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About La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 16, 1910)
FRIDAY, DECEilBEli 16, 30m i, . .' K. T f A- EVERYTHING PACKED IK! A BEAT BOX TO SsiiP TO FGIH3D0 LA GEAKDU evening oegzp.vei .... J.,: iEfllS i ' i G)FGW: ' ' AL ANDREWS tor lour iChristma s Dinner I With Christmas only one week ... . i.t . swcy you bad. Better ne wiw8 sj your needs for jour dinner- WE HAVE idce meat,; sets, Cax- DIES SALAD BRESSOGS, nn pcBDnGs, uiism, (XBIIA5TS, CITR05 ' A5D OTHER PEELS. I Pattiscn Bros. Use either phQne Tru-Fruit Chocolate. No imitation flavors. :, . . ' Franklia Would if his vision could nave extend ed tar enough into the haze of evolution to foresee the ultimate triumph of Incandesant electric lighting the GENERAI ELEC TRIC MADZA LAMP. ; The sage old phiosopber flew his kite during a thunder storm, and by means of a key attracted and discovered electricity, but evolution decreed that modern inventive genius should discover an tacandeacantxlamp that is revolutionizing artificial light. . THE GENERAL ELECTRIC , MADZA LAMP- gives nearly three times the light of the or ' dlnary carbon , lncandescant- mi costs no more to operate. In addition te this it givet light of vaatly superior quality clear white light like the sun's ray. . "" : Everywhere people are having their houses- wired for electric light, since the invention of the GENERAL ELECTRIC MADZA v LAMP, it has made electrtelly &s cheap as it is convenient Some in for a moment today and Jet u prove to your eot!r t-4 Isf action that there is no longer iioftelble excuse for you to be 1 without the greatest of all household conveniences elee- iigtt. EASTERN OREGON Light and Povsr , ' Company v sllli Mu f fil! U ! ! . , a - JLX ' ' ii L. a O O O a. PDAvvaamvir thdvotadv a.. PHISIOAJS A5D SCEGEOXSr N. MOLITOR, M. D. Fhysidan. and Surgeon. Corner Adams Ave. and Depot street Office, Main 68; Resi dence 69. C. H. UPTON, Ph. 0. M. D. Physician and surgebiPL Special"' attention: 10 Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat. Office in La. Grande'Natlunal Bank Build ing. Phones: Office Main 2, Resi dence Main 32. a. L. RICHARDSON Physician and surgeon. Office Hours: 2 to 5 p. m. except Sunday. Sunday by appoint ments. Telephones: Office, Black 1362; Ind. 353; residence, Main 55; Ind. 312. GEO. W. ZIMMERMAN Osteopath Physician. Sommer Bldg., Rooms 7, 8, 9 and 10.. Phones:, Home 32, Pacific, Main 63, Residence phone. Black 1. Successor to Dr. C Moore., . DR. M. P. MENDELSOHN Doctor of Optics. Spectacles and Eye Glasses Fitted and made, to order. All er ' rora of. Refraction Corrected. 1105 Adams. Ave. Foley Hotel Bldg; 1m , Grande. Oregon. DR. H. L, UNDERWOOD and DR. DORA J. UNDERWOOD Office ov er Wright Drur "tore. Special at tention paid to diseases and surgery of the eye Phones Office Main 22; residence, Main 728. J, a PRICE, a M- D. Dentist. Room 23, La Grande National Bank Build ing; Phone Black 339. DR. It- L- LINCOLN, DENTIST First class services given. Office over Lil ly's Hdw. store. Phene Black-45L DR. P. A. CHARLTON ",Veteraiary Sur geon. Office at HHl's Drug Store Ca' Grande. Residence phone.. R4 70i; Office phone, Black 1361; Inde pendent phone 53 ; both phones at ', residence ... ; ATTOESETS AT LATf. COCHRAN & COCERAN Attorneys: Chas. E. Cochran and Geo. T. Coch ran, La Grande National Bank Bldg.. La Grande. Oregon. T. H. CRAWFORD Attorney" at Law. Practices ia al lthe courts of the State and United Stata.: Office la La Granae NaUi Bana Bldg Le Grande, Oregon. . - - " "'' ' rj.' W. & NELSON Mining Engineer Baker City. Oregon. . ' " ' . & WILSON Teacher of . Violin. Call any time at 801 Main avenue.- ' "' ' . IiENA McRETN0LD3 Teaeaer of Pi ano and Voice Celture. At I4zr Washington Avenue on Wednesda! and Saturday. Telephone, on the dates to Red-1121, Wlieti voti have m cold ert a bottle W Clismberfain'g Gdigh Rroetly. It ' will soon fix yon np all rinht nd will wani off any ' tendnpy . wrrd pwiim.- nia. Tliis remedy eontnin no opium -r hr namic ami ivy. I given uitilr.ity to a baby 9S-f iiv i'HV. SIJ lv a!! dealers. Want ads par. one cent a word. shIc cassSp rate, .sifspeefe; ..THE BEST CHJ 607 .f f'H'H'T'r'r'r'i'Tf'r'rT'i'ri i i i ittttt .At the Ihln. - Manager Sherwood of the Ils pic ture house presents an entirely new set" of pictures at his house tonight For description see the house ad. "Setec Days" Comingv "Seven Days," the funniest comedy of recent years, which has been run ning at the Astor Theatre, New York, over four hundred nights, will begin a special northwestern tour on Christ mu day, under the direction of Wag enhals & Kemper. Locjil theatregoers will be glad to hear hat this city is Included in the route because "Seven Days" has not only won success by its clever humor and highly entertain ing qualities but because of its whole someness and abso'lute cleanliness; The piece, while being excruciating ly funny, do?s not contain one sug gestive line or idea, so the -people of this territory may feel absolutely safe in sending their mothers, wives "or sisters to see, the play. At The Orpheunu If you don't see Billy Robinson and his picanlnles In a Dream of the South at the Orpheum you will miss a good treat' in the? vaudeville line. Billy Robinson's name has been con nected with the minstrles for years and hia production last night was up to hia reputation as s funmaker; Rob inson took the character of an old ne gro mammy and proved a true moth er to hia four mischievous offspring:. The picanniny quartet was good, their voices rich and blended splend idly in old southern negro songs. The solos by the- individuals were also good. The- act ended up with some Mississippi leevee dancing,- in which the youngsters executed: most every thing from the buck" and wing to the sailors hornpipe. Grace Zampa, a clever little dancer and song; artist is a new number on the program that is very good. u udDyyy p)ip Just Received by Express this Morning FOR SALE BY Snod jgjylyljljj ;:v fr- fcr1 Hz: ) FJ w r r . . . Victim of Drink Seeds Orris. , Drink cunningly destroys the- will power, and while the drunkard wants tc do what you tell him, he wants a thousand times more the drink that he craves. Medical treatment is nec essary. Orrine will destroy the desire for liquor, so that' the drink will not be missed and restores the patient to health. . - This remedr is thoroughJt scientific and is so uniformly successful that u is sold with a registered guarantee to refund your money if it fails to ef fect a cure. Booklet on "How to Cure Drunkenness." free on request The Orrine Co., 574 Orrine Building, Wash ington, D. C Sold in this city by Sll verthorne's Family Drug Store. Dec. 12, 14, 16. ' ;,'. Tale Caret . .'v; Remember that when your kidneys are affected your life is in danger. M. Mayer, Rochester, N. says: "Foley Kidney Pills are a wonderful discov ery and I heartily recommend their use.' My trouble started with a sharp shootingi pain over my back which grew worse each day. I felt sluggish and tired, my kfdney t action was Ir regular and infrqeuent with a fine sand-like substance. While ; the , dis ease was at its worst I started using Foley Kidney Pills. Their prompt and efficient action was marvelous. Each dose seemed to put new Hfe and strength into me, and now I am com pletely cured' and feel better and stronger than for year."" . Hill's Drug Store. The berry set that the Obserrer is glvin g f ree is - a .nlce piece of ware. Same can Wieen by calling at the office and' taking the paper on terms offered. You can save big Interest and get the set free. v A Bneeze, tingling in the throat and nasal passages, headache and ache all over. That's a cold or grippe. You need Anttgrtpine Tablet at once. 25c, The Newlin Drug Co. . Grocery , 1 ui 1)111 .amtml V . - Purchase an Acre Lot la GRA?fD VIEW ABDITIOX. Thlsi moat sijrhtly Addition Is sit uated at the intersection of the Ma cadam Road and the road leading to South La Grande. We are beautify ing it by planting each lot to the choicest varieties of fruit trees,, The soil is the best Good drainage and sufficient water. We are selling these acres planted with trees at the same price you would be compelled to pay for a small building lot and our terma are - more . liberal. Our price is $ 500.00 per lot Our firms are $60 down and $10.00 per month with no interest and no taxes,- We also agree to look carefully after thi trees during the contract . period. Can you not see your money grow on an Investment like thla.... Give uu an: opportunity to explain this magnificent investment in detail, by cutting out and mailing the en closed coupon. .,, ,1910 La Grande Investment Co., La Graxde, Oregon. , , Please mall me full particulars regarding- Grand View Addition, with out any obligation on my part s HaradonV Tru-Fruit Chacolates. i Made Just right At all of the leading confectioners. THE S. A. GARDINIER, Prop, and Mgr. VAUDEVILLE-PICTURES WEEK BEGINNING DECEMBER .12 GRACE Z.41TPA, BfRLUT & URBi:, Some Paneers. COLDEX Ss KEATING, Anstralllan representative. Sevelty talkers slnsrers nod dancers. BILL with his Five IMcksnlnle in a Dream of the Senfh. Evening Price 1 5 and New People Mondays & Thursday: Matinees VVedneadlays-Saturdays-Sunday, 2 o'clock and All Holidays Matinee Prices, 10 and 15c AMBULANCE e.lbussey' LA GRANDE Elafttboards. Just the thing fr Christmas. Call and see them at 1617 4th St Want ad av, one cpnt word The Parle Hair Store will epea u? a special hair manufacturlag depart ment and all weaving turnea out will be fully guaranteed to give absolute satisfaction, li'.-s Marie Swann, late of Los Angeles, Cal., Sa now located at this store. We do private work by appointment THE F;i STu tit Tit- Street La Ore, rjr&RcberlPdiibcn agent for - GOSSfiRD ' CQZSETS PRICES 3.50 and Up PHONE Black 81 or Blaclc 1481 25c Boxes 50c