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About La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959 | View Entire Issue (May 17, 1911)
LA GRANDE EVENING OBSERVER V 1 1 ..; N,. Vi x v j; V. M- 1 ' -5 T WEDNESDAY, iuT 17, 1911. EJ1ST milUSTO PAGE 3 PULLING ELEPIIAJirS TOOTH IX SELL-FLOTO SHOWS SCHEDULED FOB LA GRANDE JUKE 1ST. RESSLER COMING Tnnnnnnnin luiviunnuw FREE LECTURE WILL BE DELIT. EDERED AT AUDITORIUM. Organizer of K. E. A. In Elgin Today Comes Here Tomorrow. - Prof. E. D. Ressler, holding an Im portant chair at the Oregon Agricul tural college, and now touring the northwest as an organizer for the Na tional Educational association, whicn holds Its convention in San Francisco this fall, was In La Grande "this morn ng on his way to Elgin and will re turn to La Grande tomorrow at which time he will speak at the high school auditorium to every person Interested in education. The address will be free ' of charge. ' Mr. Ressler has scheduled his ad dress for three o'clock and the stu dents of the city will be the nucleus of his audience, though every adult person is cordially invited to be' pres ent. ' . ' , year and which were Imported from India at great expense in the middle of the season1, will again be seen with the Sells-FIoto shows when they visit this city on Thursday, June 1. Aa veryoio kuuw i'taf iopiutut grows more slowly than almost any other animal, but a perceptible in crease both in weight and height will be, noticed this year. Professor Alls paw, the head trainer of the circus, has been hard at,, work all winter In teaching the little fellows the rudi ments of the actor's art. He really succeded beyond the most sanguine expectations of the management. So much so, indeed, that the twin babies will be seen both in1 the parade and tournament, driven tandem to a high wheeled carriage by Mile. Zora. While so hitched they go through the evolu tions of they kindergarten which In cludes walking upon bottles, standing upon their heads, saluting, cake walk lug and many other Interesting and for their age, marvelous feats. . It Is said by competent trainers that these little animals show more pre cocity than any two baby elephants ever exhibited irr captivity In this or any other country. KAS AND MO COMING. Famous Twin Baby Elephants to Be ' Soen Here In June., Kas and Mo, the twin baby elephants which you heard so much about last The Papets of India. It was at a point near Mm unci, city of Burat that the PnrsiVs ti" landed in India when dWrni V.ut Persia by their Monammed:in 'uivk v r .$ . m mw. a i ... 41 i, . , are more remarknMe thiw th unin; In which thla sranll wrnmtinlrr tained It rellplon snd nu lnl Hit teristica nnhnnped durins ilini ! period. . The pwullnr nrxli" nf tie. dress worn by the- piiris l i:ilrl hnve been rand' c-otnixilxorr i.y nindti kins of Ir-llH w!Kii tit' pur first oMiiltxtl fofur- In :rt Mif fnA t!jey hiM nt It vi:r . 1 T' fl-lV fl) p-'roiMW nr "hn lt:iiht!2 pot iM'rclnl nation of lri!n. " :- ' 'V' ' To!d H!-n In Fsw WoUs. A ninn oin' wrott to tli Itw, C. R Spurpeon. tht fnnnim pt-Mii-iu'r, sa.vltic that be bnd heard be sraoked and coiiKi not believe It to be true. Would Mr Spurgeon write and tetl him If It mil ly was so? The reply was: " "Dear Sir I cultivate my flowers and burn my weeds. Tours truly, C. II Spurgeon.". Notable Gathering of Priests. Buffalo. N. y May 17. More thau one hundred eminent representative of the Roman Catholic clergy In Am erica, including a number of high pi lates of the church,' gathered in this city today to take part In the annual reunion and meeting of the Alumni association of the North American coi 1e?e in Rome. ' V " Puzzling. '' Millions Do yon think you will learn to like your titled son-in-law? Billions I don't know. I can't tell where to place him in my expense ac count. Be la neither a recreation nor an investment . A Child Wonder. "Whnt a wonderful memory your hlld liiis foi nitmes and fnces!" "Yes." repliiul the proud mother. "She never fiiils to recoernlze any of her former stepfathers." -Judjre. True clory consists In co Urln? as to m:ike the world happier ind lierter for our Hvin-r -Plln.v. SHINGLES ' We have just received a carload of EXTRA STAR A STAR SHINGLES. The best on the market. Come and see them ' The retail business is our specialty WEN AH A LUMBER CO. GREENWOOD & MADISON Home Phone 421. Bell Phone, Main 732 f "ij 1 "iimi ' . M " ' Hair, Hair, Hair Combings made in puffs, switches and curls. 1 strand switch........... $1.00 2 strand switch LSI) 3 strand swith 2.00 Set of puffs on wire or with out '2.00 Guaranteed satisfactory and are made here In store. Paris Hair Store DELEGATE TO THE EAST FISDS INTEREST KEEX. Request Comes From llarrlsburg for Rash Order of Literature, Literature' descriptive of Grande Rondo valley is in demand In the east, according to a letter received from C. E. Happersett who is a delegate from the La 5rande brotherhood of Rail way Trainmen to the trl-ennlal con vention now under way at Harrlsburg, Pa. s Mr. Happersett writes that he Is being beset with queries for Informa tion about the Grande Rondo valley at every turn and if he had literature at hand, he could dispose or It with fine success. As he is to be in Harrtburs but a few days, literature sent him to day would reach hfm there In time for distribution and he can be reached tn care of (he Railroad Trainmen's con vention hall. Mr, Happersett affirms that, the rep utation of Grande Rondo is commend able in the east and that the valley is widely known, even so far east as Har rlsburg. The fact that representatives are there from all sections of the Unit ed States' literature could be given Pure, Fresh, Home made Candies. M MAKE OUR OM. THE KIHD YOU LIKE AT...... ' SELDE R'S WE MME OUR Om ICE CREAM AND SHERBET W have mito CIorer, Bine Grass and fancy mixed . seed. Our lawn FEBniJZEEwffl make the grass For Your Lawn h" Waters-Stanchfield Produce Co. U26 JEFFERSON AVE. i 12 HOCUS OF SENIOR GAIETY. Rhododendron Day at 0. A. C. Cele. V brated wlta Long; and Merry Day. ; Oregon Agricultural College, Corvai lls, Ore., May 16.--Twelvei hours of senior gaiety closed last night when nine excursion cars at Newport were crowded full for the return of the stu dents and faculty of the Oregon agri cultural college, at the end of Rhodo dendron Day, the annual senior excur sion day. '- -' ..; , , ' -,: : - -- As early as a. m. some of the co-eds at the girls' dormitory were Btlrrlng, maklne nreoarations for the Ions day's' Jaunt to the coastmaking lunch- ea-and digging out last year's beach hats from obscure corners. The elec tric bells rang to wake those who still slept at 4:15 a. m., and by 6:15 all the boys and girls and the chaperones (one for each "bunch") were aboard a nine-car excursion train and speed ing coastward , At Yaquina all took passage across the bay for Newport, climbed the hill, and crossed to the beach, where they scattered for luncheon parties on the sand. After a long afternoon of good times, In which various groups vied in ingenuity In devising "stunts,' the boat carried them back to the Yaquina side of the bay in time to catch the home-bound train. at.' 6:15. p. m., Just 12 'hours after they left Corvallis. DOWNWARD COCRSE. Fast Being Realized by La Grande , ,. j People. is 'A little backache at first Daily increasing till the back lame and weak. Urinary quickly follow; Dr"psy and .finally Bright's disease. This is the downward course of kid ney Ills. , Don't' take this course. La Grande residents should profit by the follow ing experience. Mrs. W. M. Giles, of Sumpter, Ore., says: "I was bothered for about two years by ' kidney complaint and the doctors could not help me to any ex tent. There was a constant, dull pain across my loins and this was accom panied by a soreness over my kidneys. My back ached so intensely , that I could hardly sleep and I bad trouble from the kidney secretions. When I saw Doan'a Kidney Pills advertised I was Induced to try them and it requir ed the contents of only one box to ef fect a cure I value Doan's Kidney Pills highly." For sale by all dealer. Price 50 cents. Poster-Mllburn Co., Buffalo, New York, sole agents for the United States. '' . ; . ' . I Remember the name Doan's -and take no other, 1 ;! ; D-My 17 Jun 14 Jul 6 aiig 2 ' X : w- my 19 Jun 18 Jul 14 aug llj. High In your busied sewon when yoa have tbe least time to spare yon are mol likely to take diarAou and lost several days' time, unless you have Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy at hand and take a doae on the first appear ance of the duwaoe. For sale by alldealert. II. '.feJl W f& v ill V. i ' ; f Each SeaBOn brinSS a blazer dmnH tnr Roro Rnlt Nn nihar I fabric combines all the good features and comforts of Serge. . uet a goon serge and It looks well, wears welt and Is altogether me nicest stun: one can use. ' - , : V But (and here is the saving clause) BE SURE OF TOUB SERGE Some won't stand the test of time and wear, and a poor Serge is a I poor investment. f We have some beauties In Blue or Black Serges at $2040, $25.00 or I W0.00. Our SerCfta OTA flna rlnRA wnvon fahra that -ma. Inns all oftnt ' 1 We guarantee them. Splendid tailoring all through. The shaping and the proportions are perfect . , ' , , , i ASH BROS. The Home of Good Clothes it t i It 'i'ily'"ajr'-iryr'iji'---'r yi njpnn Your Name in a Telephone Di rectory shows you are progres sive; : ; M ii t-: ;:-KA You can get a listing in our new directory. Call up the Manager NOW HOME INDEPENDENT TELEl HONE CO, Local and Long Distance Service. Long Distance Connection with the Entire Bell System ELECTRIC : LIGHTS i ';''-: .:v.,::''- '' i are never taken out v . Oar ratf for wiring are lower than nest peeple expect f hsne Wa ) 84, and ear ma will tell yon the east of wiring your hease, 1 EASTERN OREGOtt LIGHT j: 6 POWER CO. 1 t.!...!,.. il,,,ii,4tia.,nlfc4iti ft smAn JiJk4$ r'iir try wr Did you ever know one single instance ' , where electric lights were once used, J? that they were ever taken outt , if t- t . .... . . ip uiu jruu Ter jluow anyone wno naa i ? a a. .... . a. . IF useu mem, wno , wouia ao Wimout them, even if the cost were twie as great? . ASK THE CSERS- i .They will tell you that the bflght, cool, clean ' light which la always ready, anywhere, day or night la ln dlspeosibla to them. 4 i it y.l)i.l....ny..rr.y.y1)) yi"jJS -I ''9SSS9 T"'"MM't " '""V'