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About La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 8, 1910)
r Thursday, Di:ci::n3Er o, ioiq. will not be responsible for any ma terial or labor performed on my build ing at the request of Mrs. 0. E. Moore. ' " MAGGIE D. MAIIAFFEY. ; f I C: are Tirofpflsinnsl rMi'Van n'stn Tla'r says CO cent esss mean that It ia time to play the game, from the producer's side of the counter as well as the con sumer's. . .. - aIn-I OjC The Cherry New Laundry wants two experienced hand ironers at once. Apply at the laundry. . no "0 t v 1 i . y;j- The Mystery of Lonely Culch. Pathe. ! ..."' Ilia Mother's Gaumont,'. Tas Cheit. Thanksgiving Sons The Night Bring Stors fa You, Ueautlfsl dishes glrea to lady patrons of tb matin ei. Sao dis play In lobby. asm us- ; Loflt, one steer, a coir and, heifer. Branded P. L. on, left side, but may hare , other brands on them. Notify P. E. SUlwelL -r ''if;. wV .o Cold weather! coming. Want an accurate thermometer so you can watch the mercury drop? We're a big stock of the accurate kind. You can quote their figures and know you're right 26c to $2.B0.-Newlin Drug Co. If your doctor .'does not recom . ment: your' bringing his prescription to us U'b because he doesn't want to , appear partial,' He knows, however, that better prescription service than ours is unobtainable.' He will be glad if you do come here. Newlin Drug Co.' : a .-"-A- Your dollar Is worth a dollar when you buy wood from McLeod and Pal mer, A great big load of dry. wood at a price everybody can pay. Phone Main 757 or Independent 1.502. : Read In December Sunset Magazine San Francisco The " Exposition City. Superbly illustrated In four colors. Now on sale AU News Stands 15 cents, i , . "' : Satisfaction or money back Newlin Drug Co. , : , p- ., ., This la to notify all material men and contractors and mechanics, that I - Ml fmh ADLER -;. p-9li I 7 - j:--- Dress making parlors, rooms 4 and 5 over Silverthorn's Drug Storet Mrs. Etta E. Wins, Prop. Remember all the patent medicines advertised in this ipaper are for sale at Jhe Wright Drug Co. o & ooo OOO O 00 PE2SC5ALS. . A oooooooooooooo J. W. Calender of North Powder is at the Foley. Mir. Cavender waa for merly in the mercantile business but Is now a retired capitalist, ' George H. Clark is registered" at the Foley. Mr. Clark Is on a tour of in specting- steel bridges and . will go out on the branch this morning. County Commlsslonef Belder leaves tonight for Portland to visit his child ren. He will probably remain there for some time on account of his health. Tomorrow afternoon : Mrs. E. E. Bragg will be; hostess to the after noon section of the . Kaffee Klatch. There will be no meeting of the ev ening section this week on account of illness of some of the members. Philip S. Bates, who has been taken for a congressman many times but who in reality is Just a plain thre'sh erman, arrived In La Grande this morning from Portland, and will be a prominent figure at the convention which begins its session tomorrow." ".y.-M'-yy .'J ''';" E. k3. Heath, representative of the Gaar-Scott Threshing Machine com pany of Portland, arrived In the city this morning and will make his home In La Grande. He expects to meet.all of the thresbermen at the convention and become acquainted with the men of Union county; which (place he has chosen for his home. ' v S. W. Sammons, who sells type and different -things for the Pacific. Print ers Supply Co., of Seattle, Is In La Grande today. Mr, Sammons has a pet theory that a chicken farm on a large scale will pay In the Grande Ronde valley and Intends taking a look at different sites while here with a view of Interesting some of his friends who " Our store Is In" Holiday '"At tire, and anybody that is look ing for a Christmas remem brance for a "Him" can find any ' number of choice' things , here that will be appropriate . and "Just" the things." ' , We make the wants of Men ' and Boys our study, ao far, as their Outfitting Is concerned, and so we aak , , : WHERE WOULD YOU BE MORE APT TO FIKD A GIFT APPROPRIATE FOR ni3P THAN RIGHT HERE! Suits, Overcoats, Raincoats, House Coats, Bath Robes, Pa jamas, Shirts, Gloves, Neckwear, Suspenders, Hosiery, Umbrel las, MufflerB, Night Robes," Un derwear, Handkerchiefs, Shirt Protectors, etc., etc. Just come to see how many things we can show you that wlll be Just right for "His" Christmas. Clothiers arid Furnishers ffETKSil SCHEDULED Two Important meetings are sched uled for this month. The first occurs next Saturday when the La Grande local of the Farmers' Cooperative Un Ion holds an open meeting here. The meeting will be signalized by the presence of H. D. G. Cox the organiz er from Walla Walla. The other meeting of Importance la the one slated for Dec. 20 when mass meetlngi of the members of the Taxpayers' league will take place In thiB city commencing at 10 o'clock. All members and ; those contemplating such, action are urged to attend as matters of lmtwH c ti.' ; ;; Balse $100 at Church Bazaar. - VVollmer, Idaho," Dec. 8. The Pres byterian Ladles' Aid Society held a Christmas bazaar In the Marckell building Saturday, from which they realized $100. Plans have already been prepared for a church, which will cost $1750. ' 1 Telephone Line to Plains. Plains, Mont, Dec. .8 The Rocky Mountain Bell Telephone people has solictors here wth a view of putting in an exchange. They have already secured 60 business phones and" a large number of residences. There is no . telephone communication with Spokane" or Montana cities. The line will be extended from St. Regis.-, Open Hirer Boat at Lewlston. Lewlston Idaho, Dec. 5. The Open River Transportation company's steamer, . Inland Empire, which left Celilo Tuesday afternoon loaded to capacity with f reight' , for " Columbia River 'points,' came Into her berth, at the Balfour-Guthrie dock yesterday on the initial run of the season, carrying 104 tons of merchandise for Lewiston and other north Idaho towns. The In land Empire Is the only Open River boat now operating on the upper, Tliw er; ad from Celilo the vessel went up the Columbia to White Bluffs. ! ... ' j How to Fight Fires. Spokane, Wash., Dec. 8 (Special)j Training In the methods of preventing and fighting forest fires will probab ly be. Included in the work of Spo kane boy scouts in the future. E. T Allen, forester of the Western For estry and ' Conservation .. association said recently that he hoped to secure the cooperation of the Spokane scout troops to! help spread the knowledge of fire danger among the boys of the entire Northwest Carl Ultest, Jr and the Rev. David W. Ferry, the leaders of the scout movement In Spokane, stated that they believed ; the train ing of every, scout "should Include some work In relation to forest fires. "The boy scouts should be able .. to help us greatly In, our work," said Forester Allen. "The - association Is now preparing a series . of leaflets intended for distribution through the schools to every boy and girl in ' the state c(f Wa8hIng1ionV teaching the need of protective legislation and care In regard to campflres." : , ; Iged Man Shoots Girl. San Francisco, Dec. 8 Mrs. Julia Webb-Bartley, aged 26, was shot five times yesterday by James Whitley, aged 60, who' Is her partner In the ownership of the Hotel Brule and she died this morning. Whitley who hack ed his throat and pounde himself on the head with a flat iron and Attempt ed to drown himself In the bathtup afterward, Is in a serious condition but may-recover. Hels guarded at the hospital. , Population 2,1S92L , Washington, Dec. 8 It Is( estlmat- ed today by the census bureau, based on the complete returnh from all but eight states, placet the population of the United States at 82,135.221. This does not Include Alaska "or other in sular possessions. In 1890 It was 62, 622,250 and In 1900 it was 76,303,387. ' '. OWL Per Pound, 'V AT si. i f i SAVE YOUR COUPONS YOUR at the Politicians ,' Probably the oldest man to receive a nomination for governor so far this year is ex -Justice Simeon E. Baldwin, Democratic candidate for governor of Connecticut, who was seventy years old last February. Mr. Baldwin was born Feb. 6, 1840, at New Haven, and was educated at the Hopkins Gram mar school and Yale college, where he took the bachelor of arts degree in the class of 1861. He was of distinguished Connecticut ancestry, nis father, Rog er Sherman Baldwin, was governor of the state, and also represented Con necticut in the United States senate. His grandfather was a Justice of the Connecticut supreme court and his great-grandfather, on his mother aide, Roger Sherman, was a signer of the Declaration of Independence. ; Ex-Justice Baldwin's years upon the bench have taken no toll of his mental brilliancy of physical endurance, how- SIXEOM B. BAXDWTN. ver. So strikingly was this the case that when he retired there was gen eral complaint that so far as he was Concerned, the automatic working of the constitutional age limit had operat ed substantially against the best Inter ests of the state. . He has been president of the Ameri can Bar association and In other ways TT fx 17 Snapshot ... 4 J t y ... it " I Tl pi H " A U (" 1 'LARGE 'PREMIUMS. Tlo m idf 25q 30c; 40c, 3 2 Iter. NOTIONS FREE !! j' 9 (T fjj) has been prominent in the legal world, notably as president of the Interna tional Law association o? London and Association of American Law Schools and as director of the bureau of com parative law pf the American bar as sociation. ' ' ; ' . A Way Man Has. A man who will sit up all night and display marvelous agility of the fin gers in operating a pack of cards finds that he has hands like an elephant's feet when ho. is asked to hook up or button up his wife's gown. This fact is observed time and again and is one of the popular bits of philosophy to be served in connection with a dressmak ers' convention desiring public atten tion. That it is a more difficult tinder taking to shuffle the deck and deal a poker handmerely as a test of digital cleverness without taking Into consid eration the more important Item of dealing a satisfactory, handthan to hook up a gown even when the eyes are hidden in the lace must be admit ted. That d man will undertake the one cheerfully and the other churlish ly must be ascribed to the survival of the Old Nick in most male humans. Chicago Tribune. . A Nice Distinction. He wasl hurrying for the train, somewhat impeded by a clumsy crate containing a large live turkey. As he approached the gate the guard stopped him with a gesture. ' "You can't take that through here," he said. "That'll have to be checked, or go by express." . 'But I can't : stop, declared the passenger. "I've got to get this train." And he tried to push through again. The guar herd, him back. , "That is baggage," he said firmly, "and it must go in the baggage car." "Oh, no," replied , the other, with a charming and confident smile; "It's luggage. Don't you see I'm lugging It?" And he had slipped by before the astonished guard had caugit his breath. Youth's Companion. Change in Singer Sewing Machine Store - . : M Rented Singer Sewing Machine Co E. C HERZINGRR, M. S. C 7 M Hi? f . I s Vv ) H IK; fcr 01.10 .w. AND GEi The GrcatestBariraia Store in La 'Grande The St. Peter's Guild.. Lectures on domestic science given by Mrs. Gibson. Coffee, hot biscuit and potatoes will be served. Fancy work suitable for Christmas gifts and cooked food will be sold Saturday, De cember 10 in the sample room of the ' Sommer Jotel adjoining the City Grocery and Bakery Every lady be longing to the Parish, whether a mem ber of the Guild or not, la 'requested to donate a dollar's worth of articles for the sale. Per order of the presi dent of the Guild. . ." , TheUp-Building of This Bank ; f Is due to the fact that we have Z E ample capital and that we tave T adhered to a jollcy whia has been conservative; yet alo-g progressive lines. We offer to our customers modern facilities for the prompt add proper tran saction of their financial affairs: ample vault and safe room for : , storing and safe-guarding of their money, . notes, Insurance policies and other valuable pap ers and such liberality of treat ment as Is consistent with pru dent banking. .... ' YOUR account Is cordially 'soil-' ' cited. ' V V . I The United States! National Bank, $ W GSfliVP:, OREGON -4-4. Special sale of slightly used and new Sewing Machines. Sale begins FRIDAY, DECEMBER 9, at sales room No. 2 Foley building. First door west of US. Land Office. PartJ-Repairs and needles for all'makes of machines. .Jl