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About La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 3, 1911)
1 . .r- ... id n nLl """" ' ' 1 ' 1 - - ' 1 1 " 11 - 1 1 1 1 : - ... .-, - . ....... n Board and first class rooms .with beat for 25 and $30 or board without rooms. At the Oregon Boarding House Depot street. Mrs.RobertPattison agent for GOSSARD CORSETS PRICES $3.50 and Up PHONE Black 81 or Black 1481 TO OUR CUSTOMERS There Are Many of You That we appreciate your pat ronage, your loyalty and stead fastness, fully as much as yon appreciate the help we have at times been able to furnish yon, goes without Baying. HOTVIVEB, we want to take this public method of thanking yon for past patronage and, with fall confidence that this patronage will continue, we pledge yon onr best endeavors in the future as yon haTe had tbem In the past Wishing yon an Increased measure of Happiness and Pros perity for the year 1911, we are Sincerely yours, The United States National Bank, -w ----- - r IA GRANDE EVENING GREA' ANNUAL CLEARANCE SALES January egms CLOTHIERS . Foley Kidney Fills. Are tonic in action, quick in results. A special . medicine for all kidney and bladder disorders. H. M. Beatty, Little Rock, Ark., says, "For two years, I have been troubled with severe kidney trouble. The pains across my back and , over my hips were so bad that they almost meant death to me at times. I used several well known kid ney remedies which gave me no re lief until V used Foley Kidney Pills, and these I can truthfully recommend as they have made me sound and well." Hills Drug Store. Notice. Notice is hereby given that the an nual stock-holders meeting of the Cove State Bank will be held at their office in Cove, Oregon, on Tuesday, January 10th, 1911 at. the hour of 2 p. m. for the purpose of tlecting offi cers for the ensuing year itijc juc. other ' business that Kiay prcperlj come before said meeting. O. A. STOCK, Cashier. Dec. 3 Jan. 10.- Ladies desiring Facial Massage, Shampooing, Manicuring or Scalp Treatment should ylsit the Paris Hair Store. Switches, Cnrls, Puffs and Comb Ings made to order can also supply the trade with Hair Goods and Novelties, Massage Cream and Facial Bemedlcs. THE. PARIS HAIR STORE MRS. PAIMEB to Fir Street La Grande, Ore. The cuffs on your shirt have the proper shape if done on our Press ' Ma-X chir.e. . Call and see how it's done. CHERRY'S NEW LAUNDRY C22EHVER, 2 - Come and Examine Quality and Prices before buying TO Effective on January 1, 1911, ar rangements have been made to extend to every telephone subscriber of the Pacific States Telephone and Tele graph,conipany the privilege of send ing and receiving' Western Union telegrams by telephone. It has been the practice for some time for the Western Union to handle telegrams in the larger cities by telephone to as large an extent as practicable but wun me introduction or this new plan, it is Intended to give subscrib ers of telephones at outlying points and those for whom the subscribers will vouch, the privilege of handling telegrams over the telephone In a sys tematlc and up to date manner, which will allop people who desire to avail themselves of this service a very much greater latitude than has heretofore been given and" a much more satlsfac tory and' complete service will be performed In connection with the ar rangement The Western Union tele graph company has established a num ber of new all night telegraph offices on the Pacific coast and within the state of Oregon, Portland, Eugene Baker City, Ashland and The Dalles have been designed as central points for the purpose of handling telegrams I within a certain territory surrounding each or the above named offices. It Is teh Intention within a cetaln area to have theBfe all night offices handle tel egrams which are destined to offices that have been closed for the night; that Is, If. a telegram Is addressed to a person who Is a subscriber to a telephone at some molnt within a lim ited distance or the Western Union all night office, such party will be noti fied that a telegram has been received for him and the city or town from which this telegram originates will j be stated. Then If he desires to have fie telegram forwarded to him by telephone, It will be done with the usual telephone rates added. Llkwise, shulod the subscriber wish to send a telegram in the middle of the night TUESDAY, JANUARY 3, 1911. OF Ends Jfli.1ililT,Jiiii-i'li'.i "i to some party at a considerable dis tance, he may request the telephone company to connect him with the Western Union all night office and the telegram may be started on Its journey without the least delay. This virtually makes every telephone subscriber a residence and all night telegraph, of fice, as he will have the privilege of Bending and may receive telegrams at any hour of the night regardless of whether the local telegraph office Is open or closed. Of course, this facil ity is not confined entlely to the lim ited territory of the Pacific Coast, but has been placed inoperatlon through out the entire United Statesand tele phone subscribers may start a mes sage on a journey at night feeling sure that if it is of sufficient import ance it may be delivered at Its desti nation by telephone. IN FIVE MINUTES. Upset Stomach Feels Splendid. MI-O-NA stomach tablets will re lieve a distressed, sour or gassy sto mach In five minutes. In three days- they will make the most miserable or cranky dyspeptic fee that there Is plenty of sunshine in life. In a week he will have an appetite for and will eat without any bad af ter affects food which now causes his stomach to strenuously rebell. If continued for from two weeks to a month MI-O-NA will thoroughly renovate and cleanse the stomach and will compel it, (no master how ob stinate It may be) to throw off Its weakness and become, as nature in tended it should be, strong and elas tic. Of course you want a good syringe when you buy one. The pains we take in selecting such goods Insure you one that will be right In every way if you bify here. The Newlln Drug Co. A Reliable Cough Medicine. Is a valuable family friend. Foley's Honey and Tar fulfills this condition exactly. Mrs. Charles Kline, N. 8th st. Easton, Pa., states: "Several mem ken of my family have been cured of bad coughs and colds by the use of Foley's Honey and Tar and I am ner- Ja B IM So .... riuarv 31 FURNISHERS er without a bottle la the house. It soothejand relieves the Irritation in the throat and loosens up the cold, I have always found It a reliable cough cure and do not hesitate to recommend it highly." For la grippe, coughs and stuffy colds, for children and grown persons and for delicate people use only Foley's Honey and Tar. Contains no opiateB. Hills Drug Store. Notice of Street Improvement. To whom it may concern: Notice Is hereby given that in pursuance of a resolution adopted by the Common Council of the City of La Grande, Or egon, on the 21st day. of Dec, 1910, creating Improvement District No. 29, and designating "X" avenue as such district, and in pursuance of a resolu-, tion adopted by said Common Council ( on me zibi aay or tec, 1910, whereby said Council determined and declared its intention to improve all that por tion of "X" avenue in said Improve ment district as hereinafter described by laying thereon Board Sidewalk, the Council will, ten days after the ser vice of this notice upon the owners of the property affected and benefitted by such improvement order that said above described improvement be made; that boundaries of said district to be so Improved are as fellows: All that portion of "X" avenue from I the west curb line of Second Street, to the east curb line of First street. Notice is hereby further given that the Council will levy a special assess ment on all the property affected and benefitted by such improvement for the purpose of paying for such im provement That the estimated tost of such improvement Is the sum of $66.00. That the Council will on the 18th day of January, 1911, meet at the Council chamber at the hour of 8 o'clock P. M., to consider said esti mated cost and the levy of said assess ment, when a hearing will be granted to any person feeling aggrieved by such assessment. La Grande, Oregon, Dec. 28. 1910. CITY COUNCIL OF LA GRANDE, .OREGON, By D. E. COX. Recorder of the City of La Grande, Oregon. Dec. 30-Jan. 10. . , PAGE 3 Have you aeen those brass beds on sale at W. II. Bohnenkamps. European Plan Only Rooms 60c to $1.60 First class Throughout S 0' D. G. BRIGHOUX, Proprietor. 0N BLOCrFtitWtStpdl La Grande, Oregon Plumbing and Heating John Melville H28 Adams Ave LA GRANDE, - ORE AVOY 5 -: . e 5 1 i