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About La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959 | View Entire Issue (March 14, 1911)
tAGE2 LA GRANDE EVENING OBSERVER, TUESDAY, MARCH 14, 1911. R9i n H" - ' ' ' ' . " ' A Red-Letter Day for the People of La Grande and the Surrounding Country BASEMENT OIJE NEW BAR1 Filled with Seasonable Dry Goous, Shoes, Hosiery, Underwear. Men's Furnishings, Notions-the entire C. J. Johns Stock at Half Regular Prices and our Complete $50,000.00 Stock Specially Priced for this Occasion should Mark a new Epoch in BARGAIN GIVING VALUES!T WILL If ON STORE OPENS AT 9 A. M. ; I? 1 'I 8 1 7F 8 ORE Opera House Block La Grande, Oregon TV GOSSARD Cofscts The Seven Principal Selling Points The j lace In (rent. ( . They support every vital or. gan. They are as comfortable sit ting down as standing. Thf y are easily adjusted all In plain eight They give the princess back, following the mot beantlful line in nature, the spinal cone. They are filled with ELEO TBOBOXE, unbreakable, and BonnslaMe. They supply the correct fash ionable figure for every worn, an's form. For sale by Mrs.RobertPattison Phone Black 1481 or Black' 81 Call for Warrants. Treasurers' call for county, sca'p bounty, and road warrants. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned treasurer of Union county, Oregon has funds on hand with wblch to pay al! county and scalp bounty warraats which were endorsed prior to the first day of February. 1911. and all war rants issued on the road fund prior to the 11th day of March, 1911. . No Interest will be allowed on tY? Rbove warrants after March 11, 1911. JOHN FRAWLEY, County Treasurer. La Grande, Ors., March 11, 1911. OUT OF JAIL INTO JAIL WILLIAMS DOING TEX DAYS ON THE STREETS. Jest Out V Coanty Jail Proverbial Sinner Transgresses Again. T km! Iwn tmuMrtl with" CUlstilwtlO.. j rinnrt in Bristnl. Tenn , lind they could do nniliintf for me," wriim Tho. E. William, MiddWxiro, Ky. "Two ackaK of 'hani tilkit' Stomach and Lvrr TableU cum mr." F)rMl'b,lili.Wra. ry pay Rent? We low w money to build, ana "o pay us as you would rent. a j. k. uuvlk; MHiHHiimmniunimiMiiHminnmMM ;: FRRQUHARSON'S LUNCH ROOM ; Clam Chowder, Chile, Fruits, Cigars and Tobaccoes ! '. ', Fresh imported Swiss and Limburger cheese 215 Fir Street i m 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 n h 1 1 m 1 till 1 1 1 1 n 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 inumii Out of the county jail where he served a month's time for stealing from a wagon, a man named Williams last evening run afoul of the- city po lice and la doing ten days' time on the streets. He had no more gained his liberty from the county bastile than h took to strong drink and as soon as he was discovered, was jaile by tlje city police and today com menced his ten days' sentence. Judge Humphreys will follow a policy of making drunks work out their fines wh n they have not the wherewlhtall to pay for charges tacked onto them. Williams appears to like his sen tences and goes about the problem of working them out like a good fellow. Notice for Publication THAT ESSENTIAL QUALITY United States National Bank LA GRANDE, ORE W HILE this bank " adopts every de sirable method of mod em banking, it never loses tight of that essen tial quality: ABSOLUTE SAFETY. WHY HESITATE 7 An Offer That Involvaa No Risk For Theao Who Aeospt It We art so positive our remedy will completely relieve constipation, no (natter bow chronic It may be, (hat we offer to furnish It free of all com If It falls. Constipation la caused by weakness of the nerves and muscles of the Urge intestines or descending colon. To ex pect a cure you must therefore tons up and strengthen those .organs and restore them to healthier activity. Wt went you to try Rexall Orderlies on our guarantee. They are eaten like candy, and are particularly ideal for children. They act directly on the nerves snd muscles of the bowels. They bsrt a neutral action on the oth er organs or gland. They do not purge or cause any inconvenience whatever. They will iKtsitlvely oven-ome chronic or habitual constipation and the myr iad of associate or dependent chronic ailments. Try It'exaU Orderlies at our risk. Two size. 10c. snd 25c. Sold only at our storeThe Rexall Store. Hill's Drag Store. Re'.d Observer want ads. Department of th Interior, U. S. Land Office at La Grande, Oregon, February 27th, 1911. Notice is hereby given that Nathan L. Gray of Meacham, Oregon, who, on May 11th, 1903, made Umatilla Entry No. 742, Serial No. .05587, for NW 1-4 NE 1-4, Sec. 9. T. 2 S., R, 34 E. (un timbered) end section 17, township 1 South, Range 35 East, (timbered) Wil lamette meridian, has filed notice of intention to make final proof, to es tablish claim to the land above de scribed, before the Register and Re ceiver of the United States Land Of fce. at La Grande. Oregon, on tne 22nd day of ApTil, 1911. Claimant names as witnesses: George D. Hllyard, W. S. Hilyard, Earl GUlanders. and J. B. Baker, all 0! Meflchnn Oregon. F. C. BRAMWELL, Register. WK March 3. 10, 17. 24, 31 Apr 7, 14 Notice for Publication. Department of the Interior, U. S. Land Office at La Grande, Oregon, February 7th, 1911. Notice is hereby given that Ellen Walker, of Starkey, Oregon, who, on February 28th, 1905, made homestead entry No. 14137, serial No. 04362,' for SE 1-4 SW 1-4 and Lot' 4, Section 30, Township 3 South, Range 35 Bast, Willamette Meridian, has filed no tice of intention to make final five year proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before the Reg ister and Receiver, United States Land Office, at La Grande, Oregon, on the 6th day of April, 1911. Claimant names as witnesses: James C. Briggs, John Baugh Rob ertson, John M. Jones, J. F. Alden, all of Starkey, Oregon. F. C. BRAMWELL, Register. Wkly Feb 10-17-24 Mar 3-10-17-24. . To Cure a Cold la One Day ' Take LAXATIVE BROMO pulnlne tablets. Druggists refund money if it falls to cure. E. W. GROVES sig nature on each box. 25c ' COLONIST FARES PAZO OINTMENT Is guaranteed to cure any case of Itching, Blind, Bleed ing or Protruding Piles in 6 to 14 dsys or money refunded. 60c. Every family has need of good, ntllabk liniment For sprr.'.ws brulara, soreneM of the m nuclei and rheumatic pains there la -n taier than hni'i!ainV. ScilJ b From the Middle and Eastern portions of the United States and Canada to OREGON, WASHINKTON, AND THE NORTHWEST will prevail DAILY MARCH 10th to APRIL 10th ' " " over the , Oregon-Washington RaiIroad& Navigation Co. and connections, the Oregon Short' Line, Union Pacific aai ' Chicago Northwestern , From Chicago at 133.04 St Louis at $32.01 Onaha at $2540 Kaasas Ctty a ...$23A) St Patrt at $3.0d and from ether cities eorrepoadhsgI.f lew. ; ru Ten ean PREPAY Fares ' The Colonists fare are 'westbound only, but If you have relatOvea or friends or employees In the east whom you desire to krtog to this stats yen caa deposit the value of tt fare with yeur local raftroad agent, and an order for a ticket wUl be telegraphed to any address desired. Let the tTOSLD JIbow Of our vost resources and splendid op portnnkka'for .;. HOME BCTLDHQ Call on the undersigned for good hiitrucUre natter to send Bast or give him the address of those to whom you would like to have such matter sent ' WM McXTTKBAT General Passenger igeat' Pertlaaa, Oregon. THE WARDROBE TAILOR CO. ' : Suits CleanedPress ed and Repaired, Hats Blocked -.Kid-Gloves Cleaned. La dies' work aspecialty 11 18 Adams Ave. Phone 735 Plumbing and Heating s John Melville 1425 Adam An LA GRANDE. - ORE i