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About La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 7, 1910)
LA GZASUZ QBSZZVZH PBLDAY, OCTOBER 7, 1513- IMS PEOPLE 11 i ! CRV'STiL CilFE siarias. aSirl. ail flAjrr f da?- . 1 CuSt. Pr9 . Si r!ir strwC BUY LULL : 5 1 Old (Mes tfade Equal to New i'.ttis, fmd: Cry szJ Qitz,ia.l Gzzzizi zf tit .Elite Dying and Cleaning Works I Ui'es witk s 1 lave a summer 9 r f vast" -i-rA vt g iirj. intrev rarj j Whou! Headaches Uevliifs Instant Headache Cure a hssjL Tttj step t-nur cr cere ntad- f ache that ha7e air tad zsnit A sirnple reat!e Tte re.r.$dyystj thcy always hare ard dspsr.i upen. J Pcc 25 Newlin Drug Co. La Grande, Oregon , '4 rva Xtmtt, irt, hutti t-i-f clyseUi; ow; Uc Wa. riW fm; rvI eAcife; tfiitlM fa r&Har; 2 ba4 bomc, I tout. 1 yr j I'jvt, 1 tZf, 2 t, 1 t'JO, 1 Kwnrtr; 1 rtk; os nlky plaw; 1 1a4 plr; 1 roWtttor ; 1 trrww; 2 Uws cwrtTi; fS9 rft&trf vi Jt fXJ.r csull to oil cm bro; 4 mHti froa La Gras4; ill tll&AJA. IM to tbow ytw. C. J. BLACK The Real Estate Man Use ELECTRIC LIGHT Its Convenience and Economy will Surprise You itt us ttlt you all about It EASTERN OREGON Oght and Power Company i 5 ' a specify tLB.VMCCXEZ.Pn? Mils . : f 4 to the rn !$ apt jg - 1 ccns 1 f - v. European Plan Only . Rooms 50c to $1.50 First class Throughout SAVOY HOTEL D. C.BHICHDUX, Proprietor. ONE BLOCK FROM DEPOl La Crzndt, Otegon 11 Pay Rcn,? VVeoan you money to build, and you pay us as you woufd renf. c V- ores, znjv-z i 7. Ear; 3Sm as Tit'?- 6i f JTitxaa: Eaai Eaf-1 ttg y 2 txt. mui!. k S. f azi li- Taz Bun VSZL Kfati K3- a3iw t Est- C k 0&s. aa.2 Kre F.?f a.J sui to erf?- A3 . xtisit At. FaT Bsl 1 Crtii. On'-- DK. P. A. CHAX,T0.C ,TUftJT Sr la. Ofl K3r Dtm: Em, L Goad. EeU&e kcfi. S! ' TK; OSc B-atk Uil; iTTOEJETf AT LAW. CLa. E, Coci'ta uA Gx T. Cocb nta. La Gru NarJosjJ Bask T. IL CHAXTO ED AtlCTX at U P7aetiw te al 1& eovns ef tie Stafa a4 United Suu. OCU ta La Grasda Xaocil Bask B'd La Grae&e, Ortcoa. D. C XZLSO.V Klates Eatfaeer. Baker Cty, Orfon- PEOPLE Of OREGON it is now UP TO YOU Tht popaUr COLONIST FARES will ac:n b in effect betwea gptemtr lith, and October 15, during whkh period tlckeu to La Grande will be on aale daily from CHICAGO at . . $33.00 ST. LOUIS . . . 32.00 OMAHA .... 25.00 KANSAS CITY. . 25.00 ST. PAUL ... 25.00 and frxnn otter cities correspond ing! low. Tbese are Westbound, ' one-way fare only, but anyone here can PREPAY for relatives or frienda In the East, It desired. Consult your local rail read ag ent NOW IS THE TIME to let the world know of our Taat resources and splendid opportun ities for HOME BUILDING. Write to everyone you know in the East Send them good Instruc tive printed matter, and tell them that the cost of getting here is but little more than half the us ual coBt. and to call on a repre sentaMvo. cf b O. R. A N. Co., iot ml i..5te'. Information, or adores ' WM. McMURRAY General Passenger Agent 0 f Taw W j (wS t I Cat TV WaVt ffl, -nC Ir'Cwil A. Gi3'.-? &a Iuhks saniiAJf GL E. arr aur at E. Earr ef tzd a? v!5 u 3fr,. Gj.Z.'wij tl at!T aat Is wI2 4 Kaai Ss eSiss aa.f abacas traaacrr 57 &kji fc tLt C Jf.EaT erwi Ti we s tut ti7 eUa that st b &tt wm&rj ai wl tl "TiTo'w tiU. tfrtj ar grs to caTt a larpf for ti 5n.5ju cf tV Kr. GaOTT wC3 rai ti 3xi kaiTi? ! to Iilr. - . - faUh to IhI Bkr. la arnajftj U bst Vetrsea Tesf SaajsEj- gEEiti. ti Pi2a.J!?Sia UgiS wKlf, a&f Eelr.,tie loeaj fiT. to lm staged at tcifa ata ef ti XarJS&eal 5oftfca: eJab. Ti f S ! for tea rvesfa. Saft& restl7 til KsxkiMt Bro-ra. az2 0"Boork y5 to pit Bwe&er ajsalaat Ifa. Sisiti s ijudxnA to l a ccidt tr f ittSca: exena. POUVS For Fair Week I will make seme tery ra enaMe prkes Heaters, aew sb seei4 hand. YfeaU tike t talk alMst farakkla; year. beae. If j 99 feel like visitls; after seelaf the Fair call at the store well Tiave chain for yoo. Telephone: Black 1521 C. E SUYDAM 1411-1413 Adams Aye. Vou won't want to cook much during Fair Week. A Sandwich and I a cup of Coffee. GERMAN AMERICAN and PLANTATION COFFEES make a brew that is pleasant to sip. V All lands Lunch I Goods. i-t I Royal Grocery j 3 Bakery T: ' ' iilir.lL i ; Me Pi? ran flank l-r5e.. 05 lie k Startk 1-f tW.. Q5 i Utfle Lmm extract, rk Sc TaaiSa cxtrart 14! fOl : Ji e Caa Cn Btf lYarfc 12 1 1 Jtiu 07 lie lf XMai xiL 7 12 ftiet '2 S0e jks. Bakers Ca ........ t kar lie Sapelie , 20 2 for 15c kttle Irirkee salal dm, i"? Infe 1-2 price. ........ ....... 1 Try saUty kraii Bakia; rtwer aftMlitelj giarMteeA See emr large prtnlams. Drink Quality Coffee Save year ceipoas aad rt Ta.r aetleas free. ILSSceld blast laateri.. 95 55 50 32 10 75 "5e laateras ...... "e Craalte water pall ..... e graaite coffee pots ..... 15c lanfera glob ......... . 90t gaL wask tab 11.75 copper bottom wask Mterl 50 IL25 enameled tea kettle .....1.00 Hens IjM Sweater eeats .... 75 Mens 134)0 Sweater coats LOU t me Kens fM weol flannel sfcirtsLO 0 I PA Kens $L75 wool flannel shirts.. 1 ,3 U s OC Vena L50 wool flannel sklrk.a 1318 Adams Ave. and Fir St The Greatest Bargain Store in La Grande. ea fLS Cuael skirt 1.00 Barfalas la as wiater ur emrajsikis!erT. lew 3Jff ceriare; paats . jL.jf e nkjaera sats ,.lJ5 ClOlreas Z cukatere ke .. . 20 . 52 -48 1.00 - 03 r05 . 10 . 15 Le 2S Occce Lae kec Laiies Zie aajerwear ..... Laiits C5c ulenretr .... ladles fL H uderwear Ladies it kaadkerckicf .. Udles le kaiaercklef .. lie Barrett ., i9t Barrets Bargalas la Jewels ' IL54 Cetten blanket .......... J() ILISCetto. Blanket ....LAS t2.:5TTeel Japp blanket ... 2.50 3U Wool 5app Blanket . l.o 13.75 Wtol 5app Blanket .. 3.25 IL25 Umbrellas i 00 iM Umbrellas .. .....1,65 lie Infant soft sole shoes .... Lj 65c Infant hard sole shoes .... Aj 5c Infant patent leather skoe.. 60 IL25 Infant sboes 1,00 .1.35 2.25 2.15 .4.75 IL75 Salt case 12.75 salt case Salt Case 150 Salt Case 25. I .1 5 r I r vpp 'PORTLAND. OREGON