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About La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959 | View Entire Issue (March 10, 1911)
( LA GRANDE EVENING OBSERVER, ... FRIDAY, MAI&H 10,1911. PAGE 3 P y U- u u ii I Mil. ! i o.- :Eyery article m stoc and when that I have T. argams m i Goods I 'can prove i; it if yoii 31 call; : This Sale is to Raise th6 Cash IT. TT an( 1411-1 3 ADAMS AVENUE V.. Y CARELESS ABOUT APPEDI CITIS YS LA toiiAJii. - Many La Grande people have chron ic appendicitis which Is carelessly treated as if it were ordinary bowel or stomach trouble. If you have wind or gas in the stomach or bowels, sour stomach or constipation, try simple buckthorn bark, glycerine, etc., as compounded In Adlr-l-ka, the new German appendicitis remedy. A. T, Hill, druggist, states that A SINGLE POSE of this simple remedy will ie iieve any bowel or stomach trouble. GOSSARD Co sets The Sewn Principal Selling : Points -They lace In front They support crery vital or. i Kan. ThejTare as comfortable sit ting down as standing. ' They are easily adjusted H In plain sight. ' They give the princess back, following the most beautiful, line In natnre, tbe spinal curve. They are filled with ELEC TROBONE, unbreakable, and nonrustable. They supply the correct fash ionable figure for every worn an's form. For sale by ' Jr Mrs.Robert Pattison Phone Black 14S1 or Black 81 ion flnp.r TDAPT ilu nuiiL ninui WE5ABA LOfBER COMPANY WILL GROW APPLES. Firm Will Incorporate and Lumber Company Men to Own Stock. , P. S. Robblnson of the Wenaha' Lumber company announced "this morning that in a few days an incor porated company will be formed to set out 120 acre orchard tract near Imbler. The stock in' the company will all be owned by the stockholders of the Wenaha Lumber company. The land is already purchased and active work started getting it ready for setting of the trees. The name of the company is not announced yet but will be appropriate to the Imbler ap ple growing industry. New Orleans Plans Perfected. New Orleans, March 10. The costli est banquet ever give nln New Orleans is to be the big feature of the enter tainment program prepared in honor of Col. Theodore Roosevelt's visit , to this city tomorrow. Ten thousand dol lars Is to be expended on, the banquet, 1 which will be held in the old French Opera house. The function will be at ; tended by 800 of the leading citizens , of New Orleans. The Progressive league is In charge of the affair and : will pay all the expenses. Rend Observer want ada. f For Saturday Squash, Green Onions, Hot House Rhubarb arid . Lettuce and Head Lettuce, Cauliflower, solid head Cabbage, Celery j : ( : Gypsy Queen Oranges, Grape Fruit City Grocery & Bakery The Home of Fancy Groceries 411111 1 Ittttl tttA4Ml,4,ll','',,l,''','l'l,44'' unuiiuuiaii mil !v MOVE SOON BIG CONTRACTS CLOSED FOR CE. : ME XT FOR CONTRACTORS. Inadequate Quarters to Be Left for More Commodious Place. The Grande Ronde Cash company will in a few days move from the present location into the building oc cupied by A. V. Oliver, recently pur chased. They will still retain the building now occupied for a hay ware house. When Bituated 'in their new quarters they will increase their var ious lines and with better facilities they can give their many customers better service. In speaking of this year's trade they say that so far this year they have contracts for 2,500 bar rels of cement for city pavement, which is almost as much as they sold last year and shows that improvement work will be extensive In La Grande this year. ' ' .... THE WARDROBE TAILOR CO. . Suits Cleaned, Press v ed and Repaired, Hats Blocked ... Kid 1 Gloves Cleaned. La . ' 't dies' work aspecialty ' ' 1118AdamsAve: Phone 735 . . At the Arcade. Another good program is now run ning at this popular house. The Edi son picture, The Doctor, takes rank as' one of the great pictures of the month. If detractors of the photo play could see this beautiful drama their objections must speedily vanish. No better sweeter thing could not be de vised, no more enobling subject is possible. "Washed Ashore" an Urbln, the finding of a chest of money by two brothers and the results one of those, ocean pictures for which this company is famous. Wood Carving (Urbin) are indus trial pictures. A series of views of a little known but much Interesting oc cupation. The Rival Dramatists (Se lig) comedy is very good. . Mr. Lynn F. Cowan in a spectacular Cong production, "Don't Wake Me Up, I Am Dreaming," Introduced with great success in the east. . , Drink the '6 Best Cane Spring Whiskey ' Bottled in Bond and Bulk JULIUS FISHER 221 FIR STREET Motor .Boat Races in the South. Palm Beach, Fla., March 10. An rangements are about completed for the seventh Annual regatta of the Palm Beach Power Boat association, which Is to take place on Lake Worth next week, beginning Tuesday and continuing four days. Eighteen of the wot Id's fastest motor boats will con test In the several events that make up the program. The events will be gin Tuesday morning with th speed contest, which will have several start ers, all of which are expected to ac complish better than 30 miles an hour. The closing event of the ngatta will be the endurance race on Friday. The cmh ranee contest is for the coveted 1'alm Beach prlc: of $2.500 'In gold, whic his to become the bona fide prop erty of tie motor boat owner who first succeeds in winning two contests for the prize. Plumbing I and Heating John Melville 123 fldsms Ah LH GRANDE. ORE Coming Saturday, March i i Male Quartet AND BELL RINGERS Under auspices of the La Grande High School Third Number of Lyceum Course THE... Dunbar Company presents an always pleasing entertainment of great variety and of rare excellence with -the aid of a large amount , of costly equipment that cannot be exeelled. ' v.,::',;;' ..(. :' . 1 .. . , ' ' ; ;- : n'V ",, , Admission: 25c, 50c, 7Sc; SllOO Seats For Sale at SilvertRbrn Dnig Store 'W6PiW!Tft . 's What They All Say It's Good For What Ails You MONTANA POOL ROOMS- CIGARS and TOBACCO Welton & Batnett Ptops., Corner Jefferson andftepot sf,' NECKWEAR of the Latest f ; vy( Handsome BELTS; New PUFF PINS ; .;;jfhejRnestCASH BAGS Elegant RIBBONS Dainty HEAD SCARFS' Tailored TURBANS, Pretty SAILORS in the most .approved styles . ) E, M. WELLMAN & Co 5 i . l. t .I