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About La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 9, 1910)
VAGETWO LA (MAUDE EVENING OBSERVER. WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 9, 1910. I 1 11 11 . i oownordaLe. I - - - ' 1 1 H A DDITION :to LA GRANDE The most magnifi cent piece of ground ever placed on the market in any ciy of the Northwest Five Blocks from the Busi ness Center of the City The ground lies beautifully and every lot is level and smooth. All lots to be improved with JCEMENT Sidewalks, Curbing and Parking and All Streets Will Be Graded Positively the choicest bargains in CLOSE-IN property that can ever be offered in La Grande. The time to buy a Homesite is Now and Let it Grow In Value !! Prices will Advance November 1st Special inducements offered to the Quick Buyer and EASY TERMS will be given. This is a purely Restricted Residence District and is destined to be the fut ure High Class residential portion of the city. : -: -: : Commltsloper'a Proceeding Bills audited and allowed by the County Court, November Term, 1910. general Fund. 1 -- J. F.. Baker, Defending V. R. Pearson bv aoDointment ...1 2S fif! i John Baker. Services as Grand Jury Baliff 18.00 I L. B. Stearns, Services as Jury Bailiff 36.00 i J M. Hilts, Services as I Court BalHff . 20.00 i H. R. Hanna, Court Reporter's Fees . 95.00 Cbas. E. Cochran, Defending Wisdom & Eads by appoint ment ... . 35.00 Etfle Billings, Work In School Supt. office T. 9.00 Ruth Jackson, Work In School Supt. office . . , .' 21.00 Geo. W. Lamoreaux, Work on , Tax Rolls .'. 69.00 Mrs. E. W. Bartlett, Work on Tax Rolls , . 78.00 Emil Nlederer, Services as Janitor, Oct., 1910 50.00 N. Moll tor, Services as Secy. Co. Board of HeaUh 8.92 M. K. Hall. Services as County Physician 25.00 Boys & Girls Aid Society, Al lowance for Oct., 1910 ...... 10.00 L. Stillwell, Services as Fruit Inspector 79.00 W. R. Jasper, Grand Juror, Cir. Court; Oct Term, 1910 20.00 E. E. Grout, Grand Juror, Cir. Court, Oct Term, 1910 !40 L. u Cross, Grand Juror, Cir. Court Oct Term, 1910 23.00 J. H. Nice, Grand Juror, Cir. Court, Oct Term, 1910...... 24.40 T. B. Marlin, Grand Juror, Cir. . Court, Oct. Term, 1910 25.60 C. E. Dudley, Grand Juror, Cir. Court, Oct Term, 1910 22.20 Nels Schoonover, Grand Juror, Cir. Court, Oct Term 1910 19.20 A. A. Belden, Juror, Cir. Court, Oct Term, 1910 27.20 D. M. Clark, Juror, Cir. Court Oct. Term, 1910 24 20 E. O. Zeek, Juror, Cir. Court, Oct Term, 1910 v 2720 R. E. Hall, Juror, Cir. Court, Oct. Term, 1910 27.20 C. H. Jordan, Juror, Cir. Court Oct. Term, 1910 15.20 T. r Cmft. T,, - y-ll- x Oct. Term, 1910 24.20 I S D. Ficklin, Juror, Cir. Court, Oct. Term, 1910 27.20 G. C. Wagoner, Juror, Cir. Ct, Oct. Term, 1910 24.60 M. J. Duffey, Juror, Cir. Court, Oct. Term, 1910 27.20 Elmer Workman, Juror, Cir. Court, Oct. Term, 1910 .... ' 27.20 J. A. Tracy, Juror, Cir. Court, Oct. Term, 1910 28.50 C. E. Golden, Juror, Cir. Court,. Oct. Term, 1910 31.20 W. M. Parks, Juror, Cir. Court Oct. Term, 1910 27.40 F. D. Gaskill, Juror, Cir. Court, Oct. Term, 1910 25.20 E. L. Halley, Jure, Cir. Court, Oct .Term, 1910 13.20 M. Reynolds, Sp. Juror, Cir. Court, Oct. Term-1910 9.20 J. P. DeLone. Sd. Juror. Cir. Court Oct Term. 1910 9.2ft Sam Ruckman, Sp. Juror, Cir. Court Oct. Term, 1910 9.20 John Wells, Sp. Juror, Cir. Court, Oct. Term, 1910 9.20 L. Woodell. Sp. Juror. Cir. Court, Oct Term. 1910 9.20 Robt. Deal, Sp. Juror, Cir. Court. Oct. Term. 1910 9.2ft C. D. Huffman. Sp. Juror, Cir. Court, Oct. Term, 1910 9.20 Sam Brooks, Sp. Juror, Cir. Court, Oct. Term, 1910 9.20 J. W. McAllister, Sp. Juror, Cir. Court, Oct Term, 1910 9.20 John Peebler, Sp. Juror, Cir. court, Oct. Term, 1910 9.20 E. L. Harris, Sp. Juror, Cir. Court Oct. Term, 1910 3.20 T. B. Johnson. 5d. Juror, Cir. Court. Ort. Term. 191ft . 9.20 John Reeves, Sp. Juror, Cir. Court, Oct. Term, 1910 9.20 S. Chandler, Sp. Juror, Cir. Court. Oct. Term. 1910 9.20 H. J. Rinehnrt. Sn. Juror. Cir. Court, Oct Term, 1910 9.20 Geo. Robertson, Sp. Juror, Cir. Court Oct Term, 1910 ..... 3.20 James Nash. Sn. Juror. Cir. Court, Oct. Term, 1910 6.20 Ed. Conley, Sp. Juror, Cir. Court, Oct Term, 1910 6.20 A. R. Plowfir Sn. Juror. Cir. Court. Oct. Term. 1910 6.20 Ray Logan, sp. juror, uir. Court, Oct Term, 1910 6.20 R. H. Darla. Sn. Juror. Cir. Court, Oct Term, 1910 6.20 W. J. Lindsay, sp. juror, cir. Court. Oct Term, 1910 6.20 J. Mj. Ward, Sp. Juror, Cir. Court, Oct. Term, 1910 6.20 J. S. Perry, Sp. Juror, Cir. Court Oct Term. 1910 ..... 6.20 Joe Woods, Sp." Juror, Cir. Court, Oct. Term, 1910 6.20 Lem Day, Sp. Juror, Cir. Sp. Cir. Sourt Clt Term 6.20 Wm. Winn. Sd. Juror. Cir. Court Oct. Term. 1910 6.20 Fred Taal, Sp. Juror. Cir. Court Oct. Term. 1910 6.20 I. N. Cromwell, Witness be fore Grand Jury 5.20 Geo Balrd, Witness before Grand Jurv 5.20 Miss Leslie Roberts, Witness before Grand Jury 12.40 Edna Roed. Witness hefore Grand Jury 12.40 iH. A. ua'ru, Witness before Grand Jury 5.20 Harrl't Terrv. Witness bofore We Received 1,000 pounds of the New Eagle 3 cones for 50 cents also in gallon cans at $1.25 Valley Honey City Grocery and Bakery T I 50c - YOUR PALM READ -r 50c Past, Present and Future Reduced Prices for Days Only!! As a matter of advertisement, MADAME DEL MAB, The fa. mous palmist, will read your palm for the small fee of 50c. ComeNow Don't Delay Find out what the future has in Btore for you. Madame Delmar guarantees to reveal every Incident of your life, past, present and future. Office hourB, 10 a. m. to 9 p. m. 1423 Adams Avenue That's What They All Say If you'd avoid a foolish fate, Drink "Sam-0" and vote 3-2-8 f f you'd see Oregon stay free, Dtlnk "Sam.OHZandZvote 3-4-3 Ifycc d have business grow and thrive, Drine "Sam-0" and vote 3-4-5 It's Good ForWhat Ails Y ou 'A rA 5 10-Acre tract on Adams avenue. New 9-room brick house, macadam 5 m auTOh ui iiwuk ui yiuycuj. tii water on corner 01 property, oewci m A of the city crosses full length of property, and have a contract with A , A city to tap sewer on every 60 foot lot without cost A splendid home d and Investment. Price $8300.00 1-2 cash, balance on terms. 4 4 4 U A 6-room modern brick house, 2 lots 124x120 feet, nice shade, trees rA 5 fruit and lawn, barn, wood shed, etc., on corner of 2nd and Spring A Zk street for the remarkable low p rice of $1800.00. Easy terms. This i a property has been held at $2100.00 but the owner must have money. A hence the great reduction In price. Let me show yon. 4 d JL BI ACKThe Real Estate Vto j sue (Cor.tln'TO' on Page Three.)