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About La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 21, 1910)
'.'. 'j-'.-2j. '. ; : PAGE E1GIIT LA GRANDE EVENING OBSERVER ' FRIDAY, OCTOBER 21, 1910. the eastbound mall train, Number 6 coaches and pullmana were held at La Grande. Nnmber One gent Out In place of sending Number one the westbound local, train out of Bak er City, It was made up . here . and started out about time. n - V 9 MM attra j IK BURNED Hill -lam, '51 f i. "I OPERATOR DISCOVERS BLAZE HILLY THIS MORMG. IHraflic Stalled for About Six Hours Wlille Repairs are Made. "Traffic was blocked on the tnaln line ot the 0. R. & N. today for about six hours by the burning of three bents of the big bridge one mile east of Un ion. The fire was discovered by the op erator at Union Btatiou this morning, at 6:30 o'clock, but before the blaze .'wwas extinguished two entire bents and 't 'apportion of the third had been burned 3owa. The bridge spans a gulch about "25 feet deep and It would have been -disastrous for a train to have attempt ed to cross it at night, but even In the event that the fire had burned Itself out at'nlght, it would likely have been discovered In time by the engineer for the bridge is located a point where It iia In easy range of vision. By noon the congestion had cleared in the lo- -xal yards. . Yards Filled With trains.' "BTien the traffic was resumed, pow r was taxed. Last night's Number 5 the night mall train, this morning's 17 were both tied up on the other Bide of the trouble and were rushed csSfcrough the city Just as fasf as pos WajOn the other hand, Number 10 3C VIE WANT YOUR BOTH PHONES TWO WAGONS, ... .9 ( Laundry .J Work.:.:. i i II II . Erm JEm " TV w T ;J t aundry CLOSING SALE W'attfaburn Mandolins, regular 12 7.50 Ik-He Mandolins, regulur $30 for -TitOta Guitar, regular $23 for ....... W. S. It. Mathews Graded Studies, regular 11.00 for ... . Dr. William Mason Graded Studies, regular $1.00 for . .. IBHoa Collection Folios, regulur' $1.00 for Neplus Ultra folios, regular $1.0 U for ...... ... f -AU turn Jute buuie reduction. fc3s, Mandolins and Guitars AT HALE PRICE ISfleet'Music-onular 25c music at Dther new music, 2 copies for.. ........... ... lc Fhonographs from $10 to ................. $13 .Don't neglect to get a supply of Edison and Victor records while they rssw&ng for such low prices. Yon will never gei such a chanci again IvafiLlnch Victor records, 2 for ............. . .................. 75c W.lH'vgfrlng a C. G. Conn Clariomtte away to some one of our iw. tods. Hcgular price U $5117 It 0. A APflE TRAIN A FEATURE. Train Carrying Spokane Exhibits to Rash to Chicago Unhampered.. Spokane Wash., Oct. 21, (Special) King Apple's domalnlon is fully estab lished when he can upset railroad schedules and order record runs over trans-continental lines to suit his im perial convenience. That is what the Northwestern potentate has accom plished with regard to the transpor tation facilities placed at his dis posal by the Hill lines, over which the prize-winning displays from the third National Apple show in Spo kane the week of November 14, will be moved to Chicago for exhibition in the First Regiment Armory, Novem ber 28 to December 4. : A special train, loaded with the Northwest's choicest offerings of the king of fruit, will be started on pas senger train time 48 hours after the Spokane show closes, the night of Novembef 19, for a run of 2,000 miles. The train will carry th wlnnor'nf $1,000 championship sweepstake on carload contests and many other prem ium takers, also displays from 35 commercial orchard districts in Wash ington, Oregon, Idah6 Montana and British Columbia, . , , Minnesota Is tame Fumpkins. St. Paul, Minn., Oct 21 A cauli flowers large enough to feed a family for a week; a cucumber thirteen in ches long and fourteen Inches around; an ear of corn thirteen inches long and with 872 grains, and other mar velous vegetables, fruits and grains will be exhibited to the people of the effete East by the' Minnesota State Immigration Bureau. A special car has been engaged for the exhibits and will start out on a tour of the country In two or theree weeks. What was claimed to be the largest pumpkin ever grown was intended for the car, but It was unfqrtunately broken and had to be made up Into pies. The car will be open to the public In various cities of Iowa, Illinois, Ohio and east ern and New England states. It will be on view ten days during the In ternational Corn Exposition at Co lumbus, O. .: - - OIANGE PREACHING DATES. Island City Services Will be Held Sun. day Afternoon Instead of Midweek. : J. D. Gillllan, the local M. E. pastor has announced that at Island City the preaching services for the next four weeks at least are to be held on Sun day afternoons at 3 o'clock lnsctead of Wednesday evening of each week. Notice of any change will be prompt ly given. MfZ5E r O for . ,$13.73 $12J0 J12.00 ...40c ...35c .. 10c ,'. . SSe 15 cents, 8 pieces for .... ... .$1.00 keys, i riup, i aollers. tv! .tJf fhUIT HOMESTEAD IS LOCATED WITHIN A MILE OF THE CITY. Filing Will Likely Start Flood of Let . ters Bourne Bill sot Through. . When Adna B. Rogers, of this city presented his homestead application at the U. S. Land office this morning for the N 1-2 of Lot 2 of NW 1-4, Sec tion 31, Tp 2 S., R. 38 E., W. M. and the same was allowed, a tract of land within , one mile of the land office was filed upon. Within the last few years, a number of persons have had entries on his tract of 35 acres, but Mr. Rogers recently successfully con tested the entry of Thaddeus Stephens Tlllson. It is understood that Mr. Rogers will establish his residence on the tract In the spring. . . . At the local land office this morning Receiver Eberhard was reluctant to admit that such,, a filing . had been made. "Every time Borne unusual case such as is this one, comes up and the newspapers publish the facts, a small avalanche of letters pours Into this office for , about three weeks. Now, I suppose, we shall have many inquiries about vacant . lands adjoining La Grande, Judging by many instances of the past,' and especially one. Some time ago, the Secretary of the Interior promulgated regulations for tfie law In the State of Idaho allowing absence from homestead entries, and a Boise newspaper published the same In full, with large headlines and a lengthy "story" preceding, In neither of which was it stated that the regulations ap plied only to Idaho. Nearly every pap er in Eastern Oregon republished the article, without giving credit to the Boise paper In many instances, and so we had hundreds of Inquiries about the new homestead law. To each of these we had to explain that Senator Bourne's bill applying the Idaho pro visions to Oregon had only passed the Senate and was pending In the House, air of which took time. Therefore, while it Is true that Mr. -Rogers has filed upon a homestead within a mile of this land office, yet we should have been exceedingly glad had enterpris ing newspaper reporters overlooked the fact. Please tell everyone there is no more vacant land that we know of close to La Grande." In this morning's mail there were seven inquiries about the forest elim inations which shows that interest in that matter has not wholly died out. IMMIGRATION OFFICERS DOOMED San Francisco Commissioners Will - Loose Official Heads Tomorrow. San Francisco, Oct. 21 It Is rumor ed Btrongly that Hart and North, com missioners of immigration at San Francisco will get their official heads chopped ff tomorrow according to authoritative information.. . Commissioner General of Immlgra- jk WISH lit .wwuituvuu n i to Secretary Nagle that both be dih- IU1D3CU as icouu ui iuo wuuukiij over the admittance of Hindus In this country, . ' . . .",'... Will Have Big Sale. Lee Furguson has decided to sell ott his live stock and otheY holdlngi on the ranch eight miles east of La Grande and on Tuesday, November let,-, will, put everything up at public sale. Mr. Furguson has leased his ranch anfi will likely mo.-e to La Grande where be will reside. :'ctlce to Contractors. N-;; c.'.-by given that sealed -ius will be received at thi office of the Cif Recorder ot'tti. City of La Orandf -egon tqr tija construction of 900 .v: standaVd five ."ict V-virf walk, to be cocsu;i;ted ti the plans and oclficatlona on file in this office. ?-id wal to be con structed on t. side of North Ash stre. a-.;;u Jackson avenue and Benton tveni.e. ' BWi to . .rt'r than 8 o'clock i. a' '''-si,'.:: i? tjvcnlcg, October 26 and .ut b.ds to be accompanied by a nltel check of five per cer.l ot ti. an nunr o' the bid. The council reser ves th.- rig)., to reject any or all blda . By or-'.er of the Ccitc'.!, C'vtobfcr 10th. ir..i. a e. cox. - Re ...r i-.; -A the City ot La Grande. bars Tepee DiamondC NO Wat ch Satunlay's Special Sale COOfTT COUHT PR0CEEDI3TGS : V CONTINUED. ; . J. P. Meyers, Autopsy Perry In quest ,'...'.......'12 50 I. N Cromwell, Do. . . 12 50 Pattlson Bros., Supplies for Court House . . . . . . ... 1 00 G. M. Richey, Stamped envel opes forSherlfl ............ . 53 1Q E. E. BraggStamps, etc. . . ... 2 95 I. R. Snook, Stamps. . 2 00 La Grande Observer. Printing as per bill . v..........w.l98 10 Miss Edna Miller, Care of Wor- . sham family ....... ... . . .... 15 00 Ed Wright, Stamps, etc. . r. .... : 8 50 D. -W. Soudef, Relief for Sep- tember. 1910. ... . . . .'. .... 15 00 Maggie Slagner, Do............ 12 00 Mrs. John Hllderbadt, Do...... 25 00 Elizabeth A. Garren, Do. , . . . . . , 12 00 E. M. Fellers, Do.......-,,....". 15 00 Clara Searles, Do... ...... .....10 00 Rose Hornbeck, Do. .... .... ... 25 00 Mrs. F. B. Huntley,-Relief 25 00 Mts. Plambo;Moffitt, Relief. . . . . i5 00 Layton, Tripp, Relief . . 15 00 ' Road Fund. Grande Ronde Cash Co., Sup- plies as per bill. . . . ... 20 00 Summervllle Lbr. Co., Lumber , as per bill 16 31 David Bay, Repairs as per bill. . 9 00 C. A. Ray, Livery hire as per bill - 5 50 Geo. Palmer Lbr. Co., Lumber as per bill.. 9 22 Wright Hardware Co.Mdse. as per bill . ............ 2 25 Bird F. Lewis, Auto Hire as per bill v.. 10 00 Dav'd Bay, Supplies as per bill. 14 25 Jake Hug. Work in R. D. No. 11. 6 75 Al. Hug, r.:.. ?. "C Chas. Rlggs. Dc ,v 5 00 John B. Robert. ;,Aork In R. D. No. 18. .... .... . . 48 0,0 John We;:, Work on Elgin Bridge ............. V. 20 00 E. J. Do..,.. 5 00 J. J. ! -30ns, Do.!, D ...athron, Do 11 25 17 50 2 00 21 2:. C'5,'; 10 50 V. O. Boyd. Do Geo. Williams, Do John Kwfsr. D?....s... .. J. C. ;;V!. t:-: T;:... C. A. iihi. ,-'ay. Do 5C 00 C. A. U . Ccsh paid for . frelgui ol 39 L. W. Drumsmlth, Work on ' county roads 4 50 W. S. Montgomery, Do 20 00 WV.f .YvK Do 12 00 A. E. Abu-.iA-n Vio. .......... . 7 00 John Meloy, Do 2 0C Martin Irsr.. .Cf fl! ...... 4 iZ iij-. - ' i, s! as per 4 37 F. L. U?1 Do. ....... . . . ...... 74 33 W. A. Blala, Mdae. as per bill.. tC 33 Kl kifc,"pplle8 as per Ml; 65 IS S. D. Cor . -X ..... . ..... 226 48 S. C, Baa , Wtf.k on aan Road ..I.......'..,.... ?.:, rifc J. M. F!aynew, Tic :.. .'2 50 Frank Wtggleswoi in, Do 23 00 J. F. Deen, Do... ; , 50 00 Guy "cNalr. Dc....,.........43 60 a.. L. ....'- Do............. 41 ;i L'nd'y 6t PHONE ORDERS our -window D. M. Hoots, Do............... 18 00 R. Slater, Do.................. 18 00 Tom Graham, Do.... 25 00 A. A: Mulvehill, Do ; . . 16 25 B. 1 D. Furgason, Do. , 7 50 E. D. Knight, Do......,.;...;. 92 60 Guy Church, Do. ......... ..."...82 60 J. W. Boyle, Do...... ...... ....101 25 J. B. Strlngham, Do............ 101 25 M. G. Church, Do. ... .......... . 15 00 John Ellingford. Do 22 50 H. W. McClellan, Do. i. 25 00 Geo. Cox, Do...'.. '. 17 50 William WJgglesworth, Do..... 48 00 Cove Mercantile Co., Supplies as per bill 26 10 i. Trlppeer & Son, Do......... 18 55 B. E. & L. E. Anderson, Do. . ... . 8 65 Cove Bakery, Do. ............... 3 00 M. F. Evans, Work on County Roads 10 00 Frank Conley, Do............. 17 60 Geo. H. Holmes, Do. v......... 17 50 Summervllle Lbr. Co., Supplies ' as per bill 8 35 W. Frasier, Work in R. D. No. 31 20 00 Pioneer Flouring Mill Co., Sup plies as per bill 5 90 Summervllle LbrCa, Do.,..-.". 6 00 W. H. Bohnenkamp Co., Do 27 75 James Garrity & Co., Do. . . . . . . .16 75 N. K. West, Mdse. as per bill. .. 41 60 James AyBugg, Labor and Mdse. as per Din. . is z J. L. Mars, Cement pipe , 58 55 Grande Ronde Lbr. Co., Lumber as per bill. ......f. ...... ...128 45 Thomas Snyder, Work on Coun- ty Roads ...... v,..y. ...... 1 50 J. M. Selder, Labn- for county rop.c!s iiS 60 John McNamari. Work oh coun- ty roads ... 51 00 Theo. May, To.. ........ ...... 62 75 Elmer Uovi Do... ;........ 55 50 Jack Burk.. Do. . , . . 56 75 F.r;l Rob .?, Do... ......121 73 Harry C;.oUbell, Do......;.... 12.75 Cliff oi:', Pinions, Dp....... 16 60 F. W. 41 ;den, Do...... 16 ZQ H,- i.v.?o,..i:o.......; . .... 12 ':') Jo'-j Nodir.c, uo.,....;...v.... 5 00 Thomas Graham, Do. ......... . 5 00 u3o. Puckecl, Do. . . . . ......... . " 8 60 B. T. Robert. J)n. ............. 34 25 J. F. Campbel."l.V.'..t....... 96 53 C. D. Gocdnougb Took house for ' Voad crew v.......',. ........ 68 75 C. Tc Genei al CzJi -actor of oment Work tiun ar-J Reenforceu Joncrete - THE SIDEWALKS DAZLtY Soap 25c 25c 1 U Braley ft Whltlark, 1-2 price of bridges .... .v ..... ; . , 2442 ,37 Sommer Bros., Supplies as sper bill ........ ...Cl.. 13 75 Henry Davis, Work on Bridges. 35 82 Poor Farm Fund. J. G: Snodgrass, supplies as per bill ..A.. ...... ............ 16 95 Pioneer Flouring Mlll.'bo...... ! 9 15 O. R. Coolidge, Do. . .... J ...... 1 95 F. L. Lilly, Do................. 3 75 Bolton Bodmer Co., Wagon for . Poor Farm . . . . 95 00 SPECIAL We have just received a ship ment of Candles. They are fresh, delicious, dainty and pure. For Ona Week Ending Next Sat urday We Run a Special Sale. . The following is a sample of the Sale Prices; Regular Sale ! Price puce 60c Assorted Chocolates.. 80c lb 50c Assorted Butter Scotch 30c lb . 35c Horehound & Honey. .20c lb 40c Mint Lozenges ....... 20c lb 60c Fill Cream Almonds. .25c lb 40c French Burnt Peanuts ISc lb Remember this sile will only vine week. WR 1GHT Drug Company Both Phones Free Delivery' MAKES SU , z WEAZ ..Vt : 1 ... t . Uf :iiu. UCl M to 21