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About La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 27, 1910)
LA GRANDE EVENING OBSERVER. THURSDAY, OCTOBER 27, 1910. PAGE TWO I 4441 I I i I 1 1 i I i H I U 1 1 f Fresh Horse Radish Root I Sweet Potatoes Celery Raddish Pumpkins and I Squash Pattison Bros, i Use either phone i if .hy pay Rent ?l'Jt loan you If if HAn If ' Unit A mmA pay us as) you would rent I R. OUVtR. European Plan Only Rooms EOc to $1.60 First class Throughout D. G. BRIGHOUX, Proprietor. v ONE BLOCK FROM DEPO I La Graade, Otegon mm sv p wm " r 10-Acre tract on Adams avenue. New, 9-room brick house,' macadam street In front of property. City water on corner of property. Sewer of the city crosses full length of property, and have a contract with city to tap sewer on every 60 foot lot without cost. A Bplendld home and investment. Price $8300.00 1-2 cash, balance on terms. A 5-room modern brick houBe, 2 lots 124x120 feet, nice shade trees fruit and lawn, barn, wood shed, etc., on corner of 2nd and Spring street for the remarkable low price of 11800.00. Easy terms. This property has been held at $2100.00 but the owner must have money, hence the great reduction in price. Let me show you. t C. J. BLACKS Rl Estate Mali i WiwWkwwiu' Complete equipment for resetting and repairing rubber buggy tires. LA GRANDE IRON WORKS D. FYIZGERALD, Proprietor Gmpl2tc . Machlns Shops and Foundry That's What If vou'd avoid a Orhk "SjTi.r' aiivo?eS3-2-8 If you'd sec Oregon slay free, D:ink "Sam-O'and vofe 3-4-3 Ify. d have business grow and Ihrive, Drine "Sam-0" and vofe 3-4-5 It's Good Tote 3fo oa Annexation. The portion of Washington county proposed to be annexed to Multnomah Is seven miles wide, contains 112 of our 730 sections, four and a half of our fifteen millions of taxable prop erty, one fourth of our voters and population and one-half of our rail road mileage. 500 voters of this strip have signed a remonstrance against annexation a clear majority, as less than 300 signed the petition and about 900 votes were cast at the la3t general election. In addition many who first favored annexation now oppose It and say' the cut was made too deep. We ask v i. to No on Washinloa- Multomah divlslan W, D. Wood, Chairman Anti-Annexation Committee Hlllsboro. Ore,gon. . Maine Teachers. Bangor, Me.. Oct 27 Marking the first year of the confederation of th State Teachers' Association with 'he. Association of Preparatory Schools and Colleges, a notable convention was opened here today by the educators of the state. A number of promlnei i speakers of Maine and other state, including Rabbi Stephen C.f Wise and Dr. O. R. Gilford, will deliver aaureBs- es during the sessions of today and tomorrow, , . D! FOR SALE T. A Crst class real estate mort gage of $0,900 on Union county property drawing 7 per cent Will give good discount . , . v ' ; ; - Over 100 acres of land located, between La Grande and Baker City1. 75 acres nnder pliiw, pas ture land. Good water. Will sell for-$12.50 an acre. Call at Observer Office v?wa&i? 33 They All Say foolish fafe, ' "" Foi-What Ails You ! Fsr Orer Three Decades. Foley Honey and Tar has been a reliable household medicine and the , "children" children" find It today the j same safe and sure remedy for coughs and colds that their grandslres did. Mahala Stockwell, Hannibal, Missouri, writing under date of August 28, 1910 has this to say about this great medi cine. "1 have recently used for the first timer Foley's Honej and Tar Cough medicine. To say that I am pleased with" It does not half express my feelings. It la by far the best 1 ever used. I had contracted a bad cold and was nearly sick In bed, having a terrible headache vt Veil as a cougl and was threatened with pneumonia I used but one bottle of yourFtley' Honey aid Tar hud was completel; ured. It beats all the remedies I eve used and 1 have n! ninny dlfferen; kinds" ... T " , ' 4$ To Our Subscribers. r4fy 4 The date stamped on your ; 4$ 4 paper shows the time paid 4$ 4$ too. We would like to hear 4$ A from you If yod think our et- A $ forts deserves further patron- 4? age. Write us at once, If not, 4 notify the stopping of your 4$ paper. We hate to looBea .4 that you want the paper or 4$ same will be stopped. o .'; o 4 LA GRANDE EVENING OB- SERVER.1 " Notice of Street Improvement To whom It may concern: , Notice hereby gien that In pur suance of a resolution adopted by the Common Council of the City of La Grande, Oregon, on the 1st day of Dec. 1909, creating Improvement District No. 10 and designating Greenwood Street, as such district, and In pur suance of a resolution adopted by said Common Council on the 5th day of. Oct., 1910, whereby Bald Council de termined and declared its Intention to improve all that portion of Greenwood Street, In Bald Improvement district aa hereinafter described, by laying thereon board walk, the Council will, ten days after the service of this no tice upon 'the owners of the property affected and -benefitted by such im provement, order that said above de scribed improvement be made; that boundaries of said district to be so improved are as follows; All that portion of Greenwood Street, from the North Curb' line of Jefferson Avenue, to the South Curb, line of. Monroe Ave nue. Notice if hereby further given that the Council will levy a special as sessment on all the property affected and benefitted by such improvement for the purpose of paying for such im provement , That the estimated coBt of such Improvement Is the sum of $296.10. That the Council will on the 2nd day of Nov., 1910, meet at the Council .chamber at the hour of 8 o'clock, P. M., to consider Baid esti mated cost, and the levy of said as sessment, when, a hearing will be granted to anyj person feeling ag grieved by such assessment. La Grande, Oregon. Oct. 19. 1910. CITY COUNCIL OP LA GRANDE, OR EGON, By D. E. COX, Recorded of the City of La' Grande, Oregon. ' Oct. 21 to Nov. 1. , Citation. In the County Court, for the County of Unlon,Btate of .Oregon. In the matter of the eBtate of Mary Lleurance, Deceased. Citation. To Georgia A. Hayes, Benjamin F. Edwards, Thomas J. Edwards, Eliza beth J. Condoj- and Lucy Burdon, heirs of Mary Lleurance, deceased, and all interested parties, greeting: In the name of the State of Ore gon, You are hereby cited and requir ed to appear In the County Court of the state of Oregon, for the County of Union, at the court room thereof, at La Grande In the county of Union, on Saturday, the 26th day of November, 1910, at 10 o'clock, In the forenoon pt that day, then and there to show causa why an order for the sale of the roal estate of the above named decedent, towlt, a tract of land, the boundary line of which begins at the Northwest corner of the Northeast Quarter of Section 21 In Township 3 South of Range 40 E. W. M. in Union county, Oregon, and runs thence east 80 rods, thence south 37 7-25 rods, thence west 80 rods, thenc? north 37 7-25 rods, to the place of beginning, all in Unjonj claims against said estate, tnd expen se of settling the same by the.admln lstrator thereof, should not Le made. .Witness, the Hon. J- C. Henry, Judge of the County Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Union, with the seal of said Court affixed this 13th day of October, 1910. Attest: ED. WRIGHT, Clerk. (Seal) J 4 Oct 24 to Nov 21 O O A G PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY. t PHTSICIASS AXD SUBGEOSS. M. MOLlTdR, M. D. Physician an. Surgeon. Corner Adams Ave. an . Depot street. Office, Main 68; Rest dence 69. ; . C H. UPTON, Ph. G. M. D. Physicla and surgeon. Special attention t Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat. Offlc . In La Grande'Natlunal Bank Build lng. Phones: Office Main I, Real dence Main 32. . : , A L. RICHARDSON Physician ant t surgeon. Office Hours: 2 to ij p. m except Sunday. Sunday by appoint iMKii T?!?yhcncs; Czc, UlicJ, 1362; Ind. 353; residence. Main 55: Ind. 312. GEO;. W. ZIMMERMAN Osteopath Phys'clan. Sommer Bldg., Rooms 7. 8, 9 and 10. Phones: Home 1332. Pacific, Main 63, Residence phone Black 951. Successor to Dr. C. E Moore. ' . ; ,::,;.. DR: M. P. MENDELSOHN Doctor of Optics. Spectacles and Eye Glasses Fitted and made to order. All er rors of Refraction Corrected. 1105 t Adams Ave. Foley Hotel Bldg. La Grande, Oregon. DR. H. L. UNDERWOOD and DR DORA J. UNDERWOOD Office ov . er. Wright Drug store. Special at ' tention paid to diseases and surgery of the eye. Phones Office Main 22; residence, Main 728. J. C. PRICE, D. M. D. Dentist Room 23, La Grande National Bank Build lng. Phone Black 399.' Y DR. A. CHARLTON .Veterinary Sur geon. Office at Hill's Drug Store, , La Grande. Residence phone, Red 701; Office phone, Black 1361; Inde pendent phone 53; both phones at . residence. ATTORNEYS AT LAW. COCHRAN & COCHRAN Attorneys: Chaa. E. Cochran and Geo. T. Coch ' ran. La Grande National Bank '.' Bldg., La Grande, Oregon. ,i ' T. H. CRAWFORD Attorney at Law. Practices in al lthe courts of the State and United States. Office in La Grande National Bank Bldg., La Grande, Oregon. D. W. C. NELSON Mining Engineer Baker City, Oregon. Professional Elocutionist. -( .Miss Katherlne P. Mitchell, gradu ate and post graduate in Oratory and English, Cumnock school, Northwest ern university, Chicago, 111., Private nnrt closs work. Elocution, Oratory, Dramatic work, Physical Culture, .Tu tor and Critic, English Literature and Composition. Phone Black 331. 1403 N. Avenue. Terra Cotta Well Casing Call-or write for Estimates and Prices. John Melville 1428 AdainAve. ; LA GRANDE, - ORE '.' . Coal en the Way. y ' ' Word has' been received . "by i the! oranae Konae Cash company today that the shipment of one carload of coal which reached here today is the lorerunner of . a large shipment and that the coal supply will bevgood for a time at leasts ECZEMA CURE WORTH LIFE ITSELF. To all who are suffering from Ec zema and other skin diseases it Is WORTH LIFE ITSELF to know; that a simple- wash or Oil of Wintergreen. Thymol and other carefully compound ed ingredients gives instant and posi tive relief to that awful burning itch. You know that unless you do get relief from that torturing agoriy.'life is not wortn living. " ' . ' ' v ." J.U5 1 ARRIVED i TowleV Syrup I L. C Maple, Is, one-half and onefourths iowie'8 Urcus Syrup, U f OI1A hAlr nnrl nna.fnnvlh j Aunt Abbie Sarghum Little Coon Molasses . ' '' v I I and Royal Grocery Bakery , - . .' ., ...... VIiL PHONE, MAIN1 iJust Received AfewJ t ! iiti in Room I l8-6xl0-6 Axminslers,Tape 4 4 tirys, ALL WOOL, 1-2 Wovei tana union nn jquare, va? ; dize carper : ' - and exceptional values at f Save $5 y fjere on t , ' : T IF; Do - Get at 'least a.25'een size of this wonderful Ectema" wash today, it ig called the" D.' D. D. Prescription. The very first drops will give you absolute and instant relief. They. will show you that life is worth while, fnr .... fering ceases with the very first ap plication, and you feel that in D. D. D. Prescription you have at last found a cure. At any rate, you know you have Instant relief. The Newlin Drug Co. 'Oct 25-27 Strawberries for Sale. The City Grocery & Bakery has a few boxes of home grown strawberries. First come first served. Soo-Spokane Route '-' . THE ; ': 5 SHORT LINE Minneapolis, St.Paul AND ALL POINTS EAST iyiirMKMt Electric-lighted Observation Cars and Standard Sleepers, the most up-o-date Tourist Cars and through diners.- V- T ' ' .; , ' Through tickets to all ponts east are on sale by your local agent at lowest current fares.,' Details Betths Literature G. M. Jackson, Geo. A. Walton, Trav. Pass. Agt s Gen. Agt 11 Wall St, Spokane, nugs ai jj.jj V'.- ' t $22,501 WA i. Vow Rugs. Haisfteiiis 1 . v r