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About La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 5, 1910)
MONDAY, DEGCME 5, 1310. ciiEunmiiiE o ! -r y LA u U IC COAL INDICATIONS GOOD ALONG THE GRANDE LONDE 8. A. GARD1NIER, Prep, and LA GRAITDE EVE1TI1TG OZZZZYTJl- a ja2 14 ire Pelleloas" If made from " RALSTON SELECT EGAS 'Thy are pure, unadulterated til wkelesome, only the ckele. est grain obtainable Is used. 1 20c Package Use either phene ' Ladies and Gents I 0mt . "1011; THE BOOTBLACK". HASfOVED' to 1 1 18 "Adams5 Aye., ; where ... ha will sem all custom- ; v ers, new and old .. iJU" V i !.. b'.4;. i Have :. f.: v.:: ttloe vtoioa ooaltttevs exttti v e tar enough lato the ante t -evolution to foresee the nltlmata -triumph of incandesant electrlo lighting the GENERAL ELEC- "TRIC MADZA LAMP. ' j. The sago old phlosopher flaw hla kite during a thunder torm, and by means of a key attracted -and discovered electricity, but eTolutloa decreed that modern Inventive genlua should discover an rracandescant lamp that . Is revolutionizing artificial light THE f; GENERAL - ELECTRIC MADZA LAMP gives nearly1 three times the light of the or; dlnary carbon , lncandescant and costs no more to operate. In addition to this It gives light , of . a vajtly ; superior auallty--a clear white light like the sun's Everywhere people are having -their houses wired for, electric,, light, since the Invention, of the-; GENERAL ELECTRIC MADZA LAMP. It has made electricity as'bheap as' It Is convenient y ; Come In for a moment today and K let "us prove' to "yourentlrtf iat" lsfactlon that there la no longer , a possible excuse tor you to be without the' ! gf safest" of '., all household conveniences elec tric llskt'"" : ' r IitandPowiH, iNev lranster. PROPRIETOR PHONE : RED, 3762 j DrayicjcfaHIdsds Ccmpatfy CLIG1NAL SAM DALTOJJ. Apepears at the Orpheum Tonight Wltk Els Owa, Fanny totzi. . Sam Dalton, the original' English fanny song writer, and a man who has a world-wide reputation, ie at the Orpheum tonight He Is a headiiner on the Pantages circuit His career In England Is marked by columns of press notices' that tell of his taxa bilities. However this stellar attrac tion to not all that Mr. Gardinier overs' for he haVe headiiner In "The Juggling Parrots.- They Juggle ev erything from a peanut to a cult .of clothes. Both "of these numbers are more than ordinary. They bring com edy Into the act Lillian Travtlle is here from Lon don. She sings lit. ' Dalton's songs with a sweet winning voiced She ex emplifies the ltta and 17th centr wearing the apparel; for1 boys and girls." ' 1 May Emerald is a contortionist who Is always sure to pleaie. This .program which' is sure to (pleasG. will oe eeen'tonignt" and" every night natil Wednesday..' ',, THE COMPANY IS HERE. Burgomaster Goes en at the Stew- are Toaigfct wita stars vBfc .i With plenty of pretty t girla, the same only Gub C Welnburg, the ori ginal comedian; the Burgomaster company arrived in the city today aad is ready for. the big attraction at the Steward tonight1 It is certain to tie a '. real . catchy productlonr too for the songs have been changed, thbugh the old 1 popular : numbers are '. still ( in cluded. There are aliaB hundred peo ple and they are" mostly sjlrls.' 4 . f ! Av kew I1towrat;'lie',iiaffc Manager Sherwo.d presents a new bill at the Isls picture h use and last night delighted a full huss.,The Ble tures' show! a wrled selection T from the comic to the picturesque." Hank and Lank Take Rest Is a laughf able Comedy well worth seeing. The other plctnres shown include: A Bou quet; In Spreewald, Prussia; the Sig net Ring; The Nine of Diamonds The lllusTrated-popular Song shown on the screen lsce of the f atchy scrt, Cannibal Isle. Notice of Street Improvement To whom it may Concern: , , Notice Is hereby given that In pur suance of a resolution adopted by the Common Council of ' the City of La Grande, Oregon, on the 15th day of December,1 1909, creating! Improve ment district No. 13, and designating N. Fit eutei, aa such district, and in pursuance of a resolution adopted by s.ild. Common Council on the 2nd day of November, 1910, . whereby said Council" ..determined 'and declared its Intention to Improve all that portion of N. Fir Street, in said improvement district as hereinafter described, by laying thereon Blthullthlc Pavement, the-Council will, ten days after the service of this notice upon the owners of the property affected and benefitted by such improvement, order that said above ... described Improvement be made -that "boundaries of said dis trict tq be so improved are as follows: All that portion of N. Fir street, from the South Curb Line of Monroe Avenue to the North Lne of S. avenue. Notice is' herebrl' further given that the" Council will levy a special assess inent on all ihe property affected and benefitted ' by such improvement for the purpose of paying for, sucn im proyement ' That Jh 'estimated C9st of such lmpfovemenf is the sum of $2529.(0. ..That, the Council will oi the 7th day of December, 1910, meet at the Council chamber at' the hour OI 8 0 CIOC r. m., lo cuiiBuor wu w tlmated cost and the levy of said as MBBment when a hearing i will be granted to any person feeling ag grieved by such assessment . '' La Grande) 'Oregon, November 23 -IJIO.-- ' 1 . . . J.LiJ..".;- ; ' City Council of La Grand, Oregon, By D. E. COX, lRe( order,of the City of La Grande. Nor. 26th lot Every family has need of a good, retlable liniment For Bpntinn, brobjea, soreneaj of the naittcles nd rhwmtie pint there it none better tlian CbumberlsinV Ml by Tllil LIOE TO THREES THOrSAIfD TOSS TO C0S2 BY FEElGlIT. Will be Use! te Ceastrtet Centeat Tiers for Bridge at Cellle. Portland Oregon; Dec.? 6. (Special) Three thousand tens of California granlto from the quarries at Ocklln have been contracted for by " Oregon Trunk builders to be UBed 'as rein forcement' of the concrete iplere of the big new steel' bridge ; to be "thrown across 'the Columbia' River" at ' Celllo to admit the new' Hill road to this state. . V,., ,,,- -'.'- " The material must be brought over the 'Hantaan' roads" and' freight charges will appropriate $10 per ton; so that this feature of construction will increase the" cost' of " the big" bridge' about ' $100,000.' The 'granite will be "Wed' to protect 'the fjuje 'of the huge yncrete'colu'tdns supporting the massive" bridge' frem'the 'pfessdre Vf floating bergs when the'lcs breaks "up in the Spring 'sis Veil' as r to i : afford greater 4 resisting" power agalnsi' drift and' debris brought down1 when the Columbia la rai flodC for the sti'eW'to Very -swift at' that 'point' 5 ' It Srsi at first Ihougnt 'tlie' 'or rock would serve but Presi(leiii John Ti BUvsit 'laslstei ' thaTanlte "be ueed";uItwai 'fire't' arranged to get rock;froni Washington 'quarries near at said, bit work af those 'points has tee Suspended tor' the' wtnter." Then it' was' found necessary to ' secure the material from California. It is desired to have the stone Placed beforl the bJgh water comes 'in the Columbia so that' the 28 piers , of the brldgeVnow partly completed, will be protected against the winter freshets. otherwise they may be carried away and tie "work will then have to be done all Over again. BiRLVRIOING FOB WAGER F .... . ... ., . , . , FROM NEW 'YORK TO SAN FRAN CISCO ISyllER AIM. Has Reached Baker. aty Wlti Wy. omJng Pony as Meais of TraveL Alberta Claire, the Buffalo, Wyom ing girl who is riding on a wager from that place to New York City by the way of San Francisco and New Orleans arrived in Baker yesterday, say 8 the Democrat She left ' Buffalo on April 2 and claims to hare cov ered 2,308 miles. . If she makes the trip successfully, she is to receive a ranch and 11,000, Under the terms of the 'wager she was allowed $2 when she started and to have the use of no funds for her expenses other than that she earns enroute. She does this 'by ap pearing In a vaudeville stunt in each town and has been engaged by the Orpheum management . to appear on Monday, Tuesday and Wetjnesday ev ening of this week. . . , , ' ' ( . She Is armed with a six shooter, and aside from her pony, her 'only traveling companion is a large Shep herd, dog, Her best record of. trav eling for one day was 65 miles;' She rides a Wyoming, cow ipony aged eight years. i ant ads oar, one cent a word. For Quick Messenger Service Mi! . ;C. M.'3nlIMPHREYS ! . . Q Candidate' for, City Recorder 0 1 Respectfully ; solicits your A'"support ' ' " o o o t LofjJ Interest Xecessary to a hoc ecssfal Err,lnttlng. (Wallowa Sun) H . .. YTallowa,' endowed laTisidy as' the (xiter'of 'a district, hard' to be eur la tW r&iBing of all kind's of crops, and which can pasture large herds of cattle, and bring them to a j state of perfection, without the help of feeding other than Nature; has re sources In other lines that alone would be sufficient to iprovlde a large and profitable "source of business for the local merchants In supplying the nee4s cf the labor necessary to Opei&te these Industries. . ' The possibilities of this section as a mineral district are so great and are so aiisured by the results already ob- taned in the' development of the sev eral properties, now worked, that the realising' of 'this, Is "only a matter of time necessary for capital' to become informed of the local resources along these lines. '' " ' V Th combinations 'of metalsvto be obtained from local ores are such that they in conjunction .'with the coal deposits opened up along the Grande onde river, where the indica tions are most (promising,, and point to the permanency of these deposits, will make possible their, reduction to a commercial asset right at home, and wiH produce a payroll, for the; city, with Its , attendant, good market fqr everything the ranch can produce. ;, .From any standpoint at which one looks, the opportunities offered by this district for Investment in mineral op erations, supplemented by its rail and, water' transportation, jheap and erne t kpt power,, the, outlook is abundant with promise, for. ,the future and tho the. hastening to a realization, of this can be facilitated by the co-operation of each and everyone in placing before the outside world . facts, sound and true, and even in the most fertile brain cannot, go - further than what actual Inspection wi ... prove., , ; t .v , ; ' , Looking back over the hlsto.ry of the mineral development in the United States, one can readily notice that the loclitleswhlchhave obtained prom inence as .fields for the profitable In vestment of capital are those wherein and started, even in a small way, with out outside help, and towards this end must we strive. - Watching the progress of arglcul- ture, one sees a tendency to what some are calling "Intensified farming,' that Is the small tract highly cultlvat ed, and If this is true, a home market for the products besides being more prdfltable, is almost necessary, and any effort that will nelp to foster an industry that will produce this mar ket should be' encouraged. , ' Oregon, and Wallowa county In par ticular, has a class of citizens that she may well be proud of, who have ac complished much for the betterment of this their chosen home," and a very small amount of energy ' from each will, if co-operated, and with a com mon aim, produce , results that will astound even tnose wnose conception of the future of this section Is par ticularly bright and vivid. v USED TIMER LAND Norway Spruce and Scotch, Fine to be I , Used In Future. ; ; Portland, Ore., Dec 5. ; (Special) Nine thousand acres of burned over timber" lands in the" Pacific; North west will be re-seeded with Norway spruce and Scotch pine,. jifccordlng, to an announcement made' by J . F. Kim mel .'of I the Forest' Service. " Seeding is already under way and will be com pleted' before snows set in among the mountafna. " " k ' .' i lloettot the work Is' being 'done in the Sulslaw forests m Western Ore-, gon along the' CoasVand In the Olymr plc forests in Washington. The For est service plans to reclaim Iri this way '.thousand 6f acres' of burned off lands 'everj year. .There are a mil lion, and a half yearbtd 'tress ..In the nurseries of the Forestry Department in the -Northwest ; ready 'for trans planting where re-seeding Is lmprac ticable. l , ' Cleaning and Pressing. : 1 Ladles; and Gen's Clotnlng cleaned, pressed ' and repaired 'With "satlsfa tion. Ladles' work a specialty. 1704 East Adams avenue, W. R. " Baxter, Prop. ;. ; j v :. ' Want ads pay, one cent a word VAUDEVILLE HAY EKERAL Contortion Novelty Act THE JCCGilfiG rA3Ii:0TTS IN A C03IEDY JUGGLING ACT. SAH DALTON Eeeentrle local' 'Comedlav EISS LILLIAN ' TRAVEtLE Ught Ballad Yocailst, Soubrette and character' change artist Everts Prices 15 and fScvr People Mcndiyscz'-Tliurctlj Llatiiieej VcdAtsdayg-Sattirdays-Sundayj, 2 o'clock ard All Utlidayj Llalince Prices, 10 and ISc , li, ;; . "wv m 1 - ' Mb PIXLEY & LUDELIS' MusicaL Masterpiece THE IDEA GUS. C WEINBURG TheJOnginal Peter Stuyvesant And the same Big Company of Favorites i ft Including Jthat r'i: a. - i PRIGES: 50c, 7301.00 aiM 01.50 SEATS ON SALE SATURDAY, DEC. 3 - - PICTUUES 2Sc - r:Uptowh:df nee yissntto Residence phone Main ?5 X 7 sna e THE IS IT POSSIBLE Bewitching Chorus of jsv (5ijriri-.Tr