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About La Grande evening observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1904-1959 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 5, 1910)
LA GRANDE EVENING OBSERVER. WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 5, 1910. PAG II CV J): ! mm 4 n) : : during; the fmi b ! 11 We wll be read counties on POPE line of cars in the Call at our booth during the fair and ve will give you prices and show you v Inn- .J ...II., . V t. , t ifntinitM rrnm pova kit i i XI will w . (Mmyuu ;vy 'luVi!,i"'n v' many Grand Ronde citizens , appear la the Observer pleading tor the hxrni.- ! 'V .:''''Y ;. ;'v';i" It ought to be a satisfaction to every good man' to be able to say Aft;er'the lectioa whatever may be the result and however the aaloona may violate toe law and however much sorrow and tame they1 may produce and however shamefully officials 'may . break their oaths, The saloons' do not exist by my vote and' this sorrow and shame and crime are not the result of my stand on this matter." I endorse what Dr. ttlnson of the "White Temple of Portland said last Sunday night; s , "We are solemnly told the law will b violated If we pass the prohibition statute. Yet a woman told the chief of police recently she woald give him I s : : : ; . . . : , . t 7 : : , 1 - , : i , r : -7 r : : : , 1; Of Course You Are Coming to the...... : . I -. "W ae , w - ea . . - " . w, . . . . feal . aJ iJ , Al I ' L. J . X' . , itiZTZr II.' I 1 I 1 " I 1 II . - it Great Live e Sure ul toe the cole agency for Union and Val!ova HARTFORD, PEERLESS, CHAMBERS DETROIT and HUDSON CARS. This is the strongest Northwest, " i ; FULL LINE OF SUNDRIES NOW IN STOCK i jwimuiu, u. u wuuiu can. apuu uwr. i .... Ji If 1-- m - . . i v business of jthe chief of police to fer ; - - - ret out crime. If K isn't done under li cense restrictions, ft comes very poor ly from the Hps of those people that it will not be done under prohibition law. "All through the coming months, If the saloon continues to be licensed it Is your saloon to the extent of youj vote. Whenever you pass a saloon you wfll be Justified in saying, "That Is mine so far as my vote would make it.' Whenever you hear of one coming to his death by the liquor curse y5u may say, 'I did that so far as I could do it by my ballot,' And It Is your privi lege to become a very large man In your own estimation, as you 'look abroad upon ' all the ravages of the traffic which 1111s more victims thajx all th ewars,; famines and pestilence tock and &end Biggest L l ii ' i ' ii-" i fTn ii syWtrjtjrtssjv m w m , ' , rerun aue tp. . . ' A man complains because a saloon keeper seeks to pay Attention to his daughter, but that ' same man, by his vote said to that man, "Be a saloon keeper.'. If you defeat this anti-saloon project by your vote; there will be nailed vp on the wall of the saloon your permit that this r,man. sell llq. uor; you, a deacon In the church, a trustee ' of God's house, , a ' Sunday school teaches. Are you going to do It? Then be decent and quit your eccle siastical question before you vote. You have no right to, authorize another mother's son to do what you pray God your own Bon may never do. ; C "I argue against the liquor-traffic for the sake of the victim. I deny ab solutely that bid statement that all are fools who become drunkards. Any- one who has watched the world for a Displays, Splendid & i-nr-! ir- ir- ri n-fn f -i riniiiN ,iwfta plW sA.jAi i 1lL)iiilM iili . iits ji .fiisV.TAril.jJt . . rfn iifh nft a mlLsfiHriri 111 .yWy yfTI rryrrnr,7 score of years knows that this blight- as to bear In behalf of the saloon! ed curse lays Its fingers on tU bright-,. When It was" troposed to bfl'vs the est and best of our land." mlm ta tflt otMrTCT u Is the aaTertlsementf the Hoae tmd.rstood that a coaaittee would Rale association to be taken lndl- f-rnlBtt' material tor It. The commit catlvs of the characters-ol th,mea-r tM ha4 baen doing Just what was pro- uib vx iuai wiBociaucn; wnere is there any warrant for saying that 'if we have stats prohibition' any : homes will be. raided at tbe.mldnlght bouf In search of ttqor? When tause or organization Is compelled 'to resort to such misrepresentation It Is hard pressed. A cause that must bs bolster ed up by such misrepresentation Is a bad one.-. ' ; ; r ' 5 It Jb reliably reported that a;very large fund had been raised by the ltq uor people to defeat prohibition. If prohibition is such a good thing for the llQuor trade, "why all this money for its defeat and why all these post-' ors .and why all these speakers we all the New Models NeLewis Bldg Washington St. IT BUY DIRECT AND C&rloads of parfect building bfitr, t fit UK the paper on the Onr S-aro paiwii ever oixrM anywner xor yriuv, sriu I V urn vuij m wauiyim vt. lira uwuy puuu itatnn and prloe-Mvers contained In our oat&.ogue. ) We own and operate our own mill In Seattle and , save roc; middlemen's profits ,,tl Send In a Itat of what yo yon In ACTUAL FIGURES We sell evarvbodv and mlddlemeife pronti r'FOR Dona tor vaiaiusuo. rj juj "wj eii?'iw'ii' 1 .'' 'M" a a 1 1 i i id ua f gh it M e ibVS aSHnenKweSpilMS of these can 2 poned. , . r ... - .', , The .vrohlbltionlstS'Say the saloon , mast go. Our opponents say. the saloon with K attendant crime, poverty and Insanity shall stay, I-) : - .' .8, W. SKEMANX. MVS MONET . EiJcnSC; material.-cut to a TUifVM- wall, shipped flatly i Door is tn tt value . 7 mm remarRaoiy ww . j1 need and let us show what we hvi you. ehlD' anrwhcre. Rare THB CHILDREN." ( uiw vrm w cyorjwuj .wMsm' 'vtvmmBmKm m asf: 1 egoe V' ( V ,3"! , ua ,VI; ' 4 -ta "A- ; X : t - "'rri,Tyrr'