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About La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 1, 1910)
EVENING OlinVEa TUE3D3 NOmm 1, 1S10. HE -tosiehts mm Clothes Make the - Man Vita graph. - ;. Max la Absent Minded Pathe. The IconoclaBt Biograph. Song Wateraelon Time. , Beautiful dishes given to lady patron ot the matinee. See dis play In lobby. JLK11SSI0H 10 c- LOCALS t Vacuum carpet cleaning, taking up, sewing and laying. 1 F, Bllllnger, phones Red 662 and Red 141. Read Oregon The last call of the West, by Walter V. Woenlke. Beauti fully Illustrated In tour colors in Nov ember Sunset magazine. Now on sale, all news stands, IS cents. ' The Ladles of the Bapilst church will hold a cooked food sale at Rus sel's meet market Saturday, Oct U. All patent medicines advertised .In this paper are for sale by the Wright Drug Co. i : j ' , For sale planing mill end ' box factory In running condition, 1 acre ground will Bell at half price. Apply J. M. Hlrsh, Union, Ore. - The Green-eyed Monster is headed toward Oregon. If It continues to trav el at: the present rate of speed it should arrive about the end of next week. Look out .for it, The Presbyterian Aid society will meet tomorrow at the home of Mrs. John ThleBon, 7$3 Spring street. Boy wanted to carry water, $1.50 per day. Apply to Blenn Smith, ditch i - 7IWEHAVE TAKE ifpj&l fi JUST ALOOKjl W f II TilESOIT I ATOHR I Svf J THE MAN WHO CARES We 'don't appeal to the Man who Is not at all particular about his Clothes to whom a Suit is a Suit & Hat is a Hat, a Tie is a Tie, and one thing will answer as well as another no one need take any pains for that tort of Man. ' V WE APPEAL TO THE MAN WHO IS VERT PARTICULAR ABOUT WHAT HE WEARS ABOUT THE FIT, THE STYLE, AND WITHAL THE PRICE! We appeal to Men who know what they want and won't take any thing else, Men who are up-to-date and dress accordingly. By this class of Men our smart Suits, our elegant Overcoats and our correct Haberdashery, at reasonable prices, are appreciated. HANDSOME NEW MODELS IN FALL SUITS H&00 to IMMH) t CHOICE OVERCOATS IN ALL CORRECT STYLES . . to $284)0 Hats From the Best natters and Exclusive Haberdashery From v llakera With a Wide-World Reputation. visf'l. syyywy foreman on sewer construction. local manager wanted for the Ore gon Oxygenator Co. to' the right party. $150 per month and more. Must give first class reference. See Mr. Wilson at Hotel Foley. THE OREGON OXYGENATOR CO. I Portland. Oreeon. A free lunch will b furnished at the Lee Furgaaon sale tomorrow. This Is one of the most Important sales of the fall and a large attendance la expect ed. PERSONALS. A F. E. Smith was over from Elgin this morning on business matters. Rev. L. C; Eliot left this morning for Idaho to conduct revival meetings, W. R. Anderson of Walla Walla Is stopping at the Foley hotel today. Ed. Blackburn, the Baker City trav eling man, is a guest at the Foley today. . Mrs. Oakley Coffin has gone to Wal la Walla to visit friends and from there she' goes, to Corvallls on a visit Attorney T. H. Crawford Is home from Portland where he witnessed the 0. A C W. S. C. game last Sat urday, ;".' v. '' ' Authentic news.; comes from the Jungles that Chief of Police Walden has felled his first deer. It is said he has hunted for. deer, for twenty-seven years and this Is his first successful venture.' ; '-r "The Cow" and the Moon company reached the city this morning and will show tonight at the Steward. Practi cally all the Seats are good and Indi cations art the comic opera season here will open with a splendid show. Mr. and Mrs.; Bert Hutchison leave this evening for Walla Walla where theywlll make their future home. Mr. Hutchinson has versed himself in the moving picture business but does not plan oh going into the moving pic ture business at Walla Walla. Conductor Jack Heuhan, formerly of this city but lately living at Pendle ten,' was In the city this morning, hav lng brought a special train here from Pendleton to consolidate with No. 6 at this point. The "Goddes of Llb erty" show troupe made up the spec lal irain, and ls' headed for .Welser., Mr. Heuhan will come to La Grande to live at once.,' ; ' "SVfcir Clothiers and 0)TO. Furnishers mvw-w -r -w w O r rr-Tt:" : r t. ' KELSON FIGHTS DILAW -; I :- '.. . .- - . , ' .. .- 1 ' .,' . .. . ' " Ho and La Grave Go Fifteen Bounds to a Draw Last Sight 4 San Francisco, Nov. i Opinion was about evenly divided today whether Battling Nelsjon came back last night when he : fought, Antone La Grave a draw in fifteen rounds. Writers say he did not show his old time dash but could still take punishment. La Grave was four pounds overweight, bo all bets were called off by the referee. SAMPSON FUNERAL TOMORROW. railroader Who Died Last E -'iiini be Bulged Wednesdar. ' The funeral of John Sampson who died last evening at 4:30 o'clock, will ba held tomorrow afternoon at 1:45 o'clock at the Christian church. The local lodge of Odd -Fellows, to which the deceased belonged will have charge of the Interment. LEAVE THURSDAY SIGHT. Football Team WM Go to Spokane for f Crucial Game Thnrsday. -Everything is in readiness for the departure of the La Grande team next Thursday evening for Spokane where the squad will meet the Spokane team next Saturday. About fourteen men including a faculty representative will make the trip . L 0. O. F. Attention. All Odd Fellows are re- quested to meet at the I. O. O. 4 ,. F. hall at 12:30 sharp for the purpose of attending the fun- eral of our late Bro. John Simpson. A J. E. COOLIDGE, N. G. No. 16. LAURA WINST05 NEXT WEEK Week Stand Opens at Steward "With Popular Players In Title Boles. The coming of Miss Laura Winston on next Monday is a welcome an nouncement for this is one repertoire company Mr. John Cort has chosen to play his chain of theatres this year. The opening play will be a com edy called the Grey Dove and is said to be one good laugh after another from the' rise to the fall of the cur tain, even afterwards when at home a point here and there will cause a smile. '' '' ' It is this sort of combination, good acting and a good play, which has k. '. v One of the many catchy settings In made the Winston company the 'great favorites they have proved themselves where ever it has been the good for tune of the theatre goer to receive a visit from them. This is the same company which played the entire summer at the Key-lor-Grand theatre in Walla Walla and their record here is one to be envied. As we know, only a meritorious or ganization could and would be per mitted to play in that theatre espec ially for so long a period therefore it is to be expected nonn but excellent performances will be seen at ' the Steward during this engagement. A new play will be given each night, the selections being mostly on the comedy line but with sufficient good drama interworven to suit the fancy of all. Seats on sale at the usual place and popular prices of 25, 35 and 60 cents prevail during the week. Drunk and Disorderly. C. L. Morrison was fined this morn PROSPEROUS COLORS AND PROS- o PERITY have much in common and are f re- O quently syncnomous. $ 5 The up-to-dateness of shade, cut and style x of your suit or overcoat certainly doe3 much T to recommend you to favorable notice. v GOOD TASTE, GOOD STYLE AND PROSPEROUS COLORS ALL COnBHJE IN CAMPUS CLOTHES. They are author- 0 itive and exclusive, made by specialists ' in 0 New York City where the best styles orig- f inate, noticeably different, but not freaky, f snowing smartness ana individuality with out offense to reasonable conservatism. IDEAL CLOTHES FOR YOUNG HEN 'AND OLDER MEN VHO WISH TO LOOK YOUNG. PROSPEROUS COLORS are light and cheerful crava. rmW rf black and white, wIOwu, uu uio tuways aepenaaoie Diue ' 7 shades ; all are represented in our PALL 5? SHOWING OP CAMPUS CLOTHES. O Every CAMPUS garment is warranted ; for fit, style and wear by the Manufacturers. Y ' Let us show youthe new PROSPERITY SHADES. CAMPUS styles will suit you. Our reasonable pricey for such good mer chandise will please. : x K A the "Cow and the Moon" at the Steward Opera House Tonight ing for being drunk and disorderly on the streets. KOBTH P0WDEBITES MARRY. People Go to Depot to Receive the Newlyweds bat are Chagrined. North Powder, Nov. 1, (Special) North Powder turned out en masse last night to receive Frank Pearson and Olive Davis, popular young people who were married at Baker City yes terday, and who were expected home last evening, but failed to come. The band was out but turned its face to the domiciles in the city, and chagrined, though they were, admitted the bride and groom had outwitted them. APPETITE GONE Indigestion Is the Cause of It The Newlln Drug Co. has the Care. People go on suffering from little stomach troubles for years and imag ine they have a serious disease. They over-eat and drink and force '-warm rich and ruddy on the stomach a lot of extra work. But they never think that the stom ach needs extra help to do extra work. If these people would take two MI-O-NA stomach tablets with or after meals stomach misery would go in five minutes and they would be a great big help to the stomach in its strain of overwork. ' , MI-O-NA Is guaranteed by the New lln Drug Co., to cure indigestion or any stomach disease, or money hack. ', MI-O-NA for belching of gas. MI-O-NA for distress after eating. MI-O-NA for foul breath. MI-O-NA for bllllousnesB. MI-O-NA to wake up the liver. MI-O-NA for heartburn. MI-O-NA for sick headache. MI-O-NA for nervous dyspepsia. MI-O-NA after a banquet. MI-O-NA for vomiting of pregnancy. Fifty cents a large box at The New lln Drug Co. Oct 12-20-Nov. t Want ads pay, one cent a word. ' 11