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About La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 6, 1911)
LA GRANDE, UNION' COUNTY, OREGON. FRIDAY, JANUARY 6, 1911. si fKwwi 1 1 Mf i niiiimmimniifiinmnniiiiiiiiiini iiwwwwffWHtiiiHWWtHww TTTTTTTTTTT1 z GAM THAT 4 YOU HU PAGE 2 EAR SID RY Nearly all of the VERY SPECIAL values we are offering in our mid-winter, bargain list are in small lots. As a rule the smaller the lot the greater the bargains, as we have marked them at prices to clear them quickly. Therefore, let us add emphasis to our invitation that you visit our store soon while the variety of offerings is large. Boys' Clothing at Half A let of Boy's Suits and Pants that we are closing ' out $2.25 Suits, now ........ $1.15 $3.00 Suits now ........ .............. $1.50 $5.00Suits now ... 1 .... . . , .-. ........ . . .$2.DG CGc jruiee rants Now . . ............. 30c 75c Knee Pants, now . . 38c 85c Knee Pants, now .43c $1.25 Knee Pants now . . .. ............... .63c Men's $2.00 and $3.00 Hats, now ......... .$1.00 Hart, Schaffner & Marx. Clothing at 25 PER CENT OFF You know clothing men like to start a new RAflRnn ?rith fresh, new stock; and in order to do it, we have to sell out clean all the stock left from the previous season. That time has come and the gain is yours if you needa new suit THE BEST MADE. Woo! Dress Goods at Half A large assortment of good patterns and val ues to select from. Ycu ess wive one naif in buying a wool dress or skirt now. 60c Lustre, now . , '.. ............. . ... 30c 50c Suiting now . . 25c 75c Suiting, now . , .... 38c $1.25 Suiting, now 63c Ladies Suits and Cloaks at Half Price. Other Special Bargains in Every Department t 3 i Lz 11""" 1 i lS S) OPERA HOUSE BLOCK IA GRANDE, OREGON )' BIDDEN DA5GE28 5atw Gives Timely Waning That Jie La Grande CIUkb Can If. fori te Ignore. Danger Signal No. 1 comet from the kidney secretion. They' will warn you when the kidneys are skk. Well kidneys excrete a clear, amber Hold. - Sick kidneys send out a thin, pale and foamy, or a thick red, ill smelling urine, full of sediment and Irregular of passage. Danger Signal No. 2 comes from the back. Back pains, dull and heTy. or sharp and acute, tell you of sick kidneys and warn you of the ap proach of ; dropsy, diabetes and Bright' disease, Doan's Kidney Pills cure sick kidneys and cure them per manently. Here la proof In the statement of a nearby resident John Torongo, Cracker, street Sumpter, Oregon, says: "Last spring my kidneys were disordered and I be gan to suffer from backache. I no ticed that the kidney secretions were highly colored and painful in passage and I thus knew that my kidneys were at fault The us of one box of Doan's Kidney Pills toned up my kid neys and caused the backache to cease. I am grateful to Doan's Kid ney Pills for what they did for me." For sale by all dealers. Price SO cents. Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, New York, sole agents for the United States. Remember the name Doan's and take no other. Jan. 2-4-6. evening at the WaTerly-Richmond j Sotke to Stockholders. Improvement Association meeting. ! Notice is hereby given to the Stock "We find a percentage of 'gross m. folders cJ the United Sutes National Jfotlce. vs Notice of the Recorder of the City DODGE TUX OXLT TWO COErOBATIOS FORTLAJiD TAXED. IS Three Per Cent ef Gross Earnings Sot General Collected. Directory of the Fraternal Orders of La Grande, Oregon A. F. A. M La Grande Lodge No. 41, A. F. A. M. holds regular meet ings first and third Saturdays at 7:30 p. m. Cordial welcome to all Masoni JOHN R. HODGIN, W. M. A a WILLIAMS. Secretar-. REBEKAHS Crystal Lodge No. K meets every Tuesday evening In the I. O. O. F. hall. All tisiting mem bers are invited to attend. MISS ANNA ALEXANDER, X. a MRS. JENNIE M. SMITH. See. XT ' w7, " annual meeting of the stockholders States. Some cities tax more than' . v ,,, v.v j v. v., .v.. we havt asked, some leas. But e houM Grande. Ore believed that 3 per cent would be fair R(m jMuary and would perhaps raise more thanltwn tv nnru n. in a m BT1, . Bank of La Grande, Oregon, that the Grande, Oregon, of Assessments Greenwood Street from But two of Portland's big public service corporations now operating can be taxed under a plan of taking 3 ner cent of their cross revenues as a license, is the opinion of attorneys j Membr8 of tha Tarlou9 Impwemen directing th work of tha PnhHc associations will take up the work of 1100,000. which would be enough to defray the expense of two or thres public service commissions, and then leave money In the City Treasury. So we are submitting these two or dinances with our bill, and we hope that the people will see the JusVce of our measures and enact them Into law." It la the plan to have the nitiati e petition for all three proposed liws of Portland circulated extensively. B. T. O. E La Grange Lwge No. iZ3 " " meets each Thursday evening at 8 KXKSHTS OF PYTHIAS Red Crw o'clock in FJk's club, corner of De- Na 27 BoeeU 'tr onrt; pot street and Wash'.noa arenue. a,sht ,n Castle haU' (old Ek' ' Visiting brothers are cordially In- A P01" lme to all visltlaj vited to attend. Knights. DR G. L. BIGGER S, Ex P.ol PArL- C C WITH McCALL. Rec. Sec RL LINCOLN, M. of Rj ft 8. WOODMEN OF T11C WORLD U - E Hope Chapter No. IS. O. E Grands Lodge No. l?9 T.v. 0. W. nol(i t,ted communications th meets every second and Ir'nr b Tues- aecond and fourth Wednesdsys o' day In the month. All voting mem- eaca oonth. VlsiUcg members cor bera welcome. dlally Invited. . . NERI ACKLES. C. C MART A WARNICK, Sec. I J. H. KEENEY. Clerk. PAULINE EDERLEE, W. XI. , M. W. A La Grande Camp No. T703 WOMEN OF WOODCRAFT O ranis I s meets every Monday In the month at Ronde Circle No. 47 meets vr the J. O. O. Fhall. All viaiUng first and third Thursday evonlap Bffghbors are cordial ly invited to In the month at the I. a O. F. hall attend. All visltlag members are welcome. I. R. SNOOK.' C ! CHLOE ROBINSON, Q. U D. E. COX, Clerk. UZZIE ELLSWORTH. Clerk. Service Commission people, says a Portland paier. These two are the gas company and the electric light and power company. But to reach these two, a petition Is being circu lated to put on the municipal bal lot next June two ordinances for such a license levy, 1 I The petition for creating a public service commission In Portland is being circulated at the same time, the work beginning yesterday under the Immediate direction of Chairman Ben Riesland. of the Improvement associations' . public service commit tee. Fearinj there would be much opposition to ihe proposed commis sion, on account of its aggregate sal aries of tlS.OOO a year, and probably $13,000 addiiional expanse", the friends of the commission plan con cluded to ilse an additional tax to defray th expense of this work. And obtaining the desired number of sig natures, and If they fall, other ar rangements will be carried out to se cure them. Several speaker? wlil appear in support of the bill?. WORLD'S GOLD YIELD SMALLER m. for the purpose of electing a board of directors for the lnsuing year and for the purpose of transacting any other business that may come before the meetlnx. Dated at La Grande, Oregon this sixth day of December, 1910. T. J. SCROGGIN, Cashier. Dec. 6-Jan. 10. Guaranteed Liquor Cnre. Drunkenness is a progressive di sease; the moderate drinker is not satisfied with two or three drinks a day, the craving for more and more becomes Irresistible as the disease ad vances; the result is Chronic Alcoholism. the North curb line of Jefferson Avenue to the north curb line of Monroe Avenue. Notice is hereby given that the as sessment roll for the improvement ef Greenwood street from the north curb line of JefferBon avenue to the north curb line of Monroe avenue, be ing in improvement district No. 10, in the city of La Grande, Oregon, un der the provisions of ordinance No. 507, Series 1910, entitled, "An Ordi nance declaring the cost of improv ing Greenwood street from the , north curb line of Jefferson avenue to the north curb line of Monroe avenue, as sessing the property benefitted there by, declaring such assessment, di recting the entry of the same In the docket of City Liens, authorizing the issuance of improvement bonds y pay for said improvement and declaring an emergency." the Bame being in im provement district No. 10, In BaHd city, The treatment used successfully by UU MUUt "u " ir own nomes , is now In my hands for milium, nd is ornne It Is sold under a nosi-' ., .... i r "i assessment therein may be tive guarantee to effect a cure of naW - - "uj nine wiiu m Bixijr days from December 31st, 1910, which Dancer From Sa fa Snwdv i your money will be refunded. rassea, ajs Director Egberts. urrme o. i is me secret remedy; is the first at. f - i. to this nouce. wt TenVtore j uite me ireatment Either form ; coais j. w rite lor free booklet "How to Cure Drunkenness." the Orrine Cr, 571 Orrine Building, Washington, D. C. Rot! iv loai1?. i..ns... j the Mint at Washington. Robert? j . M ""JC " , " , v ' a of the opinion that any posibility of ?, h T 17 Silverthorne. an emoarrasing over-suppiy or g've. Production of gold fell off through out the world during 1910. according to a preliminary estimate preparM by George E. Roberts, Director vi they concluded also to make the cor porations , who are to be regulated I'SV this tax. In n!nr nr ti franchises of the various t.ublic seiV- a thlrd ith t.WO.OO0 with the attendant rise in prices which go with it as predicted by ec onom'sts. has been passed. More than In gold ' was mineid in the United States during the year. Africa led the world wi.u more than IITS.OOO.WO. Austral WHT SALVES FAIL TO (TEE ECZEMA Sclents are now agreed that the eczema germs are lodged not in the outer skin or epidermis, but in the or c ost; and each Drooertv owner Is hereby notified that on application to', the undersigned, within ten days from the 3lst day of December, 1910, which is the first date of the publication of this notice, he will be allowed to Day j Bucn assessment in ten annual install- ; uieu( me arst Installment thereof being due and payable on or beTore the 2nd day of March. 1911, and If ap plication is not made as above nrovld- BA the whole amount will be due and ice corporations of .the city, which are not now paying a tax on gross nicome. the attorneys employed found that a tax on any but the elec tric light and power and th gas com panies would be an uncertain 1?! proposition, owing to the peculiar nature of the other franchises. "But we have declared for a 2 per cent gross tax on these two compan ies." said Chairman Riesland. last l ID? ' .... VI . Inner skin. Hence, a pentrat'Lg liquid a expiration of said sixty Is required, not an outward salve tha i Ml prcerty owners interested clogs the pores. j "rc ne"y notified to appear at my ot- Pla I We recommend to all me i In lDe cltT nal1 "d pay the same. among the goM producing staM. j iput the standard prescription O'l of U By order of th Council, December which she had lost to Colorado in Wlntergreen as compounded la liquid ' '8th' "10' 1?97. This Is due. it is said, to the j form known as D. D. D. PrescripUon ' D- E- MX, development of dredpe mining. Alls- A trial bottle of this D D D Pre ' 1 order of tte CJtT of I Grande, ka shows a falling off. j scriptlon, at only 25 cents will la-' ?reg0n' The total silver production of the j stantly relieve the itch. We hav. m 1 Fo"owing Is assessment roll No. 11 United States during mo is est!--; and recommended this rem tnr 123' ,ot 1 Chaplin's Add. ed at fine ounces, of wh'-h j years, and know of wonderful' cu '..-j irum ii use. we reooinuuend 5t to vv : patrons. The Newlin Drug Co. Rose Harris Montana led with 11,C00.000 Utah a close second. .$40:90 res tm.v , . . ; mi , unapiin'i Add. -ames fetch 170.60 " Jn 2. 3. , 5. 6. s --v