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About La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 29, 1910)
LA GRANDE EVENING OBSERVER, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 29, 1910. .1 ? ! 1r 1 !);' Think of the pleasure you some inexpensive piece we i-U . W- oest, at prices It jP - .':r ff "- v"-. Ladies and Gents Shoe Shine Parlors 'TOilf, THE B00TBIACK" HAS MOVED to 1118 Adams Ave., where he will serve all custom- i , : ers, new and old Have Been Amazed . If hlg vision could hare extend ed far enough into. the haze of evolution to foresee the ultimate triumph of lncandesant electric lighting the GENERAL ELEC- . TRIC MADZA LAMP. ; Tha sage old phiosopher flew his kite during a thunder storm, and by means of a key attracted and discovered electricity, but ' evolution decreed that modern Inventive genius should discover an incandescant lamp that is revolutionizing artificial light THE GENERAL ELECTRIC MADZA - LAMP gives nearly three; times the light of the or- dfilary carbon incandescant . t land costii no more td operate. In 'addiUon to this it gives light of a vajtly superior . quality a clear white light like the sun's ' W. '; '''' ( Everywhere people are having their houses wired for electric ' light, since the invention of the GENERAL ELECTRIC MADZA ILAMP. It has made electricity as cheap as It is convenient X Come In for a moment today and ; let as prove to your entire at- "t isf action that there Is no longer a possible excuse for yoa to be without the greatest of all household conveniences elec tric ligtL ; . "'. EASTERN I ; OREGON ; liflht and Pover pany ' 1! "Elastfo" Bsckcass tho original and only per fect sectional bookcase made. The doors are non binding, dust-proof, open Ate on roller bearings, and positively cannot get out of order. Bases furnished with or without drawers. Call and see them, or send for catalog No. 105 many useful articles in the will have from a piece of nev to ht your purse. AiVhoi vaii n ia fill nnniTi rv hrr a in n n rl AlvAt JUU OASffJUUg VSJ AAV AAA U1AU Jit!! IV 011VVV Notice of the Recorder of the Clt7 of La Grande, Oregon of assessments for the Improvement.,: of Chestnut street, from the north line of Adams Avenue, xo the south carb line : ol Jefferson avenue. , ' Notice is hereby given that the as sessment roll for the improvement of Chestnut street, from the north Una of Adams avenue to the south curb line of Jefferson avenue, being In Im provement district No. 25, in the City of La Grande, Oregon, under the pro visions of Ordinance No. 491, Serks 1910, entitled "An Ordinance declar ing the cost of Improving Chestnut street from the north line of Adams avenue to the south curb line of Jef ferson avenue, assessing the property benefitted thereby, declaring such, as sessment and directing, the entry pf the same on the Docket of City Liens, authorizing the Issuance of improve ment bonds to pay for said improv -ment and ' declaring an emergency," the same being In Improvement dis trict No. 25, in said city, Is now in my hands for collection and that any as eflsment therein may be paid to me at any time within sixty, days from November 21st. 1910, which is the first date of the publication of thla notice, without penalty, Interest or cost; and each property owner Is hereby noti fied that on application to the under signed, within ten days from the 21st day of November, 1910. which, is the first date of this publication of this notice, he will be allowed to pay such assessment' In ten annual install ments, the first Installment thereof being due and payable on or before the 21st day of January, 1911. If 'ap plication is not made at above pro vided the whole amount will be due and payable at the expiration of said sixty days. All property owners in terested are hereby notified to appear at my office in the City Hall and pay the same..- -v By order of the CouncH, November 16th, 1910.. , . r , ' D. E. COX, Recorder of the City of La Grande, Following is assessment roll No. 6. , Block 114, Lot 1, Chaplin's Addition, J. E. Foley, $329.05. Block 114, Lot 2, Chaplin's Addition, Julius Roesch. $230.59.' ' ! Block 114, Lot 3. Chaplin's Addition, Julius Roesch, $138.66. Block 114, Lot 4, Chaplin's Addition, Julius Roesch, $92.40. Block 114, Lot 5. Chaplin's Addition, Julius Roesch, $92.40. Block 114, Lot 6. Chaplin's Addition, Julius Roesch, $45.54. ., Block 114, Lot 22. Chaplin's Addi tion, J. E: Foley, $277.93. Block 114, Lot 21. Chaplirt Addi tion, J. E. Foley, $194.60. Block 114, Lot 20, Chaplin's Addi tion, J. E. Foley, $116.84. Block 114, Lot 19. Chaplin's Addi "on,' J. E. Foley. $77.70. ' 1 ', '. ' Block 114, Lot 18. Chaplin's Addi tion, J. E. Foley, $77.70. Block 114. Lot 17, Chaplin's Addi tion, J. E. Foley, $39.08. -' i Block 115, Lot 13, Chaplin'i Addi tion. W. J. Church, $329.05. Block 115. Lot 12. Chaplin's Addi tion, W. J. Church, $230.60. A, have iti and everything you want, from the cheap UU1 IUUUOy OUU VUU I Block lisrtot 11, Chaplin's Addi tion, W. J. Church. $138.76. -JKock 115. Lot 10, Chaplin's Addi Uon,' W. J. Church, $92.40. Block 115, Lot 9, Chaplin's Addition, W. J. Church, $92.40. v i , ' Block 116, Lot 8, Chaplin's Addition, W. J. Church, $45.84. Block 115, Lot 14, Chaplin's Addi tion, J. E. Foley, $29.E5. Block 116, Lot 15, Chaplin's Addi tion, George Sutherland, $207.45. '' Block 116, Lot 16, Chaplin's Addi tion, George Sutherland. $124.76v : ! Block 115, Lot 17, Chaplin's Addi tion. Maggie D. Mahafley, $83.05. Block 115, Lot 18, Chaplin's Addi tlen, Maggie D. Mahaffsy, $83.05. Block 115, Lot 19, Chaplin's Addi tion, A. W. Rynearson. Est.1, $41.43. ' A Puriat. ; . ' Balesmfcn-Here'a a shoe., sir, that will fit you like a glove. . Buyer Gloves don't fit my feet, nave you one that will fit me like a shoe? Boston Advertiser. ' A It Often Happens. - I once went In an auto race , , ' " r ' And never lost my poise. . The other cars came In ahead, But mine made most the noise. '" ' Buffalo Express. ' ''" v" Last Hera. ' ' The Minister In the next world. Tommy, the last shall be first - Tommy-Say, won't I shine when the minister comes o supper at our bouse up there! Puck. ; Goldsmith Amended. III fares the land to hastening- Ills a prey Where poatcards accumulate and letters . decay.' . r ' ' Puck. On r ths Other. What state are you from?' . "Michigan." , , t, . , "What's your line., automobiles or health foodr-Chicago Record-Herald. GIANT UMPIRES WANTED IN AMERICAN LEAGUE. i There are so many tall catch ers In the American league that President Ban Jobnuon has In structed Chief of Umpires Jack Sheridan to recommend giants for uniplrHtlcal ponlriHnu The tfliortM can't over the Mboul-.-' dcr of the lowcriun rwptVf r who siNiuJ U'Siliid i he hut .Mill. . '' ; N -t.rii mssih ,;iiin."",iii(l i iinioLtii Khn:i:'u h nj-nA fin- tin- "5 hiid ii futio- GOAL ihroy: ;Avay Money; : for' ; MdrSMesG''- . rr ' . furniture tine that vill last f or years, and the furniture in your home. Perhaps you need lofr ne ennur VA11 mil1 AVW V4w UiAV ff JWW V4A gV. a UCllVl VI TTi THY- THE HOME OF THE ISXiM B. M. 0. E. MATTRESS j 4 ;....','' j. f Retribution. "We got twins at our bouse, and yon ain't" "Uh-huh! But Jes' you wait till they git the whooplD cough." . . Trying. It ta a moment solemn ;' When goes the sterner render '. To stretch his spinal column ' And fractures suspender " :' ' 'And for awhile to have his pants In place held by the laws of chance. Crook' Letter to His Pal. .Dear Bill. I takes me pen In hand To drop a line to you. ., Bopln' dis finds you healthy and , ' Enjoyln' freedom too, , ; ; Would say to you 1 ain't no more - , Out on de same old lay. ' . I cracked me last crib week before , Last, Independence day. ( I now make speeches every night ' Fer them Salvation folks. , . A-pleadln', tearful, fer the right An' warnln' these young blokes Never to tread the downward road That these here feet has walked,1 But cast aside their sinful load An' all that line o' talk. . . ' t - ' t ' . ' U "Reformed?" 1 thinks I hears you sy. wen; no me mind ain't clouded ; I'm scarln. these here guys away. Our graft's a-glttln' crowded. i r-v ' : ' - ' JIM. Cleveland Leader.. , ,. : , Notice to Contractors, . Notice la hereby given that sealed bldi will be received by the Council of the City of La Grande, Oregon, un til -Wednesday, December 7th, 1910, for the construction of 14,054 sqare yards of macadam pavement and 6524 lineal a feet concrete curbing, to be constructed according . to the plans and specifications on file in the office of the City Engineer. . ? j ' Said work to be constructed) on North Second street from the O. R. & N. Ry. to the center, of Lake street, and on the south half of Lake street to the west curb line of North Cedar street, all bids to be in by eight o'clock Dec. 7th and accompanied by "a CertU fled check of five per cent of jthe amount of the . bid. Council re serves the right to reject any or all bids.;:1' :.V';r .- A7' ' 1 7-; By order of the City Council Novem ber 23d, 1910. -r D. E. COX, ' Recorder of the City of La Grande. ' Nov. 26th lOt GrandeRcndeXashCo PHONE, MAIN 6 n ?inV ZY& fll ; w v m w 1UU11UV MUM fvvw Good things to eat: D1U pickles, Ketsup, Chili Sauce and Pine Apples, aeur kraut, P. 8. currants, raisins, Get tism at Geddes Broa. (So Gcncial Gi.tractor of Cement Work jPIain arid Re-enforceu THE SIDEWALKS DARLEY MAKES STktiD i tit WEAR STEWARD S s L R. , WILLARD PRESENTS THE Famous Musical JNovelty I :V; ;: and the By HOUGH, ADAMS and HOWARD -'t- ; ...... ; as seen for 465 Performances in Chicago r Most Excellent Company, with GEO. ' EBNER as HAPPY JOHNNY HICKS and embracing Sixty Pennant Winning Beauty Models. PRICES: 50c.75c4i.00-$1.5a . SEATS ON SALE MONDAY, NOV. 28. ,''. - ' lr ft life i . 5 OPERA HOUSE I! 1-