five oth ers served on the union side Thistle wood, republican, Ohio; Bradley, re publican, New York; Sherwood, demo cratic, Ohio; Bingham, republican, Pennsylvania; and Hill, republican. Conn. Bradley was awarded a medal for gallantry, and Sherwood and Bing ham both advanced for conspicuous brovery. , Thirteen members served In the Spanish-American war, either in Cuba the Philippines, or In the camps In the United States. They were: Till son, republican, Connecticut; How ard, democratic, Georgia; Stone, dem ocratic, Illinois; Ames, republican, Massachusetts; Murray, democratc, Massachusets; Weeks, republican, Massachusetts; Loud, republican, Michigan; '.AnderBon, republican, Michigan; Harrison, democratic, New York; Howland, republican, Ohio; Crago, republican, Pennsylvania; and Aiken, democratic, South Carolina. Seven members of the house record the fact that they were born abroad: Sabatb, democratic, Illinois, in Bo hemllt; Kahn, California, In Baden, Germany; Campbell, republican, Kan sas. In Nova Scotia; Bartholdt, demo crat, Missouri; In Germany; Donohue, democratic, Pennsylvania, In Ireland; Willson, democratic, Pennsylvania, In Scotland; and Berger, the Wisconsin socialist, In Austria-Hungary. Two members of the house served In the United States navy, having been graduated from the Annapolis acad emy. Richmond Pearson Hobson, Al abama, democratic; who was the hero of the Merrlmac, Is one of these;' Rep resentative Weeks, republican, Massa chuetts, the other. : I ,.: The biographies reveal many little oddities. RepresentaU'e Fowler, dem ocratic,, Illinois; for instance, declares that although he "enjoys a large per sonal injury practice" of the law,, he "has never taken the side of a corpor ation." Representative"; ''John W. Langley, ,' republican, ' Kentucky, tells that he has a father-in-law in the house, Representative Gudger, demo ocratlc, North Carolina. Representa tive Joseph E. Randaoll, democratic, ljuuittittua, iiv pt-ceiuoul vf tLC tlonal Rivers and Harbors' congress, devotes nearly 100 words of hi bio graphy to a little boost for the organ ization. Representative George Kon ig. democratic, Maryland, displays hu mor In his sketch by remarking, ot himself, "be is married and lives with his wife." , ;. There are several entrants for the place 'of prize Joiner. . Representative Wilder, republican, Massachusetts, claims membership In "the Masons (two 'lodges), knight Templars, the Shriners,'! and honorary membership in a G. A. R, post. ! Representative Chandler, democratic, ;?'.MisalssppI, says he Ib a Baptist, a Mason, an Odd Fellow, .Woodman, Betai Theta pi, a Knight of Honor, Elk and Knight of Pythias. Representatives Wedemeyer, repub lican, Michigan, and Austin, republi can, Tennessee, .both served in the United States consular , servtoethe one at Georgetown, British GufanaV and the other at Glasgow, Scotland. Representative George White, dem ocratic, Ohio, was a Klondlker In the days of the gold rush. Carl C. Ander son, democratic, Ohio, ' records thj& fart that he began his career as 'ft newsboy and a' bootblack. Representative J., J. Kindred, demo cratic, New York, a physician, says he is an "expert on mental diseases." Congressman Wm. G. Brown, demo cratlc, Virginia, tells an interesting story ; In his biography of a boyhood friendship with the late Senator Jon athan P. Dolliver. of Iowa. They were The 6 rocery STAGEBERG & SASDB0RG. Fresh Ranch Egg and Butter ' s Armour?s Hamr Bacon and Lard Hill Bros.' Highest Grade Red and Blue Can Cooffee for lovers of GOOD COFFEE , ...... A SAFE PLACE to buy your grain, feed and fuel "iis at the Grande Ronde Cash Company. ,Y6u will always find it fresh,' clean and' superior in quality, and your hors?s or cat tle will thrive on it'when you buy from us.' Our poultry feed and supplies will help keep your hens laying. GRANDE R0XDE CASH CO, rhone Jluln C (Continued on Page Eight.) strayed or stolen A min nbrt!!t the size of a woman. He bad pink eyes and snnsH colored hair. He wis barefooted with a pair of wooden shoes on. He had an empty sack on his buck containing a barrel of skylights and one dozen assorted railroad tunnels. He had on a corn beef overcout with a sour kraut lln Intr. When Inst seen he was follow, luir the crowd to the Wardrobe shop to have his clothes cleaned and pressed MILS0X BROS. Main 733. . ' Foley Bldp. HACK AND AMBULANCE Uptown office Main 720 Residence phone Main 25 E. L BUSSEY Perry Pneumatic Water Systems, Samson Wind Mills, Deming Pumps, Richardson & Boynton Warm Air Furnaces, Pipe Valves and Fittings, Gut ters, Plumbing Fixtures of AH Kinds, Full Assort ment of Nickel Trimmings. ' , BAV 6 ZWEIFEL PLUMBERS, HEATERS, SHEET METAL WORKERS