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About La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 2, 1911)
VAGZ4 LA GHA2TDZ EVESETG OBSERVER, KOOTAT,. JANUARY 2; 13 tL -,asaMrfsVrfB-i.,jSAvsvs'swrfBfr(i Go m A TIT! 3 O J rokee !5tcre : 1JA A liCOK (PI rowueu fa will at (M tS aftrnnn mh and" ie mr flm for jiwir (topi)(nar f nr .aleijnyl can wait fitxi (v hetw tvrt TTTT 7 W n 9 est Greater than Ever Before Nothing Reserved OA mimai Hundreds are 4l M Allftf4. VC age cf this great Annual Saying Every Article in the Store Reduced ent GREAT SAVING in EVERY DEPARTMENT 10 day Annual Clearance in the Men's Store t One lot Men Suit , One-Half Price Ifcn'i $4.00 and $5.00 Shoes $2.90 I Zlea'f HeaTy Shoes EegnUr llna of Clothing reduced 25 per cent Eyery article fa Men' Department reduced 10 TO 50 PERCENT. Dress Goods Clearance Prices Prices 43 inch Wool Dress Goods, yard ,55c One lot Waitings One-Half Price' Best Calico, yard , , , , , . , . 5c Annual Sale Pine Embroideries. Annual Muslin Underwear Sale. Entire Dry Goods line at Annual Sal8 Prices. Great Reductions in Ladies9 Suit Department Wooltex and Seigel Lalies Suits and Coats Reduced 25 TO 50 PER CENT. Misses Coat values to $7.50, sale price . . . .7. . . $1.90 Said of one piece Dresses Clearance of Ladies Skirts, Kimonos and Petticoats at Reduced Prices. Start the New Year Right by Taking Advantage of this Great Once-a-Year Saving Event o 17 I 1 ll'l'li'lll T Tine Qualify Store J THE OBSERVER BRUCE DEN NIB tiiut mI Owaer. Ialm4 at lw pnUvffit at m Grasde a m4.f but natter tfttij, single tyj iHill;, ft week, lie Pall, pr mlh. ............ .4. tit Th paper will not pnhilflh an ar ticle apprlrg over a nom d plating glgaed artlrlM will t revld sub ject to the discretion of the editor. Jlewae sign yrmr articles and save disappointment, tuir out ,i,kj i inn nam 10 r.riuuiiiH in iiiutfih And InalietiAl.U. tsmsrks the Off KU' lah. Mankind will Iiwtr glvA It tip, t tha tyrant rage h m7, ftnrl to ftw thtf t"f InfJdftrtfiu In the ptttiP j'pl Will oftU Kruflilft lodt wtkft thlr lot In hwlst. WH bi thu mlnc tiolr oornt of iio of our 4tplfftllU r ulntCnf h aw yr pproh, Tft country I ovrrron with aoffallatta IxlgaUon, tby tarfally eiclalm; and thr ! fto thunc for r aplfftl to obtain profit. It I T&nt4, tmttctd, trlbbftd And timflnftd ontll fbT la no ihow wbAt r, Tlir l notblnn for yotir op frsf nillllonalr to do bnt lt down on tW (Vidfitdp and howl. Thn do onr opulent mamtta ircUe tbftlr Ood-jclTfn rlht to grurubl. If we took thm rlotilr w xhould ll pray to be d-lirft(J from III of woe tie riulckly mi pfttlbe nd tr&n porterl to aorne ephere wbere monfy U not fulf eo badly abuaed. If we Itifllne th othr ear we are icrefted by the tal of the poor tnan'a frilerlfa. Ilia wae!a are ao alfnd'r thai ho bfi to totter off to his work lialf alarm! every bUaaed mornlnst I'rlre are ao blh that he ha for totlen the tnale of tiefateak, hla wlf neter hti a new bat and the children , hir1y thf tr lenstona In bfKk that wre , out of dt whn Adam naa a boy Tbfte 1 ho more rhanra for a poor rnan'ln thla country Onre he had op. porhialtlea Tbra wna a tlm. now aluo fcbn former, whn he could aave r?ior(y, rl to ltit1ifi( e and prhapa AK0KCJK tAint.1t, VUr; f. i. II0I.I:, Ylre Pre. W. U U!C;SH0l,TM, Vee'l. (! t.XHl, IVHM.U U A't faun. , U Sfr.Tf.HM ,rakler. La Grande National Bank of La Grnnde, Oregon United States Depository dplist, Surplus and Undivided Prohts $200,000.09 ' in HECTORS. GEOIlOK PAI.MKII, Yt. U.Mtr.MWlTH C. PKMJiflTO W.J. rilf'Rdl P. U M lit fKH Tf. !. fLKAVFIt r. i. HOLMES , u. M.nrucR r. m. hyiut With Br mp)f reorrf and Nrtlltln tm rentier )ku ifil. eJflBl tnk aad kandlo ;nr ,nafaMi to your entire atlfu tln. prealdenf,, bat today all he tan do la drudge, drudge, drudge, and get nothing out of it but hla living, and a pretty acanty one at that. Thua the poor man fompefea with ' the rolllonalre la the game of grumb-; ling. f No donbt hot It of them hare their ral trouble, but we mast not take their woea too aerionaly. The actual farta of our National condition prove r Joarly that they are not half ao badly off a they think they are. Look at the dlvldTida the eateemed Standard fi! Company paid laat year, j for example. flurHy that group of gwlly rltlzena repreenta f.apital If anybody doa. Iurlng the twelve-j month whU-h haa Jimt allpped away Into eternity thy wrre bl'wd to the ex'fnt of 110,000,000 In the way of1 dividend from their very modeat In-' vatmert. That doea not atrlke one aa Indenting any dire opptcasion. It pay pretty well, one Imagine;, to own money and put it. out In builneaa. The atlll more highly efwmd expreaa rompanla reaped a harvest from their humble hoard whlrh exceeded tha' of Htarulird Oil when we take ev erything Info ronalderatlon, but alnre It la the latter which doea the moat grumbling. It la perhap more In atriiftU to study Its balnnre sheet. That edifying document .telle us that Mr, Kofkcff-ller'a romern hna rlonred 'ir. I7.V000 ofiu a year for the laat twenty-five years This Includes di vidend, utidhbb'd proflfa and ao on. We should say the enterprise, waa paying fairly well In spite, of aoelal- istlr leKlnlatlon and oppressive reg- j illation, j Nw Jet us direct our Innulrlng ear j toward thf oor inan'a lament. His i deposits In the sailnga banks have j imrenwd M per cent In tb Inst ten j years that look like starva tion? Th' building nssocliitlous of the country have more than 2,0o0,000 I members, with nHsete valued at S0!), j 000,000. This ncaln savors of opn I lence lutind of misery, It U a no i tnilous fin t that the ownership of ; trust shares is rapidly pnsslng Into the poasptKlnti of the miisdes Tb snine la tru-vnf rallronda mid all sorts of st i iirliles, Th "peoole-luilutr' as one wrltor falls It. tif the cap- ltli'd uudertakliigs Is Koliig on very fast. ,iT' be sure, the control still lingers In the bands of small and cot 1 too generous groups, but that is af defect which can b remedied. The truth of the matter Is that the greater part of our grumbling Just now, resembles the discontent of the asinine Jenhurnm, who waxed fat and kicked. Things are so good all round that w abuse Providence for not making them better. We even set about making them better onrselvea without waiting for Providence to take a hand In the matter. Nobody'i case appears to be actually hopeless. The man out of a Job, the worst grumbler we have, might help himself amazingly If be would lally forth Into the open fields and do a man's work for pay which, though not excessive, will keep body and aool together until something better sbowi op. Every ten-acre patch of earth In Oregon groans for the man who will set his hand to the plow, and keep It there for a few year. We are a long, long way from tha point wherl population presses on the means of subsistence. There la abundance for everybody as soon as we get up the spunk to dig for It. Far be It from us to wish to suppress the right to grumble. It Is one of the best ways In the world for keeping In good health, but we dealre to draw a broad and clear distinction between grumbling and the existence of anything to grumble at. Probably It Is best that Portland people ahould drink the big end of a year's consumption of champagne on New Year's eve, for then the peo ple will have time to aober and attend to bualness, while If they used a little of the fix water every day they would soon be doing notb-i Ing else. j See that the present ypjir does not pass without making soma effort to advertise the great Grande Itonda ' valley In thn middle and ' eastern country. The preaent weather Is a strong In surance of a bumper wheat crop th coming year. Another reason for fet ing happy. rw yon urio Pendleton gate thanks on New Year's er for the bughouse which Bowerman present ed to them? It la about time to bear of a coal shortage. In fact this annual story ha been greatly delayed this year for some canse. School reconvenes tomorrow, much to the disgust and dissatisfaction of La Grande'a yoang America. No, of course you have not broken the new resolution yet. But there are twelve months to do that. Tonight you can pay Mayor Rkh ardaon and Ex-Mayor Meyers. Be careful, you know you swore off yesterday. , A happy, happy New Year to all of ye. UMBRELLA REPAIRS Govers from 50 cts to Three Dollars L C. Smith-La Grande Ketlce to Stockholders. Notice la hereby given to the Stock holders of the United States National Bank of La Grande. Oregon, that the annual meeting of the stockholders of the said bank, will be held at their banking bouse In La Grande, Ore gon, on Tuesday January 10th, be tween the houn of 10 a. m. and 4 p. m. for the purpose of electing a board of directors for the lnsulng year and for the purpose of transacting any other business that may come before the meeting. Dated at La Grande. Oregon thla sixth day of December, 1910. T. J. 8CROGGIN. Cashier. Dec. fi-Jan, 10. .WvWvttmfi This store will be closed! I AH Day Monday f Stock being ...invoiced... Royal Grocery Bakery We Clean, Press. Repai, anW Make Clothes to Please You huts blocked, give us a trim. THE WARDROBE 1118 Adm. Avcfe!. Main 735 BERT THOMAS it m r 9