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About La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 13, 1910)
PAGE EIGHT LA GRANDE EVENING OBSERVER, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 13, 1910, Johnson Boxlntr Aealn. Chicago, Dec. 13 For the first time since he stepped out of the ring ct Reno, Johnson boxed today. Wal ter Monahan, the Sau Francisco youth was one of his sparring partners at Iteno and worked him out today. Johnson denied he had agreed to fight the winner of the Langford-Jeanette fight In Paris. v Ira Fields, the well known 0. TL & N. engineer Is at his home, today suf fering wtih a hroken rib. He was in jured near Baker City yesterday -while working with his train. The injuries Are not bo severe as to lay him up long, and Dr. Bacon bapeB to have him on hbj feet again soon. STUDY . ' . x," r: Tr: , i , YOURSELF .. c ,, :: .rrra' PROF. P. B. SMITH OF BRYN. KAWR, WASHINGTON, IS LOCATED AT 1133 ADAMS AYENUE, ROOM 2. EE IS A IIEALIXG TEACHER AND WILL GIVE PRIVATE LESSONS AT HIS OFFICE OR AT TOUR RESL ' 1 , . MU- ' ff t A KA. Ml lVt BOW TO WRITE YOUR OWN CHART 1KB ADAPTION TO BUSINESS. IF AILING, TOU CAN NOT AFFORD TO KISS THESE LESSONS. Office .hours i2tot4p.m. Absolutely ur& 37:9 cny baking powtlcr fzizj from Royal Grzpo Cream of Tartar The LAST Days Before Christmas GAS Fin HE PASSED UPO When the city council meets tomor row evening, oue oT the most Import ant topics to he 'considered ,1s the proposed franchise for a gas plant. J. L. Lambrith, who is franchise, arrived in limited and other important features to the people have been incorporated In the ordinance. Mr. Lambrith has perfect faith In asking for the 'the business venture and does not the city today hesitate to state that the market for and will remain to answer any ques- gas In La Grande will surprise every tlons that members of the council may one who has not given It thorough see fit 'to ask him while investigation j consideration. He purposes Installing of the ordinance Is being' made. As j one of the modern plants and to pipe tthe matter stands the time for beg!n- j the city in a way that will be perma ning work on the gas plant has been nent and free from future troubles.: . BILLIKEN DAflCE TONIGHT SOCIAL FUNCTION TO BE LAST OF . SERIES BY BILLIKENS. Great Many Plnnnlnsr on Attending Last AntMIolIiday Party. The last Billiken party pf a series of four will be held tonight and the function is going to be quite largely attended. The music will be of the best and the club plana to make the last event the stellar one of them all. This will likely be the last dancing party before the holidays and a great number of those Invited to the party tonight by the invitations sent out prior to the first party, are goIng to a - - - ' ......o-.., . S y . WkvifiUl. , . - f ; f .--- 't t- Band Dance Postponed. On account of the Billiken. dance tonight the band wilf not give their dance until Wednesday evening, the 21st. -'. ; .. S1IE RIVER RESIDENT IS BROTHER OF FRED G. PASSES AWAY. HOLMES Dcnilxe Occurs in Cabin on Snake Riv. v er Where He Lfred Alone.' Fred 0. Holmes, president of the M. & M, company, left this morning for Enterprise where he will attend the funeral of his brother Charles. Charles Holmes dle,d in his cabin on Snake river where he made his home, alone, on a homestead. He was unmarried. Several brothers of the deceased live in Wallowa and Union counties and they will aH attend the funeral ser vices to be hold at Enterprise. The deceased "was forty-nine years -of age, and some few weeks ago was seized by a severe cold, ending up in a fatal attack of pneumonia. 1 ' ; 4 0 ...; . 0 PERSONALS. . O ..',.--,';... O ; Attorney L. Denham is up from El gin attending cdfcrt today. . Dr. Molitor returned yesterday from a few days visit to Portland and As toria. : M. E. Ward of Enterprise la trans acting business matters In La Ctrande today. ' 7 " "v Dr. E. B. Flack of Haines Is . a guest In the city today on business matters.. .; .,,.', ,:.'. ' V Xy: - ; Engineer ,E. Morgan, lately of Ka mela, Is In ', the city and '..will soon move his family back to La Grande. Mr. and Mrs. B. W. G randy left this morning- for California where they will spend the winter months. J. L. Lambrith of Eugene, the man trying to obtain a gas franchise from the city, is In the city today.' , r Miss Marjorie McCall arrived home today from Portland where ahe .has been .spending the past two weeks visiting with friends. ', 1 , - " i . ' '''),' Mrs. Walter Henry, formerly of this city but now of Elgin, was In the city last night on her way to Hot Lake where she will take treatment. ! Matilda Moryant of Monument has filed on a homestead claim. Andrew Siimmerhayers of Baker City and An drew Funk ot,Enterpflse did the same thing today. ... V ' ; Miss Fern Sampson, daughter of the late John Sampson is quite critically i 111 with rheumatism. She is at the You II have money led - to Ibuy Iftose jt - rosenva are apt to be days of hurry and indiscriminate buying. Do not buy carelessly. Come here and you'll find plenty of gifts mostly articles of every day utility. Such goods make the best gifts. ' ' - , Hand painted china, cut glass, perfumes, mirrors, books, al bums, hair brushes,' clothes brushes, pocket books, bags, pocket knives, scissors, combs, bat brushes,, shaving sets, toil et seta, razors, safety razors, pipes stationery, purses, foun tain pens, chafing dishes, cigars confectionery, etc. . These goods are staples with ua and unless we have an un usually heavy trade in the next few days lines will - not be broken before ' Christmas. We would advise, though, that you elect before the last minute. There'a excellent choice now. WHghi DrugCompn'y Both Plionea, I ' '' k I w ii - w , ' 11 1 . .,(.- 1 : WA i i i M 1 i i iij Ml Me m imS mmfimi B m) hi) en0- m is known to Mb cm, Momcm am hild O Tii e lr air i3 . : ' . ... n. OT3 La Grande, Oregon V. ii I t 2 heme of Ir. and Mrs. L. M. Hoyt. Geo. Chlldera, one of the pioneer farmers of the valley, who has been making his home In California for the past few years Is here looking after his large land Interests. W. 0. Fouch, with the Western Electric people, Is here to install the electrical devices In the new machine and blacksmith shops of the 0, TL & Fred Schmiling of Chicago is vis iting In the city. He if planning on locating In this city, preferably. In the drug business. He Is a prominent druggist in the Windy City. :; F. M. Barton, the MinneBOtan who is visiting his sister, Mm ' J. 1 Wright, has purchased some Grandu Ronde soil, having found U. to be the best in the country. He plana to re turn to his home in a few days: '. 3 : J. C. UixIin of Cove was on a busi ness visit in La Grande yesterday. He states that the packing house 1b the center of activity these" days getting the many red apples ready for tha eastern markets. . ':. ; . Julius Kruttschnitt, . director of maintenance on the Harrima a system together "With a group of other offi cials, is expected to arrive tula after noon sometime from the we3t on a tour of inspection, though local offi cials know his trip. little of the itinerary of Yoi Must Bead This if ? yon Want ' '-. Benefit ' - J. W. Greer, Greeawood, La., Buffer ed with a severe case of lumbago. "At times the patns were so Intense, I was forced to hypodermic injections for. relief,? be says. "These attacks parted with a slight pain In the small U my back which gradually became fairly paralyzing In effect. My atten tion was attracted to Foley's Kidney Remedy and I am glad to eay after using this wonderful medicine I am no longer bothered In any way by my old enemy, lumbago.". Hills Drug store. " afctoes Jewfelryy ; Silverware Toilefeyare, 'Noyeltie Cut Glass, Umbrellas The Largest Stock Ever Shown EasternOregon for Christmas Gift! m INK, WRESSE-R: yOU WILL HA VE MOIEV LEFT TO BlJ CHHIST- mas ruESEtfTs ir you aiy youn clothes moM US. BECAUSE WE WILL SAVE yOU EfOUCH Off A SUITOH OVERCOAT FO"R you TO AFFORD TO GIVE TRESEJVTS 70 yOUR FRIEtVS. THE-RE IS JiO USE OF THROWTfG yOUR MOJtEy A WAy. SI3.00 WILL XUy A GOOD. WELL C UT. ALL WOOL SUIT OF CLOTHES OR Afi OVERCOAT FK.OM US. AfD IFSOU TAy US 320 0"R S25 you WILL GETX CLOTHES THAT WILL MA KB yOU FEEL LIKE A MIL- LIOfiAIRE. ; 1 Diamonds and Watches are Our Specialty. ; Examine Our Stock and Get Our Prices before buying elsewhere. It will pzy you. li they see out name on fte box ffie gift will be more highly prized. The o 0 megnst Clothiers and1; Furnishers LARGEST JEWEIRV STORE IN EASTERN OREGON PROMPT mEtlTlOtl GtVEll TO MflL ORDERS