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About La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 23, 1910)
1 or TWO .LA GRANDE ILVjiS'v. OH-iEUYElL WEDNESDAY, NOVEIBER 23, 1910. 1 1 rr 1 5 ;rr I XoUce. Notice of tbs Recorder of the City of La Grande. Oregon of assessments for the improvement of Chestnut street, from the north line of Adams Avenue, to the south curb line o; Jefferson avenue. Notice Is hereby given that the as eesEinent roll for the improvement of Ches'nut, street, from the north line of Adams avenue to the south iBrb line of Jefferson avenue, being in lm provement district No. 23. in the City ot La Grande. Oregon, under the pro visions of Ordinance No. 491, Series 1910, enticed "An Ordinance detlar ng the cost of Improving Chestnut .tret from the north line of Adams Avenue to the south curb line of Jef- hereon avenue, assessing the property -Benefitted thereby, declaring such as sessment and directing tbe entry of cthe same on the Docket of City Liens. authorizing the Issuance of Improve Tnent. bonds to pay for said improve nent an4 declaring en emergency," the same being in Improvement dis trict No. 25, in eald city, is tow in my , lands for collection and that any as esement therein may be Pa, to me at any time within sixty days from November 21st. 1910, which Is the first date of the publication of this notice, , without penalty, interest or cost; and each property owner Is hereby noti fied tir.t on application to the nnder "algned. within t days from the 2 1st dav cf November. 1910. which Is the ' first date of this publication of this notice, he will be allowed to pay such - assessment in ten annual . Install ments, the first installment thereof ' being due and payable on or before the 21st day of January, 1911. If ap plication la not mad aa above pro vided the whole amount will be due and payable at the expiration ot said ahty days. All property owners in terested are hereby notified to appear at mv omen in ry- y the tame. . By order of the Council, November 16th, 1910, D. E. COX. Recorder of the City of La Grande. Following is assessment roll No. JZ 7; -i?f Block 114. Lot 2. Chaplin's Addition. Julius Roesch. S230.S9. . ' " Block 114, Lot 3. Chaplin's Addition, Julius Roesch. $138.58. Block 114, Lot 4, Chaplin's Addition, Julius Roesch, $92.40. Block 114, Lot 5. Chaplln's'Addition, Julius Roesch, $92.40. Block 114. Lot . Chaplin's Addition, Julius Roesch. $45.64. Block 114, Lot 22; Chaplin's Addl tlon. J. E. Foley, $277.93. 3!: . Block 114, Lot 21. Chaplin's Addi-."V- . tlon. J. E. Foley, $194.60. Block 114. Lot 20. Chaplin's Addi " - ticn. J. E. Foley, $116.84. . Tlock 114, Lot 19. Chaplin's Addi- -rr . t: ;, J. E. Foley. $77.70. Elock 114, Lot 18. Chaplin's Addl- - flop. .1. E. Foley, $77.70. Block 114. Lot 17, Chaplin's Addi ' - i tion. J. E. Foley, $39.08. - Block. 115. Lot J3, Chaplin's Addl tlon, W. J. Church. $329.05. Block 115. Lot 12. Chaplin's Addi tion, W. J. Church. $230.60. Block 115. Lot 11. Chaplin's Addl- tlon. W. J. Church. sl38.7fi. Block 115. Lot 10, Chaplin's Addi- mii. w. j. cnurcn, 192.40. ...Block 115, Lot 9. Chaplin's Addition. w. j. Church. $92.40. Block 115, Lot 8. Chaplin's Addition w. j. Church. $45.84. 'tnWrHi hl U- CnP"ns Addi tion. J. E. Foley, $296.55. Block 115. Lot 15. Chaplin's Addi--t,o, George Sutherland, $207.45 r 115,o Lot 16' chnp"n'8 Addi tion. Cwge Sutherland. $124 76 tJnV1?'?1 17' Chaplin's Addi tion Maggie D. Mahaffey. $83.05. t $ n.5, Lot ,8- Chaplin's Addi tion. Maggie D. MahafTey, $83.05 t!o??w Ut 19' Chaplin's Addl 4 tion. A. W. Rynearson. Est., $41.43. OQA1L y. 1 NWCf .bostfcHel or this wanlerfal meeiim kal tail a sensation la La Grande. Hufreaaef ear elUteas have tons sited tils remarkable woman and ill ire mystified at the strange and weaierfal ewer possessed by her, which eiablet her to read the jas, are seat sad fatare life of her call, era as from an em book. She caret disease whet all ether methedi faO. Call aid see tesUmonlals made ia year ewa city. KaJattt ttelmairb the flttt Uceased registered elaineyant to vialt La Graade and sUnds at the head ef her reresaloa. What she telU yea eaa be relied apoa. She gnaraateea to reveal every Incident of yonr life, past, present and fiture or tiara jea aethiag. Tata Is fair, Is It tott Prices reasonable and withlu reach of alL Office loon 10 a. m. te t p. ia. v 1423 Actams Ayenue, next toKeifer Notice of the Recorder of the City of La Grande, Oregon, of assessment 1 ,. for the Improvement of Adams avenue (nCk Port,4 from the west line Of Fourth street- Helnrlch. to the east curb line of Third street ! Ai last Eddie O'Connell has com notice is hereby given that the as- I tfc.-ough and promised to meet Jo. sessment roll for the lmprovemen ,r.;.lru , . of Adams avenue, from the west line ' IIfeinr5ch' -natnictor of the Bak,r Vh of Fourth street to td east curb line ! Iet,c cIub' ,n thls clt some tiu of Third street, belnij In improvement ? early In December. Joe rece'vcl d strict No. 1. in the City of L? i utter today from Lee Ringer, joii Grande. Oregou. under the provisions i , (t. v i , t ' , of Ordinance No. 492. Series 1910, en- Ing edltor of the PIani Jo'"! titled "An Ordinance daclarlng ths J tf,t-'ng that O'Connell had promise, ccst of Improving Adams ajenue from j to sign articles for the match, sav: the west line of Fourth street to the ! the Baker City Herald. The a,er: east curb line of Third street, assess- . . . . ' Ing the property benefitted thereby.'"1 be drawn and Bent to Po"la. declaring such assessment and direct- ':thin a couple ot days. x ing the entry of the same on the' O'Connell will wreetje wjth Yokd pocket of City Liens, authorizing the In Sait Lake Dec. 2 and will atop oil issuance of improvement bonds to pay . Vt,. -T v i I T 1 for said improvement and declaring ; here on hls ay batk 40 Portland. an emergency," the same being In im - provement district No. 1, in said City. S.nTJ? hind8 "H""0" and . that any assessment therein may be. paid to me at any time within iixtv I days from November list, 1910. which up it b for the fastest wrest is the first date of the publication of . Jiujg match ever seen ia Eastern Ore thls notice, without penalty. Interest. - t- or cost: and each property owner is T . , notim that oa application to tha un-' tImw ,n ftn hour aod u 18 dersigned within ten d'ay 'roia the'nl to keep him busy to do it. He 21st day of Noymber, 1910. which Is, knows he is going up'agalnst a hard the date of the first -oublicatlon of thii notice ho will be allowed to pay such assessment in en annual Install ments, the first installment tnereof being due and payable on or before tbe 21t day of January, 19'.;. If ap plication is not ms4e as atiove provid ed the whole amount will be due and payable at the expiration of said sixty days. All property owners interest S. htre& H?td,, . Vpirti my office in the City hall and pay thei lam , . .-w lth, 1910. D. B. COX, Recorder of the City of La Grande. Folio wine is the &RsPHnmnt rnll 'No. 7. : Block 2. 1-2 Lot 7, Grandy's Addl- : t!: A- W.Rynear Est.. $121.64. Block 2, 1-2 Lot 6. Grandy's Add! tlon, C. H. Finn, $121.64. Block 2. 1-2 Lot 7. Grandy's Addi tion. C. H. Finn, $231.95. Block 2. Lot 5. Grandy's Addition, Mrs. R. W. Langhlln, $121.52. Block 2, Lot 4. Grandy's Addition, Msrtlfa J. Long. $10.72. Block 2, 1-2 Lot 8, Grandy's Addi tion. Sarah A. Smith, $256.07. Block 2. 1-2 Lot 9. Grandy's Addi tion. Sarah A. Smith. $131.83. Block 2, 1-2 Lot 8. Grandy's Addl tlon. A. W. Rynearson. Est. $256.06. Block z. 1-2 Lot 9. Grandy's Addl tlon, A. W. Rynearson. Est.. $131.83. Block 2. Lot 10. Grandy's Addition, wuiiam JonnBon, 1131.52. Block 2, Lot 11. Grandy's Addition, r.inrt newis, 941.13. Block 3. Lot 1. Grandy's Addition, u w. uranay, sr.25.8O, N Block 3. Lot 2, Grandy's Addition, ti. w. uranay, $202.75. Block 3. Lot 3. Grandy's Addition, u. w. uranay, ssi.23. V- Block 3. Lot 4. Grandy's Addition. a w. uranay. $40.72. Bloc 3. east 75 feet of Lot 14. tGrandy's Addition, B. W. Grandy. 1 1322.50.' Block 3, east 75 feet of Lot 13, W. Grnndr Grandy's Addition, B. ,0 MA ' ' Block 3. west 60 feet Lot 14. Gran dy's Addition, Sallle A. T. Palmer, $258.16. Block 3. west 60 feet Lot 13. Gran dy's Addition, Sallie A. T. Palmer $97.80. Block 3. 60x15. S. W. cor. Lot 1, Grandy's Addition, Sallle A. T. Palmer, $14.70. Block 3. balance Lot 12. Grandy's Addition. B. W. Grandy. $73.30. Block 3, Lot 11, Grandy's Addition, B W. Grandy. $44.13. Grande Ronde'CashCo PHONE, MAIN 6 mm" I Drug Co. HEALTH, WEALTH and HAPPING By CpmuWny the Wirld Famoui qaimyant and HeiJer Hm Great Mmar i'The date has not been set, but the match will nrobablv be hpid on Dec 8. which will be Thursday, . . . . , hen Helnrlch and OConnell hook proposition, 'but he is prepared tc give a good account of himself. The Multnomah club instructor does not agree to make any speci fied weight but holds Joe to 165. O'Connell will weigh nearly as much and the match will certainly be- a hummer. J to readineaa.for the match . , v . j tomorrow night and ia confident of p!uullit Cw ii.uu' Huouiuers to the mat. XeHce of Street lmprovemeat To whom It may concern: Notice la hereby given that in pursuance of a resolution adopted by tbe Common Council of the City of La Grande, Oregon on the 9th day of November, 1910, creating Improvement District No. 23. and de!rat!ag Lake avenue as such district, and in pursuance -ol a resolution adopted by said Common Council on the 2nd day of November. 1910, whereby said Council deter mined and declared its intention to improve aH that portion ca Lake avenue, in said Improvement' dis trict as hereinafter described, by lay ing thereon macadam pavement, the council will, ten days after the ser vice of this notice upon the owners of the property affected and benefit ted by Buch improvement, order that Bald above described improvement be made; that boundaries of said district to be bo Improved are as follows: All that portion of Lake avenue from the west curb line of North Second st.-"1 to the west line of N. Cedar streeu Notice Is herby further given that the Council will levy a special assessment on all the property affected and bene- flttedby such Improvement for the purpose ot paying for such improve ment. That the estimated cost of such improvement is the sum of $3698 00, That the Council will on the 23rfi day of November, 1910, meet at the Coun cil chamber at the hour of 8 o'clock p. m. to consider said estimated cost. and tbe levy of said assessment, when a hearing will be granted to any per son feeling aggrieved by such assess- menL j La Grande, Oregon, Nov. 11, 1910. CITY COUNCIL OF LA GRANDE. OREGON. . By D. E. COX. Recorder of the City of La" Grande, Oregon. Nov. 12-10t ''rv, Satisfaction or money back Newlln Drug Co. Hotel, La Grande Humor and philosophy r VVICAfi M. SMITH PERT PARAGRAPHS., yyTIEN a woman has partaken of "light refreshments" served at 5 p. 111. at her club she can't understand why' her-, husband wants something besides bread and butter and canned pearu for dinner, ' . . 4 So man knows when he will be with- oet friends and without money, and the reiiow wno pas the best time doesn't care. - , The wise man carries two kinds of cigars. ; one kind that he himself smokes and the other that ha rives to people who bore him. It Is like a man to buv hia wtf n dress and select a blond 1 dress for a brunette woman. Salesladies are apt to prefer male customers because they are such easy maras. .... The small boy'a ambition bas.shlfted from baseball to aviation. Some of our most upright legisla tors are those who never felt the tug of a bribe pulling them Into oblique courses, .. -. , . Look out for the woman who feels It her duty to tell yon the mean things that Mrs. Brown said about you. h takes a great mfhd to prefer criti cism to praise. ' Any man can advise another how to build a house, but no man can build one that will suit himself a week.. Face a problem firmly and you can sometimes stare It out of countenance. He who is gifted with a strong sense of his own Importance Is never at a loss for a grievance. On Getting. Get money, run the saying - Yes. honest. It you may At once, without delaying-. But Set it anyway. But In the getting frantie Be sure you do not make The byplay or the antic That keep a man awake. It's pleaaant to have plenty, To make things come across, 80 you may flip a. twenty And never feel the lost. But It the stuff la tainted It isn't, you will learn. As rosy aa 'tis painted To have the cash to burn. A conscience than can slumber In hours to close the eyes Tou easily may number As something of a prize. One that is ever ready Your shady ways to rap Is not a comfort steady When you would take a nap. Get money, that's the ticket, But have a little care When from the bush you pick It That you are on the square. Thus peace that is abiding It brings instead of strife When you' are cently sliding The shady side of life. Friends No Longer. "Jones doesn't 8Muk to Crown now." "Is that a fnctv "True as irt'utbiug.' "Money matters?" "No. babies." -"How is tbatr "Brown's baby can climb nn enfl on Goo."" ' "Welir "The Jones' baby, the tome am. - gvi .a joat creep." Nothing Doing. "Temptation never fools with ma "No." . - "rr "Are you so stern and unrelenting?" 'Not at a!!. I throw "ud my hands at pace and It goes pn it way." N Linguist. -2?ow are you coming on with your new aoto r ' rr r .. . . "Pretty fair." ' .MXx.hli "Undejetandyit yetr . ' altogether. It speaks a etrnple cpotterlng language, and X haven't sep arated all of the words as yet - , !. ThaWaHee. "All things come round to him who waits." "Don't you be lieve itr -Nor "No. They have abolished, Ops." hy pay Rent? We loan vou w tnnnv In knit A mmJ ..... jfrsttAAToX flBi TJt OHCf ? pay us as you would rent. J. R. OUVER. : 'ml ;n0 sh Bern. -'gsaL Directory of the Fraternal Orders of La Grande, Oregon A. F. & A. M. La Grande Lodge No. , 41, A. F. & A. M. holds regular meet- lngs first and third Saturdays a: 7:30 p. m. Cordial welcome to all Masons. JOHN 8. HODGUJ. W. ! A. C. WILLIAMS, Secretary. B. P. O. E. La Grande Lodge No. 4:J3 meeta each Thursday evening at S o'clock In Elk's club, comer of Do pot street and Washington avenue. Visiting brothers are cordially in vltea to attend. - DR. ,G. L. BIGGER8. Ex Rul. HLTH McCALL. Rec Sec. WOODMEN OF TIJE WORLD La Grandff Lodge No. 189 JV. O. ' W. meeta every second and fourth Tues day in the month. All visiting mem bers welcome. NERI ACKLES, C. C. -J. H. KEENtY. Clerk. . M. W. A. La Grande Camp No. 7703 meeta every Monday in the month at the I. O. O. F. hall. All visiting neighbors are cordially invited to attend. - I. R. SNOOK, C. D. E, COX, Clerk. C.T. Gcnei al extractor of Cement Work Plain bvA Re-enforcetJ Joncretft THE SIDEWALKS DARUY Complete equipment for rubber buggy tires. LA GRANDE IRON WORKS D. F.lZGERALD, Proprietor QjmpUte Machine Shops and Foundry y TJr H CliliiX ME3f gpeak of oar Orercoafe In the highest terms, and they merit the comment They are beautifully design "' wu suu cjcguuuy tailored. Every man can nd here as OTercoat that wiU seem te hau been made especlaUj for him. Overcoats In all the season's correct Models In Kerseys, Ox. fords and Grays. Mixtures In air the weaves that look well and wear well and that Impart a pleasing personality. Silk or Serge lined, aa yoa prefer. Overcoat making has reached ' Tailoring art-and ; there's bardly a Man that goes to the exclaslve Tailor for his' Over, coat. Always pleased U shewt t v r-vi-Ves-J REBEKAHS Crystal Lodge No. 60 meets every evening In the I. O. C. F. hall. All visiting members ar Invited to attend. MISS ANNA ALEXANDER, N. G. MRS. JENNIE M. SMITH, Sec ICN1GHTS OF PYTHIAS Red Crosi Lodge No. 27 meets every Monrtay night in Castle hall, (old Elk's hall.) A Pythian welcome to all visiting Knights. . JESS PAUL. C. C. R. L. LINCOLN,!, of R. ft S O. E. S. Hope Chapter n6. 13, O. E C. holds stated communications the second and fourth Wednesdays of each month. Visiting members cor dially invited. . : MARY A. WARWICK, Sec. PAULINE EDERLEE, W. M. WOMEN OF WOODCRAFT Crand Ronde Circle No. 47 meets ever firat and third Thursday evenings In the month at the I. O. O. F. hall , All vitjtlag members are welcotna. CHIDE ROBINSON, G. 1L UZim 'ELWJWORTH. Cl MKES STA AD itit WEAR resetting and repairing -