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About La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 11, 1911)
LA GRANDE EVENING OBSERVER WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 11,1311. PAGE 5 ' r . - I i . : - . 1 TOMSK 1 mm PROGRAM BeauB Not Planted. The Pinkerton Man Powers. At Cedar Ridge Neater. The Sheriff and the Detective Champion. Beautiful dishes given to lady patrons of the matinee. See dl , play In lobby. -AMISSION 10c- 4 t LOCALS Haradon'e Tru-Fruit Cbacolates. Made Just right. At all of the leading confectioners. General Repairing at B. W. Lelghton'g used by the retail trade in Pendleton. F. K. Lowrey, the eeaial Amer ical Light ft Power company's repre sentative who arranged the legal de tails of tWLa Grande municipal wat er project.' but who Is now with a Seattle "construction company, is at the Foley today on business arid is meeting his many friends here. Dr. J. W. Loughlln, originally of Brooklyn, but more recently first as sistant to Dr. A, E. Rockey of Port land, has formed -a partnership with Dr. A. L. Richardson in the practice of medicine and will be located here permanently. The Doctor will occupy one of the new bungalowB on M street opposite the new school building. IS I APOIN IS RIBT I STATE JOB APPOINTMENT ANNOUNCED AT SA. LEM THIS AFTEENOON. everything. Umbrellas, phonographs, sewing machines, typewriters, stoves and guns. Shears and knives sharp ened, skates hollow ground, saws fil ed and set and soldering of all kinds done. I repair granite walr, make and fit keys, repair locks. I carry a full line of flash lights and their sup plies. Phone, Main 737. 309 Fir street The regular monthly business meeting of St. Peter's Guild will be hitld tomorrow afternoon at the rec lory, full attendance is requested. 1 The Ladies Aid Society of the Bap- ist church is invited to meet with Mrs. Jewel of May Park on Thursday from 10 a! m. to 4 p. m. the carryall ill leave the Baptist church not ter than 10 o'clock. Please be there omptly. Sewing will be provided. SiTY S CAVANGER Joseph Turn- bull, city scavenger. Anyone want ing my service call up City Recor der's office. .. PERSONALS. A Walter McCormlck, the Pendleton agent ior the Frapklin cars is here today transacting business matters. E.B. Lyle of Pendlton was a busi ness visitor in La Grande this morn ing stopping at the Foley while here. Hon. and Mrs. Jay Dobbins return ed to their home in Joseph this morn ing after spending yesterday here on their way home from Portland. "Willie Peare, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Peare, leaves tonight for Chi cago to ' spend several months in an optical School. He plans t oreturn early In the spring. John W. McAllister and H. D, G. Cox went to Elgin this morning and will attend the important meeting of the farmers' union at that place this afternoon and evening. Ross Carney, a meat dealer of Pen dleton purchased a carload of hogs (while here today. He was quartered Ofr t Vi A 1IV.1skr TIia ftVilnmonf will VtO Resign Sometime In February to Take New Job, , ship one soutn of range 39, east of wuiamette meridian,--in Union coun ty. Oregon andthat plaintiff's title thereto be quieted." - This summons , is .published by or der of the Hon. circuit court of the state of Oregon for the county of Union, bearing date the 9th day of January A. D. 1911. directing publi cation of this summons for six' con secutive weeks in the La Grande Ev ening Observer a newspaper publish ed, at La Grande, Union County, Ore gon, and of general cirmiatinn in said state and county arid' the first publication of this summons Is on the 10th day of January, A. D., 1911. ' J. D. SLATER, N Attorney for Plaintiffs. Jan. 10. 17, 24. 31, Feb. 7. 14, 21 ft . .... rr Salem, Jan. 11 (Special) Governor Oswald West today made rumor .a re ality by appointing T. A. Rinehart, the county assessor in Union County, to succeed Peter. Applegate as state land office official. Mr. Rinehart will resign shortly to take the position offered him probably not until the last of February. While he expected the appointment Mr. Rinehart had not been officially notified when told of it by the Ob server this afternoon, t MONET BACK; The Newlln Drug Co. Sells Remark, able Catarrh Cure. Pour a few drops of HYOMEI (pro -nounced High-o-me) into j.he hard rubber inhaler and you can then breathe Into the lungs the very same antiseptic, germ killing air . as you would breathe in - the Australian for ests of eucalyptus, where catarrh is unknown. ' And Hyomei Is so pleasant to use; you'll like to use it; when you breathe it the effect on the inflamed catarrh infected and germ ridden membrane is soothing and healing. In five minutes you get such won derful relief that you will know that at last you have a cure for catarrh. A HYOMEI outfit which consists of cne bottle of Hyomei, a hard rubber pocket Inhaler, a medicine dropper and simple Instructions for use, costs only $1.00 and extra bottles of Hyo mei if afterwards needed, 50 cents. Besides catarrh, remember that Hy omei is guaranteed to cure asthma, croup, bronchitis, colds, sore throat, or money back. Hyomei is sold by the Newlln Drug Co. and leading drug gists everywhere. Trial sample free from Booth's Hyomei Co., Buffalo, N. Y. Jan 9 20 30 DON'T EXPERIMENT WITH YOUR . EYES. If you eyes .trouble you, consult Dr. Mendelsohn, whose skill, know ledge and practical experience are highly appreciated by most men of truth and integrity: THE MOST CONVINCING TRUTH 1b to ask your neighbor, your physi- Vian, or any business man in the city. l)You do not pay 'or HOT AIR. The service and material that you get are far superior to any in Union county. Wherever you see the name of Dr. Mendelsohn you can depend upon it that It is strictly reliable. His word 1s as good as his bond and over 2200 people In Union and WalJowa conn ties will testify to these facts. DO NOT BE MISLED. NO EXTRV CIMRfiE FOR EXAM, INATION. ..ALL BROKEN f.LASSE REPLAC ED WHILE TOU WAIT. si n V 1 1 1 1:11 r II.' IW . . IXII ll( I f I DOCTOR OF 0VTIC3 AT 1105 ADAMS AVE. rcivr err: i MrannciiiiNi M 111 Summons. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for the county of Union. Joseph Palmer and Julius Roesch, Plaintiffs vs. John HarriB, Susan Harris, the First National Bank of Elgin and J. F. Phy, Trustee in Bankruptcy of J. W. Scriber, Defendants. To John Harris and Susan Harris, the above named defendants, you and each of you are hereby notified to be and appear in the above entitled court and answer the complaint thereon filed against you in the above entitled suit within six weeks from the first publication of this summons, and de fendants will take notice that if they fail so' to appear and answer, the plaintiffs will for want thereof apply to the court for the relief demanded In the amended complaint towlt, that plaintiffs be decreed to be the owners In fee of the real estate described in the amended complaint to wit. lots one and two and the southeast quarter of northwest quarter and southwest quarter, of, northeast' quarter of Sec tion nineteen In township one south of range 40. east of Willamette Meri dian, and south half of northeast ouprter and south half of northwest quarter, of section 24. and south half of southeast quarter and southeast qnprfer of southwest quarter of sec tion 23 and east half of northwest quarter of section twenty six In town- Snmmons. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Union County. Elsie Quesada, Plaintiff, vs. Juan Quesada, Defendant. To Juan Quesada, the above-named defendant: '.; ', - . A;. In the Name of the State f of .''Ore gon, You are' hereby required; to appear and answer ": the - complaint filed agalnBt you In the above entit led Court and suit", on or before the time prescribed In the order directing the publication hereof, to-wit; . Six consecutive weeks from the date of the first publication of this summons, which is January 9th,, 1911. And If you fall to appear, answer , or otherwise plead wltfiin the said time, the Plaintiff will ask the dourt for the relief demanded In the cpm plaint, towlt: : For a decree dissolv ing the- bonds bfmatrimony now ex isting between" said ! plaintiff arid "de fendant, arid granting -said plaintiff an absolute decree of divorce, and permitting plaintiff to assume her maiden name, Elsie Wieck. By virtue of an order of the Hon. J. W. Knowles, Judge of the above entitled court, this summons is pub lished in the La Grande Daily Ob server, a dally newspaper printed and published at La Grande, Union County, Oregon, which', order.; waB made and entered on the 9th day of January, 1911. iV ! ... COCHRAN & COCHRAN, . Attorneys for Plaintiff Jan. 9-Feb. 6. ! IN ALL LINES at . EXTRAORDINARY VALUES TODAY IN ALL DEPARTMENTS. A GREAT SAVING FROM ONE-FOURTH TO ONE-HALF ON SEASONA BLE MERCHANDISE DURING OUR JANUARY SPECIAL SALE. DRY GOODS. - " One Lot of Misses' Coats on Sale at Special Price of y2 Off. ; All Furs and Fur Coats at a Saving From 25 Per Cent to 33 1-3 Per Cent All Ladies Trimmed Hats at y2 Price and Less During Our Sale. Ladies' Waists at a Saving from 1-4 to .1-3 During Our January Special Sale. GENTS' FURNISHINGS One Lot bf Boys' Overcoats at U Price. Sizes 9 tto 15 Years, During Our Janu- ary Sale. One Lot ;of Boys' Suits, Two Piece, at Y2 Price; Age 3 to 16, During Our Sale. Notice of Final Settlement. Notice is hereby given to all con cerned, that Wm. .Reynolds, adminis trator of the estate of William Albert Adams, deceased, has" filed In the County Court of , Union County, Ore gon, his final report of .his adminis tration of the state of said William Albert Adams, deceased and that said court has set Wednesday, the 8th aay or February, A. D., 1911, at 2 o'clock, p. m. at the county , court house .In La Grande, Oregon, for the tions thereto. Dated at La Grande, Oregon, on this 10th day of January, A. D. 1911. WILLIAM REYNOLDS, Administrator1 of the estate of Will iam Albert Adams, deceased. Notice for Publication. Notice Is hereby given that Henry O. Zwlcker whose post office address is 25th and Lee streets, Salem, Ore gon, did on the 16th day of June, 1910, file in this office sworn statement and application. No. 08205, to purchase the SW 1-4 NE 1-4, W 1-2 SE 1-4, Section 24, Township 3 South, Range 34 East, Willamette Meridian, and the tim ber thereon, under the provisions of the act of June 3, 1878, and acts amen datory, known as the "Timber and Stone Law," at such value as might be fixed by appraisement, and that. pursuant to such application, the land and timber thereon have been appraised at 1405.00, , the timber esti mated 375,000 board feet at $1.00 per M, and the land $30.00; that said ap plicant will offer final proof in sup port of this application and sworn statement on the 16th day of Febru ary, 1911, before the Register and Re ceiver, United States Land Office, at La Grande, Oregon. - Any person Is at liberty to protest this purchase before entry or Initiate a contest at any time before patent Issues, by filing a corroborated affi davit In this offiVe, alleging ;uo: v hirh wou'd defeat 'ce entry. F. C. BRAMWELL, Register. Nov. 25 Feb. 5. fConf,T,'pfl f on Pae Four.) may be taken from such order In the same manner and with like effect as provided by Section 4 of this Act. Section 10. The county court of Its own motion may submit the question of issuing "All Men's Woll Mackinaw; $6.00 and If $6.50 Values at $4.75, During Our Jan uary Special Sale. All Men's and Boys Sweater Coats at a Saving of 25 Per Cent During Our January Sale. v SHOES-AFEW. Three Lots of Boys' Heavy Shoes at $1.23, $f.38 and $1.79 During Our Sale. See Windows. . ' Lots of Men's High Tod Shoes. From M $2.48 to $3.95, During Our Sale. A Few Other Lots of Shoes Below Cost of Manufacturing During Our January Special Sale. One Lot of Misses' Patent Leather Shoes at $1.28. Sizes to No. 2, During Our Sale. J anuarVf Special Sale Prices on all Nickel-Plated Ware of 20 Per Cent off Regular Price. HARDWARE. 1 c The Celebrated Horse Shoe Brand of American Wringer at a Saving of 10 Per Cent. v Watch Our Windows for January Special Pi ices JM (B Mem Me (Dow QUAJLITY THE SAME PRICES LESS bonds for the purpose mentioned in court is not satisfied with the bids Section 1 of this Act at any general it may reject all of them, election, -This may be done by an , Section 13. , order of the county court which shall ! All the money, raised under the be entered in the Journal at least provisions of this Act shall be used forty days next preceding any gener- In constructing permanent public al election which order shall set out roads in that .county, which roads the amount of bonds to e issued, j shall be constructed by the county the length of time they shall run, and court under the supervisory direction me maximum rate or interest they hsall bear. 5 After having entered such order the court shall proceed to submit the question to the voters of the county in the same manner and with like effect as upon petition as provided for" In this Act. ' Section 11. If at any general election as pro vided for in this Act a majority of the voters of the county shall vote In favor of Issuing such bonds the county court shall enter an order In Its Journal declaring that fact and that order shall be absolutely con clusive as to the regularity of all the proceedings in reference to the mat ter. Section 12. After having! entered .the order as provided In Section ten (10). of this Act the county court shall cause the ; bonds to be issued and shall adver tise such amount of them for sale as in the Judgment of the court may be iClassitiedl t AHuoriicinn 8 Advertising WANTED Yearling calves. Ad dress post office box 217, La Graodt. of the State Highway Commissioner, but the Commissioner shall have nothing to do with the location of the road to be constructed. Section 11. 'Be&inuing with the fourth year af ter tne bonds are sold Uhe county Vacupm housecleaning. upholafce. court shall each year thereafter un-1 ng and furniture repaired. L. P. BeJ- ui me maturity or tne Donas set i linger, Phone Red-662. aside as a special fund for the pay- WANTED Wfoman to work by day. 1311 O. Ave. Phone Blk-822. necessary, and thereafter from time! to time the county court shall make such additional sale of bonds so is sued as may be necessary. Such sales shall be made through bids re ceived upon such advertisement as the court may deem, necessary to af ford the best means of procuring the highest prices for such bonds, and all bids shall be in writing and be pub licly opened at a time and place to be specified in the advertisement. Whatever other means of advertising the sale of such bonds the court may adopt !t shall advertise such sale for at least three weeks in two newspa pers printed in the county if there are that many, and if there is but one then in it, and shall also, foi the same length,of time post the adver tisement on the court house door or upon the bulletin board ordinarily used for posting' legal notices. The bonds shall be sold to the highest bid der, but preference shall be given to clt!fens of the count and If the ment of the bonds such percentage of the face value of the bonds as at the date of their taaturity shall ag gregate the full face thereof. Where Js are issued in different ser. maturing at different times a separ ate redemption fund shall be' provid ed for each series of such bonds. The amount necessary to provide this re demption fund shall be added to the general levy of taxes as may be re- ' quired. Section lu. No .bond issued under the provis ions of this Act shall bear a greater rate of Interest than six per cent per annum nor shall any bond be sold for less than the par value thereof. : ' Section 16. Bonds Bhall be issued in such de nominations as the purchaser may desire. . FOR RENT Nice single room wltk bath and heat. . Phone Black 822 r call 1311 O. Ave. FOR RENT Modern 6-room nished house. Phone Black-342. foir- ; WANTED Real Estate salesmen for orchard tracts. Address Box IV Enterprise, Oregon. Every family has need of a good, reliiUa liniment For sprains, bruises, aorenen off the muscles and rheumatio pains there is none better than Climiiberlnin's. Sold by nil flpalpr. UMBRELLA REPAIRS Govers from 50 cts to Three Dollars L. C. Smith-La Grande NOWIIS THE ; TIME TO w - . rm Look After That Eve Trough 4 Rainy weather will set in soon. We $ t have plumbing fixtures of all kinds. 7 T-'irc raid nsr. 5AV 6 IWElFEl X :