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About La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959 | View Entire Issue (March 3, 1911)
PAGE 2 ' ' LA GRANDE EVENING OBSERVER, FRIDAY, MARCH 3, 1911. Our New -T" $ Automatic W eighing System i t Aa a safeguard and convenjeucc for you. as well as ourselv.s, we have Installed the most up-to-date automatic machines for weigh ing and finding the valu9 o; goods sold. In investigating the scale subject, we conslder:d all makes, both American and foreign, and' finally selected the Toledo Scales as the best in the world--tho most sensitive and permanently sellable and accurate because they contain no springs. . HONEST WEIGH! GUARANTEED. With these wonderful machines you do not wait for a salesman to figure how much your purchase comes to, nor do you run any risks In mistakes in charges, because the machine does both, weighing and computing' instantly. It shows you the exact weight of your purchase. An inaccuracy Is impossible. Our Toledo Scales insures quick and accurate si nice In our provision and grocery departments AND YOU ARE SURE OF YOUR FULL MONEY'S WORTH. nodgrass Grocery i If you want a good cup of cof fee, try the rianiauon brand. It is grown by the German Ameri can Coffee Co., and guaranteed to give satisfac ion. We are Not in the Ass'n Royal Grocery H. Pattison, Prop. Cure Your Rheumatism ND OTHER ILLS OF THE BODS' At The4 HOT LAKE oanatorium (THE HOUSE OF EFFICIEJfCT) HOT LAKE, OREGON the V Oregon-Washington Railroad & Navigation Co. j SellB round-trip tickets, good for three months, allowing $0.00 worth of j accommodation at the Santo- rlum, at Portland and all 0 W. R. & N. Stations. j For further information and illus i trated booket, address, Dr. W. T. Phy. Medical Supt and Mgr., Hot Lake, Oregon, any O.-W. R. ft N. Agent, or write to , WM. KeMUBRAT, ,. General Passenger Agent, ' " PORTLAND. OREGON. f Perry Pneumatic Water Systems, Samson Wind Mills, Deming Pumps, Richardson & Boynton : Warm Air Furnaces, Pipe Valves and Fittings, Gul ; ' ters, Plumbing Fixtures of All Kinds, Full Assort- .nent of Nickel Trimmings. BAY 6 ZWElFEl j : PLUMBERS, HEATERS, SHEET METAL WORKERS The George Palmer Lumber Company Retail Department W'e solicit your orders for Shingles, Rubberoid Roofing, Deadening Felt, Building Paper We are prepared to furnish and deliver material, . promptly. Phone Main 8. PilOTE DAIRY TEHESTS GATHERING OF ALLIED INDUS. TRIES AT PORTLAND SOON. Commercial Organizations to Help Promote the Industry Too. , Portland, Or March 3. (Special.) Ways and means to stimulate the dairy Industry in the Northwest will be diBcuss d at a dinner to be held at the Portland Commercial Club on the night of March 9. Plans for the gathering are now being planned by C. C. Chapman, publicity manager of the club. . - The dinnef will be attended by all interests all! d with the, industry. Not only dairymen, but members ot the commercial bodies, city and state oJTcials, representatives of the var ious health boards, and members of the Stat Agricultural College facul ty will be present. Each interest will be asked to select a representa tive who will discuss the dairy out look, and it is likely that a special committer- will be named to outline a plan of future action. Dairymen at present face certain difficulties that it is hoped to clear up by co operation of the various lnt:Tests. At the Isln. - Showing another fine selection of films this theatre continues to hold Its own In the estimation of moving pic ture patrons. While counter attrac tions in the town have bien frequent of late, the attendance at the Isis shows no 'decrease in the popularity of the house or in the Interest which the people have in seeirrg every change of programme that Manager Sherwood puts on three times a werk. Miss' Nellie Garrick. La Grande's leading soprano, delights the audi ences with her tuneful rendering of songs which are also Illustrated by high class colored lantern slides. Tonight and tomorrow a strong programme is offered in which is an especially good "Gaumont" depicting "The Sealed Letter," a story of an American millionaire winning the sweetheart of a fisherman who only finds out his loss when he opens the "sealed later" while at sea. The scene Is made the more dra matic by th? millionaire's private yacht on the way to America passing the fisherman in his boat at the mo ment of opening the "sealed letter." This film Is th perfection of hleh class photography ard should be seen by all. "Wiffle's Double," a fine comedy picture and a beautifully colored Pathe, "A Boy's Wit," are numbers In an excellent programme. Treasurer's Call for City Warrants. Notice la hereby given that there are now fund on hand to pay all out -standing warrant issued on Geneiul Fund of La Grande City, up to and In cluding No. 8562 endorsed September 2nd, 1911. Interest on all warrant on General Fund from No. 8474 to No. 8562 Inclu sive, ceases from tats data. La Grande, Ore., Feb. 21, 1911. RAY W. LOGAN, City Treasurer. flies Cured at Home by Nw Absorp tion Method. If you suffer from bleeding, itching, tllad or protruding piles. snd me your address, and I will tell you how to cure youraelf at home by the new absorption treatment; and will also send some of thla home treatment free for trial, with referncee from your own locality If requested. Im mediate relief and permanent cure assured. Send no money, but tell others of this offer. Wr'te today to Mrh. M. Summers, Box P, Notre Pamr, !n.V "I had been troubled with constiratiot, for two yean and tried all of the best phtni cians la Bristol, Tenn., and they could do nothing for me," writes Tho. E. William, MUldleboro, Ky. "Two packages of Cham-U-itaia' Stomach and Liver 1 ablets cured FJt alo Lv &" ilulera. DANGER IX DELAY Kidney Diseases are Too Danirfrou for La Grande IVople to Ne&lcct, Th great danger of kidney troubles is that they get a firm hold before the sufferer recognizes them. Health is gradually undermined. Backache, headache, nervousness, lameness, sore ness, lumbago, urinary troubles, drop sy, diabetes and Brlght's disease fal low In merciless succession. Don't lieghct your kldnevs. Cure the kid neys with the certain and safe rem edy, Doan's Kidney Pills, which has cured people right here in this local ity. O. W. Knight, 513'FranklIn street. Pendleton, Ore., says: "Doan's Kidney Pills benefitted me so greatly that T do not hesitate to recommend them. For eight or ten years I was trou bled by pains across my back and kidneys and at times ray loins and sides were affected. I had to get up several times at night to pass the ktu ney secretions and often noticed sedi. ment In them. Doan's Kidney Pills re 1 eved my achee and pains In a short time and corrected the trouble with the kidney secretions." For sale by all dealers. Price 50 New York, sole agents'for the United States. Remember the name Doan's and take no other. Feb. 27 Mch 1 3 The Australian Labor Conference, which controls the league through out the whol? Federation, has declar- cy aim a ivuj-iuui ui'ui wrtriv, ctiiti a six-hour day for women employed In factories together with a minimum wage of eight shillings per day. John tetsoi oats JUSTARRIVED ALL SHAPES AND STYLES THE TOG G Em A. V. ANDREWS POPULAR MECHANICS A1AOA2INB --'Written So Yoo Can Understand II" 300 Pictures Everv 400 Articles 7, 250 Pages Month A wonderful story of the Progress of this Mech an. teal Age. Instructivt,but more fascinating than r.l' ..v.iu.. A iiiagnuio j'or Banners, Uoclors, Lawyers, Teachers, Farmers, Business Men, Man ufacturers, Mechanics. Has 1,200,000 readers every month. Interests everybody. When you see one you understand why. Ask the man who reads it Your newsdealer will show you one; or write the publishers for a free sample copy. The "Shop Notes' Dept. of zopagteiis - 1 easy ways to do things How to make repairs, and articles for home ana shop, etc. "Amateur Mechanics" pagi.teiishow r r - to make mission furniture, wireless, boats, engines, magic, and all the things a boy loves. fl.SO per ytat, single copia IS cents ASK YOUR NEWSDEALER Or AdcW. POPULAR MECHANICS MAGAZINE 223 Wellington St., Chicago At the Stewart Opera FRiDAY, MARCH 3 WM. A. BRADY announces America's Greatest Society Hin Sit. Yoti'll Smile at Yotitself air From M By Harrison Rhodes and Thomas A. Wise t Now in Third Triumphant Year T Thirteen Months at the Biou Theatre, New York Eight Months at the Grand Opera House, Chicago Siz months at the Walnut Street Threatrtewrk me momns at me ram ineatre, oostonvr "Every Decent American Should See It " Given with the Special New York Company...An Imnetae Cast Prices 50, 75, $1 and $1.50 Seat Sale Opens Thursday Morning .s For your good Judgment In trying a FAM US KINO Havana Cigar for ru will know that at last you have founti a smoke that you can r; ally enjoy without paying more than 5c, 10c or a bit for It. The Fam Us Kink cigar In three shapes but one grade of hign flavored Havana. FAM US KING CK-AR FACTORY Pnenmenia Follows A Cold: But never follows the use of Foley's Hcney and Tar, which checks the oDiigh and expels the cold. M. Stock well, Hannibal, Mo., says: "It beeas all the remedies I ever used. I con tracted a bad cold and cougk and was threatened with pneumonia. One bot tlu of Foley's Honey and Tar com pletely cured me." No opiates, Jusi reliable household medicine. I s W i l l i I f I Mil I I I M II I I f I f WW t"i"rW"I"litittitttil' Thirty Day Sale I t , For the 5cxt Thirty Days Ton Can Buy Tonr SflTcnrare, Cut Glass, Hand ralnted Cnlna, Oocks an d Jewelry at a Reduction of frtm 10 i to S5 rer cent off. All reliable Quality and Fully Guaranteed. I T I J. H. PEA RE. Grand.'. Led- . - 7 ing jeweier. Opposite U. 8. Land Office en A dams Arenac - HmiimtHni) ii 1 1 in 1 1 in 1 1 1 1 in i nmn n i him HACK- AND uPtown office Main 720 Vnm iril Residence phone Main 26 AMBULANCE e.lbussey Job Printing Promptly at The Obse er eldefs Fresh Hand-Rolled Choco tales Can't Be Beaten - Chief Joseph Flour Warranted to Please 1 i ton if Rv Water-Stanchfield Produce Co: HAMMWN, H10, P0UL1RY SUPPLIES, WOOD ; ;t,)els0, Avemt