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About La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 22, 1910)
LA GRANDE EVENING OBSERVER, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 22, 1910. ATI n '.'i nU hL)H ii si v I; 0 arser l b IP than any previous year, of well selected first quality articles suitable for Christmas i Gifts, including Diamonds, Watches, Jewelry; Cut Glass, Hand Painted China, Brass S i Silverware, all the i best quality money can buy, and which you can procure at 1 lowest prices, quality considered. Call and examine goods and prices before buying. j 2 You will save money and get fully chance should jj B 1; . . MHMMWHMH MMMHMMWaMMMMaMMMMBMBBMMMMMMMMHnmMMMHWM ? not prove s atisfactory you v you can or ex changed o 5 Established 183 1 Opposite Land Office 0- 1 LA GRANDE'S LEADING JEWELER 5ollce. Notice of the Recorder of the City of La Grande, Oregon, of assessments for the Improvement of Jefferson ave nue,' from Fir.; street to Greenwood 6treet by building cement sidewalk on the south side thereof. 1 V Notice Is hereby given that jthe as sessment roll for the improvement of Jefferson avenue from Fir street to Greenwood street, being in im provement district No. 17, in the city of La Grande, Oregon, under the, pro visions of Ordinance No. 603, Series i 1910, entitled "An Ordinance declar ing'' the cost of improving Jefferson avenue between Fir street and Green wood street, assessing the property benefitted thereby, declaring such as sessment, directing the entry . of the same on the Docket of City liens, authorizing the Issuance of improve ment bonds to pay for said improve ment, and declaring an emergency, the same being in Improvement Dis trict No. 17 ia said city, is now in WHEN YOU HAVE EXTRA GOOD MEATS YOU HAVE AH EXTRA GOOD DINNER WE SERVE YOU WITH : Gotii Fed ;rks : 1 .ljr'':";;:-.';:-'?;.,'. GEESE, DUCKS and CHCKEHS Choicest Cuts of Well . Selected Beef can always be had from us my hands for collection and that any assessment therein may; be paid to me at, any time within sixty days from December; 20th, 1910, which is the first date of publication . of this notice, without penalty, interest or cost; and each property owner is hereby notified that on application to the undersigned, within ten days from the 20th day of December 1910, which is the first date of this publica tion of this notice, he will bef allowed to pay such assessment in ten annual installments, the, first installment belng due and payable on or before the 20th day of February, 1911. If appli cation is not, made as above provided the whole amount will be and become due and payable at the expiration of said sixty days. All property owners Interested are herby notified to ap pear at my .office In the City Hall and pay the same. ? tty order of the Council, December ! 4th, 1910, : V ' a E. COX, ' Recorder of the City of La Grande, Assessment Roll No, 10. ... Let 6, Block 111, Chaplin's Add. to U Grande, Lucy Woods, $84.60. Lot 6. Block 111. Chaplin's Add. to La Grande, Lucy Woods, $84.60. v Lot 7, Block 111, Chaplin's Add. to La Grande, Lucy Woods, $84.60. ( .One half lot 8 Block 111, Chap lin's Add. to La Grande, Lucy WoodH. $42.20. : . . One half lot 8, Block 111. Chaie 1'n's Add.' to La Grande, John WH on. $42.30. ; ' 'i ' to to! .Lot 9, Block 111, Chaplin's Add. Ia Grande, J6hn Wilson, $84.60. f Lot 10, Block 111, Chaplin's Add, I.a Grande, John Wilson, $84.60.1 It 11, Block 111, Chaplin's Add. to La Grande, John Wilson,-$84.60. ' : ' Lot 12, Block 111, Chaplin's Adl. to La Grande, John Wilson, $84.60. Lot 13, Block 111,' Chaplin's Add. to La G.-ande, John Wilson, $84.60. Lot 14, Block 111, Chaiplln's Add. to La Grande, Jennie Masterson, $90.60. Lot 15. Block 111, Chaplin's Add. to La Grande, Jennie Masterson, $90.60 Lot 16, Block 111, Chaplin's Add. to La Grande1, P. Pengruber, $84.60. lxt 17, Block 111, Chaplin's Add La Grande, P. Pengruber, $133.08. Union counties of this state and in many arid soctldns of other western states.. Go to the Tssery for all kinds of Christmas preaents Open day and i'lht. . .. STEICKEX COYOTES THREATEN Dogs In Wallowa County Epidemic District Ordered Penned in. to : Grouse, Wallowa county, Dec.' 21 Special The county court of Asotin county, In a special session, Issued an order for every dog in the county to be confined, so as to protest them from coming in contact with animals sup posed to. be infected with rablea. The farmer in Grouse country are watching their stock very carefully as It is all out on the range in the canyons and doing fine., no snow and the ground soft. There has been some stock lost, supposed to have been bit ten by coyotes having hydrophobia. but no wounda have been discovered so it i not generally believed that coyote bites 'were the cause. Great care should be taken, and animals should not run , at large which have been in contact with coyotea, or which show signs of derangement in any shape. We can't ha too, careful when It 1b well known that something un common Ib the matter wtfth ' those beasta. '. . '.' : i fl.ny paycent 7 jit ma zi , VBBvaw V , WW m m i w mm f W pay ns z$ you vjould rent. !. R. QWER. Plans for. Irrigation, W. C. , Parrlsh, fcuperintendent of the Eastern Oregon . Light & Power company returned from Burns in Har ney county last evening after an ex tended business trip into ' that sec tlon of the country, relates the Baker City Herald.. Mr. Parish's main object in visit lng the central Oregon country was to interest the land owners of that ter ritory in irrigation by means of eleC' trie pumping and he reports a cordial reception by the Harney county peo pie of his proposition. Thousands up on thousands of fertile acres lie ad jacent to Burns but awatftlng the touch j troubled with constipation Vtf wntf r tn eiva them ereftt value and I fn tm r nil tried all of the beet phyni- lt is Mr. Parrlsh's plan to interest the dans In Bristol, Tenn., nd thy wuW do settlers and owners of these lands in n?tj a scheme of waterln gthese lands 4that ,1,$, Btomach end Liver Tablets cui has "Droved successful in Baker and ----" ' European Plan .Only Rooms 60c to $1.50 First clas3 Throughout mire: D. G. BRIGHOUX, V Proprietor. la Ctsnde, Otegon 1st Grande Meat Co. ... ... . .. .... . m mmw r ------ - a II n 4 rv to decide on that gift ' You'll make no mistake if you give SHOES arii SUPPERS Useful - Practicable Acceptable GET THEM AT SHOEMEN SlVJITH & GREENE , DEPOT biKtci Se the Elegant Card Tables y0 Mo-Ei iiii miftiim llfcii iA Si , . r. . 1 ' ' is 5